Kelsey pt 11 *** A kymmie verse story*****

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Kelsey Chapter 11

“Kelsey, like it or not I love you with all my heart and soul, I am going to marry you. No matter what my parents say.”

“Did you mean it when you said you would leave and go live with me.” Kelsey said as she slipped out of her bikini and into her bright pink sleep shorts and pink Minnie Mouse tank top. Tucking her cock away in her plain white satin panties.

Brook also changed into a pair of pale green poke-a-dot sleep shorts and matching cami top. Also wearing plain white panties.

“Excuse me while I take these contacts out. They are starting to bug my eyes.” Brook said as she went to the bathroom. She returned wearing a pair of glasses. She came right up to Kelsey and gave her a long deep kiss.

“Wow, you look different in glasses”

“Do I, my Mom just got me contacts. They are the long wear kind but since am just getting used to them I have to take them out every once in a while.”

“Makes sense I remember you from school with glasses.”
“I was looking to be different once school starts, maybe get noticed more. Now I don't have to want more dates.”

“Now you don't have to worry about it. As we are together now, and forever.”

“Damn right.” Brook said as she kissed Kelsey again.

Brook turned on some soft music. Her and Kelsey like at Kelsey's house sat up talking.

“Brook, Kelsey would you two come down please” Brooks dad called in a normal voice.

“OK, Dad we are coming” Brook answered, turning to Kelsey. “My dad sounds normal wonder what is up.”

Brook and Kelsey came down. Brooks parents were sitting in the living room. As soon as they were down the stairs, they joined hands.

“Have a seat, girls.” her dad said. Kelsey and Brook sat on the couch. Continuing to hold hands. Kelsey sat like a proper young lady should.

“So, your mother has told me everything you told her. Kelsey is it true”

“Yes, daddy.” Brook answered.

“Brooklynn, I want to hear it from Kelsey”

“Yes, Mr. Robinson it is all true. Two of my sisters, myself and my mom are transgender”

“you and your sisters have been since birth?”

“Yes, we have. I know nothing about being a boy. As far as I am concerned, I am a girl, with a little extra thrown in.”

“How about your Mom?” Brooks dad asked calmly.

“Well she was a boy until 8 then she transitioned. My parents met when my dad moved to Farmington when he was between 9th- 10th grade.”

“Did your dad know that your mom was a boy when they first met?”

“She told him on their second date. My grandparents had moved mom to Warner middle school.”

“How did your dad react?” Brooks mom asked.

“about like me and Brook. It was electric they fell in love the same way me and Brook did. Just a strange feeling came to them like it did for Brook and I.”

“Yes, A strange feeling just took over and We kissed once and it was like and explosion went off in our hearts. It still does.” Brook added.

“So are you two positive about this”

“Yes, Daddy. I love Kelsey with all my heart and soul. She is the love of my life. We are going to be married once we get out of school.”

“Mr. Robinson, I feel the same way about Brook. I also love her body and soul.”

“Well, we are OK with it. As long as your parents are also OK with it”

“We talked to them earlier and they are fine with it” Kelsey said. “ Oh, and they want me to invite you over to a barbecue next Sunday about 3.”

“Sure, we will be there.” Brooks mom said.

“We are going to bed see you in the morning” Brook said.

“Good night” Kelsey added.

“Good Night girls. And no hanky panky” Brooks dad teased.

“Daddy please” Brook answered as they returned to her bedroom.

“I don't believe it; my folks know and are cool with it” Brook said as she hugged Kelsey.

“Yeah, now you don't have to run away and live with me”

“I am bummed about that.” Brook said in a slightly sad voice.

“Not right now. But once we get out of school. We are free to marry.”

“But two years for me” Brook sadly acknowledged.

“Well some states you can marry at 17. One or two down south is actually 16. But with parents’ permission.”

“Well I don't think my parents will agree, bummer we will have to wait.”
while Kelsey used the bathroom, Brook pulled down the covers. Brook slipped under the covers and was waiting when Kelsey returned. Just as Kelsey was closing the door. Ruffy pushed his way in and jumped on Brook's bed. He made himself comfortable on the foot.

“He sleeps with me, so I guess we will have to get used to it.” Brook commented. Kelsey just smiled and shook her head. “Maxie usually sleeps with me too.”

Kelsey joined Brook in bed. “I hope when the time comes, he will let us, hanky-panky”
They both giggled.

“Well we will have to teach him, to stay outside the door.” Brook commented.

“we have better, because I want to Hanky panky you sooner or later”

“Don't worry,” Brook said rubbing Kelsey's cock through her shorts and panties. “ Oh, I want it to be sooner than later.”

Kelsey smiled and snuggled up to Brook. Even though it was Brooks home. Kelsey's training wouldn't let her sleep as deep. She slept very lightly. She felt Ruffy turn twice.
Brook got up and used the bathroom around 3:30 Ruffy left the room also.
She returned, as soon as the door was closed, Brook stripped out of her short set and panties. Rejoining Kelsey in bed totally naked.

As soon as she laid down next to Kelsey.

“Getting a little warm, again huh” Kelsey whispered.

“I don't know what you are talking about” Brook answered snuggling her ass up to Kelsey's crotch. Kelsey in turn wrapped her arm under Brook's Breasts, cupping her right one.

As Brook ground her ass against Kelsey's crotch, Kelsey rubbed Brooks breast and teased her nipple, which grew in her hand.

They slept till 9, when Megan banged on Brook's door.

“Brook, Kelsey time to get up or Mom is going to feed your breakfast to the dogs.”

“OK, tell Mom we will be right down.” Brook told Megan.

“Good Morning, Sweetheart.” Kelsey said to Brook quietly.

Brook kicked off the covers. And kissed Kelsey. “Let's get something to eat, or Mom will give it to the dogs. She's done it before.” Brook pulled on her panties and sleep set.
Kelsey tucked her cock away. They both headed down to the Kitchen. They were treated to French toast, bacon and juice.

As they both finished, the dogs both looked dejected.

“I guess that they were hoping for a good breakfast themselves” Kelsey commented.

“Yeah, they usually get something on Sunday mornings”

“Thanks, Mrs. Robinson for the great breakfast.” Kelsey said.

“Ah, Kelsey, if you like you can call me Mom, as I think we are going to be related soon enough” Brooks Mom said.

“Yes, I am going to marry Brook once we both graduate.”

“So what are your plans for the future?”

“Haven't really thought about it, much, I may work for my uncle. Or open my own shop building custom cars.”

“I'll do the upholstery” Brook added.

“Of course, you will have the best equipment. As I don't scrimp on tools and Equipment” Kelsey smiled.

“I don't believe you do.” Brooks Mom said. As she worked on putting the breakfast dishes in the dish washer.

“Never have never will”

“What do you girls have planned for today?”

“Being its Sunday. I don't think the justice of the peace is open to get married” Brook

Her Mom gave them both the MOM look. “ Well miss Brooklynn, luckily you need to be 18 in Michigan to get married.”

“Rats” Kelsey commented snapping her fingers.

“Well the blows that idea. So, what's next.

Digging in a drawer, “Your dog needs to be groomed and worked.” Brooks Mom handing her a brush and comb

“Crap, I forgot we have the Collie specialty the end of the week, Fri and Sat.”

“Yeah, and maybe complete his Utility Dog title.”

“He only needs one more leg. If we get a 195 or higher, we can qualify for the world series of dog training in Sept. Right Mr. fuzzle mutt” Brook said as she grabbed both sides of Ruffy’s face and shook his head. Ruffy playfully bit on Brooks arm. Sammy began barking.

“Megan needs to make sure you are ready for open, Sammy whammy”
Taking the brush and comb from her Mom, “Come on, I'll show you what the two of us can do.”

“We had better change, first” Kelsey said.

“What you don't want to run around in the backyard in your Pjs?”

“Not really, no.”

Brook lead the way back to her room. They both changed. Brook wore a pair of teal jean shorts with a matching tank top. Underneath she had on a pink string bikini pantie and a matching pink bra. While Kelsey put on a matching thong and bra set in powder blue. A pair of Cargo shorts and a pink ladies Harley t-shirt.

“I need to get some more thongs, it feels sexy wearing them.” Brook commented.

“Baby, you look sexy in everything you wear or don't wear” Kelsey said as she gave Brook a deep kiss, their tongues fighting.


“Do I have to take you lingerie shopping?”

“Well you could so I can get things you want to see me in”

“Now wait a minute. I thought I was the lingerie diva?” Kelsey said.

“Well with your help I could be one too.” Brook cooed.

“Only problem is you may not keep it on for long. Once I see you in it.”

“I'll just have to have a bucket of ice water.”

“You wouldn't?” Kelsey questioned.

“Yeah, I would” Brook said with a sadistic smile.

“Come on, before things get carried away. Ruffy is waiting.”

“damn, you are no fun”

Smiling, “Nope, not at all”

Brook lead Kelsey out to the backyard. Hidden behind the garage was an obedience course. Brook had Ruffy stand while she gave him a through brushing. Getting a bag of hair out of him. Ruffy looked as he was enjoying it.

“Maxie loves to get brushed. She always stands there with her Sheltie smile”
Once finished Kelsey watched as Brook ran him through the course. During the hour Brook only had to correct him twice for minor things.
Once she finished and let Ruffy go.

“How'd it go?” Kelsey asked.

“He did great. Hopefully we will get his UD on Friday.”

“Let’s hope”

“So, what is on the table for the rest of the day?” Brook asked.

Looking up at the clear blue sky, “ We could always do some nude sunbathing?”

“Nawh, neither one of us wouldn't get their front tanned.”
Kelsey gave Brook a Huh look.

“Well only our backs would get tan, I would be on top of you or you would be on top of me.”

“Yeah, true. Plus, to many eyes watching us. OK, Let's go shopping”

Just then Kelsey's cell phone went off. “Hello, Hi Grandma”

“Mom told you about Brook. What time?”

“My grandparents want to have us over for Sunday dinner. Want to go?” Kelsey asked Brook.

“Sure, we normally don't do anything special on Sundays anyway.”

“Grandma, yeah we will be there. Oh, he did cool. We will have to go see it then. See you at 6. Love you too. Bye”

“Well dinner is around 6. Before that we can go to the Harley shop and check out my Bike.”

“I thought your bike was at your grandpas.”

“my grandpa's shop. I didn't have the time to do it.”

“What did you have done?” Brook questioned.

Smiling, “Stuff”

“OMG, As I said I am in love with a lunatic.”

“Damn right I am. So, do you want to take the bug or the Marauder.”

“Where is the shop”

“Clarkston off 75. It is close to my grandparents place”

“Let's take the Marauder. Being it is a fresh motor I don't want to take it that far until I
get a few miles on it and an oil change or two.”

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Well these two

Samantha Heart's picture

Ladies sure love each other lol. Even if Kelsie IS a bit of a lunatic lol. I'm betting Kelsie's bike is even better & made for 2 now lol.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Marriage age

My aunt and uncle got married in Michigan when she was sixteen. In some states, there is no age limit, as long as the parents agree. This causes some problems with arranged child marriages.