As I watched all the little tykes who came into my store today, I found myself thinking about a story my grandmother told me. She told me that when I was a baby, I was a very happy baby, giggling, cooing, and smiling at everybody - until someone tried to pick me up, and then I would do my best to claw their face off.
I couldn't figure out why I would act like that, but now realizing I was perhaps borderline autistic, that behavior would make sense - Autistic people often cant handle being touched.
I'm not sure how knowing a possible reason for my behavior helps, but hey, knowledge is always good ..
Don't lose any sleep over it.
People are increasingly being diagnosed with it, and those with it can often rely on learned behavior to help them. It is an old fashioned term now but Aspergers was considered to be a less severe form of Autism until very recently. Here is a nice link to help you figure this out. Don't be too hard on yourself.