
2016-06 Exams and stuff

The good news first. I passed at least one exam (19/25 so Yeuh ;) ) and I'm losing weight (double Yeuh :D )

Now the bad part. Everything, except school, I touch does a 'crash and burn'. and it's getting to me. . My Mom spending another 2 weeks in the hospital due to a little 'crise' didn't help. The general situation in the world isn't helping either ( thinking about a Heinlein quote right now).

So here I am just like during the first semester exams almost hitting the bottom and I got the feeling I'll keep on falling.

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I am honored and humbled

I got some high praise from Shadowblade, and I wanted to share it.

"you have been around on this site for some time and your presence is nothing less of a godsend to many of the writers. You always take the time to read and post nice comments. When I said pillar of the community I truly meant it! You are like the guiding star the sailor uses to steer his ship."

I am totally bowled over by this compliment.

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Mellowed with age...

Over the past couple of decades, I've been weeding the men's clothes out of my wardrobe. First went the underwear, then little by little the outer wear was replaced with items from the women's rack. At the present time, I only have one outfit that is strictly men's clothes. I'm hanging on to that as I, twice a year, go drab for my wife. Once on her birthday and again on our anniversary.

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Insanity at the VA

A couple weeks ago, I went to the VA to get a Doctor to look at a spot on my back that never heals, so I wanted to see if it was Cancer. Spent about a half hour with the doctor and left, and then in about a few days I get a call from another Doctor that said that she was told that I wanted to start living as a man again. What ?!? The!

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Settling in

My daughter and I have been at our new home for just over a week. One of the best aspects of the property is the garden and patio behind the house. Today I enjoyed planting herbs and a few flowers after spending a few days clearing the undergrowth. Over this weekend we'll host a housewarming with my family.

So, we're getting there.

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Tut the trans Pharaoh ?

Yesterday I watched an interesting documentary on King Tut, and they did a "virtual autopsy" on his body. Apparently, he suffered from a hormonal imbalance, resulting in him having wider hips and a small amount of breast growth.

Even more interesting was that the condition was hereditary, and his dad had it even worse, looking a lot like a woman with some facial hair and a male organ.

So I find myself wondering who wants to do a King Tut the trans Pharaoh story?

Any takers?

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Women Love Movies Weekend

I has to work today, a record hot day in the Portland, OR metro area. When I came home, I slipped into a lightweight skirt and cotton blouse to enjoy the cool air conditioned living room. My wife offered to let me choose what TV channel to watch. After a quick scan, the listings showed me that "Sister Act" was just starting on ION so I opted to watch that, since I've always liked the movie. As it got over I saw that "Sister Act Two" was airing. Having never seen it, I decided to watch it.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle-Girls

When I was around a year old my aunt Paula moved in with my mom to help take care of me. My sperm donor was never much of a parent, even then, and between me, her job, and a little sister on the way, she needed the help. To this day, my aunt has been a huge influence on me, both in the things I like and the way I see the world.

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I finally received my keys to the new place today. That meant a day of moving furniture and trying to get at least the kitchen into a working state. We failed on that but a singular carton of milk is spending the night in the fridge which is humming on the lowest possible setting. Shopping for food will happen on Wednesday!

I reckon I'll be able to cook from tomorrow (once I have food!) so the focus will move to the bathrooms (supplies & cleaning) then to my bedroom.

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I survived

Your thoughts and prayers greatly helped.

My last blog I stated I was going into the hospital for a triple bypass open heart surgery.

However, I never do things half way. When they opened me up they discovered I needed 6 bypasses.

Needless to say my surgery was bit more complicated than anticipated. I spent 8 days hospitalized before being discharged.

My youngest sister took a week away from work to assist me at home. Her assistance was greatly appreciated and made my return easier. Sis returned home yesterday and my daughter arrived today to help'

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Memorial Day Weekend. 8 Years post RLT

So. Memorial Weekend is upon us once again. Funny how that happens about this time every year. Celebrating my 8th B'day (8 years post-transition) and remembering the monumental few days surounding this date 8 years ago.

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Seeking general advice(motivational, weight loss, ect), mtf(transition coverage)

I am seeking advice on several fronts and I will break it down as follows.

1. First I am trying to lose a great deal of weight and I am pretty sure that my medications may be inhibiting this, they are spironolactone, adderal, risperidone, and clomipramine. I really want to lose weight before I transition.

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USA: Here I come!

So, after a little more than a year of wrestling with the United States of America's really unfriendly immigration system, I was approved and I have my immigration package. I'll be heading there this Sunday to marry my fiance.

I don't know entirely what to expect at the border, but it's the last place I can be denied entrance. Naturally, I'm nervous but hopeful, any tips from anyone?

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Seven years plus

While I was distracted with other things, my 7th anniversary here passed a couple of weeks ago.

So even though its late, let me thank Erin, Piper, and all the people who keep this site going, as well as all the writers whose stories I've enjoyed, and all the readers, especially those who have left a comment on my own humble works.

Happy anniversary huggles to everybody!

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2 days into working for my new company

Well, I had my 2nd shift working for the new cleaning company, and so far, its been a mixed experience.

First, the good - I got a semi-promotion and have been given the responsibility for training our two newcomers and acting as kind of a on site supervisor. Plus, I must be doing pretty well at this, since my store has already been singled out as one with a high rating after the first couple days.

Now the bad - despite the less physically taxing job, I haven't had a reduction in my pain levels. In fact I was close to tears a couple of times last night.

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The new place


I agreed the rent with the new landlord yesterday, all bar £2 is covered by the local council housing department so that just leaves utilities. I also now have a moving in date - 1st June. My daughter is going to spend a few days with my mother and I'll remain in the hotel (we'll need the room Mon/Tues next week so don't want to give it up yet!)

No word on the clothes etc, so I'm chasing that today. I'm also chasing why the UK TV licensing lot have taken my money twice (television not trans!).


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Moving day (sort of)

Some ten days ago it was agreed that I could collect all my remaining possessions from my former apartment on an appointed day.

That was today amd I should have guessed that a few things wouldn't go to plan. It started when no-one arrived at 0900 except myself and my uncle. I called the agency, left a message and got a call back after a few minutes - the usual agent was on his way but hadn't expected to be there today, there was a mis-communication between himself and the owner apparently. That was the first problem, as he arrived he suggested there was another issue.

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Moving forward

I've been waiting for some good news and it looked at one point today that my waiting was in vain.

I had hoped that my prospective landlord would have made his mind up by now but that hadn't happened. While I was with him, however, my daughter turned up and then a man with a van arrived. I asked about renting the van for Monday morning when I need to empty the flat and he asked where it needed to go so I suggested the large ground floor living room at the vacant property. That finally prompted the decision - the place is ours!

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Need advice new job possibility Manifest Solutions, central ohio, lgbt nondiscrimination? need to decide ASAP

Has anyone heard of Manifest Solutions and their LGBT non discrimination policy, I asked for their policy and this was the response. I want to know what their policy is, but I am afraid to ask specifically in case the paid internship leading to a job is withdrawn. I am not sure how to ask without tipping my hand so to speak, does anyone have any suggestions.

Hugs :)

Equal Employment Opportunity and ADA

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Life's little ironies

Life likes giving me little ironies.

Like today is my 5th anniversary of working for Walmart, and so every time I swiped my badge I got a "Happy Anniversary" message.

So why is that ironic?

Because today I also got my official walking papers saying my last day with Walmart will be Friday.

Ah, well.

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I feel guilty

I feel like I owe my readers an apology. Its been more than a month since I published the last chapter of Mercy, and i cant even say I'm close to having the next one ready.

But pain, PTSD, gender dysphoria, and life stress have sapped my creativity totally, and so my progress has slowed to a crawl.

I'm so sorry.

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Crisis averted *Thank God*

Well everyone I'm back and as you might remember I lost my outline to my story Broken Phoenix(or so I thought) well it turns out I made a second copy of the file and stuck it on a thumb drive. Now I'm happy to announce that Broken Phoenix will actually be returning! No timeframe as of yet but it will be returning when I get back to writing it(which is right now actually)

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2016-05 (2) Pride and stuff

Today is the annual Belgian Pride ( or 'Roze Zaterdag' ( 'Pink Saterday" ) for my generation and older > few namechanges for the event over the years). The focus this year is / was (day is almost over) transgender rights. Sadly enough I wasn't able to go. Especially since I used to volunteer year in / year out for it.

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I am so close to committing murder I've had to sit down and scribble this to distract myself. I hung a line of washing out at 2.00pm at 4.00pm I notice my next door neighbour's tenant has lit a bonfire and is burning garden waste - it's like a scene from Sink The Bismark. I knew if I said anything and he answered back I'd be over the hedge and stuffing him on top of his stupid bonfire. He's a bit bonkers anyway but I shall speak to my neighbour when he comes back from holiday.

My washing is mostly dry but smells of smoke - bloody men(well some of them).

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How many people are you?

As authors, if we are going to be any good, perhaps we learn to sort of "be" other people since we must develop characters as we write a story and most often our stories have more than one person in them. As I have been thinking about this, perhaps lots or even most T folk learn to be more than one person in our real lives and each of them are very real. Then I thought about a police officer who must be an authoritarian figure at work, and when he gets home he is dad, hey you, or some such.

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The fingers have been back at the keyboard this week so I must be feeling a bit less stressed. Last weekend was just hell for me, one of the lowest places I've ever been. Anyway, pulled myself back from the brink, did the paperwork that the housing folks were demanding and it seems to have worked, sort of.

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I am in terrible pain

I've reached a point where pain is a constant factor in my life.

Worse, regular pain medications are no longer nearly effective enough for me.

As soon as I can, I'm going to book a visit to my doctor, to see what other options are available, but in the meantime, prayers and hugs appreciated.

Oh, I am kinda blocked on Mercy right now, so I dont know when more is coming.


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Getting a bit nervous...

Last Wednesday at work I was revamping office/store space where I work. I was short of breath the entire 5 hours. I wrote it off to being out of shape from having my left knee replaced in December and putting on some weight during recovery. My co-workers told me to go get checked out. Since I've been going to the gym twice a week (spending 1/2 hour on the rowing machine plus other stuff) I decided to see the doc thinking I might be coming down with bronchitis.

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New Girl in Town

Dear friends.

Thank you for welcoming me into the community here.

Heather has been a secret part of me for a long time, even when she didn't have a name or when I tried out several names.

You know similar stories. Buy. Dress. Hide. Shame. Purge. Then start again at some point a while later.

I will admit to a sex addiction but I never wanted this persona to be about that. It gets too intertwined. Been doing ok with the addiction part but it's too easy to slip back in.

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Had my appointment with my psychiatrist today and walk away holding a box with 2 red diagonal bars on it. Wich will hold me for 20 days so way longer then the exams I'll be taking it for.

As of now money is tight (first month use my pension) and I don't see that that will change. Got about 60euro left for the rest of the month. *sigh* Good thing I'll probably have lesser bills next month ...

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Death in the Family...

My friend, Jenn C who is one of our Author's here was with her Mom when she passed at 0449 this morning in Texas. Jenn C is now resting after taking care of getting her Mom picked up from home to a Funeral Home. Jenn informed me of what happened earlier this morning and asked me to post this information on the Transgender Trekkie's page on Facebook. I did so because Jenn is my First Officer on the USS Jorgensen, NCC 1952 and I am one of the Admin's for that page. I also posted to Jenn's Starwar's Transgender Fan Page.

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