Well, this has been an ... interesting week. I had, and canceled, an outing with a friend of a friend who happens to be a guy who for some reason wanted to take me to a dinner theater, I had my car broken into which resulted in me spending most of a day in lizard brain mode because it wouldn't start - my "guest" had left the glove compartment open which left a light on which drained my battery, my gender doctor is retiring in November, my family doctor wants me to take a bunch of tests to find out why I am always having stomach troubles, and my muse decided to ignore the 3 stories I have on the go at the moment and send me a totally new one instead.
So no Mercy (or anything else) for a bit.
So sorry.
Hope you're feeling okay.
And muses are evil, mine throws up new ideas a lot, it's hard to keep up with older stories when so many new ones are born. LOL
Dottie, as long as you are
Dottie, as long as you are feeling okay.
There's a line from Gilbert and Sullivan that goes, "Oh, don't the days grow lank and long, when all goes right and nothing goes wrong."
Personally, I'll take lank and long.
Hugs, Karen
I've Sometimes Wondered...
...since one of my Annotated G&S books mentioned that Gilbert patterned KIng Gama off himself (or at least his public image), whether he actually felt that way.
(Next line, IIRC: "And isn't your life exceedingly flat with nothing whatever to grumble at?")
Anyway, I hope things get better (or at least more uneventful) for you, Dot. I'm with Karen as to preferring things to go right. There's an old adage: "Everything works when nothing goes wrong." (OK, I made it up, 40-odd years ago. But somebody did put it on a short list of quotations.)
Best, Eric