CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

In the Face of It All

In The Face of It All
(c) 2017
Haylee V

Even though something inside is grieving
Laugh, clown, laugh!
- Abbey Lincoln


The clock on the wall silently ticked away as Francis sat on his bed, thinking. Just where, exactly, had things began to go wrong? When had his life began to horribly unravel?

Was it when he first realized, at four, that he was different from the other little boys in his play group?

Castle Freak: Part 6

Crew Cue Clew


Rodford Edmiston

"So who you gonna call about this?" Daryl asked, after supper that night. "I mean, I figure this isn't something you can go to the local police with, but what about some of those government connections you have?"

"Believe me, they have been notified," sighed Dr. Frique, as he settled into a recliner with his favorite evening paper. "However, Dr. Browning has his own allies among the rich and powerful. Besides being quite good a subterfuge."

Tales Of Heirloom Gems 1 - Casanova Remix

Jean's wealthy family get their hands on an Heirloom Gem. A powerful magic artifact.
However, they don't know what knowledge the gem might contain.
That responsibility to find out falls onto Jean.

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 1

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 1

By: kokopo618

“Will! Get down here!”

I scrabbled out of my bed and to my door tripping repeatedly along the way. My dad always uses the same tone of voice no matter what emotion he might be feeling, so I may be in trouble or he may be congratulating me on my excellent performance as his son for the last 16 years, but given my performance it is probably the former.

Castle Freak: Part 4

One Crew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


Rodford Edmiston

The small, Asian woman was provocatively dressed, in heels, a slinky, low-cut dress and a modest amount of both jewelry and makeup. She sat at the bar, sipping a Scotch and soda which was mostly Scotch. Waiting.

"Evenin', ma'am," said Oliver, as he walked into the Frique family den.

A Jar Full Of Pixie

Jerry is down on his luck. He is stuck in a new city in a meaningless job.
By chance, he gets his hands on an old manuscript. "The Almanac of Pixies".
It even has a section about summoning one. The writing is a little faded, but it could work.
What could possibly go wrong, right?

Indecent Exposure

Officer Barry White confronts the greatest law breaker of all: a woman breast feeding in public. Things get out of hand as he coincidentally has to deal with the same woman for the same offense all over town. To make matters worse, Officer White faces breast problems of his own.

11th Sun: Chapter 17: [XXX] Toys

It’s been another week on the run, I’m almost back on course, and I’m horny.

Really horny.

Really really horny.

How horny am I? I’m beginning to think seriously about toys.

Ci and Lia either didn’t have any or didn’t want to use them on me, and for that I’m thankful. I squirmed every time they tried to put something in my pussy, and after only one night they stopped trying.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 4

It doesn't take long when one of our security personnel appears at my new office. Its mechanical voice speaks. “It is time Associate Gorman. Please follow me.” I get up and follow. My guide leads me down into the basement where I stand in the corridor into the same stone corridor I had been led fifteen years ago, the same corridor that I had led Collin now Kelly to take. I stand before the stone archway, but it isn't closed off it is open. I close my eyes. I relax into the yoga that has been my comfort and stay since I have become a part of Fashionable Inc.

Inner Demons, AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl - Chapter 3.1

Inner Demons - AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl
© 2017 Haylee V

* This is a true account of my life experiences. All persons portrayed in this story are based on actual people I've met throughout my life, and the events portrayed actually happened. No malice is intended to those individuals involved, and names have been altered to protect the identities of the people portrayed. *

Inner Demons, AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl - Chapter 3

Inner Demons, AKA "Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl"
© 2017 Haylee V

* This is a true account of my life experiences. All persons portrayed in this story are based on actual people I've met throughout my life, and the events portrayed actually happened. No malice is intended to those individuals involved, and names have been altered to protect the identities of the people portrayed. *

An Ideal Saturday

An%20Ideal%20Saturday.jpgAn Ideal Saturday
written by TGTrinity

Mason finds a small wooden figurine while helping his neighbor move, and soon the men around him begin to have their deepest desires fulfilled by beautiful women they just met...

Author's Note:
This is a commissioned story that I recently wrote, and I thought others might like it.

Reversals - Ch12

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter… Samantha comes to dinner and Eric serves.

11th Sun: Chapter 14: [XXX] Empowerment

I’ve been on the station nearly a week. It’s taking this long for Bob’s Gun’s to get their money together, and I’m beginning to think they’re jerking me around.

But that’s not why I’m staying.

I’ve been sleeping in that weird bed for three nights. Well we do a lot less than sleep. That is, very little sleep goes on in the bed. Sort of.

For three days I’ve slept in, while Lia goes off to work her ten hours. Hard is the kind of place that stay open at her convenience, and the regulars know when to come. The non-regulars find somewhere soft to drink.

Reversals - Ch11

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter… Eric struggles with new duties while Julia further embraces her dominant side.

Reversals - Ch10

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter... Eric is shocked at what Julia did to him but she assures him he really wanted it and explains why.

11th Sun: Chapter 12: [XXX] Hard

The Bob’s Gun’s have to get a lot of escrow together, so in the meantime I have nothing to do, but nothing to do.

Get a bra Elven. Put on the sexy boots again.

I go back to the hanger, get into the bunk house, and pick up something with fringe. I don’t have anything in white, or cream. You’ll see the black through my white crop top, but it’s tiny so I decide that’s okay, and put it in my purse.

The filter is probably done by now. Lets check with Mitch.

The Blessing Or Curse Of The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

The Cruse Or Blessing Of The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Ronny James learns the futility of worrying about the future and how ignorant he was concerning the reality of the world. When he gets caught up in his girlfriend's very old family's curse.

I was born Ronald James Jr., Ronny to the family the youngest of three children on April First of 1996 the only boy to Ron and Hanna James. I wasn't planned but the result of a romantic Twentieth Anniversary Cruise.

Powyr 2

"That feels so much better, doesn't it? Now honey...tell me your name." Jade whispered as she squeezed her lover's breast.
" name...Brittany...Booker...oooh..." the former superheroine spoke involuntarily as she felt the smoke capture Powyr. She held the cigarette and sucked slowly again, forgetting more and more of her past.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 3

I lead us through a back door in the nightclub. “This club has a deal with us,” I tell Kelly. “We provide security and often bring ourselves here. So, they will let us in, and they will watch out for us. They will get us waters if they know a man is ordering us a drink. Lots of men will come here, looking for someone like us.” We walk in, both feeling the electricity and sex in the room. I order the two of us waters. I hand her the water the water, and say, “Your cryx gives you considerable power over men. But avoid alcohol while wearing it. Alcohol will even the playing field.

Jacinta, part 8

“Urgh…”I groan as I’m awoken from a blissful slumber by a loud knocking on my front door. “Stop fucking banging…” I grab my phone to check the clock, only to roll my eyes when I discover that it’s gone 11am. Fortunately, today is Wednesday, meaning I’m not at uni today, but that also means that none of my friends are either, as I discover when Ophelia (who has obviously already been up for ages) opens the door.

“Helloooo!” Katie giggles loud enough for me to hear in my bedroom. “Flying solo today then, Ophelia?”

The Other Woman - Part 3

The Other Woman – Part Three

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

Hellbound Dolls - Akane's Story

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A while ago I set about to write an action/horror magical girl story with some Tokyo trans sukeban (read: girl gang) called "The Hellbound Dolls." This vignette follows one of the Dolls, Akane, whose ultimate struggle is to realize she's worthy of love. This installment does not have a happy ending, so read at your own peril.

* * * *

A Life Greater Than Expectations

Greater Than Expectations
Supposition Life

Sean Kinsman Raul a genius, very rich, history geek, that is socially stunted, and still a virgin at twenty-two. Finds out your life and be a real life Fairy tale. If that is your true Destiny.

11th Sun: Chapter 9: Ice Cream

I fold up the dress really well, and it fits into the new purse. The old purse also fits in there. It’s not large and baggy, but I can fit a surprising amount inside. I sling it over my shoulder, and pose again. It’s perfect with the jeans and the jacket.

Hand on the door handle. Deep breath. Step through the door. No. Strut though the door. “I’m gonna wear these out,” I tell Marcus. It’s probably the boots that are making my hips move like that. I’m pretty sure I’m not doing it on my own.

Powyr 1


Clad with a letter P on her shirt, Powyr was a new superhero who was ready to help get rid of criminals in her city. She had the ability to fly and was invinceable among many other powers given to her by a freak electrical storm. She flew over her town, looking for anyone trying to commit crimes.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 2

I'm leading Collin down the steps of our secret basement. It is the day. He seems calm – if not confident. As we stand outside of the door, I tell him. “I am required to ask you if you are willing to walk through this door. You will not be hurt by anything you see. But if you feel you don't want to do this, you will be okay. We will honor our five year deal with you.” Collin says, “I want to do this. I am ready.” I open the door for him, and then sit and wait.

11th Sun: Chapter 5: Fire

I’m getting a welcome signal. Someone wants me to come visit them.

There’s a little HAM Digital receiver in the flight deck. I picked it up in a truck stop, with a wink and a nod, for $100 bucks, ten years ago. It’s about the size of a lunch box, with a four foot antenna cluttering up the deck. I’ve got a pretty heft load on the antenna, so it’s strong enough to pick up from inside the ship. There’s no jack for an antenna on the surface hull, and it would get melted into vapor on re-entry in any case.

The Seven Deadlies: Chapter 2: The Audition

It seemed to list an audition site in Houston. Deciding this was too good to be true he decided to make the drive down. Maybe he would be able to see a free performance but if not he still wouldn't mind paying. Airfare plus the cost of tickets would be much more expensive in New York or LA, not to mention the cost of a hotel room or hostel.

He swore when first watching the video there were seven of them, but after watching it again there seemed to only be 5 or 6.

The Stake War: A Tale of Zhor

NOTE: This story is based on "The Fact Sheet for Zhorian Universe Contributors" by Overlord. Overlord invites Zhor fans to try writing Zhor stories of their own. The article is found at

"The Stake War" is an oldie but goody. It has appeared elsewhere, but this version has undergone a new edit and polishing.

On Zhor, the one who loses the celebrated martial contest called the Stake War may taste dregs of defeat that are particularly bitter. After such a draft he might never be the same again. This is a story about a champion of battle who fought and failed. Fortunately, nothing in life nothing is simple. It may be that, for some, a loss, even a loss of the most devastating kind, may yield more in gain than the victory he had sought ever could.

Revised 10-31-17

The Seven Deadlies: Chapter 1

“Oh jeez, another big American Pop group performing at the mega concert hall around. Please just gag me with a knife or a rusty spoon” Craig muttered, putting down the newspaper he just bought at the gas station. “Why do I even bother to hope, in the Midwest or the dead spot of the U.S. for foreign musical groups? I mean I know Chicago scores sometimes but generally most popular foreign groups may hit the coasts and that's it. Sure there are SOME foreign artists at cultural events but they're generally no name and some, if not most, are traditional music.”

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 22 My Love Sonnet

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

The Lucky Charm Chapter 11

The Lucky Charm

Chapter !!: Let the Games Begin Part 2

Last Time:

They were pointed, like an elf or such. When she cleared her throat to break my staring, "Hi, I'm Ranger Lawrence, but my
friends call me Freya." Then in a whisper, "I can tell you're a very 'special' girl, most people don't see my ears being
different because of a glammer."

I stammered out. "I'm ... Georgie, um, Georgette Lawrence. We have the same last name." Smiling warmly returning hers.


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes