CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 1

Fifteen years after beginning work for Fashionable, Inc, Michelle has become a successful associate at the company. She just received a promotion, however. She is in love with the power of the cryx. Its song has kept questions that should have come to the surface from being there. What does Fashionable Inc actually sell? What is going on in this sinister company? She will likely learn more in the years to come.

11th Sun: Chapter 3 [XXX]: Tantilization

Okay. I’m ready to touch my pussy now.

The clothes have me hotter than ever. I turn off the monitors, then turn them all back on again. Why do I want to watch myself? Why wouldn’t I want to watch myself? I’m hot as hell.

Still in the stockings and heels, still squatting, my fingers run down my chest to my stomach. It’s a straight line to the tip of my clit. On the monitors I can see it peaking out of my engorged lips. I don’t go straight for it, I’ve been around the block a few times. I know what a woman wants.

What this woman wants is tantalization.

Freddy On the Loose: Part 3

One of the tenets of the game Teenagers From Outer Space is that while there are sexual situations there's no actual sex. Writing these tales I kept walking the line between mildly salacious and outright porn. Sometimes, after posting to TSA and TG Stories I had to make things a bit milder before posting to my Web page.

TFOS: Freddy On The Loose, Part 3


Rodford Edmiston

Be Careful of What You Wish For Chapter 1

Freddy sighs as he stares at the statue of Athena at the Parthenon Museum in Nashville, Tennessee. He had skipped school again to come and see the statue that he has told his deepest darkest secrets to. He so much wanted to be a girl, but had been born a male. He also wishes that Athena was his mother, instead of the one he has now. His birth mother had died from cancer and his father had gotten remarried.

The letterbox - Part One

I was standing there and feeling nervous, not sure how he would react when he saw me. I was in his house and I hoped he remembered giving me his key on Monday, four days ago. I saw his car pull up outside, and I quickly slipped on my heels, and looked at myself in his mirror. I felt great, confident, so I slipped the short satin robe off, leaving it on the sofa.

The Life Of An Angel Chapter 6

Angel was nervous as she got ready for her date. She hasn’t been on a date since her break-up with Mitch Edwards while she was station in Germany. The girls were with their grandmothers and Lisa tonight. After they had come home from dropping her sister off with their mother. She and the girls had come back here to the house and started making dinner with the girls help. Angel had found out that both girls loved to cook. She had stood back while the girls took charge of the kitchen. She’ll have to remember to tell her mother’s that they might have a pair of cooks on their hands.

The Spanish Flower Chapter 12

Renata had woken up early and slipped out of bed quietly. She didn’t want to wake Jesse. They had slept with the sliding glass door opened last night. She opens it quietly and walks out onto the balcony to watch the sunrise. She couldn’t believe the view from the balcony in front of her. Nothing but grape vines and the mountains all the way behind vineyard to see. They were going to take a tour of the place later today. A bottle of the wine this place makes last night was served at dinner and she loved it. She wasn’t a wine connoisseur, but she enjoyed the wine last night.

The Life Of An Angel Chapter 4

Carol was thinking about everything Angel had told her last night on the way to work. Angel had said she was going to file for custody for the girls. She also said she wanted her to be part of that life as well. The question was, was she ready to become a mother and a wife? She knew how Angel felt because of her background. Angel had told her about her past and that if it hadn’t been for D.A. and Angie. She would had died that day for sure.

The Cat In The Cradle Chapter 7

August was in the kitchen fixing herself, Lev and Becca some breakfast. It was the weekend and Lev and Rebecca had gone out last night and celebrated his birthday. It was a week after her sixteenth birthday. They had asked if she wanted to come along, but August had stayed home to give them some private time. Rebecca had help her mend the fence with her mother, but not her father. He was still being a butthead and now her mother was divorcing him. She still couldn't believe he had another family.

The Spanish Flower Chapter 11

The next following weeks for Renata were busy. She was discharged from the hospital after spending two weeks there. Her doctor told her not to lift anything heavier than ten pounds while her abdomen muscles healed. Her and Jesse had agreed on doing what the security firm had requested of them and a moving crew had come in and moved all her belonging and Jesse’s. They were flown out in a private jet to a private airfield and transferred to a helicopter to the ranch they had been promise.

Renata couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the spread of the ranch as they flew towards.

The Lucky Charm Chapter 9

The Lucky Charm

Chapter 9: The Second Step

Last Time

Looking across at Keara, she had a very knowing smile on her face. Why that little vixen was so going to get tickled

mercilessly when I got the chance at home.

And Now

I smiled across at Keara, letting her know I was onto her dupicedice, and to let her know how much I really loved her. Her

only reaction was to mouth silently to me, 'Be good to her.' I nodded to acknowledge her.

The Office

Vincent was working late on night, filling paperwork out. His coworker came in his office and sat down. Renee was attractive and flirtatious and she knew she was good looking, which in Vincent's opinion was why she was such trouble. He consciously didn't want to give her too much attention and kept his head down while she was there, trying not to be rude though.

Charlotte, part 24

“Which hospital is she in?” I ask as I get into Stuart’s car and fasten my seatbelt.

“Queen Charlotte's,” Stuart says, before a wide smile spreads across his face. “So… Did- did they, you know, say anything? About the kid?”

“You’re the one who Mikey texted,” I retort, before my eyes go wide as I realise what- or rather, who- Stuart’s referring to. “Oh, oh you- you meant-“

“Yeah,” Stuart nervously giggles. “Nearly put the baby seat in the car before setting off, I’m getting so practised at it…”

Tight Knit - Volume 1: Part 8

Jesse is separated from Tory and Leann.
She is taken away to be prepared for
her audience with Aphrodite.

Tight Knit

Volume 1

Part 8

By Taylor Ryan
Copyright© 2017 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

The Perfect Shave

Feminist writer, Joey, decides to give the Dollar Shave Club a try but gets a nasty shock when it promotes unseemly hair growth and masculine changes to her body. In the end, she must choose to either embrace the change or fight the company that has cursed her.


Visiting a foreign country is always exciting but it's a good idea to take precautions. Unfortunatley Terry and Felix didn't so they ended up

Click on the story title and then on the captions to enlarge them.

Charlotte, part 23

“Wake up!” I hear a voice shout, startling me out of my slumber.

“Huh?” I ask, blinking my eyes to try to focus them in the glare of the late August sun.

“We’ve still got plenty to do,” My husband says softly, waking me further with a gentle kiss before helping me lift my bikini-clad body off the sun lounger. “You know most 25 year olds DON’T spend their free time dozing off in the garden?”

Nine Months (Month 2)

Nine Months (Month Two)

Kelly is stranded in Iceland in a female body suit while Jamie, now James, is off shooting a film. Her friendship with Siggy develops, but is she hiding a secret? Why does Siggy have such a problem with Kelly drinking, and if she keeps getting sick every morning should Kelly listen to her?

Month 2

The day after the 'men' left, Siggy woke me up early.

"Urgh, what time is it?" I moaned, putting the pillow over my head. The light hurt my eyes and my mouth felt woolly.

Theresa's Trick

Vincent was getting ready for bed, he laid down and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he felt something very strange and before being able to check he opened his eyes and it was morning. Feeling very rested and comfortable, he sat up and stretched, ""

The Housemate

Ok, I seem o have messed up somehow. Half the keywords for this story are missing.

It has BDSM, some sex and some femdom.

It all started when I was sitting in the social area at a play party.

I was talking with a domme I knew and happened to mention that we'd been given notice by our landlord. Seems he'd sold the house he was living in, and since the one we were renting was the next biggest one he owned, we were going to have to move.

Too Much of a Goodyear Thing

A bizarre NON-TG comic novella (well I thought it was funny anyway) that I wrote in the 1990's and am just stoned enough to post. Crude raunchy language, sexual + fetish themes, probably not work safe. If I get one kudo and one comment i'll be amazed...

Tommy has very specific tastes in women. They have to be blonde. Blondes with enormous breasts. Blondes with huge breasts who are wearing rubber. And it has to be RED rubber. Needless to say his sex life is mostly a solo affair, confined to some rather specialized fantasies. But this morning his imagined scenarios are taking on a life of their own. Each starts out nice and smutty, until all at once his rubber-clad Goddess realizes her taxes are due today, and then suddenly she's driving them all over searching for 1021-J forms; or whatever. A series of weird side plots taking our hero farther + farther afield from anything the least bit erotic. It is all...



by Laika Pupkino

Scenes from the Restroom

Scenes from the Restroom
By Stephanie Rose

Scene 1
Jeffry lifted his right leg out of the soapy water, and began to lather it up. He wanted to use the cream in the pink can on the side of the tub that his big sister Audrey used, but he knew he'd get in trouble. He walked in on her once as she was rubbing it on her legs, and she got mad.

"Get out you little creep!" she had yelled at him.

"I gotta poop!" he told her. "Daddy's on the other bathroom!"

Sacrificial Alter - Chapter 4

A story based in the real world. For some reason, a high school boy named J.J. went to sleep and didn't wake up for nearly 3 years. Someone else was awake in his place ...

Sacrificial Alter
Chapter 4 of 13


by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2017 by plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

You're My Bitch Now part 4

You're My Bitch Now

Part Four

For what seemed to him to be the umpteenth time over the past few days,
Rick blushed scarlet and thought he would faint.

‘But I'm not wearing panties,’ he said, looking anxiously over his
shoulder to see if Steve was in earshot.

You're My Bitch Now part 2

You’re My Bitch Now

Part Two

Rick dragged himself off to his room and sat on the floor with his back against the bed and his arms wrapped around his knees. He felt so confused he almost couldn't function properly. He knew that one part of him wanted to go, and another was terrified about what might happen. He was frightened by the strength of his own feelings, and the fear of embarrassment, or even worse, humiliation, was never far away from him. He looked at his watch, 25 minutes had passed and he needed to make a decision.

The Lucky Charm Chapter 7

The Lucky Charm

Chapter 7: A Second Journey Begins

I got dressed in Keara's clothes, for the most part they fit very well, though a bit tight in the bust. It seems that my
breasts were a little bigger than my nieces, but not by a lot, maybe just a cup size.

It was just about then that my phone started ringing, by the ringtone I knew it was my work calling. Realizing that I hadn't
called in last night that I wouldn't be coming in, I hurriedly answered the phone. "Hello?" I said.

Ian, part 9

“Come on, hand them over,” Lee insists, making the other four of us chuckle as we pass him our empty drinks cans.

“Seriously, man, can we at least see what it looks like?” Neil asks. “This project of yours that you’re working on?”

“Not until it’s a bit more complete,” Lee says. “Still annoyed I missed the deadline this May, don’t need you guys breaking it before it has a chance to compete!”

“Suit yourself,” I sigh. “You’ve got plenty of time to work on it this summer, though.”

"Yes Daddy..."

Vincent was walking through woods near his apartment when he found a ring, "Woah, this looks pretty coo..." he slipped it on his finger and in seconds, a bright blinding light flashed in his eyes. When the light dimmed, he looked around and something seemed different but he didn't see it at first. He looked around and put his hands up, his fingers were thinner and his nails were painted pink and red.

Changed by a Witch

One morning, Vincent woke up very early. He wasn't used to getting up so early but for some reason he found his eyes opening around 8am and sitting up. He looked out the window, saw the sun shining on he porch and yawned. Vincent then stood up and felt an odd bounce in his step, he couldn't quite figure out what that feeling was but he didn't feel like questioning it too much.


"Why are you calling me? I don't want to talk to you." Vincent said into his phone before hanging up and getting on the train. His ex girlfriend has been trying to get back with him for so angry and knew that he had to pass through her town on his way to work, he sat as far from sight as possible. He got close and he decided he absolutely couldn't be with her ever again.

He was two texts from her, the first one was a picture of her face and the second one said, "Get off in Denver St. Walk to my house. Go in and go to my bedroom."

Once a Prince

A prince leads a battle of his mortal human fighters against the Fae. A war that started over one hundred years before. The prince is captured and punished by the Fae. In revenge for Fae lives lost and the rape and death of the Fae king's daughter, the prince is transformed into a slave girl to be handed over to the king's sons for punishment. Can the prince find freedom, love, and stop the war?

Box for Lolita

Sometimes you start changing a tiny bit at a time other times something gives you a push this time magic gets involved and takes you on a trip into a smaller cuter version of yourself to a darker side of life.

"You" are the character that gets a box. Resistance is fulfilling.

Hope I can pull you in with my story and properly represent the world of bondage.

My night of immense pleasure

I got married at 18 to a pretty girl. We made love a couple of times and she just laid there and all she said was, "You are not in me yet". I said, "What do you mean,I'm done". We stopped having sex but I was allowed to make love to her but I had to use a strap on. The strap-on was 10 inches, a full 8 1/4 inches longer than what my wife, "Your pretty little clit". I was just turning 20 and my female side was pushing her way out and taking over. Two weeks before my birthday I sat my wife down for a talk. I told her that I am transgender and that females don't turn me on, I love cock.

The Unfortunate Experiences of Mike Cross, Parts 4-6

The Unfortunate Experiences of Mike Cross
Parts 4-6

And here you'll be caught up with TG Storytime. Much like The Curse 2, I'm hard at work on the next chapter, so hopefully soon.

The Unfortunate Experiences of Mike Cross, Parts 1-3

The Unfortunate Experiences of Mike Cross

Parts 1-3

This is by far one of the most popular things I've posted on TG Storytime, and very much probably the funniest. This story, in a way, takes pretty much every TG anime trope, throws them in a blender, makes fun of all of them, and offered me a chance to write a very sex-oriented story. I don't know why I did this, I don't remember why the idea even came to me, but one day I just wondered "What if a succubus doesn't want to be a succubus anymore? She'd probably possess a man assuming her sex drive would die off, right?"

Time for hilarity to ensue.


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes