
Been dormousing

I've been helping with the field work on the Mammal Society's Dormouse and Conservation course. Basically, we, the helpers, assist the course participants in checking the nest boxes--showing them how to do it and making sure anything in them which could be a dormeece is kept in the box until everyone has a chance to see it. To do that we plug the hole with moss temporarily which has no effect upon the dormouse.

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Certificate of Change of Name

In the matter of:, MacKinnon, William Bryan

I, Michael J. Carey, Register of Probate at the Hampshire Probate and Family Court, hereby certify that after application and after due public notice the following persons changed their name as follows:

from: William Bryan MacKinnon to: Brianna Frances MacKinnon
which shall now be their legal name


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Weird dreams, and trying to write

I have the weirdest dreams.

Like last night I dreamed I was at an event at the University of Alberta, and the person I was with caught a bus without me. I then wandered around for a while, saw a pretty girl, and kissed her for no good reason.

Then I apologized for kissing her.

There was more, but honestly, it was so jumbled I cant really make sense of it.

On the other hand, at least the fact I had a dream means I'm getting used to wearing the CPAP machine ...

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Cuteness overload

When the human world gets to be too much for me (which is most of the time, these days), I watch this:

Twenty minutes of pure bliss and contentment. Not a word is spoken, and yet they manage to say it all. If only I’d had parents like these? When my father gave me a licking, it never looked like this. If mom had this sort of patience and affection?

My eternal thanks to the clever folks who write video download software… :}

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2016-04 (2)

Received my first pension payment yesterday. After the standard bills (mortgage, elec/water, internet/phone, pets, ...) I got about 155 a month for food and medical left. Can't count the tax return at the moment as it's going straight to school at the moment ( the little that's left to pay) and some 'end of the year bills' (healthinsurance, hosting, cloathing, ... ) and no clue for this and next year due to end of contract (2015) and out process (2016) payments.

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Bad Day +3

It's been a little challenging since my last blog.

I had been waiting for an email back from the housing services lady and I sent a chaser email on Thursday morning, copied to a general inbox. With nothing heard I headed out just before midday. Only now did I receive an email reply asking if I had been to see the outreach officer in the local job centre. I queried this, given I had supplied all the documents requested. She insisted and said we would be thrown out of the hotel if I didn't.

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Bad Day +1

So my situation isn't brilliant but the help is starting to happen, or at least tiny steps towards proper help.

My daughter had been allowed time off school this morning but it wouldn't have achieved anything o she went in and had breakfast in the canteen, the school has allowed free meals for her in the interim. As she didn't have access to her phone charger one of the staff arranged charging facilities. I had a job this morning, whilst it wouldn't be a priority it did generate some cash for the one hour I was there (idiot locked himself out of Windows 10 machine).

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Check two-four (times many, many days)

Well, gee. . .

it has really been three years. Time flies when you really don't have much to mark its passing. Saw my name in one of the blog posts today. logged on to my account (took me three tries to remember the password!) to reply and saw I had two unread messages - both over a year old.


My sincere and heartfelt apologies for my inattentiveness. As a much younger man was taught to say, "No Excuse, Sir/Ma'am."

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So crazy, so insane

Life is bigger, too bigger for me right now. Why is it that the "50 Shades" trilogy makes so much sense to me; that I see myself in Anna, Christian and his subbies? Why do I vainly hope for that good ending? Why do I inwardly "rage against the dying of the light"? I've been tasked with writing a letter, my final appeal to a group of men that I have little respect for, and further my friends ask me to not be insolent and sassy, and disrespectful. They tell me that even if this last effort fails, at least it will benefit those behind me.

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Hugs needed :(

Can my life get any more hectic? College graduation is right around the corner, Moving houses with my boyfriend, finding work near the new house, and having a friend in the hospital! I'm at wits end and need some support. FYI Broken Phoenix is continuing, I just haven't had much writing time of late.

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I'm Back!

I'm back for now, I'm living in a assisted living facility as almost died this last January and with the stroke I had three years ago this month I'm not doing real good. Then trying to log back on the system refused to accept the log-on info I had written down I had to start a new account. Richard

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Mixed Weekend

Quite an active weekend despite I think having a continuing UTI which gets uncomfortable to painful at times and can be embarrassing as well especially if I don't make the loo in time. On Sunday which was a beautifully sunny and warm out of the cool breeze, I visited with a few others of the mammal group to one of the committee members garden which also happens to be a nature reserve. They have dormice in their hedgerow, which was why I was there along with the others hoping to see some.

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Strange dreams

I've had a lot of "searching" dreams - dreams where I'm looking for a place, a person, or an object, but last night i had a slightly different version of those dreams.

I was at some kind of combination carnival and sporting event with my brother and some friends, and when we got to our seats for the game, I realized I was hungry, and so went looking for a concession stand.

There I met a man who knew me, and he took me into secret parts of the site, and then I won a carnival game, and he seemed kind of sad about that for some reason.

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Finally caved

So I consider myself rather efficient in keeping healthy. I try to eat right, exercise (maybe too much). Sometimes I have issues sleeping, but it always seems to be "enough" when I get it. Over the years I've adopted too many feminine beauty regimens to register myself on the male side of the gender spectrum.

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The Big 20!

Today is a big day for me as I hit the 20 year mark. My boyfriend treated me to lunch and my Grandpa has a surprise for me tonight so I'm excited! My Grandma and Grandpa were the only ones in my family that didn't disown me when I came out. I've lived on my own since graduating High School. I lived with my grandparents from when I was 4 up until graduating high school. They supported me and I'm very grateful. School wasn't very enjoyable for me because I had no friends and I was always an outcast.

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My ex might be nuts

As if I didn't have enough on my plate at the moment, apparently Sharon has gone insane.

On Saturday she was with my mom and spotted a cop talking to a woman at a bus stop. She jumped out of the car and got in the officer's face, even though she didn't know the woman, the officer, or the situation.

Frankly, she was lucky he didn't arrest her.

From what my mom told me, she has been taken off her blood pressure meds, which maybe why this happened, but still, she needs to get a handle on her impulse control, or she or my daughter will get hurt.

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April Fool?

I am at the age where a Colonoscopy is usually suggested. (Okay, I'm older than that but who cares) Anyway, the Booking Nurse phoned me two weeks ago to make arrangements, as my last one was five years ago. She said the earliest she could get me in was April 1st. I asked her if that was a good day, and she said "We do screening everyday but I can get you a different date if you want" I guess she had to check her sense of humour when she started work that day.

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Happy Birthday, Jaci !

Well, today is a special day.

It's Jaci's (AKA Tels) birthday!

Yes, the originator of all the girly germs on many chat sites is having a birthday today.

And since she's having a tough time because of her period, I'm sure she'd really appreciate all the birthday huggles we can give her!

Jaci, I hope you have a happy, girly, PINK birthday!

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conspiracy (joking)

It's a conspiracy I say. Although it's a a sad one. Tom Waits Traubert's Blues, Dougie's Loch Lomond, The Dubliners Parting Glass, 99% of the fan fiction I'm reading on AOO, ... *ad's a dozen of so different things* And then I just have to look at the pets ...

*and the migraine isn't helping either*
PS Need more 'happy' F/F or at least with an happy ending (grrr all main char. deaths)
PPS still trying to figure out how I'm still functioning, more or less, in school at the moment.

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Bad dreams

i have always had strange dreams.

Not only the night terrors I had for decades, but just plain odd dreams.

Well, last night, I had a doozy.

I dreamed that I was with a group of people being harassed by government officials when a group of tough looking men started attacking the group.

I got the idea of giving this one guy a drop-kick because I was on a platform and I figured i'd at least get his attention.

So I launched myself at him, kicked him in the face.

And I killed him.

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Testing, testing

Well, "testing" seems to be the theme for the day.

I took my ex to get her heart tested (she'll wear this monitor for a day and then hopefully get the results soon).

I also got the results of an X-ray done on my knee, and I have mild damage. That's a better result than I feared.

Same goes for the results of the x-ray I got done because of the fall I had a work - no breaks, just some bruising and strained muscles.

And in April I'll get tested for sleep apnea.

The more you know the better, they say ....

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Back in the saddle again.

So, good news, Im back. Bad news, I don't know for how long. My school work load has increased an insane amount and the tests are coming multiple per day, which means that I am studying most of the time that I am not doing the homework. My family is still at about the same level of abusive, so it is just barely tolerable. My friends have been fairly distant for the same reason that I haven't been on (being that I didn't have time to even get together on the weekends). One of our dogs has a cyst on her eye (no one is sure how that happened) which is causing even more chaos around here.


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A Co-Worker AM Radio Story

I've recently been kind of engrossed with the whole idea of gender fluidity and a non binary definition of gender. I guess I've been thinking about these things my whole life, but only recently really started reading and thinking more seriously. The political season has lots of people all fired up and the supreme court case on gay marriage has got issues of "queerness" on peoples minds. I think something that really got me thinking about issues of gender was an argument I got in at work awhile back, this was last year when Caitlyn was in the news everyday.

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Well, step 2 is done so I phoned the service that actually is going the pay my pension. Got at least 2 to 3 months before they'll finish the paperwork. which means no income for March, April and probably May with the possibility of even longer. Lucky I got some savings but it's coming close to forcing my hand ...

So that's 3A. 3B is getting my name published again in the 'Belgische Staatsblad' (no clue for the englisch translation)with me being retired from the Civil Service, but I'm told that's only a formality

Still don't know the exact amount I'll be getting in hand :(.

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Doing a prep for my next appointment with my psychiatrist (probably going to reschedule the one for April 11th to an earlier date). Thinking about the future and words I associate with different paths.

And here I'm thinking I'm being me again a..k.a. weird due to the words I'm getting. OK maybe I'm too prideful ... *sigh* and I don't like me when I'm thinking about some things.


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Told My Wife I Was Gay

When I started writing my story the words just flew out of me. It's going a little slower now, I still have words, but I have to wring them out. I have chapter 10 almost written, but it's taken about a week. How about a little distraction writing from my real life.

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Intro Blog

Hello everyone, my name is Lilly and pretty soon I'll be posting the first chapter of my first story.

Some things to know about me:

I'm a TG Female, age 20. I had SRS last year and met my boyfriend in the process(He was having Gaulbladder surgery) I graduated High School in 2012 top 50 in my class. I grew up in foster care because my parents died early on in my life. I transitioned early as well, at age 4 I became a girl full time.

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An Apology to the board.

An Apology to the board.

I have been absent for an extended time from the board due to RL events that kept me from being on line here. We nearly lost our housing, we did louse our internet provider because they went out of business. Money problems topped this list of barriers to my continuing my story.

I did not stop writing I just could not post what I had been writing. So for those who can find it in your heart to forgive my bad manners in being absence from the scene, I have just posted a new continuing chapter of Havens Salvation for your examination.

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got some bad news

Well, I just got some bad news.

My work is going to start outsourcing store cleaning to a cleaning company sometime this year, so my job will be coming to a close.

Not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm going to try my best to keep my chin up and do my best at the job in the meantime.

Prayers and hugs appreciated always.

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