Home Run, Part 2: First Base

Home Run
By Pamela
([email protected])


The next day was Friday and Miriam was off to work early and I planned to spend the day initiating my research at the university library. I had spent the night wearing the bra with breasts in it, and so when I woke up, I slid into my role as Martin's girlfriend. I had free reign of the apartment to practice walking and trying to live like a girl. I spent the greater part of the morning looking at the clothes in my room. The beautiful pink dresses that filled the closet held a great fascination for me. I held each one up to myself and looked in the mirror. I imagined Martin taking me to a ball at the palace where I would be wearing the pretty dress and the King or perhaps, Prince, would be amazed by my beauty. "There's that mystery woman that Martin is with," people would whisper. Then Martin would fight a duel to protect my honor. We would be madly in love and he would take me to a grassy meadow next to a river where I'd sit down with my skirts sprayed out around me and he'd put his head in my lap and look up at my breasts. What else we could do; I could not imagine.

I knew that I would have to get out of the girl clothes to go to the library, and when I could delay no longer, I forced myself to take off the pink pajamas and the bra. I took off the panties and then put on my boy underwear, but I felt such a sense of loss, that I switched back to the panties. Nobody could see that I was wearing them, so why miss out on the opportunity?

I went to the library and found some math books that I should read. It was hard going, and it wasn't long before I ended up daydreaming about Miriam. I missed her and couldn't wait to get home and see what she planned for us this evening. After great effort I finally was able to channel my thoughts back into math and did spend a reasonable amount of time studying and thinking about the problems my advisor had mentioned to me. However, by five PM my brain was exhausted from the effort and I was ready to go back to the apartment and spend the evening thinking about anything other than mathematics.


Miriam brought home a cooked chicken with her and she quickly made a nice dinner by whipping up some rice and vegetables. During dinner I told Miriam about my day and she was quite interested in hearing the details and asked me many questions. I asked her about her day, and she told me a little bit more about what she does for her job. I couldn't help but marvel at how interested she was in me. In many ways she let me talk more about myself and interests than my parents ever did.

When dinner was over and we had cleaned up, Miriam said, "You know that my niece has some very pretty nightgowns if you want to wear one of them instead of her pajamas. I assume you've never worn one before, since boys don't get a chance to wear nighties, but they are very comfortable, and girls love them. Just remember to wear panties with them, they're very shear."

"Thank you, Aunt Miriam," I said.


I went to my room and took a shower. When I was done, I looked through the panties and selected a clean pair. I put on a bra and inserted my boobs and then in the drawer where the pajamas were kept, I saw that there were some folded up nightgowns. One of them, in particular, was special because it seemed to be constructed of two layers of filmy pink material that spread out from the bodice. I put it on over my head and its twin skirts reached down to the middle of my thighs. The night gown had several pink bows sewn into a lacy panel across the front. Predictably I began developing a boner that would be hard to control, but it also became apparent to me that the night gown did a much better job of hiding the boner than the pajamas did, though it was still visible to someone who was looking for it.

When it was time to meet up with Miriam, I went to the living room and sat on the sofa awaiting her. When she joined me, she said, "That's Penelope's favorite night gown."

"I like how it has two skirts on it, so that it's kind of softer than having just one layer like the pajamas."

Miriam smiled. I saw her eyes dart down to where my boner was hidden, and I blushed. I wondered what women thought about boners or even about men's penises. They must somehow like them, especially if they wanted a baby. Somehow the man uses the boner to give the woman his sperm. Without ever having seen how that goes, it seemed kind of magical to me. If Miriam could tell that I had a boner, she didn't say anything about it.

Miriam poured herself a martini and I helped myself to an Orangina. I sat down next to her on the sofa.

"Would you like to talk or watch a show?" Miriam said. She put her arm across my shoulders, and I leaned into her. I felt my heart beating fast.

Before I could say anything, Miriam said, "You're a very sweet boy Martin. You have a gentleness that girls will love."

"I hope that's true."

"You'll see, someday a girl will be totally in love with you."

"Even if I don't act at all like I'm supposed to, as a boy I mean?"

"Because you like wearing pretty clothes?"

"Well, yeah."

"Some girls will like the fact that you gravitate toward the feminine role."


"Sure, Martin. Some girls will love for you to be dressed up pretty and feminine while they wear jeans or even a man's suit. All kind of things like that happen all the time."

"Do you like men that dress like girls?"

Miriam laughed. "I like you just the way you are, Martin, but I don't know how to answer your question, since I've never had a boyfriend who dressed like a girl."

"Which do you prefer?"

"Like I said, that's hard to say since you're the first boy I've met who's like yourself."

Miriam furrowed her brow in thought and after a few moments said, "Yes I think I would like a boy like you, if for no other reason than that you would be empathetic to what girls feel. Normal boys can sometimes be insensitive to the feelings of girls. I think you have a good understanding of girls."

"But that's always been my problem. I feel like I don't know much about how girls feel."

"I think you know instinctually even if your mind doesn't know. Your love for that nightgown is a feeling many girls could relate to."

"Maybe so, I guess, but when I'm with a girl I have no idea what they're thinking about."

"So, what you really don't know about is what girls think about boys and what they think about when they are with boys. Am I right?"

I nodded my head.

"Well, that is something I can help you with if you like."

"Would you Aunt Miriam?"

"Of course, Martin."

"Thank you so much Aunt Miriam," I said excitedly. "I know that girls have a special way of being with boys and I really want to know what that is."

"Special way of being?" Miriam asked sounding puzzled.

"It's like I've heard my mom tell Lei how girls are supposed to behave on a date with boys."

Miriam laughed. "That's so cute. Your mom no doubt was trying to make sure that Lei stays safe. I don't think that there is anything else that girls need to be taught about being on dates. Boys are eager to get girls to do sexual things with them. The first step, or what seems like ought to be the first step in a relationship containing sex, is kissing. That brings us to what we wanted to discuss today. First base. A boy has gotten to first base with a girl when she lets the boy kiss her."

"So, the boy wants to kiss her and then the girls says OK?"

"Something like that."

"But how does the boy know the girl will say OK? I'd be scared that she'd say that it wasn't OK, that she didn't want to kiss me."

"You have to size up the situation. Girls send out a signal that tells the boy that if he tries to kiss her, she might very well let him."

"That seems so complicated. How would a boy know if he understood the signals? What if he thinks there's a signal when there isn't one? Or what if she sends him a signal and the boy doesn't understand it, so he ends up hurting her feelings?"

Miriam laughed, "Martin you're making a relatively straightforward ritual between girls and boys into a major psychological battlefield. I can see that it would help you enormously if you could learn what girls feel like when a boy is trying to kiss her. That would help you when you eventually get a chance to kiss a girl you like, but it would also better enable you to pretend to be a girl if that’s what you want to be. So, I need to let you in on how girls signal boys that they want to go to first base."

"That's so neat Aunt Miriam. Please let me know what the signals look like!"

"Here, let's act it out. I'll be the girl and you be the boy and let’s see what you do."

Miriam pretended to be a coy girl, batting her eye lashes and smiling at me. She was clearly trying to be humorous and I laughed at her performance.

"So, if a girl does that to me, what do I do?"

"You move your lips in slowly toward hers. When you get near her, you'll see the girl close her eyes and you know that you can move in and make contact, lips to lips. Let’s try it."

"Try it?"

"Yes, we can try a kiss and see how that goes. I'm being the girl and you're being the boy. Once you see what I do as the girl we can switch roles and you can see if you can feel like a girl does when a boy wants to kiss her. If we're lucky, you'll end up knowing both how boys and girls feel when they kiss."

Miriam acted coy again and I moved in to kiss her. When I was close enough, she closed her eyes and we kissed. I held my closed lips against Miriam's for a short while and then removed them. Kissing Miriam opened up an intimacy between us that shook me to the core. It was clear that being on first base with a girl could be a wondrous thing.

"You saw how I responded to your advance. I flirted, you moved in, I closed my eyes and you came in and kissed me and I kissed you back."

"I liked the kiss."

"Yes, it was nice wasn't it? Now I'll be the boy and you pretend to be the girl, which gives you an opportunity to feel like a girl when kissing a boy."

"OK, Aunt Miriam," I said, totally enjoying the game we were playing.

I looked at Miriam intensely. Then I tried to flutter my eyelids and give her a soft "come hither" look. This caused Miriam to laugh which then caused me to laugh.

Then I turned to face Miriam again and made some puckering movements to my lips which caused her to laugh uproariously. "My God that's funny," Miriam said. "Girls don't signal a boy as if they're a goldfish. Do it subtly with just a bare eye movement and a slight smile. Maybe even just the corners of your lips raised. Position your body close to the boy so he would know that you really are interested in contact. Now try again."

This time I gave Miriam a coy look and as I did so she moved in closer to me and I closed my eyes. She put her lips to mine and initiated a kiss. It was a gentle kiss, lips to lips that she held for a long interval and then our lips parted. I opened my eyes and saw that Miriam was looking into my eyes from an inch away. Just as I was about to tell Miriam how much I had liked the kiss; I felt her arms surround me and force my breast tight against her breast as she planted her lips upon mine again. This time I felt her tongue enter my mouth and I felt helpless to move or do anything except be a receptacle to her powerful kiss. I was so overcome my eyes closed and I relaxed into her tight hold. Her tongue actively moved within my mouth, feeling my tongue, grabbing my tongue and sucking it. I lost track of time until Miriam slowly removed her tongue from my mouth and gently released me from her hold.

I breathed deeply a few times to catch my breath and looked at Miriam with my mouth agape. Miriam said, "that's how a boy can kiss a girl once she's made it clear that she allows him to be on first base. In control, firm, in a loving tender way and not so harsh or strong as to hurt her. A boy can make her feel that she is in the arms of a real boy and most especially a boy who shows by his energy that he really wants to kiss her."

My mind replayed the kiss from beginning to end. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced. I felt my heart continuing to race and I felt a strange excitement in my chest and particularly surrounding my nipples, and also in my loins. "I don't know what to say, your kiss was so I don't know. I, I..." Words failed me until I said, "I felt like a girl. Your kiss made me feel like I was a girl. I'm sure of it."

Miriam laughed and said, "and what does that feel like?"

"I felt like you loved how pretty I was. Like I was so pretty that you had to hold me and smother me with kisses. You filled up every part of me. I think that is exactly what it felt like, like I was a vessel that you had filled up and that I was totally yours."

"Your femininity complemented the masculine way that I kissed you."

I remembered the feeble way I had kissed Miriam. "When I was the boy, I barely kissed you."

"You don't have any experience kissing girls, so you haven't yet learned to act like a boy when you kiss."

"But shouldn't I just know how to kiss like a boy?"

The truth was that I had felt more like a girl than I did a boy even in the kiss I had initiated. I had not been forceful at all and it had certainly not occurred to me to force my tongue into Miriam's mouth. On the other hand, when Miriam kissed me it felt right, like I could just do what came naturally.

"I loved how you held me and kissed me," I said.

"Isn't first base nice? The trick is being there with someone you really want to be there with."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Maybe I should try being the boy again."

"Good idea." She let go of me and we sat side by side on the sofa. I looked at her and she gave me a smile and then leaned in a little toward me. These were the signals that said I should try for first base. I sat up straight put my arm around Miriam and tried to pull her into me. I found it hard to be forceful and I then moved my lips over to hers and tried to put my tongue in her mouth. It was awkward to say the least and I felt like I couldn't gain control of the kiss. I pulled away from her and said, "I'm terrible at that. I couldn't get you to respond. What did I do wrong?"

"You have to think like a boy. Take charge. I'm the girl who is so happy that you're going to kiss me. Take me. Don't give me any choices and I'll end up swooning with desire for you to kiss me."

I tried to do what Miriam said but once again the kiss didn't work out. Miriam said, "don't feel bad Martin. Maybe you're not totally meant for the boy role. You do make a very convincing girl. You seem to have a natural way of responding to my lead. You instinctively know how to relax into the kiss. But when you're supposed to be in control, as a boy, you seem lost."

"But how come you know how to be the boy?"

"When you get to my age and have a career like I have where I have to deal with men all day long, you know their tricks and can even imitate them if you want to."

"If I'm ever going to get on first base with a girl. I'll have to learn how to kiss like a boy."

"Perhaps, but not all girls need the boy to act like a boy. There are probably plenty of girls who don't mind if their boyfriend kisses like a girl. Some of those girls might themselves actually want to kiss like a boy. Nowadays there are probably many girls that don't like the idea that there is even a boy or a girl way of kissing. There is just kissing. I'm a bit hesitant to believe that, because it tends to be boys who are most insistent about wanting to get to first base than girls. Girls know that and can help it along by flirting the way I've described."

"Now that you've kissed a boy who kisses like a girl, do you prefer that, or do you prefer boys who kiss like boys?"

"Like I said before, you're the first boy I've met who wants to dress like a girl or kiss like a girl. You're the first, and I must say that I really liked it and yes, I think I do prefer it that way. I liked having more control than I've normally had in the past."

Though I didn't want to say it to Miriam, I was happy she said what she did. Kissing like a girl seemed to be so much easier for me than trying to kiss like a boy, so luckily both Miriam and I would be happy if we kept kissing the way we had.

"I think we need to practice a lot more kissing."

Miriam laughed and said, "I agree Martin. It's good for you to practice feeling like a girl as much as you can." Miriam gently pushed me down on the sofa and lay over me as her mouth and tongue found my mouth and her arms held my head and she pressed her breasts into my chest. We kissed and kissed and several times I felt like I was going to swoon with love for Miriam. Finally, Miriam took her tongue out of my mouth and removed her lips from mine. "For someone who hasn't kissed before, you've become an amazing kisser."

I laughed and said, "I wish that kiss could go on forever. It was so much fun. You're a great teacher, Aunt Miriam."

"You're my star pupil."

I thought about how much pleasure I had in being a receptacle of Miriam's desires. She led the kiss in every way, and I floated along providing an open mouth for her to use in any way she wanted. The way she had pressed her breasts into my body made me think in a whole new way about what boys and girls could do together. I said, "Is kissing all that boys and girls do together, I mean when they're not married?"

Miriam laughed and said, "You're so cute Martin. You don't really know?"

"I know I'm pathetic, Aunt Miriam. I have tried to figure out what boys and girls do, but I've gotten so confused about it."

"You're not pathetic, Martin, your innocence is wonderfully charming and part of me feels sad that I'm sort of corrupting your purity."

"Ignorance, not purity."

I sat back up and put my arms around Miriam's neck and rested my head against the top of her chest and hugged her. "I love being on first base with you" I said.

She smiled at me and said, "it’s time for a show!" She made some popcorn and we watched another episode of the Gilmore Girls.


A week went by in which I worked on my mathematics during the day and had magical experiences on first base with Miriam in the evening. I spent my days usually staying in the library but sometimes sitting at a table in a cafe having a coffee. It was not easy to concentrate in the mornings when my memories of the night before were freshest and also in the late afternoon when my anticipation of what was to occur in the evening began to consume my thoughts.

Each night after dinner Miriam would invite me to rendezvous with her in the living room at nine o'clock. It was my time to pretend to be a girl and I delighted in selecting a panty and bra to wear and a nightgown. I grew steadily more confident in my role as the girl and Miriam seemed to have no objection to taking on the boy part. We made an evening routine of going to first base while watching a show. I got more and more proficient at flirting to coax Miriam into kissing me and when she would rise up over me and plant her mouth on mine, with her tongue forcing its way into my mouth, I nearly swooned with excitement. My desire seemed to inflame Miriam’s desire to possess me and we kissed and kissed and kissed. Often times she would whisper in my ear saying things like "you're such a pretty girl", or "how can I make my pretty girl feel good tonight?".

To put it mildly, the morning after each evening I found it hard to concentrate on mathematics, yet I was disciplined enough to change into my boy clothes and trudge to the library to continue my studies. I did manage to do some productive work with my mathematics. In particular, I made progress in appreciating just how difficult the ultimate goal of the research project defined by Professor Oppenheim was. All the best efforts of many mathematicians up to this point had at best scaled a few of the foothills leading to a proof of Harry's conjecture. The way forward beyond that seemed hopeless. It needed a new idea. A new path. A path unlike any envisioned before. I shook my head in wonder at the fact that Professor Oppenheim would even think of having me work on such a hopeless problem. At quitting time every day, I was only too eager to get back to Miriam's apartment to see what the evening might bring. I was happy with the thought that I would get to kiss her again.

End, Part 2.

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