Angel Of Justice Chapter 15

Katlain watches the police officer that has been abusing his position as an officer. She had tailed him from the police station to an apartment complex. He had met up with a known prostitute. She knew this woman. She conducted business out of her apartment.

Katlain waited till officer Aaron Williams went into the house, before tagging his car with a GPS tracker. She searched his car and found a hidden stash of cocaine. Along with the cocaine, she found a few weapons she knew he shouldn’t have.

“You’re a very naughty boy, Officer Williams.” Katlain takes her camera and goes up to the apartment to see if she could get some pictures of him and the prostitute.

Unfortunately, there was no way she could get pictures of them. She sits down in her car and watches the place. She still had that car for Red to steal. She had already visited the place and got the radio frequency she would need to get pass the gate.

Katlain sucks on some Jolly Ranchers hard candy as she waits for Officer Williams. The possession of cocaine is enough to get him busted.
She did find out where he lived from searching his car. She’ll plan a visit there to bug his place and to search it.

After about a few hours, Officer Williams comes out of the apartment. She takes several photos of him and the prostitute kissing before he leaves. She discreetly follows him back to his place. She watches as he goes inside his place. She couldn’t believe he was living in one of the most expensive condo units around. She knew for a fact that you had to have a lot of money to live in this place.

She leaves his place and heads back to her garage. She would go ahead and steal the 2014 Lamborghini Veneno Roadster tonight. She calls her favorite cab driver and have him drop her off near the gated community where the car was kept. She makes her way into the community and down towards the house where the Lamborghini was kept.

The dumbass that owned the car left it outside his garage. If she owned a car like this, it would be protected inside the garage away from the elements. She checks the car over making sure it wasn’t low jack or had anything that could be activated remotely to kill the car. Once she finishes going over the car. She scans the code to unlock the car door and opens it. She plugs her reader into the port to get the electronic code to start the car. She gets it and unlocks the steering. She puts it in neutral and back the car down the driveway. She pushes the car down the street. Once she is far enough away from the house. She gets in and fires it up. The car starts without a problem.

As she is heading towards the gate, she runs into the patrolling security guard. He spots her, and she spots him. She floors the pedal and head towards the gate of the community. She figures the security guard was going to alert the other patrols. As she gets towards the gate. She opens it and races out of the community.

She looks in the rearview mirror and notices that security was still following her. She listens to her portable police scanner and hears that the police have been alerted. They were heading towards her location. She floors the pedal and loses the security guard. She knew the area she was in well and knew where she could hide the car for a while. She takes the car to her favorite hiding spot and waits out the night.

She listens to her police scanner to know when they give the search up for her. While she is sitting and waiting for the police to end their search. She goes through the glove compartment of the car to find out who the car was register too.

“Holy crap!” Katlain couldn’t believe who the car belonged too.

The car was registered to Ventusky Ricci. He was a major player in town and rumored to have his fingers into a lot of different business venture. He wasn’t someone you wanted to be on his bad side. She knew there were only a handful of car thieves that could do what she could do or would do.

Red set her ass up on this deal. If she had known it was Ventusky Ricci’s car, she would had turned down the job. Hopefully, Ventusky won’t find out that she was the one that stole his car. Once the coast was clear, she heads towards Red’s garage to drop the car off. As she gets closer to the garage, she notices several unmark police cars watching the place. She turns around and takes the car to a storage place she owned.

Normally, she only used it to store her rare and valuable cars. She parks the car inside and makes sure it is secure before leaving. The place was shielded, so there would be no way any tracking signal would escape the place. She leaves the storage unit and heads home to get some sleep. She was going to need to set Officer Williams up. So, internal affairs can do their job of kicking him off the force or put his ass in jail.
She comes in through the backdoor of her place. That way no one would know she has been gone. She heads towards her bedroom and start undressing. As she was undressing, it was bugging her that Red’s place had unmark police cars watching it. She was going to have to call him tomorrow. She slips on her nightshirt and lay down in bed. She turns the lights off and falls asleep with her gun tucked under her pillow.

0800 hrs. the following day:
Katlain wakes-up as soon as the alarm on her cellphone goes off. She heads towards the kitchen to fix herself some coffee. She turns the television on in the kitchen and listens as the newscaster mention the raid of a local chop shop. She heads back to her bedroom and pull out one of her burn phones. She places a call to Detective Harrison.

Detective Harrison:
Detective Harrison was busy taking care of some paperwork when his phone starts ringing. He answers the phone.

“Hello, Detective Harrison speaking.”

“Hey Detective, I was wondering what you might know about the raid that took place last night.” Katlain fixes her coffee.

“Hey Katlain, I can’t talk right now. Are you free for lunch?” Detective Harrison knew a lot about the raid that took place, but he couldn’t talk about it over the phone.

Katlain was suspicious now “yes, I’m available. Why don’t we meet at Billy’s Jerky Shack?”

Katlain figures it would be hard for anyone to listen their conversation at Billy’s.

“Billy’s will be fine. I’ll see you at 1:00 pm.” Detective Harrison knew all about Billy’s

The place served nice Jamaican food and was always noisy.

“Alright, I’ll see you there at 1:00 pm.” Katlain hangs up and drinks her coffee.

She heads back towards the master bathroom and take a nice relaxing shower. As she is standing under the shower spray. She wonders why Detective Harrison couldn’t talk to her about what happened last night. The Lamborghini she stole last night was hidden away at her secondary storage unit. Right now, it was a hot potato, because it belonged to a known drug dealer. She knew this guy doesn’t take kindly to his things being stolen.

On top of that, Red was raided last night, and he could turn her in as being a car thief. She also had to worry about Officer Williams and getting him off the streets. An idea pops into her head. Maybe, she could make it seem that Officer William was working for Ventusky Ricci. That way she could put both men in jail. She’ll have to run the idea by Detective Harrison and see what he thought.

She finishes up her shower and heads back into her bedroom. She slips on a nice pair of slim jeans. The blouse she slips on is a layered long sleeve lace panel black blouse she just bought a few days ago. She slips on her back holster loaded with her Springfield XDs .45. The new blouse hid her gun well. She checks herself in the mirror to see if it could be seen, but she doesn’t spot it.

Katlain grabs her cellphone and head out towards her garage. Today, she was going to take the Maverick over to her secondary garage to get her 2014 Mitsubishi 3000GT. Until, she meets up with Detective Harrison. She was going after Officer Williams to see if she could entrap him.
She grabs a few concealable cameras and mics set them in the car. This way she could have video and voice to provide as evidence. She also grabs three bugs she could try to put on him as well.

Before she leaves the house. She heads back inside the house and grab one of her false id’s. Her identity Elizabeth Hicks already had a background to it. So, when Officer Williams run it. He’ll see she has been arrested a few times for drug possessions, prostitution and that she was on parole right now. She walks back out to her Maverick and drive over to another garage she owns Inside were cars she uses for various things. They were cars she bought at a car auction and fixed. Mostly, she liked to flip them, but a few she kept for other reasons.

She takes her red Mitsubishi 3000GT out in Officers Williams assigned area. She drives around trying to entice her fish.

Officer Williams:
Officer Williams was sitting at an intersection hidden from view as he worked on his tickets. So, far he has pulled over ten people for speeding and running a red light. One of the young women he pulled over was beautiful. She had a nice set of breasts and her lips were the perfect shape for what he wanted from her. He had gotten a blow job from after suggesting that he would destroy the ticket he wrote her.

He spots a red Mitsubishi 3000GT speed right in front of him. His radar said she was doing 75 in a 45 zone. He turns his lights on and start chasing her.

Katlain smiles as she hears the siren and spot the lights in her rearview mirror. She ignores them and takes him on a little chase. She goes down a street that has no traffic and pull over in a deserted parking lot. She watches as Officer Williams pulls in behind her.

Officer Williams couldn’t believe the driver. Whoever, they were ignoring his lights and sirens. He follows the car and finally they pulled into a deserted parking lot. He grabs his hat and gets out and heads towards the driver. The windows of the car were tinted, so he couldn’t tell what gender the driver was. He taps on the window and watches as it lowers.

Katlain tries looking all confused as why she was pulled over as she lowers the window. She turns to fact Officer Williams.

“What can I do for you Officer?” Katlain was being all sweet and innocent.

Officer Williams looks at the driver and notices she was a cute brunet. He figures she was in her late teens or early twenties. He glances towards her breasts and notices they were the size he liked.

“Do you know you were doing 75 in a 45, ma’am?” Officer Williams was thinking about all the things he could do with this young lady.

“I didn’t know I was speeding, officer.” Katlain could tell she has caught his attention.

“I need to see your drivers license, please.” Officer Williams was watching the woman closely as she reaches for her purse.

The blouse she had on let him see everything underneath it. He notices she had on a low cut white lace bra that lifted her breasts. He kept watching her as she dug in her purse for her license

Katlain pulls her driver license out of her purse and hands it to him. She was watching him seeing where she could slip a bug on him.

“I’ll be right back.” Officer Williams walks back towards his police cruiser.

“I bet you will, Mr. Williams.” Katlain makes sure her cameras were capturing everything.

She watches Officer Williams in her rearview mirror as he sat in his police cruiser and ran her name. She already knew what it was going to pull up on her fake driver license. She waits patiently.

Officer Williams pulls up the information on Elizabeth Hicks. He looks at her police record and sees she has been arrested for drug possessions, drug trafficking and prostitution. She was currently on parole after serving three years. A smile appears on his face as he thinks maybe she would be good for another blow job. He writes the ticket and walks back-up to her car.

Katlain/Elizabeth looks at Officer Williams as he comes walking up to her car door. He had a ticket and a driver license in his hand.

“Is there anything wrong Officer?” Katlain/Elizabeth was acting innocent.

“Do you know that you have violated your parole Ms. Hicks?” Officer Williams had slipped a bag of cocaine out of his pocket and was going to slip it in her car.

“What do you mean Officer?” Katlain/Elizabeth was still playing dumb.

“Well, it looks like you have drugs in your car.” He tosses the small bag of drugs he had hidden in his hand onto her back seat.

Elizabeth knew he was full of crap, but she couldn’t wait to view the video to see how he did it.

“Oh, no. I’ll be sent back to jail. I just got out.” She starts crying.

Officer Williams waits a few minutes, before springing his pitch on her. He watches her as she cries.

He leans in a little bit towards her “if your willing to do something for me. I might be able to help you in this matter. I could make your ticket disappear and your parole officer wouldn’t need to know about this little incident.”

Katlain/Elizabeth sniffs and look at Officer Williams. She knew her make-up had run some.

“What would I have to do? I can’t afford for my parole officer to find out.” She sniffles as she tries to get him to believe her.

“Since it’s just the two of us right here. If you say, suck my cock. I could make this ticket disappear. However, there is a catch. It can’t be just this once. I’ll need to use you a few more times till I feel you have pay your debt.” Officer Williams figure she’ll be good for a few fucks and sucks.

Katlain looks at him and couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” Katlain looks at him.

“Okay, open your car door.” Officer Williams figures since it was just the two of them. It would be safe for her to give him a blow job.

Katlain opens her driver door and watch as Officer Williams steps closer to her. He unzips his pants and looks down at her. He was ready for a blow job.

Katlain gives him what he wants. She felt cheap doing it, but she needed to have this recorded which is what she was doing right now. She gives him his blow job and afterwards wipes her chin.

“Dam girl. You are very good.” Officer Williams tucks his cock back into his pants. He looks at her.

Katlain wipes her chin with tissue from her purse. As she wipes her chin, she spits what she held in mouth into the tissue without him knowing.

“Who did you traffic drugs for?” Officer Williams was curious.

“Ventusky Ricci. I moved drugs for him.” Katlain wonders if Officer Williams was going to take the bait.

“Ventusky Ricci? I’ve heard of him. Do you think you could tell me the next time he is expecting a shipment?” Officer Williams looks towards Katlain.

“I’ll try. I haven’t moved any drugs for him since I have been out of prison.”

“Well, remember. If you want to stay out of prison, you’ll find out that information. Give me your cell number.” Officer Williams pulls his cellphone out.

Katlain/Elizabeth gives him the number to her burn phone. It was the same phone she used to call Detective Harrison. When she hears it ring?
She saves his number.

“When I call you. I expect you to answer the call. Do I make myself clear?” Officer Williams looks down at her.

“Yes sir.” She did manage to slip one of her bugs on him and another one in his magazine holder on his belt.

Katlain waits for Officer Williams to drive away, before heading back to the garage where she kept the Mitsubishi. She changes out of her blouse into one she brought with her. She still had to meet up with Detective Harrison. She wanted to find out what went down with Red last night.

She switches to her Maverick and head towards Billy’s Jerky Shack.

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