
I will have new glasses soon

I cant remember if I've mentioned it here, but I have been struggling for a while with needed new glasses, but its been a bear to get any traction on the issues. well, I finally managed to get things straightened out, and I should be getting a pair in the mail in about 2 weeks. Despite the fact that my errors made this take longer and be much more complicated than it had to be, I still want a adulting sticker, cause I persevered until it was done.

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Just finished a conference by phone, and it was chaos. There has been a stabbing, shooting and murder-by-car at our Parliament, and many of the people I was talking to were in lockdown, literally. Everyone I know (including one member of the House of Lords) in the area is safe.

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Blind no more

Well,it is eight hours later, and I seem to have survived my cataract surgery. It was kind of interesting. The doctor has a sort of assembly line set up, with about eight people prepping and/or assisting. It was about an hour and a half of waiting and being prepped, and eventually I was one of the four on gurney's waiting to be wheeled in to the OR. The operation only took about 10 or 15 minutes, during which I could do nothing except "stare at the light" while he did his stuff.

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personal update

Some of you may recall me mentioning a leg issue over the last few weeks, well it got worse at the weekend so today I availed myself of the services of the NHS.

You don't need the gritty but the long and short is that I have a venal blood clot in my thigh. It's a wonder it hasn't done for me with my riding over the last few weeks but the expert's seem to think the prognosis is reasonable.

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recovering from being sick

Well, my weekend did not go as planned, as I spent it bent over the toilet instead of being able to do stuff.

As a result, my attempts to publish my short story collection have been delayed, as have been my writing in general.

I'll post another update on the status of the story collection and when you guys might be able to expect more chapters of Mercy from me when I have more info to share, promise.

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surviving dysphoria

f you guys don't mind, I wanna talk about dysphoria for a bit.

Now, it's not a subject I tackle often, partially because I'm not sure how to convey the feeling to someone who has never had it, and partially because I'm not an expert on the subject in any sense other than my own experiences.

That said, as I had a really bad day with dysphoria yesterday, it is worth attempting to give some ideas on it.

My dysphoria tends to come in cycles. Not surprising, since everything else in my life seems to come in cycles too.
Sometimes, it's only a mild irritation.

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Reminded of a hot summer day

Bailey Summers' newest chapter of Jem got me thinking of a moment when I was a teenager.

A couple of girls who had become part of an unofficial D & D group with me were at one of their houses and we were just goofing around, and then the girls decided it was too hot and since they didn't have bathing suits handy, they simply stripped to their underwear. Despite feeling a touch self-conscious about my body, somehow I got talked into doing the same.

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Yorkshire Pudding failure.

I thought that I'd try a typical British Sunday lunch. It was supposed to impress my English in laws. Simple right? Nope I can tell you it never went to plan. I got a great beef joint. That at least came out the oven right. My roast potatoes were passable I guess. The gravy was pretty good but not much can go wrong there. However, the Yorkshire pudding was more like a pancake. Chloe, our eldest just looked and said just do what you're good at in future Mom. Kate, my Mom in law brought over a trifle. Next time it'll be meatloaf. We'll dine American fare lol.

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My muse is back! Yay!

The last two weeks have been odd for me as my muse apparently wandered off with no warning at all. I had been posting pieces on an average of about every 2.5 to 3 days until that point, and I expected that to continue, so when it didn't, I felt like I was lost in writer's limbo.

I haven't written anything since I posted Betrayed on February 18th, and I was beginning to be worried that my muse was gone for good.

Thankfully, she has returned, and I am about to start writing the first piece of a new story.

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Just an FYI... I will be in the endzone at the #SheBelievesCup matches today in Harrison, NJ.

As a pastime and to help de-stress I have been doing sports photography for a sports blog.

If you are at all interested in Soccer/Futbol England vs USA will be televised on FOX at 5pm eastern.

When the game is over I will try doing a blog of photo highlights.


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positive steps from my ex.

I had a couple of good moments with Sharon today. She talked about her church possibly being too judgmental, and I'm petty sure she was talking about my situation in particular.

Plus she talked about meeting a trans woman working in a store in the mall, and how nice a person they were.

Despite her using the wrong pronouns, its the most positive steps forward I've seen from her.

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Been trying to do an essay on the Amazonian rainforest

I was getting into essay writing mode when my printer played up again, it did so last weekend when I was trying to print off a couple of scientific papers that I could quote or cite to justify my case. I was trying to do the same again, print off a paper on sustainable use of the forest when it started playing up again. It's amazing how quickly an hour can pass when you're enjoying yourself - so why is it so slow when waiting at an airport or railway station?

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A Basic Type Of Theft

I don't know if this will help anyone except as a cautionary tale and maybe a warning to frequently check your bank accounts.

I came back from holiday a little more than a week ago and went to the ATM to withdraw some pocket money, only to be told that my account was now invalid, so I went into the branch and asked what was going on. The nice lady at the Help desk took my card and called up my details on the computer. She turned the screen towards me and I immediately saw that I had been hacked and robbed.

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I've been gone

Hi, it's me again, I've been gone for a while. I haven't been able to get computer access for a while now and have been reading the stories from my phone. My fingers are too big to easily type on my phone and I have to delete and retype most of what I write. I'm still in the same state of mind/ situation as my other posts, and it's starting to bleed through the mask I show to the world. No one that knows me in real life know the real me and that I am a girl inside. I feel so alone and stressed.

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a bit of an adventure today

Well, today was a bit of adventure.

It started with getting a phone call from a friend who was crying so hard she could hardly talk.

Then I went to the police station to get my fingerprints done so I can change my name, and when I got there I realized I needed 2 pieces of I.D., and I only had one on me, so I had to go back home, get my birth certificate, and go back to the station.

But I got my fingerprints done, so that's one step down.

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Terror or Sorrow

I have a visitor in my house that does not know I am ____, and I am not planning to tell on myself. I met this man on Arabnews 11 years ago in a discussion about women driving in Saudi Arabia, and he showed himself to be a good and sympathetic man. He has 5 sisters and decided that he would like a break from being chauffeur, but it is too dangerous for women to drive there because the men are such nasty, aggressive drivers.


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Feeling lousy

This is one of those days that I truly dislike winter. The weather's been mostly okay, although we're getting light snow right now.

The temperature has dropped about 9°C (16°F) in the last twelve hours or so, and I'm quite cold sensitive, I feel it even indoors. When it gets cold enough, the pain from my Fibromyalgia becomes more noticeable and I'm more likely to have a migraine build-up.

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Remembering or Flashbacks?

I drove up to a wildlife refuge out of boredom on a road that I did not think I had been on and as soon as I got off the freeway and headed west, things began to seem familiar, and a bit down the road, I saw a farm with a very tall board fence surrounding the yard. As I passed it, the full memory suddenly went off in my brain like a burning meteorite; making it feel like it was burning a trail through my grey matter. I KNEW that place!

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one step forward, one leap back

Well, I had planned to be able to give myself a ribbon for adulting yesterday.

It started off well, despite my cold, I shoveled the walk, and went and got the form for my marriage licence (I need a copy so I can do the name change thing), and then topped it off by getting a hold of the bank that has my car loan to find how much I still owe.

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A Natural Flirt?

I was talking with a couple from the church yesterday, and realized I was flirting with him. "So, no spanking for what I have done?", I said.

His wife and I are good friends. No one seemed offended. Yet, I was strongly feeling the need to be punished, even spanked. When I understood what I had been doing, wow, how can so much hot blood get into my face ???

From now on I will BE a Nun around him.


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Silly moment at work yesterday

Silly moment from work yesterday. Coworker whispers she's lost her voice. I tell her to look behind the couch. She laughs as loud as her strained voice lets her, and tells another co-worker the joke.

It's nice to know I can occasionally make somebody's day better, even if it's with a silly joke.

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a most feminine dream

I had a dream last night of having the girliest of girl birthdays. Every present was super feminine.

The one that made me happiest was some very feminine outfit, but before I could wear it, water leaked out from under my bed and got it wet.

I was devastated, and then I woke up.

I'm blaming Jaci for this dream ...

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I'm very lucky

I am very lucky to live in a house with animals.

Like last night, I was having troubles emotionally, and laying in bed and unable to sleep when my brother and sister-in-law's cat came into my room, jumped up on my bed, and basically demanded I pet her. After a while of stroking her soft fur and hearing her purr, I could feel my blood pressure drop and my heart rate slow. When I stopped petting her, the cat sat at the end of my bed facing my door, as if guarding me from any intruders, until I fell asleep.

Like I said, I'm very lucky.

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Getting Better

To say Ihave been depressed for the last while is an understatement.

Looks like My paralyzed leg has decided to work in tandom with mr good leg Evey day I wheel my wheelchair in front of the kitchen sink. I use my good arm and hand to grab the edge of the sink and counter and with assistance drag myself up and stand and balance for as long as my strength allows the dead leg is helping me stand though I still need the assist small l baby steps is the ticket to walking someday

Thanks to everyone has posted stories I live for them.

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Really, really bad day

Not a good day. It turns out my work was not happy with me, so I am being transferred to another store further away from home and only 4 hours a day 7 days a week.

Its a dam sight better than nothing, but it still feels like I failed.

On top of this, yesterday I got an email from my sister in law that contained a paper on "victim's syndrome" - basically saying some people love saying "woe is me" and getting sympathy rather than taking responsibility for their own choices and mistakes.

To me, that seems to indicate she thinks I'm one of those people, and that stings.

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The Big Head

My grandmother often warned against "getting the big head."

She believed in humility and, of course, she was right.

Damned if I didn't go against her sage advice -- and grew a melon of above average size.

I've been able to order extra large wigs from Paula Young in the past, put they seemingly have stopped making them.

The searches I've made for extra large wigs have brought me to sketchy sites that appear to be selling poor quality products to desperate people for exorbitant prices.

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Good service at church today

Had a nice service at church today. Not only did we talk about Jesus as a young boy at the temple, but after the service, we had a lecture/discussion on the subject of "repairative therapy" - sometimes called 'conversion therapy" or "pray away the gay".

As it consists of little more than physical or psychological torture to try and "fix" people like me, and does much more harm than good, we are trying to start the process to get the Alberta government declare it illegal for people under 18 at the very least.

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Shared tragedy

There are many on this site that have experienced tragedies too horrific to comprehend. Some have managed to, somehow, find balance and deal with these hideous, monstrous demons, some have not. I have shared some of my childhood tragedies with a few close friends- people that have been through, or are currently going through- similar circumstances. PTSD is a ROYAL BITCH, and sometimes, we all need a shoulder to cry on, a gentle hug, an understanding heart, and a listening ear. I would like to be that person, and give back to a site that in the last three months has given me so much.


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Memories & The Results Of Remembering ----> Possible Triggers

I woke up about three hours ago, needing to use the washroom, fairly normal for me, as I have a weak bladder.

What isn't normal is what happened when I tried to go back to sleep.

To put it bluntly, I started remembering things that happened when I was a child, specifically things that occurred during the eight years of my being adopted. The memories wouldn't stop, and I came very close to having a full-blown panic attack while crying for nearly two hours.

To put the whole thing into a proper semblance of order, I need to describe my memories of my childhood.

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One of my old writings.

In between writing chapters right now I was rereading some of my old stuff, and thought this would be worth sharing here. This was one, that a few years ago that earned me speaking to several different support groups in my immediate area. While I wasn't writing fiction back then, I was more of an emotional writer. When I would end up with an emotional high, either good or bad, I would usually write everything out to get it off my chest. 95% of the time when I would write it all out it would end up deleted since writing it out did what I needed it to do.

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Engaging my brain before speaking

I had one of those DoH moments where I felt very mean My son was returning me to bed at the end of a day with mt two year old grand baby watching he took off my wig to. My mouth led my brain as I said Ow!Uncle Jim just ripped my hair off Her eyes got real big and she ran out of the room he chased her down an showed her my hair wasn't real.I was feeling very small right then, lesson learned. Posted on FB yesterday.

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story shout - out

I am always reluctant to give a shout out to a particular story here. Not because there aren't fantastic stories being made, but the reverse - pointing to one story feels like not being fair to all the others being offered here.

That said, I hope you don't mind if I say I am really enjoying a story called "Prom changed Everything." Mostly because I can really identify with the main character who is struggling with her feminine side at the same time as she tries to recover from PTSD.

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More Health Problems

Just a quick note. I had some facial eruptions on Monday last (9th) which I thought were due to a resident Staph. infection I have. This has gotten progressively worse during the week, though curiously limited in extent. I was given antibiotics which didn't seem to help.

After severe pain early this morning I went and saw an emergency doctor with a completely different result.

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