CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Girl Squad


Girl Squad
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2018 Melanie Brown

Sometimes luck is all you have.


This not a sequel to Christmas in Space. Just uses the same universe. You don't have to read it, but it helps -- Ed

Click Bait Fate 3


“Wow! My entire face looks better. I love what you did with my eyes.” His hand involuntarily fingered his earrings. He leaned over and gave Jackie a gentle kiss. “Thank you” he said. Jackie returned his kiss with more ardor and said “I’m glad you came over today Mike; it makes me feel pleasantly slutty too.” Jackie tweaked Mike’s panties and kissed him again.

Laura, part 20

“This one’s for table six,” my colleague Saffron says to me as she places two hot cups of coffee on my tray. I take the opportunity to stealthily straighten my tight miniskirt before grabbing my tray and taking it over to the young couple at the corner table.

“Ah, thank you!” The young man says with genuine gratitude as I hand him and his girlfriend their drinks. “Can we also order a plate of chips to share, please?”

“Sure!” I enthuse. “What flavour would you like?”

“Let’s try the chilli and cheese,” the young woman says with a devilish grin.

Click Bait Fate 2


“Yes, there are just few things more. Don’t wear underwear, bring your favorite panties, and bring your nylons and a box of sheepskin condoms. I think you’ll like they way I feel when I’m deep inside you.”

Jackie was sure she heard a gasp from Mike who was breathing heavy like a man in lust. Continuing, Jackie said, “I’m sure I have a bra that will fit you. I hope you like lace, Mike. I do.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. By the way, I’m a 38 B.” Mike hung up.

Click Bait Fate 1

Click-bait is a web page link designed to entice users to go to a certain web-page or video. Click-bait headlines typically aim to exploit the "curiosity gap", providing just enough information to make readers curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content. – per Wikipedia.

The Setup


He thinks I don’t notice. It’s in his eyes and the stillness of his breath, hidden behind ravenous sex so meek that anyone else might fail to notice. After three years of marriage, and another two of dating on top of that, there’s very little I can’t see.

Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie- Chapter 4 (conclusion)

(This chapter has been posted since April 2018 and has the least amount of reads of all the previous chapters. The last few paragraphs explain how and why our main character became so 'girly'. It's actually a poignant revelation. That explanation begins in the paragraph entitled 'Revelations'. I encourage you to read the final reveal.)


TG Techie: Chapter 33: Black Box

Black Box


I got up Wednesday morning and checked my closet. There were dresses hanging inside and a box with my boots, so that hadn’t been a dream. I fingered the fabric for a second. Considered slipping it on and looking at myself in the mirror.

But today was a tech day, so it was time for jeans, steel toes, and my best underwear.

My best underwear wasn’t very good. Well everything else I promised myself has fallen apart. Am I allowed to buy lingere, or do I have to be over 18?

Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie- Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie

(This story is ADULT fiction)


We did as we were told. It was no big deal. Besides, most of us had begun to like the smell and taste of our lipstick. Some of us were also beginning to like the taste of our roommate’s lipstick as long as our roommate was wearing it. And some had simply begun to like the taste of their roommate. You could hear our compacts snap closed. We all went back to reading our copy of The Order of the Earrings; goals we had to meet.

Cockatoo Vol 2


By Nikkie Silk

Vol 2

Meeting Shane

Chapter 1

It was late afternoon by the time my flight left Bangkok and dusk began to fall about halfway back to Koh Samui. Lights from the fishing boats in the Gulf of Thailand glittered like tiny jewels in the gathering darkness. I made out the shrouded bulk of Koh Tao island, and I shivered at the memory of what had happened down there only a few weeks ago. How close I had come to death in the cold, dark water, and how I was determined to make the most of the second chance I had been given.

Rock It: Chapter 2

Life went on, although it sure was different living with the Giacomos than it had been in the hellhole before we were rescued.

For one thing, we were given either food for lunch at school, breakfast and dinner being eaten at home, or cash to buy lunch at school. For another, on the first Saturday after we ended up in their home, Jenny, Jill and I were taken into Duluth to do some girl shopping.

Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie (Chapter 1)

(Chapter 1) - Caught, convicted and waiting. There was no jury, only a panel of three women to determine your fate here; an indeterminate fate. One day you have a life and the next day you just disappear… for an indeterminate period of time. No hope of rescue. No recourse. The only ‘course’ you could expect was intercourse we were told.

(This story is ADULT fiction. There will be four chapters. Comments are appreciated.)

Prelude – Caught, convicted and waiting: "My name is Jenny"

Days 1 – 14

TransVixen Chapter 01

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Michele Nylons

Chapter One: Panti and Cherri Pops

Vixen are a mediocre covers band led by guitarist Steve Grayson and manged by his mother Wendy. Steve's alter-ego is cute rock chick 'Panti Pops'. Joined by fellow closet crossdresser 'Cherri Pops', the two are amazing guitarists leading a band with little or no future. The band needs a 'hook'...something to draw the crowds. When Wendy sees the two gorgeous young crossdressers rocking out in Panti's bedroom, an idea begins to germinate.

Jacinta, part 14

“Ow…” I moan as my eyes slowly open and my body shivers in the cold December air. I glance over at my phone, which reveals that the time is 8:05am and today is Monday- which causes me a moment of panic before I remember that today’s date is the 18th of December and we broke up from college a week ago, meaning I’m under no obligation to get up early today- or at all, if I don’t want to. As I lay in bed, memories of exactly why I’m this hungover on a Monday morning come flooding back to me- and put very conflicted feelings in my heart.

Barrack Room Betty Chapter 12

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Barrack Room Betty
Michele Nylons

Chapter Twelve – Pleasuring an Old Friend

HMS Ark Royal sails for her deployment and 'Barrack Room Bettys' gentleman's club opens for business. An old acquaintance drops by and rekindles his relationship with Michele which infuriates Spike Jones.

Barrack Room Betty Chapter 11

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Barrack Room Betty
Michele Nylons

Chapter Eleven – An Offer You Can’t Refuse!

Michele is about to blackmailed by CPO Latham, Po Knocker White and her old lover/nemesis, Spike Jones but she turns the tables on them. She makes them a better offer. She and her Betty's will operate a secret bar and 'knocking shop' on board the ship during the forthcoming 7 month deployment and they all share the proceeds.

Barrack Room Betty Chapter 09

Barrack Room Betty
Michele Nylons

Chapter Nine – Pink Pussycats

The ROP has come to an end at HMS Chelmsford but not the girl's penchant for crossdressing. The 'grommets' get a week's leave and Michele takes her charges to Pink Pussycats nightclub for some fun. Jason turns up and drunk and tries to spoil the evening.

Barrack Room Betty Chapter 08

Barrack Room Betty
Michele Nylons

Chapter Eight – The Christmas Party

Lieutenant Steven Winters is an extremely good-looking Navy fighter pilot who is a womaniser, braggart and drunk, but all the girls love him. That includes the Wrens at HMS Chelmsford when he returns unannounced and crashes their Christmas party. Michele is no longer the victim and is starting to use her looks and talents to her advantage.

Barrack Room Betty Chapter 05

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Barrack Room Betty
Michele Nylons

Chapter Five – Boys Will Be Girls

The four transvestite Wrens are in the base cinema paired off with the Leading Recruits watching 'The Sting'. Paired off in the dark, their attraction for each other leads the sailors to explore the delights of the pretty Wrens in their charge. Boys will boys and trannys will be girls after all...

Barrack Room Betty Chapter 03

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Barrack Room Betty
Michele Nylons

Chapter Three – Michele’s Story

It is obvious to all, especially Spike, that Michele is very effeminate and far too adept at crossdressing to have just picked up the skills required to transform from recruit sailor to sexy Wren overnight. She is confronted by Spike and with a little coaxing she tells him of her turbulent past, and why she ran away and joined the navy.

Arabian Nights Chapter 06.


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Six – The Conclusion

Final chapter in this Arabian adventure. Michele and Sarina turn the tables on Jamhal using a complicated plan involving deception and seduction. He pays a high price for his sins.

The Awakening - Chapter 04.


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Four – Michele Returns

A lousy rushed ending to a story that should have been better but I was impatient when I wrote it. Note the cautions, it's really only masturbatory fodder I'm sorry.

End Transmission


End Transmission
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2018 Melanie Brown

Captain Harris was in for a rude awakening.


This not a sequel to Christmas in Space. Just uses the same universe. You don't have to read it, but it helps -- Ed

The Awakening - Chapter 03.


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Three – The Cost of Doing Business

John, the computer guy, blackmails Michele when he finds the secret files of her crossdressed on her computer. Michele decides to turn the tables and lays a trap but things don't turn out quite as expected.

The Awakening - Chapter 02.

The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part Two – Resurrection

Mike meets Vanessa, the mysterious person who's email address and phone number he found secreted away. He is shocked to learn of his secret past, forgotten because of his amnesia. Vanessa reintroduces Mike to his alterego Michele, who emerges like a beautiful butterfly from her cocoon.

Arabian Nights Chapter 04.


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Part Four – The Whore

Michele feels like a bird in gilded cage but surrounded by opulence and being forced to enjoy her captivity, she wonders how reluctant she really is to enjoy the pleasures forced upon her.

Summer with Aunt Ashley

 summer with Aunt Ashley

It was the summer of 1987 and I was sixteen – almost seventeen. Scrawny in those days and usually displaying at least a couple of grazes from a skateboarding mishap. The wounds might have been more important than the boarding skills: badges of honor that even an uncoordinated kid could acquire.

The Awakening - Chapter 01


The Awakening
Michele Nylons

Part One – The Woman In The Mirror

I am often criticized for writing the same story over and over (caught with consequences/reluctance) so here is a different story from me. Michael has amnesia and can't remember who the 'woman in the mirror is'. It will come as no surprise when he finds out, but it's a fun ride along the way.

Arabian Nights Chapter 03

Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Chapter Three – Deflowered

Transvestite captive is led to her fate by the beautiful black woman, Sarina. Michele is deflowered by her captors but cannot hide her own enjoyment of being taken like a woman for the first time.

Arabian Nights Chapter 01


Arabian Nights
Michele Nylons

Chapter One - Captured

This story is about a closet crossdresser abducted and forced to join a harem. It is explicit and contains scenes involving reluctant participation in sex acts.

The Devil You Know Ch. 02

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The Devil You Know
Michele Nylons

Part two = Happy Ever After

Brian forces Mike to go with him on a business trip intending to use Mike's alter-ego 'Michele' as his plaything. Michele turns the tables on Brian, much to his delight.

A Woman-less Beauty Pageant: It was the zipper’s fault 5

Still sitting side by side on the sofa and casually stroking each other’s nylon clad legs Ronnie asked “What did you mean that you can ‘show me things and take me places that don’t involve travel’”? Angel replied “Let me fix your eyes first. We’ll talk about the rest a bit later”. Giving Ronnie an impassioned kiss on the lips Angel stood up, grabbed Ronnie’s hand and guided Ronnie to Angel’s bedroom. There were eyes to be done and some relief to be given. And just maybe there might be new places and things that Ronnie should see and experience.

A conversation in the plains

The guy looked at the girl who sat next to him about a arm’s length away. She was wearing a slightly translucent white dress, that started to become even more see through due to the heavy rain in the plains. Under the dress, he could see that she was wearing purple lingerie, with a garter belt that held on to skin tone stockings, similar to the colour of her skin.

A Woman-less Beauty Pageant: It was the zipper’s fault 3

It had been a rough night for Ronnie following the events at the pageant as his subconscious kept wrestling with long repressed memories. Ronnie leisurely stretched and tried to recall his dreams and decipher their meaning. He yawned again and remained in the warmth and comfort of his bed while staring blankly at the ceiling.

Magical Girl Assassination Squad: Chapter 1

Tower City is defended. It is defended by magical girls. They stop the forces of evil from draining the population of energy. They are very good at their job. Usually.

Tower City has a problem. The problem is the magical girls. There are too many magical girls. Instead of fighting the forces of evil, they are fighting each other. The people of Tower City can only endure. They do not know which is worse. The attacks of the villains, or the fights between the magical girls.

The forces behind the magical girls are fed up. They are tired of watching their girls fight each other instead of stopping evil. They have decided to take action.

Finishing School For Young Ladies Ch6

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Finishing School For Young Ladies


Michele Nylons

Chapter Six – Unintended Consequences

“So what were you doing in the rose garden?” Emily teased.

“None of your business,” Valerie smirked.


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes