My dormouse season has started!

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Couldn't resist sharing this one with you.


'Help gemme outta here!'



No need to say anything else.

could you

Maddy Bell's picture

Come and catch the meeces that kepp coming to play in my flat?


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Spring Sprung

Rhona McCloud's picture

I think I drove by your area today (Dorchester?) and the weather would have encouraged the laziest of dormice to trip the light fantastic.

Rhona McCloud

mice in flat?

mountaindrake's picture

mice in flat get a cat. I have a norwegin forest cat a 40 pound tom he trades all rodentia for sushi. hence no in house peat problems

Have a good day and enjoy life.

Could...You... Squeeze... A..

Could...You... Squeeze... A... Little... Less.... ? Pu-l-l-e-e-z-e..? *pffhew* :D

Hope it's all you wish for, Ang.
