Kelsey pt 22 *** A kymmie verse story*****

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Kelsey Part 22

Walking to the Marauder, “ I thought Mrs Owen was going to faint” Kelsey mentioned.

“I just wonder what the teachers are going to do, Especially Mrs. Stilhell”

“Just hope we don't have her.”

“She still may see us in the halls”

“We'll just have to make out in front of her. We just need to keep a copy of our license in our purse. For safety and Todd's number on speed dial.”

“You can be a wicked bitch.” Brook said as she got in the marauders passenger seat.

“Well yeah, just ask anyone who gets on my bad side.”

“I don't want to know. Oh remind me to thank Kevin Anders”


“Isn't it obvious, if it wasn't for him kicking me out on that date. I wouldn't have been almost raped. You wouldn't have saved me. We wouldn't have fell in love and gotten married.”

“Well I still should kick his head in for even trying that shit. Expecting a blow job when he didn't deserve one. Especially from my wife.”

“Sweetheart, that is before we even met.”

“Now I don't have to worry about him giving me shit about my spot.”

“Yeah, And I get it next year.”

“Well you had better. I'll divorce you if you don't” Kelsey kidded Brook.
Faking a pout, Brook just folded her arms under her breasts and frowned.

“Fine if you want to be that way. I'm sure I could find another transsexual to fill my needs.”

“Yeah, one of my sisters.”

“I'm sure Kennedy would marry me. It would be like still being married to you.” Brook teased back.

“ Well I don't think she is as good as me.” Both Kelsey and Brook giggled.

They arrived home. They relaxed for a couple hours. At 2 they changed into work cloths, Kelsey in her maroon Skatin Station polo and black skirt. While Brook changed into a dark Blue Skateland West Polo and a black slacks. Kelsey dropped Brook off at her rink.

Then continued to her own. Both of there sessions where 7 to 10. But had lessons at 4.
Kelsey had a total of 4 people that she relied on who could open or close the rink. Brook was still getting used to her staff. She had 2 that already did that. However she was still evaluating them . Plus 1 other who seemed good. Based on what she saw she would make her decision on an assistant manager with in a week,

Kelsey left early letting Karen her second manager close. Karen was just under Kevin.

Kelsey pulled up and parked at Skateland West. She had been their quite a bit when they where replacing the floor. But not since the reopening.
She walked in.

“ Can I help you?” The girl at the ticket booth asked.

“Yeah, Brook Reid, please.”

“Just a minute,” then into a radio. “ Brook?”

“Yeah,” Came Brooks voice back over the radio

“Someone at the front looking for you” the girl said.

“Who?” The girl looked at Kelsey for an answer.

“Kelsey Reid.”

“Kelsey Reid.” The girl said.

“Send her back to my office, Thanks. Marsha”

“Sure thing”

As Kelsey got about 5 feet from the ticket window. The phone rang.
Marsha Answers it “ Yeah, Brook. Unhu, Yeah. Oh, OK, gotcha.”

Kelsey figured that Brook had told Marsha about her and to let her in anytime she showed up, being she was fairly new. She had been introduced at an employees dinner her and Brook had held for the employees that currently worked at Skateland west. Marsha was hired just after reopening.

Kelsey made her way to Brooks office. Lightly knocking on the slightly open door. She walked in. “Hi, Sweetheart” She said.

“Hi, Baby” Brook seemed to be just finishing some paperwork. As she put it in a file and put it away.

“How was your session?” Kelsey asked.

“ Mrs Paceman is down other than that, No problems. I left Curt a note to call on it when he gets in in the morning.” Curt Wilson was Brook's temporary assistant manager.

“Is he working out?”

“great, They are just about to call final couples you want to put on your skates and join me?”

“Sure” Kelsey had built a set of skates to keep at Brook's rink as Brook had a pair at The Skatin Station..

They rolled out of the office just as the DJ called final couples only. They headed towards the floor. Kelsey turned backwards Brook put her hands on her shoulders and Kelsey held Brooks waist. They slowly skated around the floor. As normal they did two final couples songs. The last song was Bob Seger's Like a Rock. Kelsey lead Brook all around the floor to the beat of the song. Even changing places a couple times. Once the session finished. Brook continued skating with Kelsey. Finally after about five minutes they headed back to the office. Alone in the office, Brook pulled Kelsey to her and gave her a deep kiss, tongues fighting, Fireworks going off.

“I love you, Baby.” Brook said.

“I love you, too. Sweetheart.” Kelsey answered.

There was a knock at the door.

“Yes,” Brook said.

“Brook, here is the tills from the ticket booth and snack bar.” A girl slowly opened the door.

“Thanks, Stacy.”

“I'm heading out have a good evening”

“Good night, Stacy.” As Brook took the tills, Checked the total counts and put them in the safe.

Before leaving, Brook and Kelsey checked the building to make sure no one was inside. Kelsey set the alarm and they headed home.

As soon as they pulled into the garage, both Ruffy and Maxie were waiting at the door.

As Brook fed them, Kelsey made dinner, Chili mac, some of Kelsey's left over chili an mac &cheese. Quick and simple. Brook hopped on the center counter as she waited. Of course when Kelsey went into the fridge for something, Brook would rub her bare foot on Kelsey's ass under her skirt. As Kelsey turned to her, her foot went to Kelsey's crotch, rubbing it too.

“Ah, madame. Are you trying to excite me?”

With a sly smile, “How'd you guess.”

Kelsey came right between her legs. “is that right” looking directly into Brook's Beautiful brown eyes.

“Yeah,” Brook pulled Kelsey to her and gave her a kiss. One that was long and passionate.

Kelsey undid Brooks slacks, and slipped both her slacks and panties off in one swift move. Brook in turn pulled off Kelsey's polo and unhooked her bra. Locking lips again. Kelsey caressed Brooks breasts, then pulled off her polo and bra. Kelsey trailed kisses down Brook, her neck then breasts. Her flat stomach and navel, then just above Brook's fire red public mound.

Brook leaned back knowing where Kelsey was going to kiss next and she wanted it. BAD!!!

Kelsey slowly and very carefully, grazed Brook's labia with her tongue. Just above her piercing. Then just the tip flicked her clit. Brook let out a scream, OH, GOD, BABY DON”T TEASE ME. But that is just what Kelsey did. Slowly ever so gently running her tongue over her pussy. Brook continued screaming, OH, God, Oh, God. Good thing the house was well insulated and the windows where closed. What sent Brook over the edge was when Kelsey pulled on her piercing. She pulled Kelsey's face to her pussy and held it there as she climaxed. Kelsey had just used her mouth, while her hands where stroking her cock. As soon as Brook released her head, She pushed her back on the counter, climbed up and inserted her cock in Brook's waiting pussy. Brooks scream was muffled by Kelsey's mouth on her's. She wrapped her arms and legs around Kelsey's body as she slowly fucked her. After about 10 minutes, Kelsey pumped a large load into Brook. Grabbing a couple pieces of paper towel they cleaned up. Brook grabbed the pile of cloths.

“ Wow, Baby, you are the best. You finish dinner I'm going to clean up and change.” She headed to the stairs. Returning Brook was dressed in a flimsy baby doll. While Brook had taken all the cloths she was naked. No big deal. She dished out the homemade chili mac and was waiting at the table when Brook returned. Both Maxie and Ruffy just lay by the couch.

As they ate. Brook cautioned Kelsey not to drop any food on herself.

“Why not?”

then I would have to lick it off you.”

Giving a evil grin while holding a spoon full.

“And don't think it will work if you do it on purpose, because it won't.”

Kelsey stuck her tongue out at her, “Na, Party pooper.”

Brook just smiled.

After dinner was done. They stayed up another hour then headed to bed. Kelsey cleaned up some. Also dressed in a flimsy baby doll. Then joined Brook in bed. Where they cuddled all night.

The alarm went off at 8am. Brook was out of bed first as she sleepily shuffled to the bathroom. Kelsey was up after she heard the toilet flush. Brook was at the sink. When Kelsey came in. She slipped up behind Brook wrapping her arms around her. She kissed her wife's neck. Resting her chin on Brook's shoulder, “Morning Baby.”

“Uhhhhhh” is all Brook said.

“Let's take a shower and get you into the world of the living”

“Ain't gonna work. I am dead.”

“At least you make a beautiful corpse”

Brook turned and gave Kelsey a dirty look.

Starting the shower, Both of them stepped out of their cloths.

Taking Brook by the arm, Kelsey playfully pushed Brook into the shower first.

Brook screamed, “ God, Its cold.”

Kelsey began laughing her ass off. “Well it woke you up didn't it.”

Adjusting the temperature of the shower warmer. “Funny, real funny.”

As Kelsey went to join her, she held the shower door closed. Kelsey just pouted.

Opening the door. "Come on, before a brownie sits on that lip” Brook said opening the door.

Brook and Kelsey cleaned up. Brook finished first as she got out she turned off the hot water.

However it didn't phase Kelsey one bit. She finished her shower. Got out.

“That was refreshing” Kelsey said as she flicked her wet hair at Brook. Spraying her.

“Stop, I don't want to have to dry off again. I take it you are used to cold showers.”

“Our, My ninja training I had to train in cold water.”

Catching the our. “What do you mean our?” Brook asked.

“I meant my training” Kelsey denied it.

“Kelsey Shadow Reid, We are married. So no secrets between us.”

“Ok,” Kelsey started as she finished drying off. “All of us, Me and my sisters are all trained Ninja. The shadow assassin”

“All seven of you”

Kelsey nodded. “Yeah, And both my Mom and Dad have had some training. That was before we were old enough to start.”

“Mom and Dad really.”

“Uh Huh, They didn't have the full training but they both know.”

“OHHHHH, Kay. I'm married to an assassin. Have you ever......”

“We don't talk about those things. Better not knowing”

Both Kelsey and Brook threw on a long t-shirt and went down for breakfast. Of course the dogs had to eat first. Brook fed them as Kelsey made some french toast.
They ate at the counter where Brook and Kelsey had made love that night. It was however clean.

They finished and cleaned up the dirty dishes. Then went to get ready. Kelsey braided her hair then put it up. She then did Brook's hair in a single pony tail so her hair went straight down her back.

Brook followed suit as Kelsey dressed in a black bra,pantie, garter set. The garter belt was attached to black stockings. Brook dressed in a dark gray set, complete with dark gray stockings. Kelsey wore a black pinstriped business suit consisting of a knee length skirt, cream colored blouse and matching Black pinstriped jacket. Brook wore a dark sweater dress with a wide black belt. Both wore a pair of black black 3” heels. As Brook started to put in her contacts. “ Honey, Why not just wear your glasses today. They make you look older.”

“Thanks, Baby.” She said sarcastically.

“I don't mean that in a negative way. We are meeting with other business people and we want to present being professional mid twenties. Not school girls. It is all about presentation. I've done it before.”

“I was teasing, sweetheart.”

They had both changed to small black purses.

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I presume this is for

Samantha Heart's picture

The other skating rink? The business stuff. But sounds like their sex life is great. I hope Brook dosent wind up pregnant before she graduates HS

Love Samantha Renée Heart.


Brook is on the pill. Besides, undescended testicles are kept too warm too create viable sperm.