Because I seem to be on some kind of event teeter-totter, where I cant have an up without a down, here is how my day went today.
First, the up. My car is less damaged than I thought, and my brother helped me put the spare tire on so I can drive to work until such time as i can afford to fix the car.
Now, the down: I went to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, and discovered that somehow my coverage from work has been discontinued. I am going to have to phone tomorrow and find out what's going on.
See what I mean? Up and down, up and down ...
It's called life
The up and downs are called life. What may be of interest, is do you feel your hormones make life more of a roller coaster ride than your previous life? Do they make the ups seem higher and the downs seem lower? Is this an improvement or a undesired side effect?
I am manic-depressive
although I am on meds, so that helps, but yeah, the hormones can make your emotions a little more wobbly
Sending Huggles
Hopefully all the good energy/prayers will help the roller-coaster a little better.
Peace and Love tmf