Feral Saga Chapter 2 - Betrayal


Feral Saga Chapter 2 - Betrayal
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.

In this, our second-ever issue, there’s some superhero-style violence and related tension as the action ramps up and plots begin to unfold. The game is afoot (whoops, wrong story)! There’s also people dealing with what just happened and what it means about .. Uhh, nope, sorry - spoilers…

Some of you were kind enough to comment, kudo, or drop me a line and I wanted to express my thanks. I realize that with something this explicit, some of you might not want to comment, but I do want to hear what you like, where you hope or suspect the story will go, etc. so feel free to PM. I’m also just glad you’re still reading.

So, for those of you still on this ride, you might want to buckle up...

© Nyssa 2019

Author Note
So this is a non-canon X-Men story, focused on Wolverine, with a lot of Jean Grey thrown in. But as something of a nerd, I can’t just leave it at that. I have to talk about “where” this particular X-Men universe exists. And, I’m afraid, it isn't a simple answer. It is instead, a jumble of the comics, the old cartoon, and the original set of movies with a definite preference for the comics. As an example of the random nature of my X-Men Universe, Jean Grey is a doctor here, as she is only in the original movies (I just found it a fun detail), but Wolverine is definitely more like in the comics and cartoons, not Hugh Jackman. He is, instead, the shorter, stocky, gruff berserker in yellow and brown (blue and yellow came later) that first caught my imagination in a Spiderman / Hulk special edition comic. Also, Jean has the deep red hair of the comic and not the nearly strawberry blond of Sophie Turner nor the bizarre red that Famke Janssen had. And we’re going to pretend that Anna Paquin’s version of Rogue doesn’t exist. But I’m not going to refer to any specific prior events and I’m not going to try to place it in some particular comic-book arc. Oh, and let’s set the year as the late 1990’s - no social media to speak of and minimal smartphone use. Of course, there’s also people running around with superpowers, so it’s clearly not our corner of the Multiverse, anyway. But I hope you can just get lost in the story and not worry too much about any of that. I could be fooling myself, but I don’t think that much knowledge of the X-Men is required - it’ll be more fun if you do have some idea of who these people are, but it isn’t required. Here’s a wiki you can use if you’re really lost: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men

August 20, 2020 - I made some minor edits to the story and am posting them all at once.

When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.

          • Isaac Bashevis Singer

In a run-down part of a city thousands of miles from Xavier’s School for Gifted Youth, a shadowy hooded figure entered an abandoned office structure and strode confidently into a large room where a single table sat. On it, a screen came to life as the figure moved towards it.

“You’re not here? I thought we were to meet in person? And what if this signal is traced?”

The image displayed on the screen would be familiar to any of the Uncanny X-Men. It was Magneto. “I assure you that is not an issue. There is, in fact, no signal to trace.”

“Ah, you are using a techno-mancer.”

“I’m really not here to discuss spycraft with you,” Magneto cooly intoned. “How goes our alliance’s plans? Have you prepared my resource?”

“Not much of an alliance if you won’t even meet with me in person.”

Magneto chuckled. “Don’t be petulant. I simply don’t trust you. But you brought me this proposal, I didn’t come to you. The only reason I agreed to offer my support was because many of our goals aligned. But if you would prefer that I withdraw that support…”

“No, no. Everything is in place. Every contingency has been accounted for.”

“I sincerely doubt that, but we shall see.”

The figure, illuminated by Magneto’s image on the screen, raised a hand as if ready to grasp something out of mid-air. “They won’t know what hit them, and when I have my hands on…”

“No names,” interrupted Magneto. “Let’s not tempt fate. All of this is for naught if our plans are revealed too early… Very well. I do not expect to hear from you again until you have succeeded.”

“I shall succeed.”

“See that you do. My magnetic personality does have its limits.”


The next morning, Jean slept in. The mansion was already empty as the others were in class, on assignment, or going about their private projects. The first order of business was another shower. The few hours she’d slept had been fitful and sweaty. As the warm water hit her, she ran her head under the water and began to work the shampoo into her long red hair.

As she lathered, she looked down to see the lather wash down over her breasts. “Suddenly that seems so much more erotic than it ever did before,” she thought to herself. “That goes beyond gay, though. Reacting to my own tits as if I still had Logan’s cock…

With her eyes closed, she placed her hands over her soapy, erect nipples. “Ohh, that feels good. And if I’m thinking about Logan’s cock I can’t really be gay. I’m just working through an intense dream.

But the image that came to her mind of Logan’s cock entering her pussy was as if she was the one thrusting it in.

Maybe I just need to think of Scott,” she reasoned as her hand slipped down so that her fingers could stroke between the folds of her labia and up along her clit where it was just beginning to peek out. “Last Saturday. Yes, that was sooo romantic. We flew to that gorgeous hotel. Then, in our room, as I was looking out on that beautiful sunset, he reached around me from behind and held my breasts. He kissed me along my neck up to my ear. I could feel his cock against my ass. Oh, I can imagine what that was like, these tits in his hands; cock straining. And when I turned around and freed it and took it deep into my mouth. I can just picture how that looked to him. His cock sliding in and out of my red lips as I stripped out of my dress. I bet he came even harder when he saw me smiling up at him with cum leaking out of my mouth.”

With that, Jean came in the shower, clamping her legs together, imprisoning her hand as her other hand had to hold her up, supporting her against the shower wall. It wasn’t until the orgasm had settled down to mere quivering that she realized that she’d been remembering sex AS Scott, not WITH Scott.

It was a very shaken Jean Grey who tapped on the office door of Professor Charles Xavier 45 minutes later. “Charles?”

“Yes, Jean. Come in, your arrival is most timely. There’s something I’ve found out this morning and you may be able to shed some light on it,” said Charles as he indicated a seat next to the large viewscreen that made up one wall of the office.

Jean felt her head spin slightly at the possibility that Charles knew exactly what was happening to her. She’d intended to tell him SOMETHING, just not everything. “Uhh, what is it, Charles?”

“I’m afraid that Scott is overdue for his check-in,” Charles said as he activated the screen.

“How long?” asked Jean – her own problems all but forgotten for the moment.

“One hour, twenty-three minutes,” replied Charles, turning toward her.

“Where is he, or don’t you know?” Jean tried to keep the panic out of the end of that question.

“He is 17 feet from the X-jet’s ramp. And before you ask, he appears awake and in good health. At that point the viewscreen showed an image from the X-jet’s external camera. Cyclops stood facing the camera, legs shoulder-width apart, an alert but relaxed posture. With his visor and the distance, it was impossible to tell if his eyes were open, but his breathing was not the deep even rhythm of someone asleep. Plus, he was standing.

“Why is he just standing there?” Jean now wondered if Scott was the one who now knew her secret.

“I was hoping you could go and find out.”

It was later in the day when Wolverine came up from his Danger Room training session. He was feeling exhilarated – it had been one of his best sessions in weeks.

He looked around the mansion hoping to see Jean, even though he knew he wouldn’t know what to say to her. “Wanna fuck with both of us awake?” seemed less than likely to be a good opener. He even considered “asking” the Jean-in-his-head for advice, but she’d been silent since last night. When he didn’t “accidentally” run into Jean he decided to go ahead and take a shower.

Stepping into the shower, he could see that he was, for some reason, semi-erect. “Maybe I’m gonna need to take care of that,” he mused. Now that he wasn’t actively training or doing something, he couldn’t seem to get the idea that he’d actually had sex with Jean from his thoughts.

Of all the memories for my swiss-cheese of a brain to lose, why that?

Logan closed his eyes and a sudden flash of a memory came to him. Suddenly, a clear vision began to form in his mind. The smell of arousal in the air was so thick in this vision that he quickly became very aroused physically. He felt his nipples harden.

That’s new,” he thought.

But the flash of memory, or just plain wishful thinking, continued to unfold. He could now clearly remember Jean and him frantically embracing each other and kissing passionately. He could actually feel their tongues stroking each other’s tongue as their bodies tried to press themselves into every square inch of the other.

“That kiss,” Logan whispered as he slid a soapy hand over his chest.

The memory of the frenzied, passionate grasping continued. At some point Jean was naked. He could see Jean’s breasts, even more magnificent than he had imagined. He wanted to linger over them in his mind’s eye, but instead, in the vision he was sucking and licking at her nipples.

But then everything in the vision became a little muddled. “No, I can’t lose it now. It’s just getting to the good part.” He tried to ignore the water, the soap, even his own erection and try to get the memory back.

And then, it was back.

He could hear the moans again, feel skin sliding over skin. Tongues fencing, lips on lips with the occasional nip of teeth.

“Oh, yes,” Logan whispered, now smiling hugely. He still hadn’t touched his erection in the shower as it lightly bobbed with his pulse.

A rough hand massaged a breast, the nipple being lightly teased. Logan’s nipple throbbed in response. He could feel the wetness of labia being stroked and then a cock sliding along them. He was feeling desperate with desire at this point.

‘Yes,” he panted. “Now, please now.”

Then he felt it.

The cock pushing into his pussy. He could feel the pressure as it slipped further and further into his wet folds. The stroking as it moved deeper and deeper, pulled at his inner lips, stretching his opening, pulling at the sensitive skin around his clit and sending incredible tremors through it.

Logan hissed in delight, this was…

His eyes suddenly shot open.


Logan realized that his perspective in this little fantasy was all wrong. He was experiencing, actually REMEMBERING, all of it as Jean.

“What the hell? Whattthehell…” Logan turned the water all the way to cold and rested both palms against the wall of the shower, stunned to his core.

His erection did not fade.

After several minutes, he felt enough clarity to feel like he could get out. As he dried himself, his head was still spinning as he tried to figure out what his still erect cock actually meant.

“Hmm,” said a familiar, amused voice in his head. “Looks like I’m not the only one excited by the thought of a little special attention from that body… And that cock.”

“No, it’s not like that. I’m not turned on by his, I mean my… I’m not gay,” said an exasperated Logan out loud.

“Since you were the one with a vagina in that little fantasy, I agree,” giggled Jean.

What is happening, why do I remember it that way?” This time, Logan remembered not to say it out loud.

“Aren’t you worried I’ll start ‘yammering’ again?”

Aww, c’mon, I said I was sorry. How was I supposed to know you could hear me?

“Whether or not I could hear you is not the point!”

Well, then what is… Never mind. Do you know anything about what happened last night? Why you’re ‘here’ and why you, err Jean, had sex with me, why I remember sex that way? Can you help me?

“I don’t know. Not really. Logan, I might not be the one to help with this. I think we may need to talk with someone. See if there’s something wrong.”

Like who?

Logan,” said the ‘voice’ of Charles Xavier.

So Chuck, you gonna help me with my Jean problem?

You know about that?” Charles ‘mental voice’ conveyed his surprise. At this point, Logan realized that this wasn’t another voice in his head. Or at least it wasn’t an internal one. This was the actual Charles Xavier.

Wait, know about what? Never mind, I’ll come to you.” Logan rushed to get dressed in his full Wolverine gear, his erection finally gone.

I am in my office.

When Wolverine slipped into the Professor’s office, he found the Professor engrossed in the viewscreen. He seemed to be performing some sort of analysis. There was a dependency diagram showing multiple possible results. Wolverine knew that Charles must be very concerned – Charles Xavier was one of the few people in the world who ALWAYS knew when Wolverine entered a room, no matter how silently. He thought, with a note of irony that one of the others was his nighttime playmate, Jean Grey.

“Uhh, Charles?”

Charles turned to look at Logan, still obviously thinking about the analysis he was performing. “Ah, yes. Logan. You are looking well. I trust last night’s dreams were not disturbing?”

Logan couldn’t help but smile in spite of his concern. “That’s an understatement.”

“Do you remember your dreams?” asked the Professor, somewhat more focused on the discussion now.

“Not really.”

“But they were not violent?” confirmed Charles, stating it as a question.

“Not like you mean,” answered Logan, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with this discussion. He meant to keep his self-made promise not to disclose anything until he’d had a chance to talk to Jean. “I know I had a weird dream. I don’t think anybody got hurt in it. I definitely felt good about it when I got up this morning.”

“I haven’t had a chance to view the tapes myself,” said Charles. “I’ve been rather preoccupied with something that seems to have caused Scott and now Jean to act very oddly.”

The twin revelations that the Professor might be able to view tapes of Jean sleep-fucking him and the fact that Jean might be in some danger warred for primary attention within Wolverine’s mind.

Oddly, it was Jean’s voice in his head shrieking, “Tapes!!?!!” that overrode his own concerns for a moment.

He shook his head and asked the Professor, “You had hinted that there’s something up with Jean. Is Jean OK?” Then he added, “And Cyclops? What is happening?”

“Early yesterday morning Scott went to investigate a break-in at one of our auxiliary facilities. He found that a few computer components were missing, but nothing strategic. He communicated his results to me and planned another sweep of the facility the next morning - today - and would call me with his findings. When he missed his check-in time, I tried to locate him with Cerebro. I found him, but he was in a trance-like state. The cameras on the X-jet showed that he was standing just outside. Shortly after I discovered this, Jean came in and I briefed her on the events. She left about two hours ago.”

“You let her go alone?” Wolverine asked.

“Yes, at the time it made sense. Since it appears to be a mental issue, and since she is one of the most powerful mutants on the X-Men as well as, to put it delicately, someone intimately familiar with Scott’s mind, she seemed a logical and safe choice.”

“It’s just she might not be entirely herself today. Didn’t she say anything to you?” asked Logan.

“What the devil is that supposed to mean?” asked Charles in a somewhat testy manner.

Logan, suspecting that Charles was about to scan him, began a furious mental chant of, “Privacy, Chuck, privacy.

After a few seconds he was sure that it had worked. Charles still seemed slightly annoyed but didn’t seem to know what had happened last night.

“Logan, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, I’m briefing you because the situation has changed. If you have information that you are withholding, it may affect all of us,” stated Charles as calmly as he could.

“Nope. I was outta line. Just fill me in.”

“Very well. It seems that Scott is now returning here. He will arrive in about,” Charles paused, “nine minutes. However, Jean is not with him and he claims not to have seen her. Further, he has no recollection of his trance. More ominously, I cannot locate Jean with Cerebro. She is perhaps employing a shield that I taught her – one that will only work against those who can sense telepaths, and Cerebro. I fear,” Charles said, looking up into Logan’s eyes, “Something is very wrong.”

Logan felt a chill go down his spine. He found himself seeking Jean’s mental touch as if he could call it to him. Just as he was about to dismiss it and suggest they go to meet the X-jet, he heard Jean’s voice in his head – but it wasn’t as if it was from telepathy, “Logan, I know where Jean is.”

“Charles,” he said. “I think we better go be Scott’s welcoming party. You’ve got me damn well hearin’ ghosts. And I hate it when the hairs on my neck stand up – puts me in a really bad mood.”

A few minutes later, Wolverine and the Professor were watching the X-jet land on the recessed launchpad below the grounds of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

“Chuck,” Wolverine fairly growled, “I got a bad feelin.”

As the ramp descended, Wolverine could smell the adrenaline and hear the rapid movement. He didn’t wait for confirmation – he picked up Charles’ wheelchair and threw it over the jet – knowing Charles would have plenty of time to recover and levitate himself to safety.

As he then leapt to meet the figure descending the ramp he was stunned by a sideswipe of a lethal blast from Cyclop’s visor. Logan managed to accelerate the roll when he hit so that he was out of sight from Cyclops. He rolled into a storage bay used to hold spares next to the launchpad entryway.

In his head he could hear Jean’s voice, “Please don’t hurt him, maybe he’s just mad because he found out about us.”

While he thought she may have a point, this was no time to start arguing with his imaginary sleep-fucking girlfriend. Especially when her other boyfriend seemed intent on killing him.

He decided to employ a tactic he’d seen used in the Danger Room against Scott. Pulling one of the mirror-finish panels from the storage bay he’d rolled into, Logan jumped out holding the panel in front of him. Cyclops immediately blasted the panel, only to have the blast bounce back onto himself. Of course, the energy had no effect on him, but it did cause him to pause in surprise.

That was sufficient time for Wolverine to reach him, extend his claws a slice right through Cyclops’ visor. Immediately, Scott’s blast became full force. Scott was turning to look at Logan when it happened, so the blast caught Logan square in the mirrored panel. Since the mirror wasn’t perfectly reflective, there was enough pressure to drive Logan hard into the stone wall behind him with a sickening thud. He struggled to hold the panel and remain conscious.

Normally, when he had no visor or protection, Scott quickly closed his eyes – his full blast was so destructive and draining that he never maintained it for long. But, with his blast being reflected back and re-absorbed and only Logan in his sights, Scott showed no signs of stopping. As the metal began to heat up and Logan’s mutant healing factor kicked in to repair the scalded skin, Wolverine began looking for options.

One of those options was a very surprised Charles Xavier.

He had found himself in the air almost before he realized what Wolverine had done. As Wolverine had guessed, he was able to right himself and levitate at a point just above the hull of the X jet near the stern. From there he could see the battle progressing. Unfortunately for Logan, he was not immediately able to decide which side of this battle to join.

He had no idea why Logan had launched him into the air and had not seen Cyclops fire a deadly blast at Wolverine. Now, as he watched Scott, enveloped in the glow of his reflected beam, it became clear that his was the more deadly assault.

Charles closed his eyes as he reached out to Scott’s mind. The resistance he found was staggering. Normally Scott and the others kept a telepathic shield up, as he had taught them. Still, he could get past these to at least establish contact. What he found was the equivalent of a roaring hurricane in Scott’s mind. There was no choice but to render Scott unconscious – he would wake from this with a severe headache. “I’m sorry, Scott,” he voiced aloud as he began to shut down Scott’s higher-level brain function.

However, it had no effect.

As Wolverine’s plight grew worse, Charles realized that there was something else at work here. “Wolverine,” he shouted out. “I can’t make contact. I’m going to have to use force.”

“OK by me!” Wolverine growled in response. “Mind hurrying?”

Wolverine felt the mirrored sheet of metal snatched from his hands. The sheet hurtled toward Cyclops. In less than a second the metal had reached Scott and wrapped a portion around his eyes. As he clawed at it, the metal had stretched as if it were a living blanket, forming cuffs around Scott’s wrists and then pinning them together. When that was complete, Scott slumped to the floor, unconscious.

“Neat,” remarked Wolverine standing over the unconscious form of his rival, his attacker, his teammate. “Did you have to knock him out? We might have learned something.”

“Actually, Logan, I knocked him out with my first attempt. It wasn’t until his control was broken that it took effect, however,” responded Charles as he levitated his chair to a place next to Logan.

“Control?” asked a puzzled Wolverine.

“Yes. I think I finally recognize the pattern and the mental signature if you will. I believe that Scott has been operating under the control of a mutant known as Neural Net. He is able to control any mutant who exercises their mutant power while in his presence by tapping into the cerebral commands invoking them and following the signal into the various sources in the brain. From there, he has control of the mutant subject’s body.

“So what's this Neuron Nut want?” Logan asked.

“It's Neural Net, Logan,” corrected Charles.

“Yeah. Not an improvement,” offered Logan laconically.

“Be that as it may, we are somewhat at a loss to explain several anomalies,” explained a slightly irritated Charles Xavier. “As far as we know, his effective range has always been from a very limited distance and never this completely. He is either close by or, I fear, has grown far more powerful.”

“And he has Jean,” stated Logan.

“We don’t know that and if so, we don’t know where,” said a resigned Charles. “Perhaps we can find out more from Scott, when he awakens. But I suspect he is unaware of his recent actions.”

“You do that, Chuck. I’m gonna borrow the unibrow’s bike. I think I have a date.”

“Logan,“ Charles called out as Logan started Cyclop’s motorcycle. “Wait until Ororo and Kitty get back. We need to take the time to plan. You could use the help and we don’t know where she is.”

“I do,” snarled Wolverine without looking back. “And I prefer to spring traps before they’re fully set.”

“Oh Logan,” said a distraught, but unmistakable voice in his head. “I’m scared.”

I know, babe.

Cripes,” he thought. “Jean’s sleep-fucking may prove she’s going nuts, but she’s taking me with her.

“In light of the situation I’m going to ignore that and still speak to you,” said Jean’s voice in his head, but the annoyance was clear.

Good, because I have no idea where I’m goin’.

“I know where she is.”

You can use your telepathy?

“No, not in here, I mean in you, but you and I… I mean you and Jean are linked and I can recognize the thread that links her to you. It’s still there and I know where it leads.”

Can you hear what’s going on or see what’s happening?

“It’s a thread Logan, not a TV channel.”

“Damn telepaths are so sensitive,” he muttered.

“Not amused.” He could almost picture Jean’s green eyes flashing.

Logan plotted a course guided by the image in his mind supplied by his imaginary, irritated girlfriend. The location was about 12 miles from the mansion, a building in a seedier part of town. Lots of abandoned properties and very few people out walking the streets. Not many cars either.

“This must be the place,” said Logan as he stopped the bike about a block away. “Looks like a good time to attack, as most times are…

“Wait Logan,” said his own personal Jean in his head. “Something’s not right. This is a trap.”

Yeah, we kinda established that already.

“Humor me. And remember, no mutant abilities.”

Fine.” Logan managed to make his way around the area, keeping to what shadows there were. He found that the building had several men wandering in pretty regular patterns around it. But inside, there was no obvious activity. “Definitely doesn’t smell right.

“Logan,” hissed Jean in his head, quietly. “What’s wrong?”

I’m pretty sure no one else can hear you.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “But fill me in, who do you think those guys are?”

Baseline human, military or paramilitary. Hired muscle. Which is odd.

“What’s odd? How do you know they’re baselines?”

First, because they’re armed to the teeth and clearly know how to handle those rifles. Mutant guards wouldn’t stoop to external firepower. Second, because if they’re expecting an attack by the X Men, this isn’t even gonna slow us down. I could chew through them in 2 seconds flat. Would have if you hadn’t stopped me.

“So why are they there?”

To draw our fire.

“Wait, I see. If any of us use our mutant abilities, Neural Net can take control of them.”


“I think I have one more piece to this puzzle. When we first got here, I could tell that something was off about where the thread leads. The building isn’t where Jean is.”

What? Did they move her?

“No, this is the location, but she’s under the building. Now that you’ve pretty much circled it, I can tell for sure That’s where the thread leads.”

Got it. So, we hit the sewers.

“Sewers?” Logan could sense Jean’s unease at the idea. “Why the sewers?”

How far down do you think the thread is?

“I don’t know, maybe 30 feet.”

Yeah, that’s under the building, in a sewer.

“Hate sewers,” pouted Jean.

As Logan quietly made his way through the dark concrete corridors of the sewer system and neared the large collection chamber just below the building, he wanted to strain his already superhuman senses to their limits.

“No, Logan,” came Jean’s voice in his head. “If you use any mutant abilities, he might be able to sense it and control you.”

Check.” Wolverine was so tense that he nearly said it aloud.

Fortunately, he heard movement and saw a dim glow up ahead. He made his way quietly to the source of the light. When he got to the opening and looked within he saw a room, several feet above the floor of the collection area - probably some sort of control room or maintenance area. The light was coming from an observation window.

There were two figures visible inside.

Jean was standing in the middle of the room, unmoving. Over to her right was a figure bent over a console. He was wearing some sort of electronics gadget on his head, as far as Logan could determine. And the muffled sounds that made it through the window as vibrations sounded like he was swearing profusely at the console.

Hello, Neuron Nut. Think you’re havin’ a bad day?” Logan asked silently. “Well, it just got worse.

“How are you going to get in?” Jean asked in an urgent whisper in his head.

Logan leapt quietly up onto the platform - just within reach without using augmented strength. “Looks like he left the door open,” he mused.

“That door isn’t open and it’s made of steel,” said Jean. “Remember, this is a trap.”

Piece of cake. And I’m pretty sure this trap isn’t fully set yet. My specialty...” Logan extended his claws and, with two quick swipes, he was through the lock and bursting through the door. Neural Net spun in the direction of Wolverine’s flight towards him.

“No,” said Neural Net, “You weren’t supposed to be here yet!”

Logan just had time to think “Life’s full of disappointments,” when Neural Net’s helmet flashed brilliantly.

As Wolverine’s claws penetrated Neural Net’s chest, Logan could just see Jean begin to turn towards him. Suddenly, his head seemed to explode with a mental blast from Jean. As he lost consciousness, he could hear Neural Net’s death rattle begin and feel every muscle in his own body begin to violently spasm and his healing factor go into overdrive. He could just barely hear Jean screaming his name. He wondered if it was in his head or if he really heard it before everything went black.


And will our Author ever get all this cheese out of her keyboard?

End Note:
I really want to know what you think of the story, so please comment. It doesn't have to be positive but if you have a correction, a DM would be more appropriate than a comment, so we don't bore everyone else with trivialities. If you want to discuss your thinking on consent or rape, then I'd suggest your blog would be the place to do that, not here. If you are upset that this story contained violence, graphic sex, non consensual actions, or mind control even after all my warnings and flags then I can't help you. If you want to demonstrate your superior knowledge of all things X-Men, please save it and just make lots of smug faces as you read my egregious errors. I'm here to have some fun and I hope I have provided you with some as well. ‘Nuff said. Until next time - Excelsior!

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