Kelsey pt 21 *** A kymmie verse story*****

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Kelsey part 21

“Keys for What, Granpa?” Kelsey asked.

“These are for 27214 Brierwood. Your first house”

“WHAT!!!” Brook said.

Granma and Granpa smiled. “A gift from us.” Granma started “We talked just after you two left on Sunday. We knew you to will be together forever. That night we contacted our Realtor to start a search. I had just hit the market, on Saturday. It was perfect for you two. 4 bedroom, 2 ½ bath, and a big garage. It is still in the Ridgemore high school area.”

Both Brook and Kelsey broke out in tears. Through Sobs of joy Brook said. “God, We don't know what to say. Thank you so much.” Both gave Grandma and Grandpa a big hug.

Still with tears in their eyes. Keely got up. “Kelsey, my sister and my new sister in law, Brook. The six of us got together and got you two an Art Van furniture gift certificate. To help furnish your new place.”

Kelsey's mom stood up next to Keely. "Your sisters told us they where doing this. Both me, your dad and Brooks parents doubled what your sisters got you two.”

Keely hand it to Brook after getting a hug. Brooks eyes went wide. She showed it to Kelsey it was for twelve grand.

With a cracking happy voice, Kelsey said, “Grandma and Grandpa told you about the house.” Her Mom nodded.

“This is for the happy couple, from me, Heather, Mark Jr, Ashley, and Kristal” Kelsey's uncle Mark gave them a check for $5000.

Brooks Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bryan gave them a check for $2000

“Thank you, thank you ,all. We can't thank you enough.” Brook said. Hugging everyone. As did Kelsey.

Karla went and turned on some music. Then said, "Well we didn't know if you two have a song yet. But it is time for the brides to dance.”

Kelsey stood and offered Brook her hand. They walked out towards an open spot in the yard. Kelsey put her arms around Brook as Brook did the same. They danced staring into each others eyes the whole time. About half way thought both Brook's and Kelsey's parents, Kelsey's grandparents, and all the aunts and uncles joined them. Once the song was over they all clapped.

The reception/ barbecue lasted until after dark. Finally finishing around 10. Kelsey's grandparents where the last to leave, after helping clean up. Brook and Kelsey where pretty much exhausted. Deciding to go to their new house in the morning. They went to bed at 11:20. They just stripped down to nothing and got into bed nude. Cuddled until 9 am the next morning. They were awoke by Keely's alarm. They decided to get up after Keely got done with her shower. They showered together, dressed fairly casual. Brook in Pink Bra and pantie set, Jeans, and a cap sleeve t-shirt. Kelsey wore purple thong and Bra, white jeans, and a purple and gray baseball shirt. Shoes and socks finished it off for both. They grabbed their purses and headed upstairs for breakfast. Getting a quick bite to eat. They got in the Marauder and headed to their new house. Brook could hardly sit still once Kelsey turned on to Briarwood Dr. Half way down the block was 27214 Briarwood Dr. A cute 2 story ranch on a large lot.

“OH, My god it is beautiful.” Kelsey said as she pulled into the driveway. The car barely got stopped as Brook jumped out.

“I can't believe this is ours, Baby” She said with excitement.

“Well if the key works it must be ours.” Kelsey said as she approached the door.

“Brook, I do think it is ours.” Kelsey said pointing to a small plaque next to the front door. It read, Kelsey and Brook Reid est: 20**

“Your grandparents are great.” Brook smiled, as Kelsey unlocked the front door. Pushing the door open, she stopped Brook.

“We have to do this right.” Kelsey picked up Brook and carried her into their first home.

Before Kelsey put Brook down they had their first kiss in their first home. The living
room as fairly large with a dining area towards the back and Kitchen off there. Stairs going both up and down where on the opposite wall. There where 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs, another bedroom on the main level with an office, and half bath. The basement was just divided. But other wise unfinished. Both the master bedroom and dining room had door walls leading to a small balcony and patio. A door off the kitchen lead to a 15foot breeze way and then to the huge garage. It had room for at least 8 cars, 3 garage doors.

The backyard was surrounded by a privacy fence and was a fairly good size.

“Well, Baby. What do you think?” Brook asked.

“What do you think?”

“Is it that obvious?”

Brook grabbed Kelsey pulled her close and gave her a deep kiss.

“Now we just need to furnish it. To make our house a home.”

Over the next few months until school started. Brook and Kelsey furnished and decorated their new home. Brook quit her job at Steve's and took over as manager at Skateland west. A new grand opening was done once the new wood floor was finished being installed. Kelsey had installed the procharger that was on the Roush Cobra Vic on to the marauder. Giving it a little boost in power. Uncle Jeff had just about finished the build on the Cobra Vic. The twin turbocharged 5.8 4 cam modular motor was dyno tuned for a week before being finished. To the tune of over 2200 horsepower, 2052 FT lbs of torque. Brook was working on being able to handle it.

Kelsey and Brook rode all the way to Sturgis Bike week. As did her Mom and Dad, Kennedy, and Kalley.

Brook and Kelsey enjoyed riding the Black Hills of South Dakota. They also loved the attention they got. On their many trips down Main street, both just wearing a Bikini Top and shorts.

Kelsey had to kick one drunk biker on Thursday night for being to grabby with Brook.
An inside crescent kick put his lights out for the evening.

Kelsey purchased Brook a life membership to the Harley Owners Group. So both proudly wore their HOG vests on their rides.

Grandpa McClord with his talent with the stock market. Upped Kelsey and Brooks combined portfolio to 11.3 Million, and it is still climbing.

Just after returning from the Sturgis trip. Kelsey got a conformation from her Real estate agent that the Bonaventure purchase was complete. The closing was set for a week before school started.

“Brook,” Kelsey called from the office.

“Yeah,” She answered as she was reading on the living room couch. With Ruffy on the floor in front of her and Maxie on the couch next to her.

“Looks like the Bonaventure deal went through, We close Tuesday.”

“OK, Who are we going to have run that one?” Brook said coming into their home office.

“Don't know, Maybe someone there may be able to.”

“Maybe, How about Kevin is he ready for his own?”

“He is qualified, he ran Skatin Station all week when we where in Sturgis with no problems.”

Brook leaned over Kelsey's shoulder, her hands on her breasts. And kissing her neck.

“Do you want me to come to the closing with you?” Brook said as she paused her kissing.

Giggling at Brooks kisses, “ Well being you are now co-owner of KSR enterprises. I think you should.”

“OK, What time Tuesday?”

“Let me check,” Kelsey rolled through her email. “1100 am”

“OK, You will have to help me dress business appropriate.”

“You will be as sophisticated as me”

“God, Now I am in trouble” Brook teased. “So what's on the agenda for Tomorrow”
Switching screens, “ MMM, Not much, just go and change your name for school, and change our address.”

“OH, Goody.” Brook said annoyed. “More BS about us getting married so young.”

“Well, any problems we will just call Todd. HE can straighten out any legal problems.”

“Sounds good,” Brook said as she slowly walked towards the office door, She slowly stripped out of her sleep tank to she was wearing. “So, Mrs. Reid do you want to make love to your wife, again.” Seductively looking over her shoulder her left index finger in her mouth.

With an evil grin Kelsey chased Brook up stairs to the master bedroom. A large queen bed welcomed them. Kicking closed the door, to keep the furry kids out. As Kelsey shed her sleep shorts and tank also, Brook was on the bed, waiting naked. As soon as Kelsey was within reach. Brook took Kelsey's cock in her mouth. Slowly licking the head like an ice cream. Kelsey twitched at the pleasure.

“ MMMMMMM, God, Lover, you are getting good at this.” Kelsey said. She had given Brook some lessons in cock sucking using a dildo. Brook was a fast learner. As Kelsey's cock got harder. She patted the bed for Kelsey to lay down next to her. She was happy to oblige. Brook then put her knees on either side of Kelsey's head. Lowering her pierced pussy to Kelsey's waiting mouth. She had learned just the right spots to lick Brook's pussy to drive her wild, and she did just that.

“Oh, God, Baby you knoooow how to drive me wild.” Brook hollered as she ground her pussy against Kelsey's face.

Brook after climaxing for a third time, Slide down to and berried Kelsey's hard cock in her pussy. She would lift off until just the head was inside then slide down again and again. As Brook rode, Kelsey played with her tits, while Brook played with hers. Just as Kelsey was about to burst inside her wife. With a quick move she flipped Brook onto her back and unloaded. They kissed greedily. Exhausted they lay on the bed not wanting to move. Just staying in each others embrace was fine with them. Cuddling they fell asleep in each others arms.

Waking Monday morning at 8 am. They fed the dogs, then took a shower together.

Washing their night of sex off themselves. Brook made breakfast that morning. Kelsey was responsible for that nights diner. They sat on the back porch to eat. Looking over the backyard. In the far corner was the obedience ring set up. AS Brook had earned Ruffy's UD. Also placing good at the world series. Brook started working at Ruffy's Obedience trial Championship. Kelsey also worked Maxie on the Utility course, Maxie has already gotten her OTcH.

Kelsey and Brook had a house warming party with the Street Knights. Starting at 4 pm on Saturday their driveway and street where lined with 30 of the fastest cars in the metro Detroit area. Even a couple of neighbors came over to see all the cars. Brook and Kelsey also had their other friends over another day. Telling them the good news. Kelsey had to pull out their license to prove it.

“Well Sweety. Want to get it over with.” Brook said, “Do you think we should start at School first.”

“Probably,” They both got dressed. Brook wore a nice pair of white jeans over pink panties and her skateland west T-shirt, over a matching pink bra. She decided to not wear her contacts because she only wore her glasses last year. Kelsey light blue flutter panties matching bra, Jeans, and a McClord racing t-shirt. Each of them made sure their wedding rings were kept shinny. Kelsey drove the Marauder to the school.

Pulling up to Ridgemore High school. It looked different to Brook. Mentioning it to Kelsey who said. “Well, Baby last time you where here you weren't married, and still a virgin.” Kelsey smiled. “but we solved both those problems.”
Playfully slapping Kelsey, “Stop or you won't get anything tonight”

Kissing Brook She said, “Well then you won't either.”

Hand in Hand they walked to the office. As soon as they entered they where greeted.

“How may I help you, Miss Reid and Miss Robinson.” The secretary said, She seemed to remember everyone.

“Hi, Mrs. Owen. We need to do some changes to Brooks and my file.”

“What kind of changes?

“A change of address for both of us and a name change for her.”

“Shouldn't your parents be here to do that.”

Kelsey pulled out a certified copy of their marriage license. “Well this says that we can do it now”

“Well you two are not yet 18 so........” Her voice trailed off as she read the title Certificate of Marriage. “What in the he......” She stopped.

The other lady came over. “Ann what's wrong” She took their license.

“This is fake,” She started to say.

“I don't think so. Look at the Livonia official seal. It is also signed and notarized by a lawyer. It must be legit”

“Of course it is. Why would we try and pull something like this if it wasn't true. Me and Brook are legally married.”

Just then a middle aged man came in from a side office.

“Good Morning, Dr. Zorin” Brook said to the schools principal.

“Girls,” He nodded to Brook and Kelsey. “Anne, Connie what is going on?”

They handed him the license copy, He looked it over, checking the embossing of the seal. “Everything seems alright, Go ahead and do the changes. It is however kind of odd having a married couple attending. I guess the staff will have to adjust to it.”

So their address was changed to their own homes address. And Brooks name was changed from Brooklynn Alesha Robinson to Brooklynn Alesha Reid. They left after the school had made copies of their license for the records.

“Remember that this is a records Item and is confidential, Any breach of this will be handle by our lawyer. Please remind your staff of this fact.”

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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Well the school principal

Samantha Heart's picture

Solved that conflab REALL quick between the secretaries. I think Mrs. Owen will be the one to blab & violate the girls confidentially about being married. This WILL cause a problem for the school & some for the girls too.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.