you may or may not remember that a few years ago there was a documentary called "super size me" in which a man decided to eat nothing but Big Mac hamburgers for a year. In the documentary, the man's doctor begs him to stop half-way through the year because of the damage he was doing to his organs.
Well, I am in basically the same situation as that guy.
I have been told in no uncertain terms I have to change my eating habits and my lifestyle, or I wont have either style or life, or at the least I'll be unable to enjoy what life I have.
So I am asking for help from all my friends here.
Please send whatever encouragements you can, because this is going to be hard.
But I gotta do it.
Thanks for listening, and thanks in advance to anybody who is willing to cheer me on.
There is very little that is hazardous IN MODERATION.
"Mighty Sweet" tomatoes, well watered will bear until they croak, which can take a while in a proper greenhouse, are full of Good Stuff and taste GREAT, the best hydration is water, any terrier ever hatched is the only real incentive for regular walks any sane person should need.
Keep Your Stick On The Ice, We're All In This Together, I'm Rooting For You.
You are an idiot.
Sorry, Dot ... for whatever it's worth, he's family, and he means well.
Can confirm the "Mighty Sweet" thing ... currently attempting to clone his so I can have some myself.
Hey, I resemble that remark.
Yes, I watered your cuttings.
I like tomatoe juice, home-cured sausage (most store-bought is simply LOADED with salt), and Special K. Yah, I know there's better options, but it's light, fairly forgiving to sensitive tummies, and keeps interest in food going.
As far as exercise goes ... nothing I've ever tried myself is as effective as a small high-energy doggo. You either exercise them FREQUENTLY or pay the price, and who can stay harsh-hearted with genuine Puppy Dog Eyes in play?
Count me in ...
Let's talk specifics ... What are you getting too much of? What are you not getting enough of?
Too many or too few:
carbs? fats? proteins? specific vitamins? minerals?
In other words ... where are you now and where do you need to be?
Meanwhile, think moderation by starting with your plate. Put on it what you should have and put the source for seconds away, and then stop eating when the plate is empty.
Physiological background ... hunger stems from signals received from the stomach. A few "short meals" will allow the stomach to reset its expectation (shrink) and turn off its expectation after a smaller quantity of food. :)
Go for life!
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Contrary to common belief hunger after a meal
is not a psychological, but physiological problem, as it tells you that your body is not getting what it needs. No, it doesn't mean you need more, it means you need something else.
We associate food with all sorts of things (like reward or comfort) by habit and habits can be dificult to break. The most successful method is to replace them with random alternatives to start with, until you have found what your body really needs.
During WWII the US conducted experiments to find the optimal nutrition for a human being, fearing the war could last very long and they wanted the most efficient soldiers due to their nutrition. The result was that every organism is highly individual and so is its metabolism. Whatever theory (most of them are unproven, believe me) on nutrition you encounter you need to take with a pinch of salt. Start to observe your body's reactions after a meal with real awareness. Over time you'll learn what you (and only you) really need and you will automatically loose weight.
Monique S
its easy
For us all to get all holy, you should do this, eat that, not do the other. Finger pointing doesn't help and can make matters worse. You have to want to change things.
Exercise, smaller portions, healthier food choices - they will all help. But do it in small attainable steps, set reasonable targets, give yourself non food rewards.
You can still have burger and fries but don't get the fully topped half pound with large cheese fries, naked fries with the standard burger are not only better but cheaper too. Don't try to park near the mall doors but walk from across the lot. Yep, little things that can make a difference.
Good luck in your quest
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Aargh, you can't /like a comment.
Preach it, Maddy.
My take, if you have to drown something in salt, sugar, or sauces to stomach it, you probably shouldn't be eating it. Sniff check ... if it smells appetizing, there's something there you probably need. Research this. Taste check ... more of the same, get it as close to base condition, and take a small nibble. If it tastes good, there's something there your body wants. Research this. Portion sizes ... if you were working a two-acre truck garden, watering and feeding stock by hand, and walking seven miles a day, uphill both ways (seriously, not kidding here, if we had three acres on level ground I never found them) and no longer are, you can probably count on your caloric need dropping ... a lot.
Here with you
From my own experience I know how easy it is to fall under the eat spell, those things our cave forebears craved for survival but which now bury us under plenty. Really bury. The only way I can defeat my own eat monster is to not buy stuff, to not go down the chocolate aisle, but make sure the kitchen drawer isn't empty either. Occasional treats work for me.
You might not think by looking, but maintaining my current normal healthy looking weight and size is an effort, requiring regular activity and not habitually over-eating. It takes time. It isn't "luck". It doesn't come for free. I think it's worth the price.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
You are absolutely right
You have to start somewhere. First stabilize the patient.
There is a reason ‘comfort food’ is called that.
It means there are other needs not being met and one is using food as a sop for what you can’t get.
It means you are not listening to what your body is telling you.
To be brutal, I don’t know Dorothy and the world will continue to turn without her (yes, applies to me too of course) if she does not change her ways.
It is up to her to decide if that extra piece of pie or that half pound burger or super sundae is worth it.
But seriously, it is too late to decide when one passes on.
It's possible
I can only relate what happened for someone I know. She's been on a new lifestyle for something over a year. She's lost over 100 lbs(it was there to lose). She's still doing it and doesn't seem to be hating it.
It wasn't easy for her but unlike other 'diets' this seems to last. A big part for her is eating the right stuff. She doesn't complain about being hungry.
Read up on the keto diet. I
Read up on the keto diet. I lost 80lbs on it and even though I stopped I haven't regained anything.
Right now I'm on the no fast food diet. If I don't cook it I don't eat it. It's easy after doing keto for a few months as fast food tastes like shit compared to what I make.
Oh sugar! (By which I mean
Oh sugar! (By which I mean avoid it.) I lost a stone aand a half by only having soup and plain brown bread for one meal a day, and never buying anything that was for eating between meals, I don't know if that helps (Though my diet did get an unexpected boost when I caught flu and hardly ate a thing for a week)
the fast food diet
Sorry if you like it but the only fast thing about it is the speed of weight gain and the speed of emptying your purse . Try planning your meals in advance and shopping just to your list stick to it also get a tin or jar and put the price of your burger etc in it and see how much you save. Overweight takes time to shift so stick with it think of the dress shoes or holiday you might be able to have with your savings We all slip up and relapse occasionally but slow but sure does it was 265lb now 232and still droppinglso don't get disheartened when the loss i stops and starts again
The big issue for me is salt,
And I switched somewhat to using ramen noodles for making slightly quicker meals about two months ago, right around the same time that I first managed to get my weight down to just over 246 pounds on my scale (245 pounds at a medical imaging centre around the same time).
What I had forgotten about was the amount of salt in just one package of ramen (770 mg), and I've been using two per meal. Now straight macaroni noodles (elbows) in the 900g bag (2 pounds) have just FIVE mg of salt per serving! Yep, you read that right, only five per serving!
I have a dozen or so each of beef and chicken ramen noodles left. Once they're gone, I'll be making my meals with the macaroni noodles. Switching to just using the mac noodles should help me to continue to lose weight. I'd like to get down to 160 or 165 pounds.
Over that two months since I first bought the ramen, I haven't lost a single pound. I've been lucky, though, I haven't gained one either.
The oddity is that I rarely exercise. That is because I have a physical issue that can make for a rather nasty complication whenever I go out of the house. I'm looking into getting that checked out, I should have some info about that when I see my doctor next Monday afternoon.
The best I can suggest on eating is to go either vegan (, or go with (the very similar) Whole Foods-Plant Based route ( And please watch the documentary from
Don't bother telling your doctor you are going vegan/WFPB. Most doctors are poorly trained in nutrition, and tend to 'go stupid' on vegans/veganism.
Someone suggested keto. Per (Dr Greger & "How Not To Die") and (Dr Neil Barnard), animal keto (high flesh, high animal fats, low carbs) has higher all-cause mortality - that is, it kills you quicker than even SAD (Standard American/Affluent Diet).
Good luck!