Spent lots of my life in therapy and under drugs, but quit therapy and drugs a couple years ago. Doing OK but now have to ride the ups and downs out by my own self and that's fine because the solutions of the Military therapist weren't any better than mine. Stopped going there mainly because them threatening me got old.
Working on stories seems to be as much help as anything.
It occurred to me today that being transgender isn't a problem. The biggest issue is the PTSD, BPD, Abandonment, Self Sabotage, and figurative hostage taking. Hmm, that never became clear before.
So, back to the keyboard to weave a truly demented tale.
My two cents
sounds like you're working it out on your own. create some fictional bad guys and give 'em what-for. It works for me.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall