2 weeks in hospital.
Just got home tonight, still very weak.
Sepsis, from a kidney-stone gone infections.
I will try to give more details tomorrow if anyone is interested.
Prayers appreciated, I still need to recover my strength, I can barely walk around.
Glad to be back home,
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
PS. I will check the site tomorrow,
just posting this tonight.
Get better soon.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
feel better soon, hon.
healing huggles on the way.
Sepsis? Infection ? Yallah !!!
This is not good. Please do everything the Doctor says. Make it a point to drink lots of water too. Lots, just lots. 2 Litres a day, I think.
I hope you can rest and get well soon
I don't do very well in hospitals with all the commotion there. Best to you, with Hugs...
Wendy K
Get better soon, healing huggles on the way.
Healing hugs tmf
Trying to recover.
I can't believe how weak I got over 4 days from when I got sick until my sister called the ambulance, and then a couple day in ICU. I could not even sit up. So besides infection nearly killed me, kidney-stone removal.
I also need to build my strength up just to be able to do normal everyday things. Once the physical therapist got me moving, I kept pushing, stand sit, repeat, walk the hall, some vary basic exercises.
The general staff while very good at their jobs, and nice over all where very discouraging, "Lay back down get back in bed. you are going to fall" But I was not gonna do that, or I would be stuck in that bed forever, I wanted to go home, not get stuck in a nursing-home for week or months end up an invalid, and then maybe, eventfully eventual hobble around with walker.
I am home, I am moving around without even a cane, I may be a bit weak, and a little bit unsteady, but I am going to get my self stronger.
Gotta keep on movin',
Thanks for the well wishes & prayer,
~Hypatia >i< ..:::