CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

The Curse 2: The Cursening, Chapter 2: In Which Things Occur

The Curse 2: The Cursening
Chapter 2: In Which Things Occur

With this chapter, you'll all be caught up with where the story is on TG Storytime. I'm hard at work on the next chapter, though. It's slow going, sadly.

Unseen People - Chapter 5

Unseen People

Chapter 5

A strange girl appears in the dead of night. She can’t speak or remember where she has been, what could her secret be?

Jack is coming to accept her new life as she grows closer to Isaac and Ben. Wren and Tom follow a little bird into a strange forest. Ash has to come to terms with hoop skirts and bonnets in 19th century Manchester.

Thanks to Robin, Chris and Jess for all their help editing and proofing. Please keep reviewing and commenting, I want to improve as a writer and your ideas help feed into the story.

The Weather Girl

This is a story I wrote some time ago. It's shorter than most. I hope you enjoy this short story.

The Weather Girl

Have you ever flipped through the local news stations just to find the one with the best looking anchors or weather person? For me, it is not so much about the content of the news, it is who I got to stare at for those forty-two minutes every morning while I get ready for work. I'm not strange or some weird stalker. It is the same reason why I choose female gaming characters. Personally, I would rather look at something pretty than a clunky, chunky, male.

The Curse 2: The Cursening, Chapter 1: In Which We Begin

The Curse 2: The Cursening

Chapter 1: In Which We Begin

So, if you read my stories (and I assume there are at least two of you out there who do), you've probably read The Curse of Womanhood, which was a pretty big deal for 10 minutes at a time back when I was posting it. Now, if you read my stories on TG Storytime (where I do most of my posting), you'll know there's a sequel to The Curse of Womanhood that's been around awhile over there.



I like to walk to work on the days that aren’t too hot or humid. Virginia Beach weather can be very unpredictable with the exception that from May through October, everyone knows it will be both hot and humid. Today was one of those rare exceptions to the September weather pattern. It was seventy-five degrees and the humidity had dropped low enough to not guarantee the need for a shower by the time I got into work.

Witchy Woman

Witchy Woman

Written by Nuuan

Patrick shook his head as looked at the cards in his hand, he felt like the cards were against him and he couldn’t get a break tonight. To his left his friend Stan tossed his cards into the middle of the table.

“It’s getting late, Gonna try to get home before the wife decides to make me sleep on the couch,” Stan chuckled.

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship: Part 3 The Conclusion

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship: Part 3 The Conclusion
By Warm Hearted
Edited By Commentator

Synopsis: Mara discovers how to use her powers and her relationship with Rob moves to the next level. Rob, Mara, Rene, and Kat become closer and start becoming a real family As they their plan to bring down the crime lord Babic unfolds.

We went out to their court garden very similar to ours and Rene opened a bottle of wine, that had "La Blanc" on the label and poured me a glass saying, "this is our family's label. The grapes came from 400-year-old vines."

The Gods Still Exist


Growing up I loved stories about Greek mythology. There was something special about the idea that gods and humans led these interwoven lives and the god-like offspring they could have and about the mythical creatures and historical battles of eons past. What would happen if the gods still existed today? Please note that Hercules is a modernized name for Heracles and I chose to use his traditional name throughout this story. Please write a review and I hope you enjoy the story.


The Gods Still Exist

The Spy Who Loved Me

The Spy Who Loved Me

Part 1

The mouse scratched at the walls of the small Plexiglas box it found itself in. It didn’t seem to notice when the lights in the room dimmed or when a robotic arm with a laser scanner descended from the ceiling and bathed it in a red wave of flickering light. A slight electrical hum filled the room. Moments later a shining object looking rather like a giant sparkplug lowered itself over the mouse.

A slightly hollow sounding female robotic voice echoed throughout the room. “Sequence initiation in three, two, one. Initializing.”



April 3, 2028

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders.”

The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years. His appearances were rare but always accompanied by life and market altering innovations.

When a Wish Comes True

The following story is based on real-life experiences up to the point of my wish and prayer to become a girl. I did make that wish and prayer as I have every day of my life since. I thought this might be a way of considering how my life would have been different had that wish come true. I hope you enjoy the story.


Maggie's Secret's Secret

Maggie's Secret's Secret

This story is purely fiction. No corporations or names represent real people or companies in any way.

I appreciate all story reviews to help me become a better writer or, from a purely selfish perspective, make me want to continue writing.

If you like the story I've written numerous others that you might want to read. You can search for all my stories by using the 'author search' and typing in the author, 'Want2BaGirl'. I hope you enjoy.

Part One – The Opportunity

I recently received a very strange email:

Eagle's Cry

Eagle’s Cry


This is my first attempt at a western genre TG story. I wrote it to stretch my comfort zone and hopefully improve my overall writing. This story contains no graphic sex, but does contain a rape scene and thus I rate the story X.

I love writing but what keeps me writing are your reviews and comments. Please consider reviewing this story. I hope you enjoy it.


A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship Part 2

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship
Part Two Of Three

Warm Hearted




Synopsis: Mark now Mara, learns that there is much more to acting like the lady than just a body. If Rob's plan to take down Uros the evil crime lord is to work Mara will have a lot to learn in this second part of A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship.

Star Trek Genesis

After receiving Khans blood, Kirk is revived but faces unusual symptoms. With the help of Dr. McCoy, Kirk gets back on his feet and takes command of the Enterprise on a dangerous mission to show the Klingons the power of Project Genesis. With the Klingons on the move, Kirk must find a way to save his crew as he faces mental and physical changes.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 16

The dark-haired woman took a deep breath to calm her nerves as her friends celebrated around her. The pub was packed, but they’d had an entire section reserved for their own private use- one of the perks of being friends with the manager. She stared over at her lover, who was smiling tiredly- having had a long day at work- and clenched her immaculately manicured hands into fists to stop them from shaking. After three more deep breaths, she rose from her seat, instantly attracting the attention of all of her friends.

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship Part 1

A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship
Part One Of Three

Warm Hearted

Edited By Commentator

Synopsis: The tale of Mark Cedric's unique and unexpected turn on his pathway to becoming an American citizen, but Mark will discover that being a new citizen is very pleasurable.

As always comments and constructive criticism is much appreciated.

The Jon Boat

A transitioning story as told by a friend

“I don’t like the lightning and thunder,” Carl said in a frightened voice. He moved closer to me, as if I could protect him. His T-shirt was so soaked, it clung to him and was practically transparent. It was then that I noticed what looked like straps over his shoulders. I had no idea what they were.

“Hey, whatca wearing under there?” I asked, pointing to his shoulders. It was too hot to wear even a T-shirt, but wearing something under it made even less sense.

His face began to redden. “Nothing,” he replied.

“No, there’s something,” I persisted.

He just stood there, looking at me. His face was even more red. “If I tell you, you’ve got to keep it a secret. Will you do that?”

“Of course,” I said. Now I was really interested.

He pulled off his T-shirt, and there was some kind of garment there. Not having any sisters, and being rather naive about girls, I had no idea what it was. “What is that?” I asked.

“A camisole,” was his reply. I could see that it looked like something a girl would wear, but the word “camisole” meant nothing to me.

The Prankster

Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 3

3 Drakken, Shego and Ann Capture

Ron asked “ your daughter who?”. Keria walked up and hit him in the stomach he fell down and said “you will call our queen mistress slave”. Ron was getting up Jay saw one of the scientist it was former Dr Garrett he was now a woman. Ron asked “ who is your daughter?”. Kim said “ I am the queen daughter slave”.

Charlotte, part 22

I take a deep breath as I pin the translucent white veil to my elaborately-styled hair, before draping it over my immaculately made-up face. I fidget a bit in my dress, causing the voluminous strapless creation to rustle, especially as I adjust the low-cut sweetheart neckline. I nervously tap my feet in my low-heeled shoes (Low-heeled as my fiancé is only a couple of inches taller than me), before a call from the next room tell me that it is, at long last, showtime. I grab the bouquet of flowers from the nearby table and step out of my small annex with a wide grin on my face.

A Journey

A Journey

By Joannebarbarella

I smile at my customer as I place his drink on the table. His gaze is firmly fixed on my breasts almost spilling out of my low-cut top as I bend forwards. and I doubt if he even sees me smile. I always like it when they do that. That's why I always wear one of my maximiser bras when I'm working.

Gokachuu - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

As Jacqueline walked down to one of the surface transports, people turned to stare at her, not recognizing her appearance.

As she approached the transport bay, one of the male researchers dropped his binder and stared. "Jack! Is that you?"

She turned, "Yes. We've likely found a cure, exciting isn't it?"

"I-indeed!" the researcher scrambled to pick up his binder.

Truth's Purity: Chapter 7

Truth's Purity


A man wakes up in the body of a younger girl and finds out she's been kidnapped by a woman who wants simultaneously help her and profit from her at the same time.


Adventures of Kim Possible: The Amazon Women 1

Dr James Possible is researching a new formula for genetic DNA he can now change men into women and back the same way but there is lot evil people out there in America and The Amazon Jungle in the Race known as Amazon women his daughter Kim Possible work for global justice Network with her Friend Ron Stoppable what happen if Kim became Evil like her enemy Drakken and Shego

All characters and places in this story belong to the Disney Corporation.
Original creators, Mark McCorkle and Robert Schooley
I receive nothing for the writing of this story.

The Atlantis

John and Ann are on the cruise of a lifetime on the Atlantis but soon discover they are on an all-gay cruise ship. Awkwardly trying to fit in, the situation puts a strain on their relationship. Additionally, Ann is starting to change and the couple soon realize straight people don't exist for long on this ship. John must make a decision that will change both their lives forever.

The Stuntman

Andrew Star works as a stuntman for Hollywood's greatest action star, the eccentric Tod Cruz. Suddenly, Cruz decides to get a sex change to fulfill a life-time ambition. Only problem is that Andrew is experiencing the symptoms. Its a race against the clock as Andrew must find a way to stop Cruz's transition and restore himself back to normal.

Stephanie’s Chance - 2 First Date

Stephanie’s Chance - 2
First Date

By Jessica C

Steven lost his cool and his mouth was rude and crude... The punishment fits the situation; unknown ? touches upon a secret... Brad's a childhood friend... Stephanie gets to deal with things now...

The Foolish Prince Chapter 11

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

** The battle is joined. Will the forces of good prove victorious? Or will the Stygian Sorcerer win out? **

Inside Out

The five emoticons of Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Sadness adapt to Chris' family moving to San Francisco. Disaster strikes as Sadness takes over the control center in Chris' mind sending him into a world of despair and self-loathing. As Chris begins to change, can Joy take back control and save his life?

The Foolish Prince Chapter 10

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

The seeds of evil that have taken root are now in full-bloom. Horus is about to learn that wits and magic aren't enough to control a kingdom.

The Foolish Prince Chapter 9

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

Murder. Horus is now ready to exploit the weakness of Prince Caspar and take control of the Kingdom.

The Foolish Prince Chapter 8

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

** The Sorcerer, Horus, tired of serving the royal family is ready at last to make his move. **

The Foolish Prince Chapter 7

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

** Sanja now in the powerful body of her husband begins to explore life as the Crown Prince and discovers she likes it! **

The Foolish Prince Chapter 6

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

** Now wearing the body of Princess Sanja, Prince Casper starts to learn that perhaps he hasn't been such a good person. **

The Foolish Prince Chapter 5

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

**A drunken Caspar, feeling lonely at the loss of his friend Kyler, decides it's time to spend time with his wife, the Princess Sanja.**

Changing Dynamics - 4

When his wife catches him dressed in her clothing, she decides there needs to be some changes in their relationship. When the power dynamics in their relationship radically change, can everyone walk away with their love and pride intact?

The Foolish Prince Chapter 4

“The Foolish Prince”

This is a story about a foolish Prince, an evil sorcerer, and the misuse of a magical artifact of great power . . . mischief and chaos ensue.

In this Chapter Prince Caspar continues to abuse his power much to his best friend's regret.

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 24

Synopsis; Tammy takes Baby Jennie to the cabana out the back of Aunty Cath's place, where they have to change each other's dirty nappies. CAUTION! This chapter contains graphic scenes of scat play and coprophilia. If you are easily offended, please don't read this chapter.
Baby Jennie


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes