
thought of another thing about me I like

It was a little hard to come up with a third thing I like about me, but since I managed, I will continue my list;

I like that I believe I have made a small difference for tans people with my lecture, and with my openness online.

I think by sharing my story, my struggles, I have helped a few people understand what it means to be trans, and encouraged them to be compassionate to those who have this struggle.

It may be only a tiny ripple in the pond, but who knows where that ripple will spread to, and that's not nothing.

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another thing about me I like

Since yesterday I talked about something I liked about me, I'd like to continue the trend.

One thing I like about me is my imagination.

Now, for most of my life, it was hard, having as active an imagination as I do, but now that I have (mostly) channeled that into stories - stories that people have read and liked - I am grateful for the gift.

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10 year plan

Okay, I'm going to be retired ( if I finally receive the paperwork ... ), so what am I going to do with the rest of my life??

As long as I have the pets, ..., well not mutch. Same with the house and the renovations.

So I go 2 track. One I find a job in the private sector that pays enough to keep the house and finish all the renovation. Then I''ll stay put overhere for probably the rest of my life.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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one thing about me I like

One thing about me I'm happy with is the fact that I refuse to live in a bubble.

I have friends who have different viewpoints on religion, politics, and just about everything else. I read and listen to news sources from both the left and the right.

I think its a healthy thing, to be able to consider different views on things. Sometimes, I've even changed my mind or at least thought "that was a good point".

I'm not saying this to brag. Anybody can do this, if they want to.

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Rsi and Reading

I'm struggling with severe bilateral ulnar nerve pain, which has been getting worse lately.

Using the computer does worsen the pain in my good arm, but it can't explain all the pain in either arm. I've done a bunch of ergonomic fixes such as a vertical mouse, a lower table for a desk, etc. I'm typing with my good arm, but also using break-scheduling software. I've tried dictation, but it trips over every word from a to ergonomics, it screws up spacing, punctuation, etc. and it requires me to delete the results and type everything anyway.

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Jeannie loved Halloween

Eleven years ago, Jeannie died on the day before Halloween, the holiday she loved for its morbid humor.

Last year at this time, I got out of town and went to New Jersey to be with other friends and try not to notice the loneliness.

This year, I knew I would be alone. I've been depressed since I got back from New Jersey in June, having decided then that I would not run away again.

I have been very ineffective in getting things done the last few months. This afternoon, I re-read my blogs and poems from that awful time and I cried. I cried again for Jeannie.


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an unusual experience

Every once in a while, the things I want to talk about in this blog are hard for me to actually get out.

Sometimes, its because they are from a dark place, sometimes, they are embarrassing, and sometimes, I just dont feel like I have the words.

Today's blog is a little of all of the above, but let me try anyway.

I was laying on my couch, watching tv, when a commercial for a product to help men get an erection came on. It was one of those where an older couple is doing stuff together, then they begin to PDA, and the announcer tells how good the med is.

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Yesterday didn't go like I thought it would

Well, yesterday didnt go like I thought it would.

I couldnt get my physical, because I need to get bloodwork done first. But on the other hand, I got mugged by a couple of big friendly dogs, got an apology from Sharon for her part in what went wrong in our marriage, and I got to cheer on my daughter at her job.

So, not bad.

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Almost 9 years

So, sitting here watching "Back To The Future". It's late at night and looking at my account it'll be 9 years soon. I was one of those poor bastards that had PTSD and a dozen other things so bad that the Docs would later say they doubted I would live. 7 hospitalizations later, I finally started to get better, but I won't say how except to mention that shrinks and medications were a waste of time for me. It took something else.

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A warm surprise

So, I have sort of lowered my shields a bit in public and public media and am pleasantly surprised to find out that many of the "Muggles" I know have TG and GBLT friends and seem to be on friendly terms.

Perhaps the world is getting better for T and Intersex folk? My references to it in public media are and shall remain very oblique. I do hope that does not upset too many of you. I never told you that I was a brave activist and nothing I ever learned in life taught me to be foolishly brave.

Perhaps the days of pain and rejection are becoming fewer? One can only hope so.

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I am blessed by friendships

I learned something last weekend.

On Saturday, my brother and sister in law came over, and hung up some more pictures for us.

They had found some pictures of my mom at her wedding to my dad, and some ones of my dad with us as kids, as well as many more.

One of the pictures they found was of my graduation, which prompted a conversation about my grad dance. I had gone without a date, but thanks to two friends, I walked out of the dance with a pretty girl on each arm.

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If you are wondering about Mercy

If you are wondering about my story Mercy, you can relax in the knowledge that I am working on Part 2 right now. When its done, I wouldnt mind having someone who knows Whately better than I do take a peak to make sure I havent made any really major errors, even if the story is fan fiction.

So if someone like that is interested in being an editor, give me a PM.

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Surprised by anger

you ever feel something and not know you are feeling it?

I did today.

I went to group therapy, and as I talked about what was going on, with tears running down my face, the facilitator stopped me and said that I sounded angry.

Up until that moment, I didnt realize that was what I was feeling.

I was angry. Mostly at myself, for my poor decisions that have hurt me and those who care about me, but angry, nevertheless.

Then on my way home, I had a bit of a PTSD moment, just to add to my fun for the day ...

Ah, well.

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Tests and Attempted Suicide

This week was destined to be insane, I have 5 tests, a report, and the PSAT all in the next three days, but shit got real today as I found out that one of my oldest friends (we have been friends for 4 years) ran away from home and tried to commit suicide last night. He is fine now and is safe in a hospital, but the fact that a kid who was always so happy could do so just took me by surprise.

Anyway, everyone involved is fine and some of the other kids from the website that we use contacted the police when he posted his suicide note.

Sn1per01 (Ember)


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Boy Girl?

I was sitting at a bench in Portland State University, waiting for Psych 204 to start. I am auditing it to help a blind friend get there and to study. I think I already hate the class.

In walked this very pretty 18 year old. No matter what clues I looked for I could not tell is he was a she or she was a he. Black hair with ponytail, T shirt with some symbol on it, Jeans, and runner shoes. Clear skin, small chin, upturned nose, no forehead boss, no visible beard shadow, no make up. I forgot to look for ear rings. Possible breasts but hidden by a light jacket.

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A kiss at church

If you have attended a family gathering, chances are you may have gotten or given a kiss on the cheek as a greeting. In some parts of the world, such a kiss is not just for family members, but is part of normal life.

Why am I bringing this subject up?

Because today at church, I got kissed.

By a guy.

On the cheek.

I asked him about it afterward, and he told me I had been glowing, which made him want to give me that kind of greeting.

The best news about it is that the kiss didnt trigger my PTSD, so there is that.

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Some good news

Well, it was an interesting night last night.

First, I started the night with a big I hate my boy bits moment, but before things could go too bad, my boss made a point of encouraging me and telling me I am awesome.

This proves a point I've made before - even a small act of kindness can make a huge difference for the person receiving it.

Second, I got some good news on the therapy front. I was contacted by a therapist, and he recommended I go to the Leduc hospital, as they apparently have a mental health unit that does free counseling.

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Your Prayers Please

My son has started another one of his emotionally abusive rants and it has been so severe that I will take what legal action that I can. Here in Oregon, what he is doing may be illegal, but he lives in Longview, Texas. So, there is probably not much that can be done unless he comes to Oregon.

It makes me feel really shaky and upset. I am sure that most of us know what it is to be attacked by relatives. He is a member of the same nutter Christian group that threw me out.

For those who pray, I would appreciate your prayers.



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got my hip scanned today

Well, I just got back from having my hip scanned, and honestly, I am a little shaky.

First, there was the whole issue of being nude from the waist down, with only a towel between my legs to keep my privates ... private.

Which created all kinds of I hate my bits to bits feelings ...

Then the lady was poking me with this wand and she wasnt gentle with it ...

I managed to keep breathing during the procedure, but I started crying on my way home ...

Ah, well.

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The school of phobias

So today i wore an old 1960's era USAF rain jacket to school... And promptly had the police on me telling me to never wear the jacket to school again... The jacket is just a elongated raincoat that is a dark blue. I was told that "it looked scary and it looked like i was 'military' and that offended people." Which is BS because it isn't like it is a jacket with high capacity pockets and weapons holsters... Its a damn raincoat/wind breaker!

Thanks "the news" for making large coats into a sign that you are going to kill people.

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had a brief trip to the hospital today

Well, I went to the hospital today, but I didnt get a full visit with my doctor, but I was able to get an appointment with him for tomorrow morning. He said very likely they will increase the dosage on my anti depressants, in the hope that will also help with my PTSD attacks.

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Any other suggestions?

I've been heavily involved in some activism for T folk in the Mormon church for some time and it feels like I am dealing with an unchangeable monolith. Perhaps abandoning what I've been doing is best? Sometimes no matter how many unimpeachable facts you give it is not worth the struggle since their agenda is not what I thought it was. Any who would like further explanation, you may PM me.

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My day at the Oregon Coast Aquarium

My wife and I were on vacation last week on the Oregon Coast. I love her dearly. She struggles to accept and understand her feminine husband. It is with great effort that she lets herself be seen with me when I'm not masquerading as an average male.

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for those who struggle with suicidal thoughts

September is suicide prevention month, so if you guys dont mind, I would like to talk about suicide for a moment, specifically the first time I danced on the edge of killing myself. Those who are sensitive to this subject should probably skip this one


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School is back

Well... Im finally a junior, but it is bitter sweet. It means that I only have a couple more years with the few friends that I have. It will also mean that I will no longer be able to see my sister. My mom makes sure to remind me of that almost every day. Now that I am a junior, I am taking AP classes, which fills up my schedule. I am always in the dark as to what is happening to the chat room... I am taking two AP classes at the moment, AP English III and AP US History.

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Why I love my church

Well, I had the kind of day that reminds me of why its worth it to skip sleep and go to church on Sundays.

Not long after I arrived at the church, my knee decided to start hurting like crazy, which set off my PTSD. So one of the ladies went and got me some painkiller, sat me down in a comfortable chair, and held me for almost a half hour, stroking my hair and telling me I was safe.

I am very grateful for her, and for all the people there who tried to comfort me today.

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It's been a bad day

To start with, my back hurts, and it's been this way for two weeks now, ever since I pulled a muscle during a not particularly violent sneeze. I've been applying a heating pad to it and that's been helping a lot, but it's still limiting how much I can do, and how long I can sit at the computer to write.

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La La Land

So, I get up this morning feeling pretty good having slept pretty well. Then there is this story about a 14 year old boy getting arrested and cuffed for taking a homemade clock to school to show his teacher.

What? Seriously? Oh, forgot to tell you that he's Black! And he's one of them Muslims! He got arrested for making a what? A clock you say? Really? Gosh, I've been off my meds since 2008 and have been doing pretty well ...

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good news/bad news about my hip

Well, yesterday I got a bit of bad news/good news about my hip.

I was helping Sharon get some stuff done for Samantha, and I complained about my hip. She brought me to her doctor, who got a copy of the x-ray I had done at the hospital. He told me there were signs of arthritis as well as bursitis in my hip, and he wanted me to go for an CT scan to see what else we could learn before deciding on a treatment.

But on the other hand, he didnt even blink when I told him I was transitioning - in fact he asked me which way I was going!

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Lies my depression tells me

My depression is a liar.

Here are just a few of the lies it tells me.

1) I am a failure. - This is the one that hits me most often. My depression is always ready with a list of my failures, when the truth is as long as I am still trying, I havent failed yet.

2) The darkness is permanent. - When I in that state, its hard to remember there is always light ahead.

3) I am helpless. - Very much not true. I can do many things to help myself

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Trekkers, how many consider yourselves to be one?

Ok, I am trying to find out if we have any Trekkers here besides myself and Jennifer Cavazos. We are both members of a Facebook Closed Group of Transgender only Star Trek Fans. The two of us have been working with the Founder of the Group to build and crew our own Starship, the USS Jorgensen. I am the Chief Science Officer and was originally a Lt Commander and Jenn is our Chief Engineer. Because of the work we have been doing for our group, our Captain has also assigned me as the Ship's Second Officer with a promotion to Commander. Jenn also received a promotion to Commander as well.

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Wearing men's clothing

Those of you who bother to read my blog on a semi regular basis, are aware that I don't wear men's clothes at all, except at work. That doesn't mean that I don't present a masculine image on occasion, such as church and family events. (Not all my family is aware of my trans nature.)

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