
Quiet, but Alive

All -

I've had a couple of folk inquiring about stories, and one kind soul asking if I'm okay.

Yes, I'm okay. Not as well as I'd like, but safely functioning.

Since the summer of 2012, I've been able to find work in the immediate vicinity of my house. I consider myself blessed for that, but the weeks have been well over the normal (for most full-time workers) 40 hours. It's challenging to cope with months of this heavy workload, though, even at my age, I'm enjoying learning more about my profession. (Electronic hardware, software, and systems engineering.)

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major accomplishment today

I had a major accomplishment today.

I was able to go to my bank and get a direct deposit form filled out and a printout of my account history for the last three months, - both of which I need for my application for emergency assistance.

Why is that a major accomplishment?

Because for the three days prior to today, I have been planning to do this, only to be foiled by massive levels of anxiety.

So despite still having that anxiety today, the fact I was able to get this done is a major thing.

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Birdwatching Holiday in Spain.

Apart from mosquito bites, which are heading towards twenty, I'm having a good time. Saturday had to be the most successful day, when we managed to get into the back of the El Hondo reserve (near Elche) and met up with some birders we saw last year. I doubt we would have seen some of the species without the extra eyes and expertise.

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a unwelcome visit from Mr. Nasty

I am having a particularly unpleasant visitor at the moment - Mr. Nasty himself, the "voice" who tells me how worthless I am.

So even though it feels like I've been doing this a lot lately, i once again am asking for any positive messages you can send me.

Thank you to all who read this little blog and support me.

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Okay so today did not go well. It started with me oversleeping because somehow last night I accidentally set my clock wrong, then I carved a fairly good sized whole in my face shaving, then I went to welfare only to be told my doctor's note isnt what I need because it covers too short a period of time.

Sighs ... roadblocks are no fun ...

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Quick Update

So this will be a real quick update.

I just wanted to let everyone know that the building inspector was out at my house on Friday. He told us that if we sealed the floor with Kilz paint then we would be allowed back in. I'm happy to report that he came by this morning, was here for about 5 minutes and told me it was good to live in. The house is no longer condemned. So I'm not in fear of losing my home or my dog as of right now.

We shall see about the future. One day at a time now :).

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good news/bad news day

Well, today is been kinda a good news/bad news day.

First, the good news is I saw my psychologist and got both a letter for Welfare and his promise to complete forms for my application for handicapped assistance and send it in for me.

On the bad news, we had to go over some of the more painful parts of my history, and so i am slightly shaky, and its snowing, which is activating my arthritis.

Ah, well.

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made it

To Austria after two longish daysof travel. So today is free to do whatever so we take the gondola up the local 1700m plus mountain - pretty tame really except it was snowing at the top. Not just a dusting either as we found out when we took the short scenic walk as a) it as still snowing so blanking any views and b) we were pathfinding through several inches of the white stuff on a rocky and rooty route. That meant that Dad was struggling a bit in places as he's not brilliant on his feet but we made it none the less.

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Inch by inch, I move forward

So I was able to get a doctor's note about not being able to work, but it took so long, I was not able to see someone at welfare about emergency assistance.

However, i did get an appointment for Wednesday, so that will do, and I see my psychologist and hopefully get my evaluation from him tomorrow.

Inch by inch, I move forward ...

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No Chapter :(

Sorry there's probably not going to be a new chapter this week.

This has been the week from hell for me. By far the worse week in my life, worse than last year when my dog died. So last Tuesday---as I'm sure some of you know from my blog---my aunt fell and hit her head. She was later unresponsive and sent to the hospital via Mercy Flight. I was later told that if she had a DNR, they probably wouldn't have even bothered with surgery. Right now she's currently in the ICU in a vegetative state. They're not even sure if she'll ever recover.

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a dream has left me shaken

A dream I had last night has left me shaken.

In the dream, I was back in elementary school (although I seemed to be the age I am now), and while I found some of the material far too easy, I was struggling in the class because the teachers and students seemed to be speaking in a kind of code that left me isolated, confused, and increasingly angry.

Said that way, it sounds a LOT like my real elementary school experience.

About the only good thing about the dream was people called me Dorothy, but still, I find myself being very upset about it.

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About Gwen Brown

I am writing this to explain my actions of the last months. The reason for the delay was to let my feelings settle so I have a reasonable expectation that I would not be saying anything rash and hurting feelings.

It seems clear now that I am finished writing as Gwen Brown. In the unlikely event that someone would want to use any of my ideas or story devices, just contact me at [email protected].

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Today was the first day of the rest of my life......

Today was the first day of my new job. I recently accepted a position as Director of Transportation for Belk Stores, which those of you who live in the Southeast US may recognize. I spent about half of my day in orientation, completing paperwork, and meeting people. The other half I spent discussing the position and the direction they are looking to go. I sincerely love my boss! He has basically given me Carte Blanche to do what I want as long as I get them their numbers.

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real life is sucking, so I am writing at a snails pace

It's been a tough week. Dealing with my car needing repairs, my mom being under the weather on her week off, and my dog spending more and more time sleeping has ratcheted up the tension. To make things worse, my councilor cant see me until September 18th, my social worker is on vacation until the 8th, and it seems like every day there is another bit of bad news in the world.

All of this has slowed my writing to a snail's pace, so no more MYTH for a bit.

I could use all the hugs you guys can give ...

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I had a close call tonight

I had a close call tonight and now I have three lines by my wrist my doctor needs to never screw up like this again.

She wrote two of my prescriptions for the wrong date and my anti-depressants for 2010 so I haven't had them for a while and then she wasn't there for a couple weeks. I finally got them today.

Now I have my aunts funeral to go to today.


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my car is in the shop, and my muse is not cooperating

well, in case I didn't have enough stress, my car is now in the shop being repaired, which will wipe out what little of my bank account I have left. The anxiety over this has caused my muse to go hiding, so I cant say when or even if I'll have something new for you guys, and I'm sorry.

Anybody got a hug or two they can spare?

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Are Autobiographies welcomed here?

Just yesterday in an attempt to write something, trying to get over the writers block I was having trying to get my new story started I started my autobiography... Many friends have over the last few years been begging me to write my story, to which I never intended to every try. Yesterday though when I was just going to toy around with it, something happened... Words just flew out of me, along with a lot of emotions, and in a half hour of typing my autobiography was started...

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the end of my barefoot summer

When I was young, one of the more odd ways the genders differed was that men did not go without socks if they were wearing shoes. This was really hammered home for me when an actor on a TV show broke that stereotype, and people acted like he had taken up dancing in a pink tutu.

So deeply ingrained in me was this idea, along with a lack of confidence in my own lower parts, that even when I wore women's clothes, I always wore at least nylons with them. This continued even after I donated the last of my male clothes and had gone full time - socks or nylons were a must.

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needing some positive vibes and hugs

Well, a day that was supposed to be a triumph for me quickly turned into a near disaster, with me ending up struggling with suicidal thoughts.

I went down to the Canadian government office with my name change document and got the change done, but unfortunately, they dont deal with taxes, and told me I will have to contact Revenue Canada myself.

Then I went to the bank that has my car loan to give them my change of name, and went into my purse for the document ... only to discover it was missing.

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in my dreams, I am not a nice person

what would you do if a dream told you you were a bad person?

This happened to me last night.

It started as what would make an interesting story on Big Closet, with me as a worker in a palace who switches bodies with a princess.

But then things got dark.

the switch is undone, but the result was that the princess got to know the real me, and didn't like what she saw, and showed me the darkness I try to keep hidden.

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I morn

I sit here tonight morning someone I have never known, myself!

I have spent 47 years hiding, suppressing, and ignoring my true self. She is still a child, never given a chance to grow up. I am approaching 50 with the body of someone much older. She shall never have a chance to frolic and play as all children should. I morn the child I never was. I morn my past, my present, and my future. Cindy is not comfortable in the body of an old man, and the man has no idea what to do with the spirit of a little girl.

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I'm getting worse

I'm having breakdowns so often now I've had two just today I don't think I have long before I have a full breakdown, I'm not sure I'll survive the next one last time I had a sharp blade, towels and other things. I'm not sure I want to every time my mom says or does something to remind me of how she let me down so hard, it hurts so deeply and I'm not sure I can take much more of that kind of pain, it's crushing me.


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Moving On Sunday

I've been a bit distracted and busy over the last three months or so with trying to find a new place to live.

The building that I have been in for the last twelve years will be torn down soon and will be replaced by a condominium building that will be ready in about three to four years. Tenants from my building have the option to take apartments there when it opens.

I just received confirmation that I will be moving into a new apartment, with the actual move taking place on Sunday.

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How do you keep going?

I have to ask those who read, comment, and contribute content, How do you Keep going ever day?

I my self have a wreaked life, it started going bad early for me.

I going through high school was hoping to join the military to either make it a career or to pay for College.
I took the ASVAB at school and scored a 94 the first time, I had the recruiters calling every day and trying to practicallt beat my door down, but then things started going downhill.


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Healing progress

I have spent time today considering my healing.

That I have healed much, especially in the last couple of years, has become obvious to me. I still have far to go, but I am further down the road than I ever dreamed possible.

This healing would not have been possible without all the support I've received, so thanks to all of you.

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Job Hunting for Millennials Part Deux: The Internet Lies

First things first: thank you to everyone who responded, both via comment and PM, to my last blog. I was rather upset at the time (to put it mildly,) but as with so many things in life just knowing I have others around who care and understand went a long way toward helping me cope. You're all amazing.

Now, on to today's subject: The Interview.

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Well at least I found it amusing.

Many moons hither, a friend - to my delight - gave me a present of a bra, one which was designed to assist with what would otherwise be an atypical flatness for a female. I loved the curves this bra gave me.

Somehow, it ended up at the back of the drawer and the white straps were gently fading into yellow, and one of the hooks of the hook and eye pair needed sewing back on on one side, and so on and so forth. So said bra gradually dropped from my list of favourites - plus it didn't really sit well with the prosthetics I eventually summoned up both the courage and the dosh to buy.

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Job Hunting for Millenials

I may be on the early side of that particular designation, but I'm pretty sure I qualify, right? Born in the late '80s, some college but no degree, blah de blah. Yep.

So here's the deal. I've spent the last 3 months looking for a new job. I've applied for quite a few, as a receptionist, at call centers, more than a few sales positions from Best Buy to Target... all in all, I've sent out probably 10 or 12 resumes/applications.

I've gotten a call back on all of 2, and an interview out of only 1.

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I was brought to tears today

I was brought to tears in church today.

See, we had a special service for pets today, and my pastor asked if I would be temporarily in charge of her dog while she conducted the service. To help keep the dog close to me she gave me a handful of treats to give out during the service.

Well, it didnt take the dog long to figure out what I had in my hand, and so became my best friend, sitting beside me and occasionally trying to sniff my hands to see which one had the treats. When I put my face close to his in response to this, he licked me.

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Twelve months and one day

Twelve months and one day... That's how long I've been on BC. It has been an amazing year. Writing has been a wonderful experience, publishing a story on the web is an experiment in unadulterated anxiety. I've joked with myself that there isn't a 'recall' button on stories. There is a reason why I never refer to the stories as "my story"-- always "the story" or "this story" the audience makes of the story or takes from the story what they wish. An author puts a story out there and it is no longer the author's. It is the readers' (copyrights, not withstanding-- giggles).

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Passed my first module

I am 60 credits richer than I was this time last year, just need the other 300 to finish the job.Sadly this means I have to pay my fees for next year which compared to most uni fees is modest, but then the Open University is the place for autodidacts, so we get much less in return in regard to teaching. Oh well, only 5 more years to go, good job I'm such a youngster.


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Unseen handicaps can be so hard

I think I have only mentioned this to a couple of people at Big Closet. But I'm deaf which is a challenge I use Amerivan Sign Language (ASL).I live in a foreign Country as well. My complaint or grouse is that people do not speak to me. They talk over me to my husband it's like I don't exist to them. What makes it worse is when he does the same. Although I have to say in his defense he's trying to protect me.

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Thirty One Years.

I can't believe that it was thirty one years ago today that I turned up in work in a two piece skirt outfit feeling incredibly nervous but also very committed to dealing with anything that happened that or subsequent days. the official grapevine had informed people what was going to happen and I must admit most of the comments I received were encouraging. I wasn't the first in the NHS to have transitioned, but in sleepy West Dorset, I was a bit of a novelty for a while.

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Gosh - hasn't time flown?

I have had some kind messages, enquiring about things.

Thank you for worrying, but everything (well most things anyway) are fine. The sick one in my family is the car.

As you are probably aware, I am entering into a long drawn-out phase of moving from Switzerland back to the UK. This process is planned to take a year or so. I have found a flat in Tunbridge Wells and have agreed to rent that for at least a year. As I (we) had no credit history in the UK, then we had to pay an entire year up front!

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unique opportunity this weekend

I have been given an opportunity to participate in a writer's "bootcamp" this weekend. Even if I doubt very much I could make a living as an author, I want to at least try this bootcamp and see what happens.

Among other things, I am very nervous about what to wear. They said "business casual", but I dont really know what that means for a woman.

hugs and encouragement appreciated.

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This coming weekend sees the Manchester Sparkle event, written of by Bev Taff a few times. I will be there from Saturday afternoon as I will be working on one of their 'market stalls' all Sunday for my support network.

If anyone is about, stop by and say hello!

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Better things

I am coming to the end of another book, and it is triggering all sorts of thoughts about my life. I went through transition some years ago, from a hairy rugby-playing 'bloke' with a beard to a plump woman with bobbed hair and a taste for print dresses. I went up to York a week ago, for what used to be the Cyclists' Touring Club's annual rally, and I rediscovered myself.

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some better news from Yorkshire

Well after the last couple of weeks I was in need of some good news and this morning I got some.

My consultant has cleared me to resume exercise with immediate effect so whilst i'm still on medication for the foreseeable I can start riding again, regaining some fitness and losing some of the weight i've put on - and inches around the waist!

If I could i'd be doing a Snoopy dance!


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Thank You

Yes, thank you to everyone who has offered condolences etc over the last fortnight since my mother passed away, it was very much appreciated.

We had the funeral this afternoon, a simple cremation as she wanted, the assembled mourners were largely family but also included many people from councillors to foster children whose lives she had touched.

I'm sure there will continue to be dark days but I think the darkest are past.

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what to do?

It occurred to me yesterday that part of the reason people find bereavement so difficult is down to a lack of knowledge. Over the last couple of weeks we've come into contact with various agencies and I have to say they've all made things as easy as possible. However it's been a bit of a game of join the dots - take this, go there, ring this number - oh i'm not complaining but at times its not helped having to wait to see people because you need paper A to get paper B to get result C.

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another hurdle

I was expecting today to be tough but it's not been too bad. Registering Mum's death was straightforward enough, the finality of that act is only just sinking in.

But that has allowed us to sort out her finances, the banks have been really helpful, even the phone company sorted things in just a few minutes.

I spent a couple of hours last night writing my contribution to Thursday's service - that brought the tears back big style. I'm not up to reading it myself, I'm not a masochist, but I feel better that I'm making a contribution.

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another hurdle cleared

So today things have moved on some. We've arranged the funeral, a week Thursday so a fortnight after her passing. It's a big weight off, oh it still needs paying for and getting through but there will be a few days before we have more to do.

Managing to get a grip most of the time, just got to hold things together for dad. Having a timetable helps.

Who knows I might even feel like writing again afterwards.

Anyhow, i'll be back tomorrow


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