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After six years and two months, I've got my registration for a WML-CL10a user status. (For those not in the know a licence to survey Hazel Dormice in England). In other words I'm now licensed to handle dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) in my own right, not under someone else's licence. I'm so pleased I can't describe it.


We can't have enough dormice.



Hope you enjoy it and can have an impact on the population.


I guess congratulations are the right things to offer!



littlerocksilver's picture

Another goal attained in a long list of accomplishments.


The dormouse lady

Wow, congratulations! You are now the dormouse lady, with the official paperwork to prove it!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Right on !!!

Well, jolly good then. I do hope that you have a lovely time doing it, and you don't often get sopping wet.



Congrat'z Angharad.

You made me wonder how many different types of Dormice there are in England


there are 2 species

Angharad's picture

the native, hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) and the accidentally introduced, edible dormouse (Glis glis) which requires a different licence to disturb.



How could someone eat such cute little critters?

Anyway, congratulations, Angharad. It's really an accomplishment to be allowed to handle such rare and elusive creatures.
May you teach others to protect our nature as well as you do.


>> There is not one single truth out there. <<

More congratulations

I can just feel how good feel it now. Not only in your writing but in your own soul as well. I wish you all the best in your "new" capacity and in the fight to preserve the hazel dormices in the UK.



That's fantastic news. That's a credential that is extremely difficult to obtain. You have been the champion of the hazel dormouse for many years. You have brought the plight of this adorable wee beastie to thousands of people throughout the world. May they prosper under your watch!

Red MacDonald

Not exactly on my bucket list......

D. Eden's picture

But I am happy for you Hon! The achievement of a long standing goal is always a reason for celebration.

My morning on the other hand has been filled with overseas shipping containers infested with cockroaches from Vietnam. We bought several containers filled with stretched artist's canvas, and when the first was opened in order to unload it last night, it was found to be filled with Blattella Asahinai, or the Asian Cockroach.

The funny thing here is that US Customs impounded five containers filled with scarecrow lawn decorations (they're constructed from bamboo which is related to the corn plant and the issue is transmission of diseases) for fumigation and inspection prior to being released to us, but allowed the cockroaches through uninspected.

I even had to apply for a special permit in my name to qualify for us to import the bamboo, lol.

Well, thank God that Customs is keeping us all safe!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Wonderful news and congratulations

Rhona McCloud's picture

I'm sure your writing has done more to raise awareness and prompt positive conservation action than many official sources.

Rhona McCloud

Well done

Podracer's picture

Now an official dormouse wrangler eh? May you see many.

"Reach for the sun."

Congratulations, I know how

Congratulations, I know how hard you've worked for this.Through your story you have done much to promote interest in hazel dormice. Heck, I though dormice were like churchmice.



Angharad's picture

Dormice are definitely non-denominational.


Went dormousing today

Angharad's picture

mixed results, about five adults and seven young from over a hundred nest boxes on three sites. Still it was a lovely day for a walk in the woods. Out again tomorrow a bit nearer to home. Hope we find plenty of dormeece.



Hooray for you!!! You

Hooray for you!!! You deserve it after all your beautiful writing about the cute and sweet little animals.

so cool

cool say hello to spike


...feed the Muscardinus to the Dolomedes!

Shouldn't think the twain would meet

Angharad's picture

I'm not aware of dormeece going swimming too often, or raft spiders climbing trees. If the latter happens it may be the Dolomedes who get eaten as dormice do eat invertebrates.
