CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Before & After Chapter 3

In this final chapter, Daniel is confronted by his wife Jamie after using the Topical Solution for Hormonal Imbalance. Can their marriage survive this revelation of his long term transsexual desires?

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected]

"Where the fuck is my husband?"

My wife repeated. I stayed silent and despite my predicament, my hand still slid over the raging erection next to me.

"Where is Daniel? How did you get in here? If I don't get some answers right now I'm calling the police!"

I Like Dressing Up

Rachael looks at her collection of women clothing she has. Most of them she designed herself and have worn at one time or another. She has never confined herself to one gender. If she felt like dressing as a girl, she dresses as a girl. If she felt like dressing gender neutral, she dressed gender neutral. She loved designing and modeling clothes.

What A Girl Enjoys

Serena pushes the lawnmower up and down the lawn. She was listening to music from her iPhone as she was cutting the lawn. Her purple color phony tail was bouncing with each step she took. Occasionally, she would start singing. She was wearing a pair of short shorts and a white sports bra.

Her fair skin was already starting to burn. She’s been outside since seven in the morning working in the yard. Her aunts were at work and she had the house to herself. She couldn’t wait for her friend to come over, so she could have some fun with him.

Use it or lose it

I think the title does a fairly good job summarising the story. Caution, this story does contain sexual scenes.

A further note: this micro mini story was posted by itself instead of in a double-short story collection at the request of a reader. I'm not sure I'll break up the double-short story collections into their own postings but let me know what you all think. I will at least post the story titles in the summary for each entry.

Please enjoy this one.

One a Day For Girls

One a Day for Girls
By Mel Huntington

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected]

This is the story of a mother and her child. She gave birth 18 years ago and was sure she was having a girl. But there were complications and this is the story of how that cosmic mistake got rectified.

I was studying my notes for my Chemistry final when I heard my Mother's voice as she came down the stairs.

"Happy birthday my darling boy! How does it feel to be 18 and only three days from graduation?"

Loving To Wear Corsets

Dom had been asked by his parents to clean out the attic of his great grandmother’s mother’s place. His parents were thinking about selling the old farmhouse. He had asked a few friends to come over and give him a hand.

He climbs up the ladder into the attic and starts handing things down to his friend George and Casey. The small stuff was easy to hand down the stairs, however, there were like seven large pieces of luggage that looked to be from the early 1800’s. He had seen streamer trunks before, but nothing like these.

Two Pack Tulsa Time: Chapter 3

I have no idea what happened at the conference that took place in the very back of the main room on the ground floor. I hadn't been invited to join them, and I had enough sense to know that trying to force my way into a meeting involving weres and vampires was downright stupid.

I spent a fair bit of the evening with Kelly-Lynne, Shaneel and Annalise, plus a few other girls, all of us snuggling close on the sofas.

To be honest, I haven't the faintest idea of what was on the big screen TVs above us, as I was too wrapped up in the conversation taking place.

Jacinta, part 15

“Ahh!” I screech as my ‘seat’ slides across the ground, threatening to tip me on my backside with every movement it makes. “Jeez- how did I let you talk me into this again?”

“You said you wanted a Valentine’s date that was truly unique,” the young Welshman replies with an almost sadistic chuckle as he fiddles with his controls. “I guarantee you, this is something no one will have ever done before!”

“There’s a reason for that!” I complain, grimacing as I feel the cold February air blow up my extra-short skirt. “And I’m not really dressed for it either!”

Dani's Turn

This is the story of Daniel, who was encouraged by his dying wife Jamie to find his happiness as Dani, his stillborn twin sister.

This is my first submission to Big Closet, I'm told this type of story may find a more appreciative audience here. Obviously comments are greatly appreciated.

The Female Avenger (updated)

“Ouch!” Erin sticks his finger in his mouth to suck on it.

The custom circuit board he was working on, had shocked him. He was putting the finishing touches on his cosplay armor. He was going as a female Iron Girl. He saw the design on the web by an artist named Bogdanbl4. He was changing up the paint scheme from blue and black, to black and silver. He glances over towards his 3D printer as it prints out the last remaining piece he needed for the armor.

I was Turned into A Six-Year-Old Girl

Harry pulls his battered pick-up truck up to the house he had been told to clean out by his father. It was to pay his father back for buying the truck he was driving. He grabs his gloves and paper mask as he heads inside the house. He couldn’t believe how much of a mess had been left behind.

The house had been foreclosed on and his father had bought the house at an auction to flip it. His father loved making money. His father was paying him and four of his friends to clean the house out. If there is anything they wanted to come for themselves, they could.

Watch What You Wish For

Benny makes his security rounds at the museum he worked at. It was storming and lighting outside as he walked the dark hallways of the museum he worked at. Every once in awhile he would stop at his favorite picture that had a nude pregnant woman sitting on a big boulder in a lake. Not too far down from the painting was an African fertility statue.

I, Jennifer Ch. 03

I, Jennifer
Michele Nylons


Chapter Three: Love Your Suit

Jennifer is put to use by The Movement, sent into Cybertronics Inc HQ to gather evidence against the company to prove their illegal activities. Christina reveals to Jennifer why she hates Hominoids so much but they are forced into an uneasy alliance. Please take note of the Caution.

Becoming Sara Day Eight

Having my sister here brought back a lot of memories. Even though she is a year younger than I am she caught up with me in height and for a little bit she was taller until we both stopped at five two. Many people mistook us for twins as we acted alike and drove our parents nuts like most kids. Even with short hair and boy's clothes people thought I was a girl more than half the time. Even worse when she would wear my clothes as well. It somewhat stopped as my voice deepened, but there was always someone who would point it out, or be shocked speechless when I spoke.

The Vampires Kiss Part 1

The Vampires Kiss is my second foray into adding a bit of horror. The transgender bits don’t really appear until part three but I hope you enjoy the tale and I’m sure you can guess where it’s headed.

The Vampire's Kiss

The Vampires Kiss
By Anna Na Maus
©2018 by Anna Na Maus. All rights reserved.

New Release - The Evangelist

It's been a long time coming but part one of the American Angel trilogy is now available for sale on Amazon.

A rapist starts to prey on transgender women in Bristol and Detective Inspector Gregg DeSilver is put in charge of the case.

His opponent is good, very good and the only way to unmask him is to look into the past but that is only the beginning.

Can DeSilver solve the case or will he need a little help from the Angels?



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The Black Ring V

Jacky takes a few steps backwards as she encounters on old flame that works for a clinic that promises to reverse her sex change and eliminate the persona known as Jill. Given the chance to get her life back as a man, Jacky goes down an unknown path that will lead to personal revelation and sacrifice.

Roy And The Road To Renee - Chapter 8

Caution - this chapter contains explicit sexual material.

Sue, Joe, Becky and I attended the Valentine’s day dance. I wore my suit and Joe had on a sport coat. Both of us wore white shirts and dark ties. The girls had really gone all out. Sue had a red dress with the hem a few inches above her knees. Becky had borrowed my dance dress.

“I wish you were wearing that dress, it looked so good on you at the dance class,” Joe commented. I pretended to not hear him. He leaned closer to me and whispered, “Are you wearing panties under your clothes, sweetheart?”

I scowled at him, and said, “ Hardly.”

“Well I am, lover,” he confessed.

“What does Sue think about that?” I asked.

“She doesn’t know,” he answered, and then added, “Yet.”


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes