Kelsey pt 14 *** A kymmie verse story*****

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Kelsey part 14

“Hun, this smells great.” He said as he sat down. They all dug in. Brook noticed that all seven Shelties where laying in a row. Maxie seemed to fall asleep, she just laid on her side and crashed.

They had small talk throughout dinner. Just as they were finishing,
“Well Brook, since you know the family secret. I bet you are wondering how we could let our son become our daughter.” Grandma said.

“Brook, knows about.” Grandpa asked.

“Yes, I do.” Brook said as Granma nodded.

“It has been a wonderment.”

“Well as soon as Amber got to be 2 we noticed that he liked to play with dolls and other girl stuff. Playing with your Aunt Heather's things. It kept snowballing. She told us that he felt like a girl inside, when he was 6. The shrink we sent him to was an idiot and said he will grow out of it. Well he didn't he just got worse. When your mom was 8 we started letting her dress as she wanted at home. But had to be a boy at school. That broke his heart. It was hard on him having mascaraed as a boy. When she was going into the 7th grade we decided to let him transition. We moved and she changed to a different school, he started hormones the rest is history. We have two beautiful daughters. You have a fantastic mom.”

“yeah, I do, She's great”

“Since we started the hormones before puberty she blossomed into a beautiful lady. We got all the proper paperwork and everything changed. Even revising her birth certificate to show a girl. Once she got into high school, she met a boy and fell in love. We could tell that it was real, just the way they acted around each other. Amber would say every time they kissed fireworks would go off.”

Kelsey and Brook smiled.

“yeah, just like the two of you. We can tell that your love is true.” Gramma said. Grampa just nodded.

Kelsey gave a strange look.

“Your Mom told us”

“Your Mom and Dad stayed together through thick and thin. They both attended UofM. Your Mom went into medicine and your dad went into the Air Force, as an officer. They would talk for hours on the phone. They were married when Amber got out of residency. Your Dad was a fast burner he made Major by that time. After they were married, they went to Japan. Where you and your sisters came along.”
Kelsey smiled.

“They moved back when Kelsey was 12. You know the rest.”

“Wow, Thank you for the family history.” Brook said.
Kelsey and Brook finished the delicious meal.

“Granma, you out did yourself again.”

“Your very welcome, Kelsey.”

“Yeah, Granma, it was great” Brook added.

“Would you like desert now or wait a little bit?”

“Can we wait, I am stuffed.” Brook said.

“You sure can.”

“Would you like to join me for a walk around the property.” Kelsey asked Brook.

“Sure, I need to work off my dinner.”

“Gramma, can we be excused?”

“Yes, you may”

Brook and Kelsey headed out. After a while, Brook looked around.
“Where's Maxie?” She asked.

“Eating I would guess. They should be out shortly.
They got over towards the neighbor’s house, which was also quite large but closer to the fence.

“Hi, Kendra.” The neighbor said.” Or is it, Kalley, Kennedy or Kelsey?

“Hi, Mr. Seger. It's Kelsey. How are you?
For some reason the man looked familiar to Brook.

“Mr. Seger, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Brook”

“Brook, this is my grandparents next door neighbor. Mr. Seger.”

“Nice to meet you.” Brook shook his hand.

“Kelsey, Have Keira give me a call. I may need her sax.

“Have a good day, Kelsey. Nice meeting you, Brook.” Mr. Seger said as they walked on.

After a few minutes. “God, Mr. Seger looks familiar. I must have seen him around somewhere.”

Kelsey just giggled. “Honey, you've heard of Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band.”

“Who in Michigan hasn't”

“Ah, Bob Seger.”

“You mean, that is Bob Seger.”


“Wow, Bob Seger is your grandparents neighbor.”
Brook looked back towards the fence. She saw the herd of Shelties running towards them. With Maxie in the lead.

“Uh, Oh. Her come the dogs.” Kelsey said as she turned.

As soon as Maxie got to them, she made a jump but not into Kelsey's arms but Brooks. Again, she began licking Brooks face.

“Well sweetheart, I think you are stuck now.” Kelsey said as the herd crowded around them jumping, barking and carrying on.

“OK, guys, enough.” Kelsey commanded to the Shelties.

Both Brook who had put Maxie down. Along with Kelsey had to pet each one then they took off.

Brook and Kelsey finished their walk and rejoined Kelsey's grandparents. They found her grandparents in the family room. Watching a movie. Brook sat on the end of one of the three huge couches. Kelsey laid next to her and put her head in Brook's lap. Brook in turn rested her forearm just under Kelsey's breasts. Her hand just below Kelsey's right breast.

“You girls have a nice walk.” Granma asked.

“Yeah, we sure did,” Brook answered.

“Until we got jumped by the furry pack.” Kelsey said, “I also introduced Brook to Mr. Seger.”

“You had better, you have known him since you moved back.” Grandpa said.
Thinking, “Yeah I have.” turning to Brook. “We had better make sure we invite him and the family to our wedding. Just hope he isn't on tour then.”

“Anyone ready for chocolate cream pie with whipped cream?” Granma asked.

“I sure am. Granma” Kelsey answered.

“Me too, Granma” Brook said in turn.

Granma headed to the kitchen, and returned with 4 plates. Giving one to each. Kelsey sat up and took her plate. They each dug in. As soon as a fork hit the plate all 8 shelties where sitting in a line watching them.
Finishing the pie, Grandpa said.” Sorry guys, nothing left.”

All of the Shelties took off but Maxie who laid at Kelsey's feet.

Looking at the ornate Grandfather clock, “Sorry Granma, Grandpa, we need to get going Brook has to work in the morning.”

“You going to take Maxie with you?” Granma asked.

“Well Miss Maxie mutt, you want to go home?” Kelsey said to Maxie.
Maxie let out a small yip and began spinning in circles again.

“Well, Honey I guess we are stuck with her.” Brook said.

“Yeah, I guess so.” After both Brook and Kelsey giving Granma and Grandpa a hug. They headed to the car.

Opening the door, Maxie jumped in and made herself at home in the passenger seat. But as soon as Brook opened the passenger door, Maxie jumped in the back seat. Of course, she had to smell everything. Finishing She just laid on the back seat. Kelsey drove out the gate and home.

Pulling up at her house, Kelsey said. “I will see you tomorrow, here take her home. Don't forget your things in the trunk.”

“Are you sure you want me to take the Marauder home?” Brook asked.

“Why not, it's your car too.” Kelsey said as she got out, Maxie jumped out just behind her. Giving Brook a long loving kiss.

She walked to the back door. As soon as Kelsey opened the door. Maxie ran in, she ran around the whole house. Checking each and every room. Then out on the back deck where her parents were sitting. Maxie had to jump in each of their laps and lick their faces. Until finally plopping down next to the couch, the Shelties normal spot. Until Kelsey headed to her and Kalley's room. Stopping at the triplet’s room. Telling Keira to give Mr. Seger a call. Kelsey changed into her sleep shorts and tank top. Maxie made herself comfortable in the middle of her bed.

Slipping into bed, Kelsey played a game with Maxie. Using her foot to push Maxie over, While Maxie playfully bit at her foot through the covers. Just before turning off the light

she sent Brook a good night sweetheart, I love you. Text. Getting one back. She happily drifted off to sleep. As normal Maxie checked the house overnight making sure everyone was OK. All of the shelties did it.

Waking at 8. Kelsey showered, dressed in a purple flutter thong, matching bra, Jeans, Oakland Harley tank top also in purple. Ankle socks and her Nikes completed it. Kelsey got her breakfast. A bowl of Cheerios, and a glass of fresh apple juice. Returning to her room after feeding Maxie breakfast also. She did some research on the motor build for the marauder. She checked her email. Opening one from her family's financial adviser, one used by the whole family.

“Wow, Grandpa was right again.” It seems like the investment he made on behalf of the family was a big one. Its netted Kelsey with 1.91 million dollars. Making Kelsey's portfolio worth over 4 million dollars.

Smiling. A great start for me and Brook, she thought. But then again it is over 2 years off. When they would make their marriage official in the eyes of everyone.

Finding the web site for MMR making sure everything she was needing. She placed the order. Having it shipped to her uncle's shop.

Kelsey did some planning on the motor for their Marauder. Doing calculations for the size of the turbos, intercooler, cams, etc. Also bulletproof rear axle, drive shaft and transmission to handle over 2000 Horsepower. Looking at the clock it was quarter past 12.

Time to see my sweetheart at work. Kelsey thought about what Brook told her about her work. She got a wicked smile. Oh, she says the guys ogle her. Let’s give them something to ogle at. Giggling. Kelsey changed into a tight mid drift top. Her jeans where tight enough for now. She did however have tighter jeans. I don't want to make too much of an impression on Brooks co-workers. Grabbing her purse. She headed to the barn. Firing up her daily driver she headed toward Brooks work.

At quarter to 1 Kelsey pulled her 65 Buick Special into the parking lot at Steve's VW. She backed into a spot on the west side of the lot. Next to her and Brooks Marauder. She shut down the Buick, sitting there a minute she watched the guys in the shop stop working a stare at the Special. Getting out Kelsey made a big deal out of it. She made sure she left her purse in the car, she leaned into the window to grab it. Showing everyone her finely shaped ass. She casually walked to the front and went in. just knowing every eye was on her.

“Welcome to Steve's VW, how” Brook started then quite in mid-sentence once she saw Kelsey. Brook came around the counter and gave her a hug and a kiss. Full on the mouth.

“Hi, Sweetheart.” Brook said. “I've been waiting.”

“Sorry I am so late. I had to do the calculations for the Marauder build.”
Just then an older man came out from the back of the store. “What build?”

“The marauder engine build I have planned.” Kelsey answered.

“Oh, I thought that was your parent’s car?” He said.

“No, it is mine and Kelsey's.” Brook said. “Excuse me, Steve this is my girlfriend Kelsey. Sweetie this is Steve my boss.”

“Oh, Nice to meet you, Kelsey. What plans do you have?” He asked.

“Nothing big just about 2200 horsepower.”

Shocked, “2200 horse. Can you handle that much?”

“Ah, Steve, see that old Buick parked next to the marauder?” Brook said.

“Yeah, What about it.”

“She is my daily driver, only running a 1200 horse Buick V6.” Kelsey started.

“1200 horsepower daily driver.”

Brook just nodded. Kelsey reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet. She showed Steve her NHRA license. “I'm a member of the 300+ club and licensed to run top fuel. If I can handle 10,000 horsepower 2200 is easy.”

“Anyway, I am taking my lunch was have some things to take care of. Be back in an hour, Hopefully.” Brook said as she punched out.

Taking Kelsey's hand, they walked out to the cars. As Kelsey fired up the Buick Brook got the paperwork from the Marauder and her purse. Brook and Kelsey left the parking lot. Slowly pulling out onto Joy road. Kelsey stomped the go pedal. The Buick roared to life. The rear slicks made a huge cloud of smoke as they slowly rolled down the road. She actually had to let off a little to get the car to hook and took off like a bullet. First stop was the secretary of state’s office to get the Marauder transferred. It was a fifteen-minute wait. But finally got it done, and the new plates.

After getting the new plates for the big mercury. They headed to the closest court house. Brook figured it was Livonia, So Kelsey headed up Farmington road to the city complex

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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I bet the clerks will

Samantha Heart's picture

Have to do some SERIOUS digging to find the celtic marriage law & most likely try to give Keslee & Brook some crap... but nothing Keslie can't handle.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.