CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Jan's Portfolio LLC

Jan’s Portfolio LLC

By Jamie Lee

I could not wrap my head around what I just read, for the third time, as I closed the back cover of Jan’s journal, for the third time. Jan and I had been partners in Jan’s Portfolio LLC for sixteen years, and I loved the girl dearly. But this…how can this be? Her full name is Janelle Mathew, she and I are the same age. And she is our daughter! But our Janelle Mather is only, five-years-old!

Sold, Chapter 1

I’ve had this story floating around in my head for a while now. This could be chapter one or simply a little taste. Y’all will just have to let me know.


“Yes, mom. I’ve heard the story before, maybe a hundred times. I remember that both of you emigrated from Poland twenty years ago hoping to find a new life in America.”

Jack's a Normal Boy, Sort of

Jack Winslow, for all intense and purposes, appeared to be a normal ten-year-old boy to all the adults who saw him outside his family. He didn’t mind playing sports, when the other boys let him. He even explored his neighborhood, the wooded areas around town, and even fished a bit, but mostly by himself. You see, it was the kids who saw Jack as something different, someone who while nice was a bit…off in some way. And because he seemed off they seldom went out of their way to do anything but say hi. But as they were about to find out, Jack Winslow was going to teach them lessons that would stick with them for the rest of their lives. Lessons only one kid could teach another kid, lessons which would apply to Jack himself.

TG Techie: Chapter 38: [XXX] Blowee


It was later. The world was a long way away from wherever I was at that second. It was like looking at everything through a wide angle lens. Even my hands were several feet away from me. Only they were right there too.

Godmother Chp. 6

Monad crept slowly across the overgrown, neglected gardens, staying out of sight of the cameras. "Are you sure somebody lives here?," Monad wondered aloud, "It looks kind of degraded." "I'm sure. It's registered to a Hailey Bonne, and she's definitely in the building now. Probably sleeping though," Demiurge replied through Monad's headset. Monad soon made it to the west wall of the mansion, and began sliding across, checking for unsecured windows.

Amy's Day Off - Part 2


We lay there embracing and kissing each other as he stayed hard inside me. “I needed that as much as you I think.” He whispered in my ear. I kissed him deeply in agreement as I wrapped my arms and legs around him to hold him tight, with my panties hanging off one ankle.

And then I heard a cough.

We both opened our eyes and looked to my open doorway and my sister was standing there.

“Errrr. Hi sis” I said.

Day off

Learning To Be A Mother Part 4 Final Chapter

Arabella was enjoying herself as they sailed down to Florida. Once her mom and dad explained what happened up on deck. She felt scared to sleep by herself the following night. So, she slept with Gina and Arnold.

The trip down to Florida was nice and Arabella loved it a lot. When they arrived in Florida, Gina and Arnold took Arabella sightseeing and to Disney World. Arabella had never been to somewhere so big before and stayed next to Gina and Arnold.

Bacha Boys LTD

.Bacha Boys LTD

written by Dauphin
The most shocking story that Dauphin has written, about a boy that is being groomed to please men as a girl
"This is provoking, made me angry, made me cry." Diana
"Some Stories need to be told" Dauphin

Godmother Chp. 5

Later that night, in a wealthy Grandvale suburb, a van slowly pulled in and parked across the street of a particular house. You wouldn't think much of the van walking by it, it looked like an average van for Teledreams Cable, but that was the point. Inside were three thieves of modest means, visiting each night to case the houses. They wore clothes that looked like Teledreams uniforms from a distance, including white polos and light blue slacks, and referred to each other with codenames, to prevent identifying themselves when law enforcement was listening.

Trouble and Strife Chapter 1

Trouble and Strife

Chapter One

“I’ve messed up Sis, really badly.”

Shelley was on the telephone to her sister, Marie, in Cornwall.

“What have you done?” asked Marie.

“Well, you do know how much I love Charlie. I don’t know how I’d cope if I ever lost Charlie, I miss him so much that it hurts even when he goes away overnight on one of his business conference things.”

“I know, I don’t why but I do know. But why is loving Charlie a problem. Apart from him being such a wuss.”

Godmother Chp. 4

For whom it may concern at the Grandvale Gazette:

Tonight, talking with the Godmother, I realized I don't want to work like this anymore. I've found a new position somewhere else, and don't bother looking for me. Nothing you say could win me back. You'll have to find someone else to boss around and make do the jobs you don't want to.

Henry Sharp

Godmother Chp. 3

I opened the mansion's front doors wide, and got the attention of my guests. "My apologies for the wait, everyone! Please, let me introduce a friend that is staying with me." The Godmother stepped into view, and bowed for everyone. "My name is Elena, and Hailey is giving me a place to stay in exchange for some legal help with the inheritance. Please follow us to the ballroom."

Primal Book One

Kevin Milner was your typical nearly invisible student. Bullied, but with a few close friends.

All that changed with when the MORFS virus was triggered. Lincoln said that to truly test a person's character, give them power. What happens after Kevin recovers will truly put her to the test.

Godmother Chp. 2

The first few days, I kind of lost myself in just how much new and great-feeling everything was. Godmother showed me each of the different rooms of the Bonne house, and I asked her questions along the way. My new bedroom was luxurious, featuring a king size bed with an overhead satin draw-curtain, and comfortable sheets that felt like clouds against my new soft skin. “Remember, you only have to sleep if you wish to,” the Godmother reminded me, “And if you wish to use this room as a private space, simply ask and I will turn off my sensation here.” I giggled.

Godmother Chp. 1

"Henry, I got a new assignment for you," my boss told me, slamming a small stack of papers down on my desk, "You ever hear of the 'Godmother'?" I gave him a nod to confirm. "Great, that makes things easy," he said, already turning to leave, "See you tomorrow."

The Pride's Breeder

Tonya shivers as a cold breeze blows by her. She was standing out on the balcony looking out towards the woods that surrounded the log cabin home. She places her petite hand on her swollen belly as she feels the babies she was carrying move.

She never thought her life would take her down this path. She never thought she would be able to have babies or that she would be the breeder of a pride of cats. She winces as one of the babies she was carrying kicks her kidney.

“Ow!” Tonya rubs the spot where she just got kicked.

The Puppeteer: Revenge-broker - chapter 01


The Puppeteer-Revengebroker coverart.png
People go about their lives in their own way. Some believe the world is against them. Some believe the world is their's. But when your world has been destroyed, what would you do? What would you pay, to get some part of it back. What would you pay, to balance those scales?
At what price; love? At what price; safety? At what price; sanity? At what price, justice? At what price; Revenge?
*Warning- Does contain hyper-violence*


The Collector Chapter 4

The Collector
Michele Nylons

Green velvet.jpg

Chapter Four – Initiation

Charlotte 'graduates' and is initiated as an Acolyte. She is presented to the Circle where she becomes immediately popular. Please heed the rating and cautions.

How Halloween Became My Favorite Holiday!

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When Joyce told me all the husbands were dressing up for the Halloween ball, I said okay. I wasn't too keen on a costume. Costumes were for kids. But she was so impressed with her new Bridge Club. And when she told me about the good things they did for the community, I didn't want to say no.

I asked her what she had in mind for a costume.

Writing Erotica Workshop

I ran across an interesting piece the other day entitled:
'Everything you always wanted to know about writing Erotica (but were afraid to ask) ' that may interest some of our authors. It is a free 42 page download of a Writing Erotica Workshop. The guy is obviously trying to sell his software/services, but the .pdf has some potentially useful info that may appeal to some of our authors:


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Tales from the Closet Book 01 Candy Cane Part 2 of 3

Tales from the Closet One: Candy Cane

Chapter Three: RIP Candy Cane.

Becky led Candy out the police station and over to a waiting car. Brad helped Becky and Candy get in the back before he got in the front next to the driver. Brad gave the driver directions and they were soon driving away.

The car pulled up outside a Victorian looking house that had the remains of a sign saying it use to be a boarding house at some point in its past. Becky opened the door and walked right in.

Marrying My Next-Door Neighbor

Sara wakes-up and felt strong arms holding her. She looks down at the hands holding her and smiles. She was finally his wife. Her ass was sore from all the love making her and Dave did last night. She glances at her petite hand and smile as she admires her wedding ring.

Her breast and hips were still a little sore from the plastic surgery she got to look more feminine. She has always loved Dave since she was a child. He and his wife always seem to be deeply in love with each other.

Eerie Saloon -- Treasure of Eerie: Chapter 2

Now that Myron has become Myra, he -- she -- is turned over to the attentions of Molly O'Toole. Shamus' wife will be able to give the young stage robber the advice -- and the clothing -- that she will need if she expects to pass herself off as a natural-born girl in Eerie, Arizona.

Omaha Vice Part 3

Omaha Vice Part 2

This is a work of fiction set in a future world wracked by a pandemic. While, on the surface, society seems to function, a good many social mores are dropping like flies. Our detectives remain undeterred in their pursuit of the scandal of the century.

Getting What She Wanted

“Deeper Draco, I want all of you inside of me.” Reba was on all fours on the bed with her breast swinging back and forth dressed as a humanoid female mouse.

Behind her, pumping in and out of her ass was a humanoid Dragon man. Draco enjoyed pounding into Reba. The two of them loved being furries and wishes they were the actual animals they wanted to be like.

Omaha Vice Part 1

Please read my story "LATE SPRING IN OMAHA", before you wade into this morass. The Late Spring story has most of the same characters and a deeper insight into the workings of this fictional society. This story is Part 1 of 3. Part 2 will appear in three days and Part 3 in six days. The general themes of the story are, white slavery, greed, sex and back stabbing. There is no non consensual sex or violence in this part. The violence is in Parts 2 and 3 and it is an essential but, small part of the story.


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes