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Home Run
By Pamela
On a Monday at Miriam's apartment, before she arrived home from work, I set the table and did some cleaning. When I heard Miriam's key in the lock I ran to the front door and greeted her. I took some grocery bags she was carrying and brought them to the kitchen. A short while later after she had washed up, we worked together in the kitchen making tacos for dinner.
While we ate dinner, Miriam asked me how my day had gone.
"I went to the library again to work today," I said, "and I think I made some progress."
"I'm glad to hear that," Miriam said, "you're a very bright boy and I know that you can accomplish a lot of nice things this summer."
"I've also been thinking about how much I love being on first base with you. In particular, I'm sure that I'm feeling just like a girl does on first base when she's with a boy."
"I won't argue with you on that point Martin. I do believe that there is a lot of girl in you. I can even imagine that real boys could not resist you."
I blushed at the thought that I could be girlish enough to actually make a boy desire me. That seemed to open up a range of feelings that I could not imagine where they might lead. I could see that it was best that I leave such emotions for some time in the future.
After dinner, Miriam and I agreed to get together at nine to watch a show. I spent some time cleaning the dishes and when I was about to head to my bedroom to take a shower, Miriam stopped me and said, "you know, you're welcome to take a bubble bath. My niece is a bubble bath fanatic. You'll see that there is an assortment of bubble bath beads and powders in the bathroom. Help yourself."
"Thank you, Aunt Miriam."
"Smelling pretty is something girls love. A nice bubble bath will help you feel like a girl who's getting ready for a date."
I took advantage of Miriam's suggestion and had a bubble bath using a mixture of floral scented bath oils and beads. When I was done, I rinsed and dried myself off and put on clean panties and bra and my favorite night gown with the double skirt. My skin felt soft from the oils and radiated a delicious scent. Dressed up and smelling nice I could see that I was discovering more of the secrets of femininity.
At nine O'clock I joined Miriam in the living room. This time I was surprised to see that she had not changed from her work clothes. She was dressed in the same dark blue skirt, stockings and a pretty light blue buttoned blouse she had worn to work.
"You're not in your nightgown," I said.
"I'm sorry I had some phone calls to make and pay some bills. I'll still need a shower before I change into my nightgown. We can still watch a show together. But my goodness how pretty you smell! Did you enjoy your bubble bath?"
"Oh, yes, Aunt Miriam, it's a lot of fun. I love the feel of the oils on my skin."
"Pretty nightie, freshly bathed and smelling so lovely. Any boy who happened to be here would love to go to first base with you!"
"Do you happen to be one of those boys?" I asked and we both laughed.
Miriam nodded her head and I said, "So that means you can't resist kissing me!"
"You're right about that," Miriam said and the next thing I knew she had enveloped me in her arms, and we were kissing with her tongue filling my mouth. After a period of time she sat back and said, "Isn't that pleasant?"
"It sure is Aunt Miriam."
Miriam looked at me and said, "While boys love first base, it usually spurs them on to seek second base."
"Second base? There's a second base?"
"Of course there is."
"What happens on second base?" I said. I had a suspicion that it must involve touching a girl somewhere.
"You really don't know? Your friends never discussed it with you?"
I shook my head. Miriam said, "Second base means that the girl gets 'felt up' by the boy. It means that she lets the boy put his hands on her breasts."
I blushed crimson and said, "I'm sorry I didn't know that!"
"You don't have to be embarrassed about it. It’s a pretty natural part of growing up. Boys find girls breasts to be sort of magical while girls always wonder what it is exactly boys see in them."
I laughed at the thought and Miriam said, "Girls have to lug them around with them all the time. If they're really big, then it’s a lot of extra work."
With a worried look I said to Miriam, "Do you have a hard time carrying them around? I hope not, I'd hate to think of you suffering like that!"
Miriam almost choked with laughter and when she regained her composure she said, "Martin, you take everything so literally. It’s absolutely precious of you! Now of course I don't have any problem carrying my breasts around with me. It's really very natural. Nature has prepared girls for that."
"I'm relieved," I said. This was a lot of data to take in and my mind raced trying to process it. It was indeed true that I felt irresistibly drawn to breasts, but it had never occurred to me that girls wouldn't see them the same way I did. Finally, I said, "Boys want to touch them but how do they know when they can touch them? Do girls just say now go touch them?"
This remark caused Miriam to laugh again. "Getting to second base is somewhat like getting to first base, with the difference being that it is usually a bit harder to get to. Before a girl will let a boy touch her breasts, she has to see him as someone special. Not just any boy she might experiment kissing with. It's also true that if a boy doesn't touch the breasts in the right way, it can be quite annoying if not painful to the girl."
"I had no idea."
"It's true Martin. For many girls getting their breasts touched is kind of irritating and if they get any pleasure from it, it’s probably from the pleasure they get from knowing that they made their boyfriend happy. Of course, some girls do really like to have their breasts touched, especially the nipples."
"Do girls give boys a signal to go to second base like they do for first base?"
"That's a good question. I'd say that its more likely that boys who are already on first base will try to go to second base and hope that the girl doesn't stop them. Sometimes girls are so distracted by first base, they let down their guards and the boys run right on over to second base. Then the girl might feel that it’s OK that the boy is there. Why make a fuss? It clearly depends a lot on how much they like the boy."
"So, a boy has to decide if he thinks it’s a good time to go to second?"
I stared at Miriam while I attempted to understand all that she was saying. I must have zoned out, like I sometimes do when I think about mathematics since Miriam said, "Hello Martin? Are you in a trance?"
"I'm sorry, I was thinking about what you're saying. It seems so complicated. How does a boy know whether to touch the breast or the nipple or both? How does he know if he's being gentle enough? But I also don't understand what happens if the girl is wearing a bra? Aren't girls always wearing bras, so how does a boy touch her breasts? Does he touch the bra, or does he somehow get inside the bra with his hand? Is it possible to do that? Do girls get mad if a boy touches their bra?"
My questions were so amusing to Miriam that yet again she could not contain her laughter. Finally, she said, "You're such a scientist Martin, I just love it."
"But what about you Aunt Miriam? What do you think about second base?"
"With the right boy, I really enjoy second base."
I wanted to ask her if I was the right boy but stopped short when I realized that she might not think that I was. And if that were true, I would be crushed.
As if reading my mind Miriam said, "I think that if I was on first base with you, Martin, I might just let you move on over to second base."
"Really," Miriam said laughing.
"But it’s the boy who wants to go to second more than the girl?"
"Usually it works that way, though I don't mean to imply that girls don't want to be felt up. They very well might enjoy the attention to their breasts. Let's see what happens when we're on first base, and see if it leads to us being on second base."
"I better be the boy, right? I mean if we're going to go to second base?"
"Sure Martin, you be the boy. If you need any help I'll step in and guide you along."
I went through the now familiar ritual of initiating a kiss with Miriam. As usual I wasn't very forceful, and she had to compensate by putting her tongue in my mouth and holding me tightly. I melted in her arms like I did every time we kissed and forgot about time. Miriam stopped the kiss after a while and whispered, "it's time to try for second base."
She resumed kissing me and now I took my hand and somewhat fearfully laid it on top of her blouse over her breast. I couldn't believe I was actually doing it - that I had permission to touch her wonderful womanly breasts that I had been so drawn to that I had not been able to look at them. I felt a powerful surge of desire as my fingers rested on forbidden territory. To be touching her breast like this seemed like standing on the portal to infinite joy and excitement. I slowly moved my hand around her breast's large dimension as best I could on the outside of her blouse. Miriam said, "since I haven't told you to stop or swatted your hand away, it means that I'm happy that you've moved over to second base."
I continued touching her breast. The material of her blouse was soft, and it slid over the underlying bra as I gently felt the outlines of the twin mounds that rose up out of her chest. I broke off the kiss and said, "Second base is really nice. May I put my hand inside your blouse?"
Miriam looked at me and said, "If the girl has already given you permission to touch her breasts there is no need to get more permission to put your hand inside her blouse or in her bra or on her breast. Now explore. Get the most out of the experience. Try to please your girlfriend in any way that you can think of."
The answer to my question was clearly yes so, my hand began searching for a way inside her blouse. I couldn't reach inside her blouse without undoing some buttons so I said, "May I unbutton your blouse Aunt Miriam?"
She smiled at me and I realized that I should already know the answer to that question. I unbuttoned the top button of her blouse which created an opening for my hand to move in. I felt a silky material over her breasts and realized she was wearing a slip and her bra was inside that.
"You're wearing a slip," I mumbled while kissing Miriam.
"Yes, Martin," Miriam said breaking off the kiss.
"Can I ask you why?"
Miriam gave me a puzzled look and said, "For modesty. If I didn't wear a slip, then people could see the outlines of my bra underneath my blouse. Also, the slip prevents anyone from seeing my legs through my skirt."
"I think your slip is very pretty."
"Thank you, Martin. Your questions are so cute."
"I want to know everything there is to know about being a girl."
"You're making a good start Martin."
We resumed our kiss and I continued unbuttoning the blouse buttons until I had undone the last one. Miriam then took off her blouse and laid it neatly on the adjoining table. Then she held me again and while she kissed me, I felt her breasts with my hand over her slip. I moved my hand inside her slip until it was on top of her bra. Now my fingers began truly sensing the enormity and exciting roundness of her breasts. The bra was of a silky soft material except for some lace trim across the top of the cups and along the band. My hand encountered Miriam's nipples which were hard to the touch. When after a long kiss she gave me a chance to speak I said, "How do I take off your slip Aunt Miriam?"
"First slide the straps off my shoulders. Then I can wriggle my arms out of them."
I did as she said and then I saw that there was enough room for Miriam to pull her arms out through the straps by working first one side and then the other. When her shoulders were free of the straps she said, "Now you can pull down my slip."
I gently pulled the top of the slip off of her bra and down toward her waist. In front of me now was an unobscured view of her large breasts sitting inside her white lacy bra. "You're very good at this," Miriam whispered to me. "I can't believe you've never been on second base before." She began kissing me forcefully again before I could say anything.
When the kiss ended, I looked at Miriam's breasts nestled in her bra. They were very beautiful. I loved the creamy softness of her skin that wasn't hidden by the bra. Miriam must have seen my interest in her breasts since she said, "You can touch them if you want. I shouldn't have to say that."
"Yes, dear, please feel free to enjoy them."
I gingerly reached out and placed my hand on her breast over her bra. Her breast was warm. I spread my fingers wide and gently tried to take the entire breast in my hand. It was bigger than I could get a hold of and my fingers slowly moved over the bra feeling the flesh within.
"You have a really nice bra Aunt Miriam."
Miriam chuckled and said, "You really do love my bras don't you."
"I love everything about you, Aunt Miriam, including your bras. But if you think it’s wrong, I could try and stop," I said, feeling a bit dumb.
“Martin, you are welcome to love my bras if that is what you want.”
“Thank you, Aunt Miriam,” I said and resumed touching her breasts, gently moving my hand from one to the other over her bra. "How can I get my hand inside your bra?" I asked.
"You need to take my bra off of me. Reach behind me and undo the clips holding my bra on."
I reached around her to undo the strap running across her back. It was a little awkward doing it without seeing, but I was able to get it undone.
"So now you can pull my bra off."
I held onto the bra cups and pulled the bra off of Miriam’s breasts. Her breasts were heavy, and I had to exert some effort to get them to fall out of the cups. When the bra was free of her breasts it was still being held by the straps over her shoulders and Miriam pulled one arm at a time out of the straps thus freeing the bra.
I held the bra and put it to my face and smelled its essence.
Miriam laughed and said, "My bra has a lot of power over you, doesn’t it?"
"I don’t mind, Aunt Miriam. I like that your bra is so important to me."
"You're too precious. But enough about my lingerie. Now you should enjoy my breasts."
Miriam sat back in the sofa with her beautiful smooth breasts in full view. I said, "Your breasts are so beautiful Aunt Miriam."
"When you touch my breasts try to be aware of how I'm feeling and reacting. It'll help you feel like a girl when it's your turn to be the girl."
In front of me was unimpeded access to Miriam's breasts and it was important that I begin my experience of them. I began to gently touch them with my hand. The breasts were smooth and warm and had a pliant firmness that was not like anything else I had previously touched. The shape of Miriam's breasts and the prominent way they pushed outwards fanned my love and desire for them. Miriam's nipples were particularly fascinating by their size and the way my fingers seemed to encourage them to harden and point outwards. I used my hand to explore the deep gorge between her breasts and to caress the soft juncture where her breasts rose up out of her rib cage.
I looked up at Miriam's face and saw that she was looking at me. "Your breasts seem so big to me," I said. "They are big, aren't they?"
Miriam smiled and nodded her head.
"They must feel sort of the way that my breast forms feel in my bra. I mean they can sort of bounce around a little bit," I said as my hand held one and gently pushed it back and forth.
Miriam laughed softly and said, "When we bend over, we can really feel them shift or when we dance, we can feel them bounce."
"It must be nice to have real breasts." I wondered if it were possible for boys to ever get real breasts. Even if I could never get them, it was nice that Miriam had gotten me breast forms so I could experience wearing a bra with breasts in the cups.
"Most girls like their breasts," Miriam said, "but it's also true that many girls worry about the size of their breasts compared to other girls."
"I think having even small breasts would still be nice, because it would show that you're a girl. It must be really nice to know that you're a girl."
Miriam looked at me and said, "You are very envious, aren't you? I must admit that I've taken it for granted that I'm a girl and haven't been appreciating what is so nice about being one. Listening to you makes me appreciate the fact that I'm a girl."
"I have always been jealous of girls. I want to feel the way they do."
"I think that you're feeling much more like a girl than you're aware of. When I kiss you, I can easily think that I'm kissing another girl."
As I thought about what Miriam said, I resumed playing with her breasts. A short while later Miriam told me to sit straddling her legs and facing her so I could have the breasts in front of me to touch. I did as she said and then resumed caressing her breasts. While I did this she said, "Kiss me." I leaned in and our mouths met, and she pushed her tongue into my mouth again. While I was sucking on her tongue Miriam broke off the kiss and whispered, "Pinch my nipples Martin. Not too hard and not too soft."
While we resumed kissing, I did as she had ordered me. I took a nipple in each hand and very slowly increased the pressure on them as I pinched and rolled them between my fingers. I could tell looking into Miriam's face that the pressure was just right. She seemed to go into a trance with her eyes closed and her expression dreamy and relaxed with a slight sound of something like "oooooh" coming from her throat.
We continued to kiss and fondle each other. Miriam said, "Now come lie down and put your head in my lap. That should give you a nice vantage point with which to play with my breasts and especially continue what you've been doing with my nipples. In fact, you can do some sucking on my nipples. Just don't suck them too hard or too soft. If you get it just right girls love that kind of attention."
"It sounds so difficult. Please don't be angry with me if I make a mistake."
Miriam laughed yet again. "As long as you listen to my cues it will be fine."
She arranged me so that my head was lying in her lap with her breasts over me. Her large breasts sat just inches from my face. Miriam said, "Now go ahead and have some fun.” I began to suckle on one of her breasts and use my other hand to hold her other breast. I peeked at Miriam’s breasts hanging in front of me. She had the most beautiful round breasts, the kind that are so full that they don't droop much. Her nipples were somewhat long and of the puffy type that resembled a bit like a baby's bottle. I eagerly sucked on one of her big hard nipples while my hand now manipulated her breasts cautiously feeling the soft flesh of her mounds. The breasts were free to move as I caressed them and I immensely enjoyed the firm way that they responded to my touches, moving one way and then another. I lifted them up slowly and lowered them down watching them make a slight bounce. I cupped one of Miriam's breasts in my hand and felt the full weight of its heft.
Miriam pulled her nipple out of my mouth and switched breasts to the other one. "Equal time," she murmured, "you're sucking just perfectly. It couldn't be any better. You don't know how much I love this feeling."
A minute later she added, "You suckle just like a little baby. It's so endearing to hear that little lap-lap-lap sound."
"Like a baby?"
"Yes, just like a baby."
"I'm not too hard or too soft?"
"It's just perfect. For some girls, it’s a lot of fun to pretend that their boyfriends are babies sucking on their nipples. It isn't just about boys wanting to take off our bras and play with our breasts. Our breasts have a greater purpose and when the time comes, we know what we need to do with them."
I had become fully absorbed in Miriam's breasts again and my eyes closed. When I next opened them, I saw Miriam looking down at me. We stared into each other’s eyes and she said, "For a second, with that pretty pink nightie you're wearing I thought you were a baby girl."
"I wish I could be your baby girl."
"How sweet to say that Martin." As if to give me a reward for being so cute Miriam leaned over me so that her breasts crushed into the side of my face and she tightly hugged my head.
When she released me after what seemed like an eternity she said, "So what do you think about second base?"
"I think it’s the greatest Aunt Miriam. Both first and second bases are wonderful in their own way!"
Miriam had me sit up next to her and she smiled at me. "I'm going to wash up and put on my nightgown. Then we can watch a show." She retrieved her bra, and blouse and got up and went to her bedroom.
When Miriam came back, we began watching another episode of the Gilmore Girls. The feeling of her breasts on my face still lingered.
I spent a good part of the next day thinking about Miriam's breasts. How glorious it had been to gaze up at them, hold them, fondle them and suck on them. Despite this ever-present distraction I was able to focus on a small theorem among those that Professor Oppenheim had suggested I think about as a preliminary step in my research. Somewhat to my surprise I had a momentary flash of insight and saw my way to the proof. I couldn't help but feel that somehow my preoccupation with Miriam's breasts had sharpened my mathematical mind even though it seemed highly implausible.
When I showed my results to Professor Oppenheim later in the week, it had the effect on him of having him suddenly take me seriously. Where before I had the feeling that he didn’t expect much from me and was kind of talking down to me, now all of a sudden, he seemed to think that I had a lot of potential to do some very nice mathematics. He also in his choice of words and tone, seemed to treat me more like an equal than he had before. As a consequence of the theorem I proved, Professor Oppenheim pointed out what additional, somewhat more challenging theorems, I ought to now be thinking about. "If you can make progress on these ideas it will be very nice work, Martin," he said, "very nice indeed. I hope you continue thinking in this direction and see where it leads."
I was happy to share my good experience with Professor Oppenheim with Aunt Miriam. She said, "I knew all along that you are a very brilliant young man. You should call your mom and dad and tell them about it too!"
After dinner and calling home Miriam and I agreed to meet once again at nine and resume our trip to second base. Miriam said to me, "Tonight I think you should try to be the girl whose boyfriend wants to go to second base. Let's pretend that you're on a date and the two of you are on first base and now you're going to see how your boyfriend moves on over to second."
"I'd love to try that."
"Good. Remember that just because a boy wants to fondle your breasts doesn't mean you have to let him do it. It's your body after all."
"Okay Aunt Miriam."
"And remember that if you don't want the boy to go to second base then you better not let him take off your bra."
I nodded my head and Miriam said, "Good. But we'll have to fix you up a bit first. No girl goes on a date wearing her night gown!"
I accompanied Miriam to my room where she selected a white blouse, a pleated skirt, two white socks and brown penny loafers from among Penelope’s clothes. "Take off your night gown and put on these clothes," she said. The blouse was not hard to figure out except for the fact that the buttons were on the opposite side as they are for boy's shirts. I stepped into the skirt and hiked it up to my waist. Then I buttoned a button and zipped up a short zipper. Miriam had me turn the skirt so that the zipper was on my left side. Then Miriam had me lift up my skirt so that I could pull down the ends of my blouse and arrange it smoothly under the skirt. I put on the socks and loafers. When I was done Miriam said, "You look just like a schoolgirl."
"I feel like a girl who goes to a parochial school."
"Exactly.” Miriam led me back to the living room saying, “So now our little schoolgirl has come home in the afternoon and mom and dad aren't home yet. She's brought her boyfriend home with her and the two of them are sitting on the sofa. You want your boyfriend to go to first base with you and then maybe even second base will be OK, but it’s up to your boyfriend to make the move and for you to accept it."
Miriam put her arm around my shoulders, and I turned my face toward her, softening my eyes and smiling invitingly. With heart racing in my chest, Miriam moved in and put her lips on mine and then held me forcefully as she kissed me in earnest. Her tongue filled my mouth and I used my hands to gently hold her cheek as we kissed. I let myself surrender to the feelings that stirred within me and in short order I was pretending to be a girl, a girl with breasts and dressed in a pretty school outfit, who was on first base with her pretend boyfriend. We kissed for a while and then Miriam broke off the kiss. My eyes fluttered open and gazed into her eyes. She had a sly smile on her face. I said, "You kiss so nicely."
Miriam smiled and said, "Thank you."
Miriam moved her head close to mine and kissed my neck causing shivers to run up and down my spine. I felt her hand on my breast over the top of my blouse. She began feeling me up. I put my hand on her back and gently held onto her as she slowly pushed me down onto my back on the sofa. For a fleeting second I thought that maybe I should resist, but then I knew that I wanted desperately to be taken by Miriam. To have her use me in any way that she desired.
Miriam lay down on her side next to me. She moved her lips over mine again and resumed kissing me. While she did so she continued to gently touch my breasts on the outside of my blouse. She rolled her hand around my breast and then her hand went inside my blouse where she felt the top of my bra. Then her hand was inside my bra and underneath the breast form to my nipple where she squeezed it gently and rubbed it between her fingers. Somewhat surprisingly my nipples were sensitive to her touch and with a slight degree of pinching, not too hard or too soft, I felt an intense pleasure such as I had never felt before, enough to make me spontaneously moan. Miriam shifted her attention from one nipple to the other one and I noticed that the sensation from the first nipple lingered long after she stopped touching it. Now with both nipples feeling pleasure I squirmed in excitement.
Miriam unbuttoned my blouse. When the front was opened up, she had me sit up on the sofa and she took the blouse off me. Sitting side by side she resumed kissing me and used her hand to cup my breasts, to massage them gently, to squeeze my nipples.
Miriam pulled her lips off of mine and said, "How do you like that?"
"It's so dreamy."
"That's how a girl can experience second base if the boy knows what he's doing."
"I feel woozy and my chest feels warm and tingly. My breasts feel kind of lit up. I feel so overwhelmed by you, Aunt Miriam. If I had wanted to stop you, not that I wanted to, but if I wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to." If the truth be known I had the distinct sense during our trip to second base that Miriam was much stronger than I was.
"This is one of the dangers of second base, so you have to be really certain that you want to go there with your boyfriend. Second base starts to tap into great passion. The boy wants to feel your breasts and you may really love being held and desired so strongly, and of course kissing is such an intimate and intense emotional high. Once feelings like this start, they can be hard to stop."
"I think I've felt all of those things," I said, "and I'm very certain that I would never want to stop being on second base with you."
"It is so sweet of you to say that. When we were kissing, I felt for sure that you were a girl. That's how nicely you were playing the role."
I was wearing just my bra and the skirt and panties, and Miriam handed me my blouse. I put it back on, buttoned it up and tucked it into my skirt and once again sat down next to Miriam.
Miriam looked at me as if she was going to say something, but then she didn't. A moment later she said, "Let's watch another show," and we settled down into another Gilmore Girls episode.
When it was over, we were both tired and ready for bed. "I've enjoyed pretending I am a girl with you, Aunt Miriam."
"Yes, it is fun isn't it." Again, she looked at me as if she wanted to say something but didn't.
Timidly, I said, "Were you going to say something?"
"No, well, yes. You see Martin ... I feel that you're more than pretending to be a girl."
I looked at Miriam with a puzzled look and she said, "I'm pretty sure that I'm right about that."
"So, you think I'm really a girl?"
Miriam nodded her head.
"But what about my ..." I said as I pointed toward my penis.
"It takes more than that to be a boy."
"But I don't understand Aunt Miriam," I said with some frustration.
"If you had shown up at the door wearing a dress and acting the same as you have behaved since you’ve been here, I'd assume you were emotionally a girl. You have the disposition of a girl."
I was very perplexed, and Miriam said, "Your problem Martin is that you assume you're a boy because you've been raised to see yourself as being a boy, but you're actually a girl. Sure I can teach you some things that girls do, like when they're on first or second base with a boy, but that's all I'm doing, teaching you something that you never learned before because your mom and dad naturally thought that you should be raised as a boy. You only need to catch up to what other girls learned in their childhood and then you'll be indistinguishable from any girl."
"I don't know Aunt Miriam," I said.
"I'm only saying these things to hopefully help you. Ultimately, it’s up to you to understand yourself and I'll love and respect you regardless of what conclusions you come to."
"I really do appreciate what you've said and that you've been honest with me."
"The point is, that I want you to feel comfortable with yourself. If you want to wear a bra and panties, then wear them. If you prefer skirts and dresses than wear them. If you want to feminize yourself through makeup and your hair style or jewelry, then go for it. Understand?"
"Yes, Aunt Miriam."
"Good. So, let's leave it there.”
We were both silent for a few moments and then Miriam said, “I'm sure you're as sleepy as I am so let’s go to bed."
"OK, Aunt Miriam. I do appreciate what you’re saying.”
“I know you do. Give me one more kiss,” Miriam said, and our lips met and she held me while she gave me a deep long tongue kiss.
Another week passed in which Miriam and I travelled to first and second base each night. I became more or less addicted to the opportunity to hold and play with Miriam's breasts. Our ardor for each other seemed to know no bounds and Miriam seemed as delighted as I did in settling down to a show each night while caressing and kissing each other.
While Miriam had given me free reign to wear whatever clothes I wanted to, and I opted to wear skirts and blouses in the apartment, I changed into my boy clothes every time I left the apartment. My mathematics work was going pretty well despite the fact that I tended to spend too much time each day daydreaming about being a girl or remembering how Miriam and I had kissed and fondled each other the previous evening. I managed to have some exciting times thinking about the second set of theorems Professor Oppenheim had assigned to me. In fact, one day I was thinking about the shape of Miriam's bra just as her breasts were freed from its confines, when suddenly I had an inspired idea for how to extend my previous analysis to these new theorems. The idea seemed to have come out of my mental image of how Miriam's bra cups stayed puffed out and her breasts did a little bounce against her chest as the bra came off of her. Somehow this delightful image pointed me to an exciting and advantageous mathematical direction to take in the next phase of my work.
Walking back to the apartment that afternoon, I tried to understand how it was that the image of Miriam and her bra coming off had been instrumental in my mathematical inspiration. While there was some geometrical notions in the mathematics I had been pursuing, they weren't explicitly in the shape of a bra or a breast. Perhaps the mathematical side of my brain was being nourished by my escapades with Miriam. If that were so, then my two favorite occupations were complementing each other.
The next day I paid a visit to Professor Oppenheim to talk to him about my insights. He seemed preoccupied with other issues and said that he'd take a look at what I was thinking about when he next got the chance. While I did not yet have proofs of the theorems, I was pretty certain that my ideas were going to lead to proofs, and I was disappointed that he wasn't able to see the situation the same way that I did. It was clear that I would not be able to rely on Professor Oppenheim to give me much encouragement. Professor Oppenheim also said that he was about to leave for a week and that we could talk more about everything once he got back.
One of the effects of my time with Miriam and absorbing her insights into my psyche, was that I found myself naturally behaving as if I were a girl. I only peed sitting down now and I brushed my hair the way I had seen Miriam brush hers. I had breakfast wearing my nightie and wearing a pink robe that I found hanging in the closet together with some fluffy pink slippers. I felt an increasing pressure each day to recognize the fact that if I were a girl then I ought to wear a bra during the day and not just at night. One morning I decided to experiment with wearing a bra underneath my boy clothes. I put one on and then one of my tee shirts and looked in the mirror. I could see that my bra was visible underneath the shirt. I took off the shirt and contemplated what I should do. I looked through my shirts that were hanging in the closet and took out a brown checkered shirt that buttoned up the front and put it on. The bra did not appear to be visible, so I decided that it would be fun to go about my day at the library wearing a bra underneath my shirt.
When I stepped outside Miriam’s apartment building, I felt self-conscious, as if my bra was visible to everyone, but I soon could see that that was not the case. To all outside appearances I was just a kind of young college student going to the library. Soon I was feeling like there was nothing to be concerned about and I became less aware of my bra. One small step closer to being a girl I thought.
As I worked in the library, I discovered somewhat to my surprise that knowing that I was wearing a bra actually freed up my mind to work more steadfastly than I had been able to without a bra. I no longer had to contend with my longing to wear a bra and daydreaming about how I would put one on when I got home. Thus, freed from these thoughts my powers of concentration increased and I spent my day wrestling mightily with finding out the consequences of my new insights into the several theorems I was working on. It was a tough thing to contemplate and every time I thought I was perhaps making a little bit more progress my ideas led to a dead end. I felt like I was going around in circles, but it was also a good feeling because eventually I might find my way out of the maze.
Every day this week was more or less the same. I was invariably relieved when it turned to five O'clock in the afternoon so I could quit thinking about the problems that were giving me such a headache. Looking forward to being with Miriam yet again filled my heart with joy. When I got home, I put my falsies in my bra and changed into a skirt and blouse. Penelope had several skirts and blouses like the one Miriam had found for me and I tried a different combination each night. Miriam seemed to enjoy seeing what outfit I had picked to wear each time she came home. She made a point of teaching me which colors and patterns matched and which didn't. She would say, "Martin dear, girls would not make this choice" or "Martin, that's exactly what a girl would choose!" It turned into a fun game that I enjoyed playing as much as Miriam did.
After a few days of wearing my bra during the day when I was at the library, I realized that my wardrobe was quite limited. Only three of my shirts allowed me to hide my bra and I would need to get some new shirts if I was to not have to wear the same shirt a few days in a row until it would be washed in the laundry. One evening during dinner I said to Miriam, "Aunt Miriam, I think that I need to buy some new shirts."
"Why is that?" she asked, "I thought you brought many shirts with you."
"Yes, but I want to wear my bra all day long now and only three of them hide my bra. So, either I wash my shirts more often or else I have to wear a shirt more than one day."
"What a dilemma!" Miriam said, laughing. "Of course, we can get you a few more shirts, but wouldn't it be easier if you just go to the library dressed as a girl? Then you won't have to worry about hiding your bra."
I looked at Miriam like she was crazy. "How could I possibly do that?"
"Martin, you can easily pass for a girl. You have slight, thin bones like girls do, your face is mostly oval like a girl's. Your hair is long enough, and we could probably style it into a girl's hairstyle. Your arms and legs are girlish too. No bulging muscles or anything like that to speak of. You barely have whiskers growing. How often to you shave? Do you even shave?"
"A little."
"You mainly need hips, but we could have you wear gathered skirts with pleats that will give the allusion that you have wider hips than you actually have. Or, we could find you a padded girdle to wear. I'm sure that once you're fully dressed, no one would suspect that you're not a girl."
I didn't know what to say and I stared at Miriam with a look of confusion on my face.
"Martin, don't tell me that you wouldn't love to have the freedom to not have to pretend to be a boy during the day. Am I right?"
"Yes, Aunt Miriam, but isn't it a big step? I guess it makes me feel afraid."
"It is a large step in some ways, of course, and I can see why you're afraid. But I'm pretty sure that the world is going to see you the way I do, Martin, and that is that you're not a boy."
"But what about Professor Oppenheim? He'll be back soon from a trip and I'm supposed to meet with him."
"You mean you'll be embarrassed if he sees you as being a girl?"
"I guess so, and what about my parents and Lei?" The consequences of what had been happening this summer began settling down into my mind.
"My poor dear, I think that any way you want to be is fine. I think you've reached a fork in the road, Martin. You can either continue on being a girl part time, where sometimes you dress up as a girl and sometimes you don't, or you can become a full-time girl and make a clean break with your past. You know better than anyone what it feels like to live the way you are now. The benefits that derive from being a girl are obvious, but the hardships are not. First and foremost, you have your parents to deal with and then you'll have to contend with the reactions of everyone who's known you to be a boy up to the present."
"I guess I have a lot of thinking to do. Not just about mathematics, but also about who I am and how I can live in a way that I feel whole and not torn in different directions all the time."
"If there is anyone who is smart enough to figure out what to do, it is you my dear Martin. Whatever you decide, it might be helpful to you to at least experience what it feels like to be a girl in the big city. So, how about this Saturday we dress you as the pretty girl you are, and we'll go shopping together. I'll be there with you to make sure that you're not scared. And you certainly could use some nice clothes of your own."
"That's a great idea. You're sure it’s no inconvenience?"
"It will be fun, Martin. Going shopping together is a nice girl thing to do and you'll love it. We have a bunch of things we ought to get for you. For example, Penelope's underwear is great for feeling sexy on special occasions and particularly if you know that you're going to be undressing in front of a boy, but it isn't the most practical. We need to get you some everyday panties and bras. The kind that girls wear while they work or just hang out."
"I don't know if I'll ever learn all there is to know about girl’s clothes."
"It may feel daunting, but with time you'll know as much as any girl knows. And why should you know everything? Your mom never raised you to know about bras, panties, stockings, dresses and everything else, but it's not too late to get up to speed. It will also be nice for you to have the chance to pick out some nice clothing that is just yours and not my nieces."
"I guess this is a very good plan, Aunt Miriam.”
“If at any point it's too fearsome for you, we can come home, and you don't have to do it again."
"Okay. I think this will be a really important day for me, and one that I would eventually have to confront no matter what, since I am so very tired of sneaking around with my hidden girl identity."
Our plan on Saturday is to go shopping in the afternoon. During breakfast that morning I asked Miriam if there was anything, I could do to help her around the apartment before we left for our excursion.
She thought a minute and then laughed to herself. "Well, considering how much you love my bras, you could help me by organizing my underwear drawer. I'm embarrassed to say that it’s a mess right now and I've been telling myself that I've got to straighten it out. By straightening it up, you’d get a nice chance to be with my bras."
"Really Aunt Miriam?" I'd love to do that!"
"It will also give you a chance to see what sort of bras and panties a girl tends to wear on an everyday basis."
"I'd love to help you Aunt Miriam." I had not been in Miriam's bedroom and I was happy that Miriam would allow me to enter her room and flattered that she trusted me with her bras and panties. After breakfast I followed Miriam into her bedroom where she opened up one of her dresser drawers and pointed to a hopeless tangle of bras on one side and panties on the other. "If you can make this drawer neat, I'll be eternally grateful," Miriam said laughing.
"I'll do my best Aunt Miriam." Miriam left the room and I started by lifting all of her bras and panties out of the drawer and placing them on the bed. Then I sat down next to them and contemplated how I should do the ordering.
I lifted up a white bra and folded it neatly resting the cups one on the other and folding the straps over them and placing it on the bed. I noticed another white bra that seemed to be the same as the first one, so I folded that up also and placed it on top of the first one. Looking through the bras I decided that the first thing I ought to do is create matching piles of bras and then I'd do the same for the panties. I worked on the bras first, carefully selecting them, folding them and deciding if I had a match or not with the bras I had already folded. Miriam seemed to have a couple of styles that she must really like since there were several of them and then there was a group of bras that did not match any of the others.
When I was done with the bras, I counted 20 of them arranged in a half dozen piles. All of her bras were 36D in size. While many were white, there were also a couple of black bras, a few beige bras and then some really pretty bras that were pink and light blue with floral patterns and lace.
"Next are her panties," I thought to myself. There were many more panties than bras and I had fun carefully going through them sorting them. I decided that color would be the best option for arranging them and I made many neatly folded piles covering 8 different colors. Among the panties were some that were not more than a little patch for going over a vagina. These were among the prettiest of Miriam's panties. I had never seen anything like them before and I reminded myself that I'd have to ask Miriam about them.
When I was done, I went to find Miriam to see if she approved of the way I had organized her bras and panties. She was in the living room speaking on the phone and she indicated that she'd join me shortly in her bedroom. I went back to her room to wait for her. There were several more drawers in her dresser and I wondered what they contained. I figured that she must have pantyhose in one of the drawers since I was pretty sure that she wore pantyhose to work every day.
When Miriam came to the bedroom a few minutes later I proudly displayed my handiwork laid out on her bed. Without hesitation Miriam said, "How lovely Martin! Finally, my bras and panties sorted out so nicely. You have a real talent here."
"Aunt Miriam, what kind of panties are these?" I held up the mysterious panties for her to see.
"That's a thong."
"A thong?"
"You've never seen a thong before?" I shook my head. "Well thongs are special panties that are meant to be very sexy. You see they only cover our vaginas and they have these thin straps that go up between our butt cheeks." Miriam held up the thong so I could see how a girl would put it on. "Thongs take a little getting used to. The first time you wear one the strap up your rear end feels odd. The nice thing about them is how cute and sexy they look, particularly if you have a pretty butt."
Though I hadn't seen Miriam's butt, I felt sure that it was pretty enough for her to show off a thong really well. "When do you wear your thongs?"
"Not every day obviously, but every so often when I'm feeling sexy or I go on a date."
"You go on dates?"
"Sometimes. I do like men. I like the company of men, but I also love your company. I love your authenticity."
I tried to imagine Miriam on a date with a man. He'd probably want to go to first or second base with her. The men would probably be capable of kissing her like men do and not like I do. They'd kiss Miriam the way she kisses me. Miriam must have seen the consternation on my face, and she said, "I love you just the way you are Martin. You don't have to be a man for my sake. I rather am smitten with your girlish impulses. They're refreshing in a boy."
"Well I guess I really enjoyed straightening your bras and panties Aunt Miriam. Can I put them back in the drawer now?"
"Yes, Martin. You're a big help. I'll have to get you to straighten some of my other drawers."
"What other things do you have in the drawers?"
"Oh, lots of things that a girl has. My girdles, my all-in-ones, my slips and teddies. My camisoles and nightgowns. Gee, there are scarves and even some fancy gloves. You can work on the other drawers when we get back or tomorrow. Really anytime you want to. You can be in charge of keeping my clothes neat."
"I'd love doing that for you Aunt Miriam."
"Good, knock yourself out. But now we've got to get dressed for our excursion. Put on a skirt and blouse and I'll be in shortly to get you ready to go outside. This will be so much fun!"
I dressed in a skirt and blouse and Miriam selected a pair of Penelope's white leather sandals that fit me nicely. She put a little powder and rouge on my face and improvised a feminine style for my hair. Judging by what I saw in the mirror, I decided that I'd probably not have trouble passing as a girl when we left the apartment.
Once we stepped outside the building, however, I felt a wave of anxiety flow through me as I was convinced that everyone could see that I was a counterfeit girl. Sensing my discomfort Miriam held my hand tightly, as if we were mother and daughter. As we walked along, I fell into sync with Miriam's pace and even consciously tried to imitate how she moved. It was fun and exhilarating to explore the different ways that I could pretend I was a girl.
In short order we were standing among a crowd of people waiting for a traffic light. I sensed Miriam looking at me and I looked at her. She smiled and said, "You look so pretty with the sunlight in your hair."
I blushed and said, "Thank you, Aunt Miriam. That means a lot to me."
Miriam smiled and the light turned green and we continued on our way. Gradually I acquired the confidence to look at the faces of the people around me. Most people ignored me, though occasionally I saw boys and men dart their eyes downwards as if to take in my figure. They clearly were seeing a pretty girl and taking some pleasure from it.
Our destination was Bloomingdales which we reached after a bus ride. I was awed by the size of the store. It was nothing like the few small clothing stores we had back home in our town or the discount chain stores out in the mall. "It's so big. There're so many clothes. How will we ever decide what to buy?"
"That's what I'm here to help you with. We'll dabble in a few basic styles and as you gain experience, you'll see all the possibilities. For example, we'll start with bras and panties. You can't imagine how many different bras and panties they have here!"
When we did reach the bra department, I saw that Miriam had not been exaggerating. "Oh my God Aunt Miriam, where do we even begin to look?"
Miriam surveyed the large open-ended space filled with racks and racks of lingerie and said, "We just dive in! That's the fun. We wander through the aisles and we keep our eyes open for bras and panties that we think will be right for you. Of course, we're looking for bras that you'll want to wear every day, so we don't have to consider the really sexy bras like my niece buys."
Many of the bras we looked at I liked immediately, but for most of them Miriam showed me why they wouldn't be right for me. Some were designed for well-endowed girls, others for older women, some were more specialized as for backless dresses. Miriam steered me to brands that were popular with teenage girls, but I wasn't happy about them because they were too colorful or had printed patterns that I didn't like. "I want bras that are like yours Aunt Miriam," I said realizing what it was I really wanted.
"Sure, we can do that. I know exactly what kind of bras to get you." Miriam led me to a display of the bras that she wears.
I could recognize them from when I helped her organize them in her drawer. "It'll be so nice if we can wear the same bra together."
"You're being silly, Martin, but that's OK. Try one of these on in the fitting room to make sure they're comfortable."
I was expecting that she would accompany me, but Miriam thought it was important for me to make my own bra decisions. I went into the ladies dressing room and into a stall. I took off my blouse and the bra I was wearing and put on the new bra and moved my breast forms into the cups. The bra seemed to be comfortable enough, but I was worried that maybe I didn't really know how to judge bras. I peeked outside my changing room and saw no one so I quickly went to the door of the fitting room and called out to Miriam. She came over and I said, "Please help me decide if the bra fits me. I think it does, but I'll feel better if you tell me that you agree."
"It's comfortable?"
Miriam looked it over and showed me that it was in a good position on my chest and across my back. "It's perfect for you Martin."
Miriam decided that I should get eight of the bras, four white, two beige and two black. The bra had a matching panty and Miriam picked out a dozen of them for me. Miriam was fun to shop with. She was patient and she had a lot of good advice.
After we were done with the intimates section, we shopped for skirts and dresses. I tried on so many dresses that I reached a point where I could put a dress on in my sleep. Several of the dresses and a few skirts turned out to fit me very well and also pleased Miriam and we ended up buying those. Eventually we had worked our way through the store and had purchased everything that I needed to round out my wardrobe. Miriam even bought me some make up and we had a great time at the perfume counter deciding what my scent should be. A young salesgirl there was accommodating and by the time we finally decided on some perfume, she must have spritzed me from a dozen different bottles.
Riding back to the apartment on the bus, with our packages surrounding us, I thanked Miriam profusely for all she had done for me. When we were back in the apartment, I said to her, "I guess I don’t want to dress like a boy anymore."
"If that is what you want Martin. It's a big step, after all."
"I have done a lot of thinking and this whole day of just being a girl and doing girl things, has made me so happy that I'm sure now that I would be foolish to hang on to my old self. I'm not sure I even know how to be a boy anymore, so I've decided to let Martin go and to embrace my new self. I'm going to be a girl all the time and live like a girl and let everyone know that that is who I am. I'm scared, but I also feel like in some ways it will be a lot easier for me to just be a girl instead of trying to pretend that I'm a boy."
"I'll give you all the support I can, but ultimately you're going to need a lot of strength to withstand the reaction of your mom and dad and other people that know you. Of course, you're not a minor, so you do have full legal control of your own life."
"I guess the first person I have to encounter is Professor Oppenheim. He comes back soon, and I'll need to visit him. Before that I'll go to the library dressed as a girl and if that goes well, I'll have more confidence when I see Professor Oppenheim. But what if he freaks out?"
"That's a risk you have to take, but you probably ought to be ready to explain yourself to him, so he doesn't think that you're not truly serious. For example, you should pick a girl’s name to use, and tell Professor Oppenheim to call you that from now on."
"Right, I forgot about that. What should my new name be?"
"That's pretty obvious. You could call yourself Martina instead of Martin!"
"That's perfect. So, from now on, I'm a girl named Martina!"
"Yes, and just as important, if not more important, is that you also have to think of yourself as a she instead of a he. You'll want me and Professor Oppenheim and everyone you know to refer to you as being a girl. That's a big change!"
End, Part 3
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The more of this that I read.......
The more I believe that Miriam is at least bisexual, if not a lesbian. She is way to good with being the aggressor while Martin becomes the girl. I can’t help but wonder if she hasn’t done this before - feminized another male before perhaps. Seriously, I can’t help but wonder about who Penelope really is.
Miriam is more than comfortable with seducing Martin and allowing him to play with her breasts while she kisses him.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I do wonder if mum told her
I do wonder if mum told her or let slip more than she realised to Miriam.
I used to be normal, but I found the cure....