Home Run, Part 4: Third Base

Home Run

By Pamela

([email protected])


That night after dinner I took a shower and selected one of my new bras to wear and a matching panty. I inserted the breast forms into the cups and put on a new blouse and skirt. When I joined Miriam in the living room she said, “You look darling in that new outfit. We made a great choice there!”

I was anxious to get to first base and then to second base and I flopped down beside Miriam and coyly tried to signal her to kiss me. She said, "I know you're anxious to get on first base, but I have another suggestion for today. I think we need to discuss third base."

"Third base?" I asked.

"Yes, of course, if there are first and second bases, there is also third base."

"Oh, I hadn't realized that. So, is there a fourth base?"

Miriam laughed, "Of course, that's called home plate. When you hit a home run you run around all four bases. Don't you play baseball?"

"Yes, but I never really thought about the connection."

"Sometimes you're a bit strange Martina!" Miriam laughed.

"What is third base all about?" I couldn't imagine what else there was unless it had to do with whatever a girl has down below, her vagina. The truth was I had never seen one and really had no idea what they looked like. It couldn't be like a penis. I was pretty sure of that.

"Third base is serious since it has to do with the boy and girl's private parts. When a girl lets a boy get to third base then she had better really like him a lot."

"Why is that?"

"Because it’s even more private and intimate than first or second base and in the next step beyond third a boy would have hit a home run."

I was even less sure as to what a home run could be, but I knew that I didn't even want to think about it. If Miriam wanted to someday tell me I guessed that I'd be ready for it, though it seemed like it must be really scary. "Do you think I'm ready for third base?" I asked Miriam and she laughed out loud.

"I think you're ready to experience third base, though I must caution you that its more intense than first or second base. I don't want to worry you, but third base unleashes many powerful primal urges in people that can be quite exhilarating, but also somewhat scary. I think that even if you are initially a bit scared, you'll quickly come to see how nice third base is. In any event, the way that girls feel when they're on third base with a boy is something that you have to experience."

"But what is it about third base that makes it so intense?"

"On third base you get firsthand experience of your partner's private part. From a girls point of view a penis is a very powerful thing, but so too are vaginas to boys. Penises and vaginas bring out extremely deep-seated desires in us and when we are confronted with them, we can sometimes do things that we might not be too happy about later, especially if we are on third with someone we don't really like or trust. However, if you are with a partner you feel close to or really like, then there are some truly marvelous aspects to being on third base."

"Wow," was all I could manage to say.

Miriam continued, "Girls can become helpless, even controlled by penises. After all, a boy can wave his penis around like a sword, but the girl can't use her vagina in the same way. From a girl's perspective especially, third base can be very unequal with the boy able to be more dominant and the girl be more submissive. A girl puts herself in a position where she is dominated by the boy's penis. You see, boys get very insistent on third base because the pleasure they get can be among the greatest possible."

"I had no idea it could be so scary, Aunt Miriam."

"I would be lying if I said it wasn't scary initially. But I do think that you'll be able to really enjoy third base once you know what to expect."

"I can't imagine how I could ever dominate over you Aunt Miriam. I never would want to."

"Not every boy on third base is dominant, and not every girl is submissive, but it does create an environment where dominant partners can match up with submissive partners."

Miriam could tell this was all foreign to me. "Maybe we're rushing third base a bit. Why don't we start out tonight on first and second bases and then see what we want to do? If you're feeling good about it, we'll try and make a move to third base. If you're not comfortable we'll stay on second base. How does that sound?"

"I think that's a great plan Aunt Miriam."

Miriam sat down on the sofa and I sat down next to her. We spent a long time kissing each other and feeling each other up. Before too long I had helped Miriam, who had not yet changed into a nightgown, to take her blouse and bra off and she had helped me take off my night gown. I was wearing my bra and Miriam's breasts were fully exposed. As we kissed and made out, I found that I much preferred feeling like a girl. I enjoyed Miriam's strength and aggressiveness, though I also could not get enough of fondling and licking her breasts. I could see from the way I felt that Miriam would say I was submissive. The thought of somehow using my penis to lord over her seem ludicrous. How could that possibly happen?

After a short time, it dawned on me that if there was something that was even more exciting and pleasurable than second base, then it was something I should definitely try and do. At a free moment I whispered to Miriam "I think I might be ready for third base, that is if you are."

Miriam stopped what she was doing and smiled at me. "I agree. I think you're ready to experience third base."

I asked Miriam, "so what do we do?"

"I'll tell you. Third base has to do with the girl touching the boys penis and the boy touching the girls vagina."

"With our hands?"

"It can be with our hands, but it can also be with our tongues and mouths or anything else you can think of. It's often the use of our mouths that makes third base so intimate."

"Our mouths?" I hadn't thought about that possibility.

Miriam smiled sweetly and took my hand. She looked me in the eyes and said, "If this is all too much for you Martina, you need to tell me."

"I didn't know about using mouths, but I trust you Aunt Miriam. I'll do anything you say, and I know that it's all for the good." The thought of seeing a vagina for the first time and especially Miriam's vagina which must be inside her panties excited me in a way I had never felt before. And then to be able to put my mouth on her vagina made me lose my breath. I imagined kissing her vagina. It was a whole new way of thinking about what she and I could do together.

"That is very sweet of you Martina. I guarantee that you'll grow to love third base once you experience it."

"You love third base, don't you?"

"Very much so."

I figured that she meant that she loved kissing a boy's penis or something like that. I wondered if she also likes licking one.

"On third base I may kiss your, um, your thing?" I asked.

"My vagina?"

"Yes. I've never seen a vagina."

"Well we're going to fix that," Miriam said laughing again.

"But what do I do when I see it? Do I touch it or kiss it?"

"First, we'll probably have you start by touching my vagina with your fingers, and I'll start touching your penis with my hand. Then we'll work our way to our tongues which is, as I said, more intimate. Don't worry, I'll let you know exactly what you need to do to make me feel happy on third base, and I'll do my best to make you happy you're on third base."

I smiled at Miriam. She had a way of saying things that defused my concerns and made me feel confident that I could learn what it was she wanted to teach me.

"First we'll have you be the boy who's trying to get on third base with his girlfriend. I'll lead you through everything you need to do." I must have looked a bit alarmed since Miriam said, "What are you afraid of Martina. Be honest."

"It's just that I'm a bit scared that I don't know how to be enough of a boy to make you think I'm a boy."

"If it’s hard for you to act like the boy in the relationship, then you let yourself feel like you're a girl trying to make another girl feel good on third base. That happens all the time too."

The scenario of me being a girl who touches Miriam's vagina seemed like a perfect solution for me. That way I wouldn't have to worry about not living up to my expectations about how a boy would behave in this situation.

"After you have had some time to learn about my vagina, I'll take charge and be a girl who is taking her boyfriend to third base. This will show you what girls feel like when they encounter a boy's penis. Someday that might be useful for you to know. How does this sound?"

Nervously I said, "OK, I guess I'm ready."

"Good. Now relax. I guarantee you this will be fun. The first step is you have to gain access to my vagina. So, I'll stand up and you reach up inside my skirt and pull down my pantyhose and then pull down my panties."


"Yes, really."

I had only the vaguest idea of what I might find inside Miriam's skirt, but I was nonetheless excited at being given the opportunity to explore there. I kneeled in front of Miriam and lifted up her skirt. "You'll have to use two hands to pull down my pantyhose," Miriam said. I moved my head underneath her skirt, so I was inside it and reached up and put my hands on her hips and then felt for the top of her pantyhose. When I had grasped it, I tried pulling down on it. It was a lot harder to move than I had anticipated, but I found that by wiggling one side and then the other it began to pull down. Getting it past Miriam's rear end took the most effort since the waist band on the pantyhose had to stretch outwards to accommodate her tush. Once the pantyhose was past her butt it came down relatively easily and I gently moved it down her legs until it was bunched up at her ankles.

Miriam put her hand on my shoulder to steady herself and she raised one foot up and had me take the pantyhose off her on that side. Then we repeated this for her other leg and her pantyhose was now off. I put my head back inside her skirt and stared at her panties which were in front of my face. She was wearing shiny silky pink panties. There was a faint womanly odor that seemed to inhabit the inside of her dress. I breathed it in deeply and sighed. It was definitely having some effect on me, making me crave approaching Miriam's vagina. Just behind that thin fabric was her vagina, something I had never seen before.

"You're so beautiful Aunt Miriam," I said from inside her skirt. It was true, she had a remarkably lovely figure with her legs and panties and her lovely round butt.

“All your flattery is going to my head," Miriam said, laughing.

I nuzzled the front of Miriam's panties with my face. "Pull down my panties and I'll step out of them," Miriam said.

I did what she said and there in front of me was her vaginal slit, and I found myself getting extraordinarily excited by staring at it. "Oh my God, Aunt Miriam. So, this is what a vagina looks like!" It was a tender little slit in the middle of a cute slightly puffed up region just below her lower abdomen and at the juncture of her legs.

"Of course, I've shaved the hair around my vagina because I prefer it that way, though there is nothing wrong with having a hairy vagina. Many girls and their boyfriends might even prefer them."

Staring at the slit I asked "What do I do with your vagina? Am I supposed to lick it?"

"I know it must be tempting to put your face on my vagina, but I first want you to go to third base with your fingers. They'll be plenty of time later for you to use your tongue on my vagina."

Miriam stepped aside and sat down on the sofa and patted the cushion next to her indicating that I should sit down. I sat down and Miriam lifted up her skirt and spread her legs apart. Now let's get you to third base."

"The first thing on your mind is that you want to give the girl pleasure through her vagina. It’s very similar to the way in which you get pleasure through your penis. You can use your fingers to touch a girl's vagina to give her pleasure."

"Where do I touch?"

"I'll explain. You have to pay close attention to a few basic things since fingers can be tricky. Vaginas are very delicate and sensitive and if a boy doesn't know what he's doing with his fingers he can end up hurting the girl and getting himself called out at third base."

"It sounds like it may be too hard for me to do and I couldn't stand the thought of hurting you, Aunt Miriam."

"I'm sure you can do it, Martina. Just relax. The first thing to know is that you want my vagina to be moist. Dry fingers touching a dry vagina will not feel good. So, the first thing you do is wet your fingers in your mouth and then gently touch the top lip of my vagina."

I put some saliva on my fingers and then very gently touched the top of her vagina. "Allow me to move your fingers a little bit," Miriam said, and she used her hand to move my fingers to a slightly better spot just on the inside top of her vagina. "Now, you don't have to continually get more saliva to keep my vagina wet, because once you start touching the right spots, my vagina will start producing a fluid that will lubricate itself. It's like my body knows that it's going to be on third base, so it gets moist all on its own. It can even get moist on first and second base. Actually, it should be moist if the boy and girl are enjoying what they are doing."

"Do you get moist when we're on first or second base?"

"Definitely, Martina. My vagina gets very wet when we're kissing or when you're feeling up my breasts, or even when I was feeling up your breasts. Do you feel me getting moist now?"

"I do, Aunt Miriam. It's getting kind of wet on your vagina, a lot wetter than from my saliva."

"Good, Martina. Now the goal is to gently stroke my clitoris with your finger or fingers. The clitoris is near the very top of my vagina and when it's being stimulated it gets a little hard. So that is something to feel for. Also, since the clitoris can be pretty difficult for boys to find, it is not uncommon for the girl to help the boy find it. She can do that by moving his hand, or by moaning when he hits it correctly. You see, I'll feel a lot of pleasure the moment you touch it."

I gently moved my fingers around the top of Miriam's vagina, and it wasn't long until she began moaning. I could feel a slightly raised bump that was slowly getting harder and I concentrated on touching that. "That's great Martina. Back and forth slowly and gently like that. You're going over and over my clitoris and it's feeling more and more wonderful. Oh, my God, Martina, keep that up. That is wonderful. You are such a kind and loving lover. Oh, holy lord, oh, oh, oh, .... ahhhh." Miriam gently moved my finger away.

"I'm sorry Aunt Miriam, did I do something wrong?"

"Gosh, no, Martina. You made me cum, in record time. I don't think I've ever cum so fast!"


"You know, orgasm."

"Oh, right."

"It felt wonderful, Martina. Yummy. Girls love that."

"I'm so happy that I could make you feel good, Aunt Miriam."

"Now is the best part if you're a girl, because now that I've had a little rest, you can repeat what you did, and I can get another orgasm. I might even be able to get a few more."

"I'd love to continue to play with your vagina, Aunt Miriam." Martina once again gently touched Miriam's clitoris and began stroking it slowly and rhythmically. "Would you like me to put my finger up inside your vagina, or will that hurt you?"

"Good question, Martina. When my vagina is wet you can slide a finger in and out a bit, as long as the motion still affects my clitoris. Some girls are able to get orgasm from vaginal stimulation and there is this somewhat mysterious place called the G-spot that can cause orgasm. I've never found mine, so I'm not sure it exists. Some people think that it’s just another part of the clitoris which is deeper inside me. So, the bottom line is that a boy can explore different ways of playing with a girls vagina in order to find out what she likes and doesn't like."

"So, I should try different things?"

"Sure, Martin. That could be fun. You'll know by my reaction how strongly I'm feeling pleasure. If you sense I'm not responding, then you should try something else."

I slipped a finger gently inside of Miriam's vagina and felt around and then slid it out over her clitoris. "Nice, Martin!" Miriam said. I then tried two fingers and then tried circular motions and whatever other movements I could think of. I found that most of them caused no real response from Merriam. The motions that guaranteed a reaction involved running one or two fingers over her hardened clitoris. Eventually I concentrated on that movement and before long Miriam was once again gasping for breath and then climaxing.

"That was so marvelous, Martina," Miriam said. "In the future, you can do what you just did while you're feeling up my breasts or kissing me. You see its all cumulative in some sense. Once you get to first base, you can take it with you to second and then you can take first and second to third."

"That was so neat, Aunt Miriam. I love third base and I now see why you said how it can unleash powerful emotions."

"Now we have to explore third base for you, in which I get to play with your penis. The penis can be a very fun thing for girls. It's not as difficult as the vagina to give pleasure to. All a girl has to do is touch the soft underside of the penis near the top and boys go crazy with pleasure. A girl can also gently massage the balls and even the boy’s backside. Really, anything girls do, boys love. The best part is that we know we're doing the right thing if the penis becomes hard and stiff, that is, the boy gets a boner."


"Of course. The amazing thing about boys is that they get boners even when no one is touching their penis."

"You can see boners?"

"Of course, Martina. I've seen your boners many times while we've been on first and second base, in fact, I even saw you with a boner your first day here when you put on my niece's PJ's."

"Oh my God, Aunt Miriam, I'm so sorry."

Miriam laughed and said, "Sorry? Martina, I'm flattered that you've gotten so many boners because of me. In fact, all this time I've regretted that I couldn't play with them. I held back because I didn't want to scare you or be presumptuous as to what you are or are not willing to do."

"But now, because we're on third base, you can finally touch my boner?"

"Exactly." Miriam lifted up my skirt revealing that I had a boner popping up inside my panties.

"Speaking of the devil," Miriam said. "Now relax."

Trembling with anticipation, I awaited Miriam's touch. "You're trembling my poor dear, I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know, Aunt Miriam, I'm just so excited about what it might feel like to be on third base."

"I just love that thing of yours sticking up so cutely."

"You're sure it doesn't upset you?"

"Why would it? It's a signal to me that I excite you. Since I love being with you, I'm flattered that you get hard like that. Now let me show you what a girl can do for a boy on third base."

"So, I really need to be a boy now?"

"No, if you want to pretend that you're a girl and I'm touching your vagina, that is fine too. In fact, you certainly seem like a cute little girl that I've managed to get to third base. Now I really need to investigate what's going on down there inside your panties. Now take off your skirt and stand in front of me."

I did as she said so I was standing wearing my panties with my boner pointing at her. Miriam put a hand on my thigh and moved it up inside my panties gently grabbing onto my stiff rod. "Oh, there it is. I'm so happy I found it. It's so deliciously cute to touch." She laughed and moved my penis and balls out through one of the leg openings and said, "You're even leaking a bit of its precious fluid." Her hand explored over the surface of my penis and then touched my balls. Ever so gently Miriam stroked them with her fingers. "I love these dear little balls of yours." Her hand continued its exploration, traveling between my legs and then around my hips to the cheeks of my buttocks. She pulled my panties down to my ankles, and then her hand inched a bit towards my bottom hole and she gently stroked around the outside of it. Suddenly Miriam pulled me down onto the sofa next to her and pressed her lips back onto mine and resumed kissing me. Miriam’s hand found my shaft again and was moving up and down slowly now with an extra rub at the underside of the tip. She whispered to me, "Come my little friend, let's see what you've got in you today."

I couldn't resist touching Miriam's breasts again and I slowly reached out and held one of them and I then gently glided my hand over it. The pleasure from Miriam's rubbing on my cock was so intense that I froze in an ecstatic state. Miriam then rested her hand curled around my member and barely moved it. The pleasure shot into me in a continuous pulsation as my penis pushed up rhythmically against her hand.

"Oh, my God, Aunt Miriam!" I wailed.

"You like that, do you?"

"Oh, yes, oh, yes."

"Do you want me to rest a little now?" Miriam stopped moving her hand.

"No, no, please no."

Miriam laughed and said, "You're so cute, Martina. I'm going to have to finish you off before you explode." Miriam then moved her hand up and back and almost immediately I began spasming into Miriam's hand. She laughed gleefully and after the last pulse of my penis, Miriam carefully put her hand to her lips. I watched as she slowly licked the cum off her palm and fingers into her mouth and swallowed it. Her eyes closed and she seemed to shake with pleasure with every bit of it. When she was done, she said, "So delicious! Yummy. I haven't had that in years. It's so primal, so animalistic. You should know that some girls find it wonderfully delightful to swallow."

I stared at Miriam in a state of euphoria. "Oh my god, is that third base? I had no idea!"

Miriam laughed. "That's only a beginning. There's lots more we can do on third as you'll see!"

My penis had relaxed after cumming but thinking back to the feelings I had had caused it to start rising again. "What's that?" Miriam said. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Gosh, Aunt Miriam, it’s gotten hard again. Just thinking about what you had just done."

"This is so delightful. Now I can have a little more time with your guy. Let's make him shoot off again. It's cute and so much fun. This time sit over my legs facing me."

I did as she said so now my boner was pointing toward her stomach like a little sword. Miriam placed her two hands, one holding my penis and the other over my rear end. As soon as she touched my penis it hardened up and started straining to get touched. At the same time her hand caressed my butt and pushed down on my bottom hole causing my prostate to light up in intense pleasure. The simultaneous touching of my penis and my butt caused me to start shaking and gyrating my hips back and forth between the two intense pleasures. Miriam seemed to be loving every minute of it. "Grab me and pull your body into my tits," she said. I did that and now felt the breast forms in my bra pushing up against her large breasts, all the while with my penis being stroked rhythmically and my ass sending waves of pleasure deep inside me. "I'm growing quite fond of your soft cute little butt," Miriam said playfully.

I felt Miriam now cup my balls with her hand. "You're very wet Martina. You're leaking cum that I can't wait to taste again. Now be a good girl and suck mommies titties."

Frantically I now hunched over and put one of Miriam's nipples in my mouth and sucked it. I felt one of her fingers pushing its way up my bottom hole while her other hand went back to stroking my cock. A second later I exploded in orgasm for the second time this night.

Once again Miriam carefully licked the cum off her fingers and hand. "I just can't get enough of that Martina. It's so delicious. I know I've said it before, but I love the taste of your love juice."

My face must have shown surprise and curiosity concerning my cum since Miriam said, "You're wondering what it is I'm tasting aren't you? Come, let's kiss." Miriam smiled and her eyes opened wide and she moved her mouth towards mine and the next thing I knew she was kissing me. As her tongue parted my lips, I felt her deposit my cum inside my mouth. The strange unfamiliar taste of the warm liquid surprised me. When it was all in my mouth, Miriam said, "So that's what girls experience."

I continued to hold the combination of cum and Miriam's saliva in my mouth not knowing what I ought to do with it. Miriam said, "You can swallow it, that's what I do."

I did as she said and Miriam said, "you're a good sport Martina. Someday you might be in the same position as I am, where you get a chance to swallow a man’s cum."

"That was kind of fun actually. It made me feel really close to you, sharing the stuff."

"You are such a darling."

Miriam and I snuggled together and then later watched another show. I couldn't help thinking about my first trip to third base and how much I enjoyed being there. We would have to return there soon, that was for sure."


In my free time during the day on Sunday I had a breakthrough where I was sure that I had proven the second set of theorems that Professor Oppenheim had told me to work on. I did this even though I had not yet gotten any response from Professor Oppenheim concerning the ideas I had presented to him during my last visit with him. Certainly, it was clear that my approach to the problem was definitely turning out to be quite exciting. The next step of my work would take me to thinking directly about proving Harry's conjecture. Before I did that, I needed to get insights from Professor Oppenheim. I hoped that my latest work was going to blow his socks off. He should have returned from his weeklong trip, so I'd pay him a visit the next day to explain my results to him. I wasn’t sure if I had the nerve to show up in his office dressed as Martina. I’d have to make that decision the next day, which meant I could avoid the problem at least one more night.


After I told Miriam about my breakthrough, she insisted that we go out to have a fine dinner in a restaurant to celebrate. It would also give me a nice opportunity to wear some of the fine clothes she had bought me.

Miriam made reservations at a French restaurant and then when it was time to get ready for dinner, she found me in my bedroom to discuss what I needed to wear. She opened my closet and took out a black dress we had bought together. "This black dress will be perfect for tonight. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Aunt Miriam. I think it’s pretty. What do I need to wear with a dress like that?"

"Take off your blouse and skirt and we'll see."

I stripped down to the panties and bra I was wearing, and Miriam regarded me. "You've wearing white underwear and normally a girl would wear black panties and bra under a black dress, but there is no reason to change. You can wear a black slip under the dress and a black garter belt to hold up your stockings."

"A garter belt! I get to wear a garter belt!"

"Yes, Martina, you have to wear hose with a nice dress like this and since you don't really need a girdle, you might as well just wear a garter belt. Well unless you really want to wear your girdle."

"That’s a dilemma, Aunt Miriam. I'd like to wear both, well not at the same time, I mean."

Miriam laughed, "You're too precious Martina. So, you pick one or the other to wear." She went through the dresser and selected a black garter belt and a white girdle. "Your girdle isn't black but that shouldn't matter. What would you like to wear?"

I considered the two of them and then chose the girdle. "I think that I ought to start with a girdle. It seems more secure than the garter belt which is more delicate."

"True, Martina, but you certainly are allowed to wear delicate clothes. As you know already girl clothes are often made of finer fabrics than boy clothes. As a girl you'll eventually be able to wear them comfortably without worrying about hurting them. But for right now, a girdle is just fine for you. And we also have to select some hose for you." Next to the girdles in the lower dresser drawer were neatly stacked cardboard envelopes that held pairs of brand-new stockings. "For your first stockings lets go with these ultra-shears nude colored. Let's see if you can put on the girdle yourself. It's like my girdle which you so expertly were able to take off of me."

I pulled the girdle up my legs and over my bottom. It fit snugly without being uncomfortably tight. I had to struggle a bit with the clips but eventually got them closed. Then I zipped up the zipper. "Great," Miriam said, "now sit down on the bed and we'll see if you can put on your stockings without my help. Don't feel bad if it’s hard. It takes girls some practice under the watchful eyes of their mom or, in your case your Aunt Miriam, to learn how to do it without causing a run."

"I'll do my best," I said nervously.

"Open the envelope and take out the stockings. Be very gentle with them and hold them only by the top. Relax Martina. If you relax, you'll find it a lot easier."

I took a deep breath and opened the package and took out the stockings. I held one by the end. It was interesting how it sort of looked like a two-dimensional leg. "Very good Martina. Now line up the toe part pointing away from you and use your fingers to gently gather the stocking in your hands moving toward the foot." I did as Miriam said and when I had the stocking gathered, she showed me how to put it over my toe and heel and then draw it up my leg. The last step was clipping it onto my garters. For that I had to stand.

"Excellent Martina. You obviously have a knack for putting on stockings. You're as gentle with your stockings as any girl would be."

"Thank you, Aunt Miriam."

"And look how pretty your leg is," Miriam said and I admired my stockinged leg. "I'll bet you'd love to have some pretty nail polish on your toes?"

The thought hadn't occurred to me before but now that Miriam had mentioned it, I could see that it would be just another one of those wonderful things that girls got to do. "Yes, Aunt Miriam, it would be nice."

"We'll put some nail polish on your toes tomorrow, and of course your fingernails."

I then followed the same procedure with the other stocking and before long I was now dressed in my stockings, bra, panties and girdle.

"Totally adorable Martina, you have such nice legs and a very sweet figure." She opened a drawer and took out a black, full length slip. "Put this on." I put the slip on over my head and pulled it down over my bra and girdle.

"What a mature young lady you look like in the slip."

It was true. Wearing a black slip made me feel a bit more grown up. I especially enjoyed the way the front of the slip had lace trim across the bosom and purposefully ballooned outwards so my bust could fit within it.

"Before you put on the dress let me put some makeup on you."

Miriam led me to her own spacious bathroom where there was a table to sit down at and apply makeup. She applied some rouge to my cheeks and some mascara and eyeliner to add sparkle to my eyes. It was fun to be fussed over by Miriam. Wearing makeup had a pleasant affect in further confirming my desire to be feminine.

"Now for your dress," Miriam said.

We went back to my room and Miriam said, "let me help you on with the dress." Miriam gathered up the dress and lowered it over my head as I put my hands through the arm holes. Then she slid it down my sides and zipped up the back zipper. "My, my, Martina, you look so sophisticated."

"I feel so womanly."

"Here, put on some heels, you'll feel even more womanly." Miriam fetched my black heels and said, "You should wear these."

The shoes were made of a shiny black patent leather and had a pointy toe and graceful feminine shape. The shoes slipped fairly easily onto my feet and Miriam had to hold me since I was a bit wobbly. "They're comfortable, aren't they?" Miriam asked.

"I think so, but I may be a bit unstable in them. I always had some trouble with my mom's heels."

"They were probably not your size. I'm sure you'll get used to these quickly. Walking on high heels is one of those things women love to hate. We like the beautiful look they give to our legs, but we hate walking long distances in them. With a little practice you'll find that you can walk gracefully in them and actually appreciate the statement they make about your own femininity."

Miriam let go of my arm and I walked around the bedroom. Just like she predicted, with bit of practice I began to understand how to move so that I wasn't in danger of toppling over.

"Go take a look at yourself in the mirror Martina. You're absolute eye candy. You really do have a delicate feminine presence about you. I find it surprising that your mom never mentioned it to me, though I’m sure she would notice it now if she saw you like this."

Miriam's comment confirmed the feelings I've carried around within myself for all these years. I wasn't crazy. Even though I might have been born a boy I knew in my heart that my wanting to pretend to be a girl must have a greater meaning. In fact, it was just the girl who I really was, trying to be herself.

"I'll wash-up now and then get dressed and then we can go," Miriam said.

"Can I watch you dress? I think I could learn a lot from that."

"Sure Martina, in five minutes come to my bedroom and I'll put on a nice show for you," Miriam laughed.

Miriam went off to her bedroom and I went to the living room. I sat down primly on the sofa smoothing out my skirt as I sat down and putt one stockinged thigh over the other and admired the pretty shoes I was wearing. I closed my eyes and let myself drink in the joyous feelings I felt for being so fully made up as a girl. Having a bra with my breasts in them, wearing a girdle to shape my figure and having the delicious feel of nylon on my legs. And I was wearing a lovely scent and enjoyed knowing that I was at the center of it.

After five minutes I went to Miriam's bedroom and she called out to me to come in and have a seat. I watched in fascination as Miriam took off the skirt and blouse she had been wearing revealing her pantyhose and bra. There was something about being a voyeur that was particularly pleasant. Watching her large breasts sway and otherwise bounce and move around in her bra was a thing of beauty. What a glorious thing they were. Miriam went into her bathroom and I followed her. She pulled down her pantyhose and peed into the toilet while I watched. She wiped herself off with some tissue paper and then pulled up her pantyhose and panty and sat in front of the mirror fixing her makeup. While she did so I looked at myself in the mirror which filled me with joy because I could see that I looked so much like a girl. Having a womanly shape with breasts was heavenly. With Miriam's permission I would have to buy a padded girdle to help broaden my hips a bit. It would be nice to also have a girl's bottom. When Miriam was done with her makeup, she retrieved a black cocktail dress of her own from her closet and she slipped it on over her head. Then had me zip up the back zipper.

"All I need is some heels and I'm done," Miriam said. She decided on shoes to wear and then we were standing together, both dressed in black form-fitting dresses. Miriam looked at me and said, "One last thing is we need pearls," and she fetched two strings of pearls from a drawer and she slipped one over her head and one over mine. She also put on matching pearl earrings and said, "Too bad your ears aren't pierced. We'll have to get that done soon. It's so much fun wearing earrings, you'll love them."

Before we left Miriam gave me a purse to carry. I opened it up and saw that it contained a small mirror, lipstick, a tiny vial of perfume and an embroidered handkerchief. She showed me how to hold the bag by putting the long strap over my opposite shoulder. I found it to be fascinating the way the strap went across my breasts. It reminded me of how my mom would carry her purse.

Miriam and I walked to the restaurant. The city was delightful in the early evening with a gentle warm breeze. We were two ladies walking together in our heels, dressed to the nines going out for a dinner in a fancy restaurant. I felt that my mannerisms were getting more feminine each day and the fact that I was wearing only girls clothes now made me feel like I was a legitimate girl. I was behaving like a girl and looking like one.

At the restaurant, the maître d' seemed to know Miriam and she introduced me to him as her young colleague Martina. After we were seated, I said, "I real love being Martina."

Toward the end of the scrumptious dinner, Martina looked up and to his shock and surprise, saw Professor Oppenheim enter the restaurant with an attractive woman who was most likely his wife. "Oh my god, Aunt Miriam, my professor just walked in."

Miriam turned to look at him. "He looks very distinguished. You should say hello to him."

"Hello to him?"

"You were going to have to do it anyway, weren't you?”

"I'm too scared, Aunt Miriam. I'll need time to psych myself up to do that."

Professor Oppenheim and the lady accompanying him were escorted by the maître d' straight toward Martina's table. As Professor Oppenheim was passing, he looked at Martina, walked a couple of paces beyond and then stopped and walked back staring at her. "Do I know you?" Professor Oppenheim said.

Flummoxed, Martina didn't know what to do. "You're Martin, aren't you?" Professor Oppenheim said.

"Yes, professor."

"I'm glad I found you. This is my wife, Cathy." Professor Oppenheim indicated her, and she shook hands with me. "And this is?" Professor Oppenheim said in reference to Miriam.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is my Aunt Miriam, whom I'm staying with for the summer."

"So nice to meet you," Professor Oppenheim and Cathy said.

"So, Martin, I read your notes about the proofs and I think that you may be onto something. You have my enthusiastic support to continue what you're doing. It is quite an interesting idea you've had. See where it leads!"

"But Professor Oppenheim, I was going to come by tomorrow to show you the proofs. I figured them out."

"Really? This is wonderful news. So, we now need to talk about proving Harry's conjecture. Come by tomorrow. How wonderful."

When Miriam and Martina were alone together again, Martina said, "I can't believe that Professor Oppenheim didn't say anything about me being a girl. How could that be?"

"It shows that he respects your right to be whomever you want to be. Since you're in the middle of a crowded restaurant dressed like a beautiful young lady, it would be callous of him to ask you why you're dressed that way."

"I suppose you're right."

"Anyway, isn't it exciting news about your idea?"

"Oh, yes, definitely. Before when I told him about it, he didn’t seem very interested in it.”

"Well I think it’s clear he very much respects you, so I think you're going to have a very bright future with him."

"I hope so. But I might never get any more good ideas again."

"Pshaw, Martina. You're a brilliant young lady who is going to accomplish great things."


The next day Martina visited Professor Oppenheim dressed in a skirt and blouse. When she knocked on the door and then entered and took a seat, Professor Oppenheim got on his feet and walked over to Martina. "So, please explain," he said.

"Explain about my proofs?" I said.

"Yes, that too, but first you owe me an explanation for why you're now dressing like a girl. I'm not criticizing you, but it's a bit much to not expect me to be curious."

"I'm sorry. I was going to eventually let you know, but I hadn't yet had the courage. But since you recognized me at the restaurant, I guess the horse has left the barn."

"Indeed. Assure me that nothing nefarious is going on. Your Aunt didn't force you to be a girl, did she?"

"Oh, no, no, not at all. She's someone who is willing to listen to me talk and that led me to realizing that I've always seen myself as a girl. You see, long before I came here, I've spent at least one day a week pretending I was a girl. Now, I've decided I should be a girl all the time. It's so much simpler for me, then trying to switch back and forth."

"You need to give me some guidance about this. I assume you don't want to be called Martin any longer?"

"Aunt Miriam is calling me Martina and I like that name. So, yes, from now on I think I should be called Martina."

"So, you're out of the closet now?"

"Yes, I guess."

"And your parents know about this?"

"Not yet. At the end of the summer, when I take a trip back home, they'll find out."

"Well, I hope that they're the kind of people that are accepting."

"I hope they are too."

"If there is any way I can be of help, let me know. So, in the meantime, let me see the proofs of the theorems that you came up with."

I explained the proofs to Professor Oppenheim, and he became quite excited. "So now we can start thinking about proving Harry's conjecture!"

I left his office with his blessing for having become a girl and for now devoting the rest of the summer to proving the very difficult Harry's conjecture. My results rejuvenated his excitement and he would be also doing some heavy thinking himself.


That night, Miriam said that it was time that we go back to third base again.

"So, I should touch your vagina with my fingers?" I asked

"You could, but I was thinking that you ought to learn how to do that with your tongue. Is that a problem for you?"

"I don't think so, Aunt Miriam. The other day when I took off your panties, I had a good view of your vagina and I felt like I would like nothing more than to put my face on it and lick it any way I can.''

"There are lots of positions that you can be in when licking my vagina. How about we start with you kneeling in front of me. You can place a pillow under your knees to make it more comfortable." Miriam took off her skirt and then stood with her legs apart and I fetched a pillow and then went down on my knees at her feet. In front of me I saw that Miriam was wearing a pink open bottom girdle that had garters with stockings attached to them.

"Wow, Aunt Miriam, I love what you're wearing."

"It's no surprise to me that you love my girdles as much as my bras. Undo the stockings and then feel around for the side zip on my girdle and pull down the zipper. There were three garters holding up each of the stockings and I undid them one by one. Then I felt around for the zipper until I found it and then pulled it down. It was fun to have my hands sliding over the surface of the girdle and around Miriam’s thighs. In the middle of all that lay Miriam's sweet vagina that I would finally get to taste.

"I pulled down your girdle zipper, Aunt Miriam."

"Now undo the clips, just the top three. Then you should be able to pull the girdle past my hips."

Undoing the clips took some effort since I couldn't see them. After some struggle while Miriam waited patiently, I finally had them undone. "Now I'm pulling down your girdle, Aunt Miriam." I held onto the bottom of it and pulled. It moved a little, but then I had to reach onto the back of the girdle across Miriam's rear end. Pulling from the bottom front and the top back and wiggling it a little back and forth I was able to get the girdle to move. My hand moved across Miriam's ass as the girdle slid down and I made a note to myself that someday I would have to spend some time just getting acquainted with her perfectly shaped butt. For now, I was content to pull on the girdle until it released from her tush and fell down to her ankles. Miriam stepped out of it and then told me to carefully pull down her stockings. I did as she said and then she reached down and took off each of her nylons. All that was left was Miriam's panties which I pulled down to her ankles and she stepped out of them also. In front of me was Miriam's vagina, and I wondered what I should do next.

Looking down at me perched at her feet, Miriam said, "I hope you're not scared of my vagina."

"I'm a little scared that I won't measure up to the task of making you feel good. I don't want to disappoint you."

"Nonsense, Martina. You've done so wonderfully with your fingers; it should be even easier with your tongue. So, go ahead and start licking and sucking it now. Aim for my clitoris. It'll feel hard to your tongue just like it did to your fingers."

I looked up and saw Miriam's breasts rising out from her chest. They appeared to be enormous. It was a nice sight and I told myself that I needed to revisit it the next time I had the chance. I put my hands on Miriam's butt cheeks to hold myself steady, and then moved my face toward Miriam's vagina aiming my tongue for the slit. I flicked my tongue around the entrance to her vagina. I was amazed at the warmth of Miriam's body and after licking her like this for a minute I wiggled my tongue between the lips of her vagina and actively sought out her clitoris. I felt Miriam jump a little when I must have hit a good spot. It was wonderful to hold her rear end with my hands. She had the smoothest and most perfectly shaped butt. My lips were now over Miriam's vagina as if I were kissing it and my tongue encountered her silky wet skin and a not disagreeable taste that was unlike anything I had tasted before. It was an earthy, primal taste with a very slight indescribable and mysterious scent. I moved my tongue around inside the opening exploring different parts with my tongue. From the position I was in I looked up towards Miriam's face and saw that she was looking down at me. Our eyes met for a second and she said, "Very good Martina, you're doing very well."

While I liked the idea of pleasing Miriam, I realized that I also really liked sucking and licking on her vagina. I especially liked having my tongue inside it. There was nothing to be scared of here. It was a delightful experience to be at Miriam's feet with no more care in the world than what part of her vagina my tongue would touch next. I found myself getting more and more aroused by what I was doing, and I made a contented sound like "hmm" as I continued to move my tongue around.

"Aren't you an eager little sucker," Miriam said laughing mildly. "My pussy is just loving your attention." After a few more moments Miriam said, "I'm going to help get you right on top of my clitoris." Miriam gently put her hand on the back of my head and moved it very slightly. "Relax your lips and keep your tongue out and I'll make sure it is on the right spot." Miriam moved my head again a bit closer to the top edge of her vagina and there I must have struck gold since I felt her thigh muscles tense and she said in a slightly raised pitch, "Bingo Martina, exactly there, that’s exactly the spot. Oh, my goodness!"

I zeroed in on the spot and Miriam said again, "Oh my Goodness Martina, your tongue! Yes, just there! Yumm!"

My tongue was touching a noticeably raised section of her vagina and as it did so, Miriam tensed up and her clitoris seemed to swell in size so that it was even easier to locate than before. Now I concentrated on rubbing the raised section with my tongue and as I did so I felt Miriam put her hand on my head and push it in slightly to increase the pressure on her clitoris as my tongue and lips slid over it. I felt the muscles in her legs tightening underneath my hands as they rested on her thighs. It got increasingly wet inside her vagina, and a sweet taste appeared that seemed to increase the more I managed to touch her clitoris.

Miriam said, "Oh my dear Martina, this is really good!"

Miriam's positive feedback inspired me to flick and lick her clitoris vigorously and after a short while I felt her thighs tense up even harder and then her spine seemed to arc backwards, and using two hands she forced my head tight against her vagina and vigorously forced it up and down so she was rubbing my face into it. As she climaxed her vagina flooded with more of the sweet liquid and in an excited voice she said, "Yes, yes, oh yes, oh yes Martina, Martina my honey, oh God," and then suddenly a long deep sigh and her legs relaxed. I pulled my lips away from her vagina and looked up at Miriam. Her eyes were closed, and she had her hands on her waist as if to steady herself. "My goodness gracious Martina. That was so fine. I better sit down," Miriam said, panting slightly, "and catch my breath."

Miriam sat down on the sofa and I sat on the floor at her feet. I silently looked up at her and felt proud that I had made her feel so good. After a few minutes Miriam said, "I think I climaxed three times."

"I'm happy to continue licking on you."

"Whew! That would be great. Just let me catch my breath for a few minutes and savor the pleasure you've already given me." Miriam closed her eyes and leaned back. I laid my head on her thigh and she rested her hand on my cheek.

A few minutes later Miriam raised her hips and put a pillow under her bottom. Then she leaned back and spread her legs wide so that her vagina was above the seat cushion. "This should be a bit easier for you to get your face right up in there on my vagina."

I positioned myself kneeling on the floor in between Miriam's legs and facing her vagina. I looked up toward her face and saw her breasts resting sedately. "Do you mind if I touch your breasts while I suck on you?"

"Of course not." I extended one of my hands up to touch her breasts. Meanwhile I felt her use her hands to gently guide my head toward her vagina and then my tongue toward her clitoris.

I resumed licking her vagina and clitoris. While I was deeply absorbed in Miriam's vagina and she had been letting out almost a continuous moaning sound, the phone rang. From where Miriam was lying, she was able to reach out an arm and pick up the phone from the end table.

While I licked her, I heard her say, "Hi Lillian! So great to hear from you."

I stopped what I was doing and looked up at Miriam who was listening to what was being said by my mom. She laughed slightly and said, "I'm glad to hear that." While she did this, she used her free hand to signal me to continue what I was doing. Then she reached down and gently nudged my head toward her vagina. As I resumed licking her, I listened to her side of the conversation.

"Oh yes, Martin is a great pleasure to have around."

"Yes, yes we are getting along famously."

While Miriam talked her hand nudged my head to a slightly different spot and continued to guide it rhythmically up and down over her vagina. My tongue smothered her clitoris with attention. Even while talking to my mom I felt Miriam's thighs tense and release as if she had had another small climax.

"He's making great progress with his mathematics. Martin and I were in a restaurant and by coincidence his professor walked in with his wife and I met them. A very lovely man and he had only the nicest things to say about Martin's work."

After ten minutes more where it seemed like my mom was telling Miriam about some news of a mutual friend, Miriam said, "Sure, Martin is right here. Let me pass the phone to him. Give my regards to your hubby. Bye bye."

Miriam gently moved my head away from her vagina and said, "Say hello to your mom."

She passed the phone to me and while lying between Miriam's legs I put the phone to my ear and said, "Hi mom!"

"It's so great to hear your voice, Martin," my mom said.

"I've missed you, mom. How is everything at home?" I asked.

"It's nice. Your dad and I have been playing a lot of golf. But tell me about how you're getting along with Miriam."

"She's really nice, mom. I'm totally enjoying myself here." In front of my face was Miriam's vagina and I knew that I was definitely not lying to my mom.

"I'm delighted that it's going so well."

My mom asked me about my research, and I told her that it was going extremely well. "I've proved a few theorems that have really impressed Professor Oppenheim." She asked me some more questions and then she passed the phone to my dad who got on the line. "Martin, how are you and Miriam getting along?"

I told him what I told my mom and then he said, "I can't tell you how proud your mother and I are that you're living and thriving in the big city. It took courage on your part."

"Thanks dad, but Aunt Miriam is fun to live with."

"That's super!" my dad said.

We talked some more and then my dad said, "Well, anyway, you take care and give my love to Miriam."

"OK dad, I will. I love you."

"I love you, son."

After I was done, I handed the phone back to Miriam who hung it up. I said, "My dad sends his love to you."

Miriam said, "Your parents are such sweet people and they should be very proud of you."

"My dad said, 'I love you, son'."

"That's nice."

"But aren't I his daughter now?"

"Well, yes, I guess so, but until he knows that you've become a girl, you can't expect him to not think of you as his son."

"I guess so."

"Never forget, that if you're true to yourself, then no matter what happens you can feel satisfied. You can't live your life for other people, not even your parents."

"I love you, Aunt Miriam."

"And I love you Martina."

We hugged for a long minute and then I said, "Should I continue with what I was doing?"

"No, I'm anxious to make you feel good Martina. I want to play with that boner I've been seeing poking out from time to time in your panties. I bet it's causing you some discomfort after such a long time."

It was true that my erect penis was hurting a little, and that I was anxious to have it relieved. I nodded my head.

"Let me see what's going on in there," Miriam said and reached inside my panty. "Your penis is all rigid. Does that hurt?"

I nodded my head. "I know just the cure for what ails you," Miriam said laughing.

"Can I pee first?" I said. "I really have to go badly."

Miriam laughed, "Of course Martina. Let's have you pee." I got up and went to my bathroom with Miriam following behind me. In the brightly lit bathroom Miriam watched as I pulled down my panties and sat down on the toilet to pee. With my boner I had a hard time getting it to point down into the bowl. While I sat there Miriam took off the rest of her clothes until she was completely naked.

Her perfectly shaped breasts, the pretty swell of her upper thighs meeting at her vagina and her legs were very beautiful and stirred my penis to get even harder than it was. There was a long silence as Miriam watched me. My boner wouldn't go down and so nothing came out. "I'm afraid I can't pee until I relax a little," I said.

"Of course," Miriam said and she turned around and faced the other way. Looking at her beautiful rear end was not helping the situation. Finally, I closed my eyes and thought of what might be the next steps in proving Harry's conjecture that Professor Oppenheim wanted me to think about. For reasons that will forever be mysterious to me, in my mind's eye I suddenly saw a connection between Miriam's beautiful naked body and a way forward in proving Harry's conjecture. It was probably the geometry of Miriam's rear end and her perfect little slit and her full, luscious, red nipples breasts that inspired me. Her perfect beauty mirrored the perfect beauty of the proof that I envisioned. While I excitedly contemplated this new development in my research my penis softened enough to start peeing. The sound of my peeing caused Miriam to turn around and she said, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Aunt Miriam," I said, feeling very happy about my mathematical inspiration as well as the fact that I was about to get Miriam's full attention on my penis.

When I was done peeing, I was beginning to stand up when Miriam said, "Stay there Martina. This is a perfect location."

"Really?" I said.

"Sure Martina. Doing it here is kind of sexy, don't you think? Surrounded by these bright tiles and hard surfaces, it sort of puts your penis on display and then I get to devote myself to making it happy. I like that, I want to show you how much I worship your cock and how much pleasure I can give you. So, lean back a bit on the seat," Miriam said. I leaned back slightly with my panties around my ankles and Miriam got down on her knees in front of me and reached her hand in between my legs and took hold of my penis. There was a little drop of pee at the tip that she pushed aside with her finger. Then she gently raised my penis up and leaning forward a bit she lowered her mouth over my penis and began sucking on it. To gain leverage she held onto the side of the seat next to my thighs. The pleasure was extraordinarily intense. Miriam seemed to be an expert at what she was doing. At one point she reached a hand between my legs and held onto my balls. In the intense bright light of the pink tiled bathroom I watched as her blonde-haired head went up and down with each stroke forcing my penis as deeply into her mouth as she could. "Oh God I'm just crazy about your penis Martina," Miriam said in an excited husky voice. I looked across the room in a mirror where I got a view of myself sitting on the toilet and Miriam crouched in front of me sucking rhythmically on my penis. She was right about the setting. It's cold tile surfaces in which the sound of her sucking and my ever-increasing moans of pleasure echoed off the walls framed this primitive human encounter where Miriam relentlessly and passionately engorged herself on my swollen penis. Before I knew it, I could feel myself getting close to cumming and then I shook with a violent spasm and ejaculated forcefully and repeatedly into Miriam's mouth. She kept her mouth glued over my penis absorbing the waves of cum directly into her mouth. When the last bit had come out, she stood up and with a smile on her face she moved the cum back and forth between her cheeks and over her teeth. Almost in a dream like state Miriam mumbled, "Mmm, I love swirling it all around my tongue and over my teeth and then having a delicious swallow." A few second later she swallowed the whole load. "Yummy, Martina."


I spent the next few days replaying my recent night on third base with Miriam over and over again in my mind. When I wasn't doing that, I continued to think about the consequences of my insight into Harry's conjecture that had occurred to me while gazing at Miriam's naked body. I realized that I may be on the verge of the breakthrough that could lead to the long sought-after proof. Things were starting to fall into place in my mind, though the ideas still needed a lot more work. I'd have to sit down and write out some equations to continue to explore what I have come up with.

Over a few days I wrote out my analysis and explored different directions. Some led to dead ends, some led to positive results that argued for additional research and more thought. It was an exciting time, but each day at five o'clock I left to go home, hoping that this would be a good day for Miriam and me to revisit third base. Miriam had a series of late nights at her office that delayed our getting together in the evenings. In any event, Miriam told me, that the anticipation of a good time can be just as thrilling and enjoyable as the time itself. "So, let's both of us spend a few days reflecting on how much we loved being together on third base and how delicious it will be when we finally do it again!"

In principle what Miriam was telling me made sense, but the reality of waiting to be with her again made for restless days and nights. Finally, late in the week Miriam told me that the stars were aligned so that we could finally get together after dinner that night and have a nice long leisurely visit to third base. I was so excited I was going to bust.


When we were again together on the sofa, I was so anxious to start with her that I said, "I can't wait to suck on your vagina, Aunt Miriam!"

"I know you can't Martina, and I'm anxious to put your pretty penis in my mouth and suck on it," Miriam said.

"What are we going to do?" I said dramatically.

Miriam laughed, "Actually there is a simple solution, which is also the last way of being on third base that I wanted to show you."

"What could that be?"

"It's where we both give and receive pleasure at the same time."

"How can that be?"

"It’s actually very easy. All we need to do is lie down side by side on the sofa in opposite directions. That way your face will be at my vagina and my face will be at your cock. Then we can lick or suck each other at the same time. It's a lovely and intimate position. So, let's try it."

I was amazed at how much Miriam knew about third base. It also hit me that as smart as I thought I might be because of my work in mathematics, it was amazing how dumb I had been not to foresee the simple geometrical solution Miriam had proposed to get both the boy and girl in a position to receive and give pleasure at the same time.

"Take off your nightie so it doesn't accidentally get some love juice on it," Miriam said. I took it off, so I was only wearing my bra and panties. Miriam stepped out of her panties and sat down with me beside her on the sofa. Miriam leaned over one way and had me lean over the other way. She had me raise my upper leg so she could rest her head on my thigh with her mouth facing my panties. At the same time, she raised her leg and had me put my head between her legs facing her vagina. "Perfect, Martina. Now we both get to be on third base together." Before I could say anything, I felt Miriam take my penis out of my panties and then her mouth absorb my penis and my body jumped with pleasure. I then latched on to her vagina and breathed in the intoxicatingly intense female pheromone-laden scent that filled my nostrils and taste buds. Once again, I felt Miriam place her hand on my head and gently push it, so my lips were on the right spot and in short order her legs tensed up and my head was caught in a vise like grip of her thighs. For a moment I wondered if Miriam was going to flatten my head but luckily, she reached orgasm before she had done so. She continued to hungrily suck on my penis and with her free hand play with my balls and around the lips of my bottom hole. It wasn't long before I could feel myself approaching an orgasm. Miriam was latched on tightly to my penis with her tongue working over it and her lips moving up and down across the end. I helplessly squirmed with pleasure and licked her as hard as I could. With my free hand I held onto her breasts and gently rubbed her nipples. Miriam made no attempt to take my penis out of her mouth as I felt myself getting closer and closer to cumming. Just when I thought I was about to cum, Miriam took my erect penis out of her mouth and let it stand there in the air without touching it.

"I'm sorry Martina," Miriam said, "but I don't want you shooting off just yet. In fact, I haven't even begun to enjoy your penis. I'm going to make it perform for me for a while longer and then maybe I'll let him cum. I love what you're doing with my vagina so keep it up."

To say that I was frustrated was an understatement but frustrated in a most sensual and exciting way. The thought that Miriam controlled when I could have an orgasm thrilled me deeply. I continued to lick and suck her vagina and use my hand to hold her bottom and her breasts. It wasn't long before I felt her legs tensing up and applying great pressure on my head followed by a gasp of pleasure and a total release. By this time my penis had begun to sag a little and when Miriam renewed her sucking on it, I again almost jumped out of my skin with the intense pleasure. It was a miracle I didn't just immediately shoot off, but Miriam seemed to be an expert in getting me close to the edge without letting me fall over. Now, when my penis got rock hard again, I felt her sucking on my balls. I heard her saying, "Balls, balls, I love your balls. I could suck on your balls all day long. But I can't because I want to suck on that delicious cock of yours. Do you have any idea how pretty it is?"

A few minutes later Miriam said, "Suck my pussy harder, Martina! Harder!"

I did as she said clamping my lips over it and vigorously touching her clitoris with my tongue. Before long I felt her have an explosive orgasm, after which she was breathing heavily. Then she said, "Now I'm going to shoot you off, Martina!" She began sucking on my cock and sliding it in and out of her mouth. She built up her speed and dug her hands into my rear end and backside, and I heard her say "Give it to me Martina, I want it. I want it all."

A moment later my muscles spasmed and I let loose my liquid in a series of jets into Miriam's mouth. With each jet I screeched in ecstasy and Miriam gave a contented sound of pleasure muffled by my ejaculating penis wedged in her mouth. When I was done Miriam relaxed and we lay quietly in our mutual positions for a minute.

I heard a soft sound of swallowing and them Miriam said, "What a huge amount of semen Martina. I kept it all for myself and it's so delicious." Miriam put her arm across my butt and hugged me tightly and then I did the same to her. I then slowly massaged her gorgeous rear end, feeling its perfect roundness and then sliding my fingers down into her crack and finally to the sensitive skin between her two holes.

"Oh, Martina that feels so good," Miriam said in a faint voice.

Now with my hand playing around her anus I moved my mouth back to her vagina and began licking it again. Miriam adjusted my head until her leg began vibrating slightly with each pass I made over her vagina. "Oh, so good Martina."

After a few minutes Miriam shuttered in orgasm with her legs powerfully gripping my head. When she released her grip, I felt her tongue licking the underside of my penis and it jumped up into a slight erection. She said, "I love how responsive your cock is. It’s like it's constantly begging for more. I think I'll give him a short rest and then I'm going to suck him again."

I laughed and said, "I can't believe how much fun third base is. I mean I loved first base and second base, but third base is so different."

"Truly," Miriam said.

After a minute I said, "isn't it odd that I like licking on your vagina even though I feel like I'm a girl?

"It could be the boy side of you Martina. On the other hand, there are plenty of girls who like licking only on vaginas and never penises, so you might be like one of them. Of course, your girl side, once she comes out fully might want to explore more of the things that girls do, such as sucking on penises. There are also girls and boys who don't like sucking on either vaginas or penises. Some people don't like third base at all. Doesn't all this variety make the world a more interesting place?"

"I suppose so Aunt Miriam."

I realized that Miriam was giving me very good advice. It would be awhile until I knew who I really was. I did know that I was a girl, but what kind of girl I didn't entirely know. Yes, I was a feminine girl, but would I want to one day be a real girl, and if I became a real girl would I want to be in love with girls or boys? If I didn't want to become a real girl, would I find a girl who would love me as I was?

I felt Miriam playing with my cock again and it stiffened up. "I can see that it’s time for me to suck on your pretty cock, Martina. Before I do, I want you to spend some more time with my vagina. In fact, let me show you a way that girls can get a bit more control of their pleasure.”

Miriam stood up and said, “You lie on your back.” I rolled onto my back and looked up at Miriam. “Now I’m going to straddle you in such a way that you can feast yourself on my vagina. Miriam swung one knee over me and climbed onto the sofa so that she was sitting up with her thighs framing my face, with her back toward my feet and her pussy just inches from my mouth. “Now I can lower my vagina straight down onto your mouth and you can lick me, but I can also slide my hips over your face and lips which allows me to control my own pleasure.”

“That’s really neat,” I mumbled with a face full of Miriam’s vagina. I resumed licking her and as I did so, Miriam got into a rhythm with her hips, so they slid up and back causing her vagina to rub across my mouth and tongue. She continuously adjusted the pressure on my face, and as she got more and more excited the harder she sometimes pushed on me. I had to take whatever opportunities to breathe I could get whether through my mouth or nose. I was feeling Miriam’s full weight on my face and what started as soft moans from her, increased in volume and length until she was loudly calling out “Oh Martin, Oh God,” until she seemed to reach a monumental climax in which I thought her thighs might crush my head. As soon as she was done, she turned around and launched herself over me getting my hard penis into her mouth. As she wildly moved her head up and down over my boner, her vagina once again was positioned over my mouth and I took advantage of this new opportunity to continue licking her. I noticed that her orgasm had flooded her vagina with a delicious liquid that I lapped up as she wiggled her hips over me again. It wasn’t long until I had an explosive orgasm propelling my semen once again deep into Miriam’s mouth and she stiffened up having yet one more orgasm with her vagina pressed into my face.

In the aftermath of our impassioned dalliance, I reflected on what a lovely experience third base turned out to be. I couldn’t help but wonder what new and remarkable expressions of love Miriam will introduce me to when we complete our trip around the bases.

End, Part 4

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