Young Love

Castle The Series - 0078 Warbler & Jed

The footnotes are now included.



“The squad are considered to be hunters, and after all the vermin we’ve killed Milligan said we’re saving so much food that he considers feeding us well to be important for the wheel of the Folk. He ordered Saught to make sure we get the best.”
“That’s weäl, not wheel, Jed. You know what it means?”
“Yeah, total well being. Like being well fed, clothed and warm, but gratitude for the correction. Weäl. Weäl. That right?”
Warbler nodded and added, “It also includes feeling good inside your head concerning life.”
Jed grinned and said, “Like all your weäls going in the same direction.”
After he’d explained the pun in and the meaning of his remark to an initially puzzled Warbler, she was choking with laughter as she responded, “At least one of your weäls it going in the wrong direction for certain, Jed.”

A Spark Can Start A Blaze

Ethan stretches like a cat as he wakes-up in bed. He was enjoying dressing like a girl all the time now. The silk nightgown he wore to bed rubs against his smooth skin and sends goosebumps up and down his body.

He looks down towards his chest and he was slowly developing his own breasts. He decided after high school that he wanted his own breasts. He had been wearing fake ones all the time for his performances. So, he talked Dr. Wolfhart into increasing his estrogen levels, since his body produced so little testosterone.

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