
pain is spreading

well, I think all the pain I am getting in my hips and knees is spreading to the parts in between.

Last couple of days, I've been at 8/10 for pain in my left thigh, and 5/10 for pain in my right thigh.

this on top of being 9/10 in the hips and knees, and 11/10 in my private bits. (No, I'm not kidding. flashes of pain there so bad I almost passed out.)

Ah, well.

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I very dismayed to hear Angharad was stopping her writing I hope it was bogus.It is hard keeping my spirits up while laying in the prison my bed has become. I actively look forward to her stories as well as other peoples.I will not think of hurting myself.Too many people care for me and whom I also care for. but it is hard sometimes.


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a word of encouragement

When I was in Jr. High, I thought the way to get popular would be by taking part in sport, so I signed up for a long distance race that would have my school competing against other schools in the city.

A week before the race, I broke my wrist, but I decided to run anyway.

It didn't go well.

In fact, I finished last. so far behind that several of the other runners lapped me.

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Speech study

On Monday, I got to participate in an interesting study on speech.

They put sensors on my body, and recorded me talking about a video, and what they created on the computer looks like a stick figure with my voice.

They plan to show this to people, asking them if they can determine if I am male or female based on my voice and the movements of the stick figure.

When they get their information, they plan to use it to help trans women pass better in terms of their speech and body movements.

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I am very frustrated. After a pretty good day with only mild pain, I was heading home when I got a flashback while driving. Thankfully, I was able to keep control enough to make it home without getting into an accident, but it still bothers me that even after 6 years of working on this, I am still vulnerable to flashbacks without any obvious triggers.

Sighs ...

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On the road.

In a few hours we'll be hitting the road. Grover, Paula, and dog named Tink, but no cat much less one named Kalamazoo. Sorry, I get silly when tired!

This move has been hell. If someone can't help they should just say no they can't, not say yes with empty promises.

That said, everyone here at BC has been my personal miracle. Between GoFundMe and personal donations, you all made a difference. Perhaps more than any other our dear friend Cathy got the word out about our plight and made our move possible.

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Haha. I not only got called Ma'am on the phone today... the prick talked baby talk to me when telling me how to do something techie! I had a good giggle with the other woman in the conference when both of us gave him hell for being sexist and insulting in the same breath.

A good day. My respirologist said my sleep apnea was well controlled. A doubly good day.


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Pain and too many worries

Another pain filled day, and I discovered I really walk funny. My right foot sometimes goes from side to side rather than say back to front or front to back, and when that's not happening my right leg is going in some completely other direction than my left one.

To make things even more stressful, I came home to discover my dog is limping quite badly too.

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So, so, so sad

I'm sorry - I just have to vent.

As you probably know, I live in Switzerland.

But I am English.

I have a few interests in the UK, and I have trusted my brother with looking after them. A job he has been doing for nearly 20 years now.

I have today had a shock and a surprise.

It looks like my brother has ripped off my sister and I to the tune of about £10,000 to £12,000.

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triple-teamed today

One of the worst things about mental illness is the stigma attached.

I mean, most people would probably rather say they needed to miss work due to explosive diarrhea than admit they're struggling with say depression.

Well, I am going to fight against that right now.

Today was not a good day. I got triple-teamed by depression, PTSD, and gender dysphoria. (Not to mention physical pain).

I pretty much felt like I was getting my butt kicked the whole shift, so I am really glad to put the day to bed ...

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I'm just sitting here, having realized that if I hadn't sabotaged myself, I might have had totally transitioned by now.

By delaying my name change, I cost myself more than $ 4,000 which would have come in handy for paying off my car and putting myself in a position where even if i wasn't able to work for months after surgery I'd still be above water.

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bad moment, good moment.

Ever manage to have a really good moment and a really bad one at the same time?

I managed that today.

I was doing my rounds, when I suddenly realized I couldnt see the keys I use on the job.

I panicked, and left my cart and ran to the men's bathroom, which was the last place I remembered using the keys.

I went inside, and a guy standing at the sink said, "Ma'am, I think you're in the wrong bathroom."

I turned interesting shades of red, retreated, and checked my cart again while waiting for the bathroom to be clear.

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I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, if not the admin can remove it.

I cross path with a MtF today one time when I was entering the Place Bonaventure garage, and you where exiting it at 6 in the morning.

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Arwel Powell

One of my favourite characters is a deep, loving man of fierce protectiveness and uncommon good sense. His name is Arwel Powell, and one of the best descriptions of him is as an iceberg, showing very little of the depth of his personality on the surface. He is based on a real person, a family member, and I found out today that the original for my character has just been given five months to live.

Words do fail me occasionally.

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Call me "the baby whisperer"

Well, maybe you should call me "the baby whisperer".

See. while I was doing my rounds, I heard a little girl crying. As we approached each other, I started talking to her in a soft voice about why she was sad.

She immediately stopped crying, and looked at me in shock.

Then, as her mother took her away, I could see the corners of her mouth go up as she was obviously trying to hide a smile ...

Stuff like that makes my days better, you know?

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Status update on recent happenings in my life.

For those of you who even care to read these blogs then watch and read as I explain what has happened over the last month and why I haven't been around as much as I'd like to be.

To start I guess I should mention a few things. First I was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a month ago. Secondly i'm mute(not deaf there is a difference) which means I can't talk. I lost my means of talking at 12 years old. This has been eating me up for a while and it drove me to the brink of suicide. It took a fellow BC'er talking me out of it to come to my senses.

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Somewhat self-indulgent

A few of you have asked in PMs, comments or eMails about my not-quite-so-fresh grand daughter, Bonnie.

So here's a pic of her.

Bonnie 20161021.jpg

Now you see why I am so proud, and why I make ever more frequent trips back to the UK.

There shall be another in December, maybe two weeks long this time, but back here in Switzerland for Christmas as Diana and I have to be on duty at the Hotel.


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I didn't make the best choice today

Sometimes, I don't make the best choices.

Like today, after the church service, our "Affirm" group was showing a video on hate crimes and interviews with the guys who committed them explaining why they did it.

I should probably have known it would be too much for me, but I was curious, so I stayed to watch.

Yeah, that didn't go so well.

I lasted less than halfway through before I had to go and sit outside.

Fortunately, I have wonderful people at my church, and so I got several hugs and prayers to help stabilize me so I could drive home.

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Anne's status update

Hi, I haven't posted something about myself in a while. The reason being that how I saw myself has changed dramatically.
I have realised that I am indeed fully transgender. I have come out to my wife and we are not a happy family right now.

I have been depressed lately to the point of not wanting to live anymore, which, I found out, is in my case quite a large step away from actually commiting suicide. But scary non the less.


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I wept for my father today

I wept for my father today.

See, I've been reading C.S. Lewis' autobiography, and he talks about his father a lot, so maybe that's why my dad came to mind today.

But regardless of the trigger, I wept for him.

I actually think this might be a good thing. I never really grieved properly for my dad, so getting this out of my system is a step in the right direction.

Or at least I'm hoping so ...

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Got some stuff done, but still have other stuff to do

Well, I sent off my letter to the benefits company, so all I can do is wait and hope its enough to get them to reissue the check in my male name.

Meanwhile, I have a few other things I need to take care of - I have to book a physical with my doctor, and I need to get an appointment to see the PTSD therapist ASAP.

See, between pain and stress, I could really use some one to talk to about what happened to me so I can maybe slow down the number of flashbacks I'm having ...

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Home again

I've arrived home safely. The Ferry from Santander to Portsmouth was great and as on the outbound trip was a flat as a millpond.

Thanks for all the kind words. My little accident could have been worse, much worse now that I think about it and reflect upon it.
I traveled just over 800miles on the trip (3 days riding) and averaged more then 60mpg (UK gallon).

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2 AM tears

You know how you can tell you have a long way to go in your healing journey?

When it's 2 AM, and you're holding on to a teddy bear and crying.

That was me last night.

I was triggered by a story that featured an idea I call "the magician's force". Basically, it's where you give someone the illusion of choice, but you've rigged the outcome beforehand.

I believe my abuser used something like that with me.

And so I cried for the seven year old child who fell into the hands of such a creature ...

Ah, well. Must carry on, regardless.

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Deserving a DUI ?

So, for a very long time I have been too holy to drink, like ever.

Innocently I was on my way up to KFC to get my fat fix and I spied a little hole in the wall Italian Resurante. So, deciding that some culture could help cure my depression, I stopped and went in there. So, I had Pollo with mushroom sauce and pasta. YUM !!!! In a weak moment I had a pint of IPA beeer or ale or waht hever.

So, now I need to aks the qurestion. Can I posseblyt be intoxicated on a mere pint? Serouisly?

Oh, I gots soem tiramisu too, thinkin it mite sobr be up.

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I might have been showing signs of being autistic very young

As I watched all the little tykes who came into my store today, I found myself thinking about a story my grandmother told me. She told me that when I was a baby, I was a very happy baby, giggling, cooing, and smiling at everybody - until someone tried to pick me up, and then I would do my best to claw their face off.

I couldn't figure out why I would act like that, but now realizing I was perhaps borderline autistic, that behavior would make sense - Autistic people often cant handle being touched.

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Advice from members of Islam please

I have been approached by Tenant Support Workers for my residence ( have to like supported housing ) asking me to low key assist a new trans woman that should have moved in yesterday ( or at least filled out papers ).

She is a refugee from the middle east, and has not had it easy at all. ( to the point men from the region are a serious issue for her )

That is all I know about her, what I need is ideas on how to interact with her to avoid triggering her issues as well as knowledge about how to interact appropriately with a woman of Islam.

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How to make a mistake

One of the parts of adulting I'm trying to learn is how to make mistakes.

Now that probably sounds confusing, so let me explain.

For most of my life, any mistake I made became huge, an example of my general unworthiness. I would beat myself up, add the mistake to a list of mistakes that I kept reminding myself of, and generally act like I was in a really bad tragedy.

But adults dont act like that.

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Dying a Stranger

Hi everyone,

As my transition continues (I went FT 7 Sep) it occurs to me that I don't want to be a stranger. There are so many me's in social media but I haven't connected the dots and, if something were to happen to me, I wouldn't want to be unknown here and have people wonder (if anyone would) where I went. I'd like people to know me, to remember me.

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A perfect weekend

I had a family reunion this weekend that i had intended to ignore, due to 3+ hours travel each way and while i'm 10 years post op my family has generally been very chilly towards me in the past.

I had an older cousin and then one sister put pressure on me via my wife to get me to go, and then was offered a place to sleep overnight as a lady who lives on the same property as I came with me, her mums house was less than a mile from the venue.

My friend has studied makeup and hairdressing. (woohoo personal stylist, she's an awesome friend & person)

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Well, that's all done and dusted

Today was my last day of regular employment. After 4 1/2 years with a very good company, I retired today.
I left school in '69 aged 15 and apart from 3 years as student I've been working ever since.
I am officially retired although it will be two years before I get my state pension.

I hope to be able to spend at least a bit more time writing.


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home again

got home from montreal an hour ago.

apparently I bounced back from the operation unusually fast.
no major pain.
some bruising, swelling and tenderness, but only to be expected.

time to do the final dilation for the day though.

have fun. ( I will be, doctor's orders to masturbate 4 times a day for months on end. ;) ).


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my gratitude list

As I kinda fell into the "poor me" trap, let's rectify that by me posting my gratitude list.

My job - it isn't glamorous, but it gives me enough to keep a roof over my head and food in the fridge.

My family - they all may not agree with my transition, but they all love me.

my church - it means so much to have them in my corner.

My friends, both off line and online. You guys are awesome.

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