CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Andi and Allie - 25

Andi and Allie Chapter 25

“Once more into the breech, dear friends, once more…”

The next several days were chaotic; too say the least. Allie and I managed to get an appointment with a Doctor Weintraub. She was evidently the partner of Doctor Gotlieb and as expert in the field. She too belonged to ‘the club’ and we were squeezed into her very busy schedule upon using Susan’s name.

Snow Baby

Harley takes a deep breath of cold air as he enjoyed the ride and all the snow they were passing. He had managed to talk his foster parents into giving their permission to allow him to go skiing with a few guys from school. They brought their girlfriends with them. He was the only one that didn’t have a girlfriend. He was also smaller than his friends. He had flown from Florida to Canada with his friends.

Andi and Allie - 24

Andi and Allie Chapter 24

“…are you illusions, or are you really what you seem to be?”

Peter came into the office precisely at nine. I had already had my coffee with Rhona and, although we had a great gossip session regarding one of the artist’s new boyfriends, I told her nothing of my weekend discussions or decisions. I was still very frightened by the entire thing and I didn’t think she could provide any help in alleviating my fears.

Old Photograph

Frank wakes up with amnesia after a brutal car accident. He relies on his wife, Rebecca, and good friend, Joe, to help remember who he is. However, he quickly realizes that things are not as they seem and that neither Rebecca nor Joe are giving him the full story. As Frank continues to dig into his past, he will ultimately face hard truths and shocking revelation.

Andi and Allie - 23

Andie and Allie Chapter 23

“My God…!!! It’s full of starZ!!!”

Monday loomed large over the weekend. Allie and I had a lot to speak about. We had broached the subject of my ‘official’ gender before but the discussion with Susan brought the subject to the fore front again.

11th Sun: Chapter 26: [XXX] Massage

I get a text when I step outside. It’s a selfie of Chinta, posing in front of a statue made of diapers. I think that means I should meet her near the statue made of diapers.

I look around for a statue made of diapers, then put my phone into the face of the nearest passerby. She nods like she’s seen it, and adds an expression like she’s seen everything. She’s young. It’s cute.

I give her the closest I can get to a “where is it?” expression, and she points further into the maze. I don’t even try, just set out in that general direction.

Captured by the Amazons - A Jane Bot Tale

Becoming the main character in an interactive erotic novel seems like a dream come true - but failing to read the contract might make it more of a nightmare. Jake never bothered to find out that the main character was female - or that her main love interest was a futa. Two details that will soon bite him in the ass - and maybe a few new body parts, too.

Andi and Allie - 20

Andi and Allie – Chapter 20

“A lesbian in a boy suit…?”

Allie’s words kept repeating in my ears the entire day; ‘You…are such a lesbian’. I giggled every time I thought of them. Our entire experience caused me to rethink whether in fact I was gay. I must admit that this didn’t dissuade me from thinking about dicks and how much fun someone else’s stiffy could be. But I certainly have changed the way I looked at women; or at least at Allie.

Cinder Elli - Preview

Involuntary Cross Dressing/TG - For two years, Elliot's wicked stepmother and horrible stepbrothers have been forcing him into to clean the house, dressing him in his mother's old clothes and working him to the bone without rest....

Now, on the night of the Princess's Ball, the 20 year old orphan dreams of escaping to the palace and ingratiating himself with a well-to-do woman.

When a bumbling fairy godmother bursts through the window, he thinks his dreams have been answered! Of course, they're actually just beginning.

The Lokian Way - Part 01 - The Tuesday that changed his world

Mark lives in a world much like our own.
With the added benefit of people having access to magic.
When Mark comes into contact with a certain aspect of magic his previous boring life is about to change forever.
It is time for him to fall down a rabbit hole that is deeper than he could ever imagine.
His only lifeline: the teachings of Loki. A famous mage that trailblazed understanding of this aspect of magic.

Andi and Allie - 19

Andi and Allie - Chapter 19

The Morning After…

When I awoke snow was falling lightly in large beautiful flakes. I smiled after realizing I had the best night’s sleep ever. I stretched my arm out to discover that Allie was not in bed. After immediately opened my eyes and looked around I heard her in the bathroom. I kind of sat up against the headboard and pulled the blanket up around me.

Andi and Allie - 18

Andi and Allie Chapter 18

So much for the New Year…!!!

018-01a IMG_1706.png"ANDI…!”

I was on the very edge of sleep when I heard me name being…shrieked? The damp cloth still covered my tear stained eyes. I lifted one corner to see what time it was; two-thirty in the morning?

“ANDI…! Get out here! Now…!!!”


By Ellie Dauber © 2015

This story is based on a Lorna Samuels caption. Thanks, Lorna, for this one and for all your great work. This story first appeared (and can still be found) in the “Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes Mixed Tape.” I’m posting it separately, with Jenny North’s permission. There was no mention of the story in any of the reviews of that Mixed Tape, and I’d like to see what people thought of it. I thank Jenny for the opportunity to be part of her Mixed Tape and for her encouragement in letting me post it separately.

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Stephanie, part 16

I let out several shrieks of laughter as the loud music pulses inside my head, mixing with the alcohol and the hot, sweaty atmosphere of the nightclub to create a strong sense of euphoria. This euphoria is, of course, helped by the short, tight black dress I’ve squeezed my fledgling curves into, the thick make-up on my face and the extra-high heeled shoes attached to my feet!

11th Sun: Chapter 24: [XXX] Boiler Room

Dinner is yucca again. I’m feeling things about seeing Sacti, but she isn’t there. I’m worried, but this is a hotel so I put it out of my mind.

This time Chinta comes back to the room with me. I smell the sex in the room, which leads me to the thought that I desperately want a shower. I shed my cultural costume with a little bit of no idea what I’m doing.

Chinta immediately fastens onto one of my nipples, and murmurs, “I’ve been waiting so long to get you out of that,” as I cradle her head. We end up tangled in bed together.

For Love

Sam and Alex Whitman are young, married and very much in love. Until a chance sighting in the City of Chester threatens to throw their whole world upside down.
In this, the debut novel by Anna Na Maus, Sam Whitman has to discover exactly how far he will go to help his tormented wife recover from a troubled childhood.
It's a bitter sweet tale of love featuring characters you will want to love and hate all at the same time.

For Love....

© 2016 by Anna NaMaus. All rights reserved.
Published on Amazon by Trans Scripts

What A Troublesome Ghost

Ghosts are real. Some even have special tricks. Like transforming a man into a woman.
Kristine was hired to pretend to be the owner of a manor where such a ghost is haunting.
Her company has a deal with the ghost. They send men and the ghost - Mabel - will send back women.
That was the plan. But lately Mabel isn't performing and it's up to Kristine to fix it.
If she had known what avalanche she would step loose she just might have run far away.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 7

"Lily!" Katie yells I can barely hear her, the boat's motor is very loud, I scoot closer to her.

"What?" I ask at a normal volume.

"What were you and Bob talking about?" She asks, eager for the nonexistent juicy details.

"Nothing, I think I overreacted, we both acted normally I think we're friends," I say, hopefully JUST friends.

I look over to Bob. He is standing up, fighting the wind, next to Dad pointing him in the right direction. They look like a father and a son, a much better son than I ever was, or am.

Topiary Genetics: Part 4

Getting Stronger

At the end of the third week since the she woke in her new body, Kelli and her roommate Nicole were still practicing their fine motor skills by stacking blocks and hooking paper clips together on their tray tables.

"I can't wait," she said, "until they let us up by ourselves. I want to use the bathroom by myself."

Nicole replied, "At least we are out of diapers. I never thought I would be happy to use a bed pan before this. Pam said that by the end of next week we should be using walkers to get around."

A New Job Promotion Twist Part Seven

It had to be one of the best weeks ever for me at Fashionable. Besides morning and evening yoga, I was able to have two dates a day like the one above. I don’t think my cryx ever felt that full or powerful before. I wouldn’t see Joshua again. It was somebody new each time. It was a cook or busboy at a local restaurant. It was a policeman working for the city of Chicago. It was always someone that seemed to be owed a favor for what was done to turn the other way at what we were doing.

[NW 01] Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas

Richard's last date didn't go too well.
In fact, it was disastrous. He even was cursed by her.
Now, all too soon, he will find out that curses are real and apparently quite literally.

[A stand-alone story in the "Naughty Witches" verse]

The Mirror Ch 2


Chapter Two


The sound of the phone next to the bed ringing loudly pulled Steve from the depths of sleep. Groggily, he reached for it knocking the receiver off the hook before picking it up.


“Ms. Grant? This is your six-a.m. wakeup call.”

11th Sun: Chapter 22: [XXX] Alien Sex

This makes sense, I think to myself. Whatever is happening here makes sense. She pins my wrists against the wall at shoulder height. Why not let her…

But my surprise keeps me from kissing her back immediately.

She pulls back. “I’m so sorry! I was just… it felt like… ” She’s blushing a pretty blue color.

I don’t feel like going from make out mode to embarrassment, so I stretch out my neck for another kiss. Chinta makes a little growl, and slams back into me.

Cam Girl


Vincent was sitting in his living room, watching movies while his wife was away till the next morning when he heard a knock at the door. Opening it a little bit, he saw a woman standing there looking confident and very pretty.

A Fatefull Meeting

Eight years ago Barry visited his first anonymous gender-bender meeting.
Thanks to it, it was seven years ago that he last succumbed to his urges.
For the past two years, he had taken over as the host.
Now he prepares for another meeting and this time one of the newcomers might just endanger Barry's carefully guarded track record.

Topiary Genetics: Part 2


The vans had driven five hours from the meeting site to the Topiary Genetics facility without incident. The group exited the vehicles and was quickly brought through the painted steel door.

Hailey turned the men over to Dr. Erin McCullough, she then staggered to staff quarters for some much needed rest.

Erin assigned each of the men to what looked like standard double occupancy hospital rooms. Staff members handed them each a set of pajamas close to their size and a sedative as they moved toward their rooms.

Topiary Genetics: Part 1

Topiary: noun
The art or practice of clipping shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes.
Topiary Genetics:
A privately held research group thought to do significant business
with the United States Defense Department.

Virtually Feminine - Part 4 - Home

Virtually Feminine - Part 4 - Home


Jez gets closer to Fli. In the 'Real' world Jez's alter-ego goes on a date.

Oh, and the caution is a little over cautious, but I'd rather be that way than surprise someone. No one actually touches anyone else, in the real world...

A New Job Promotion Twist Part Six

Security is a different beast as I make my way from day to day. One day I will be following an associate in their car into some new part of the world. Another day I will be wearing the black armor guarding and walking with a President or Vice President to some new place. Other days I will be told to remain behind to continue training in fight, self-defense, battle logistics of things no less. It is a very curious job. It has perks that I am able to go out and about more.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 6

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 6

By: Kokopo618

"Lily," Katie begins, as I enter the cabin, "While I appreciate your determination, your form was all off."

"What?" I say I didn't expect her to say that, plus ...I thought I did a pretty good job.

"You were using your teeth a little too much and not focusing enough effort on the "head", the most sensitive part."

"I was just having some fun with the boys opposite us, not auditioning."

How To Chain Whissies

This is the day Arnold finally asks his secret crush out!
Or not as he suddenly finds himself chased by strange and crazy men through the city.
Now two questions are burning on his mind: "Why me and what the hell is a Whissie?"

The Columnist

Samantha Jones is a conservative columnist who has decided to pull off her biggest stunt yet. The feminine woman has legally changed her gender to male to prove a point. While her followers enjoy the mockery, Samantha begins to experience increasingly masculine symptoms. In desperation, she turns to her gay friend, Will, for help.

Jacinta, part 9

“You know,” I muse as I grab my morning coffee and relax on the plush, soft sofa in my father’s living room, “it may have been in a student shithole, but I miss our old sofa, you know? The whole flat, even.”

“I know precisely what you mean,” Ophelia says, reclining as far back into the sofa as her extra-tight corset will allow. “But we shall return to London soon, and our new flat shall be even better than our previous one!”

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 5

I am awake at 4:30 am. Quickly, I dress and shower and groom myself. By 5:30am I am out the door and down to the diner I eat at every year after New Associate Day. I eat oatmeal, fruit and drink a water. At 6:30am, I am making my way back to Fashionable. At Monday at 6:55 am, I am allowed in. By 7:30am I am sitting at a table with all those who had joined Fashionable fifteen years ago, except for Toni – she had died last year. Hannah Short, now President of Security briefs us. “Today, you will be following the first year associate you were assigned to.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 5

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 5

By: Kokopo618

"Lily? Hellooo?" Katie said, waving her hand in front of my face.

I stood motionless, like a deer in headlights or a doe, I guess, I had no idea what to do, but I had to say something, "I am um, I'm...uh...I..." Well, I tried.

"Don't worry, I'll let you finish, just clean up afterward, okay?"

11th Sun: Chapter 18 Waiting & 19: Dozen

Chapter 18 - Waiting

I continue to exercise, four hours a day. The I-def gravity isn’t as destructive as no gravity, but it’s not great. And I’m bored.

I try to sleep less, and get down to the recommended third of a day. I think the planet is a 25 hour day, and like smart people (smarter than the Babylonians, anyway) they use metric time. Thank god they’re base 10 or that would really be hell.

Natural Affection

Walter had built the perfect life for himself. A loving wife and a daughter he could be proud of.
Fulfillment in a job he was good at. Nothing to worry about.
But the world around him is dominated by all-powerful rules and things can go sideways fast.
For Walter, it might mean a new life. One where he has to fight for what he had and for what he doesn't want to become.

Author's note: This is the first story in my "undesirable classes" universe. While RPG like rules apply the world itself mirrors our own in technological advancement.

Please read and comment, guys and gals and others.

There are many on here, myself included, who have faced, are currently facing, or will eventually face severe crises in their lives. I think we, as a community of like-minded individuals, should have a contingency plan in place to support and aid our peers. I'd like to, with the permission of the moderators, form a support group where anyone, at any time, could come and safely find the support, understanding, and guidance they need to face life's challenges.


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