
Acceptable shoes

My wife has long been the policewoman looking out for fashion no-nos. By that I mean seeing to it that I don't get too feminine for the situation. These could be a simple as seeing to it that I'm dressed masculine enough to be seen with her, to seeing to it that I'm dressed masculine enough to be seen by our friends and family that don't know I'm T.

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Kasier comes through again.

I went in for cataract surgery on my left eye yesterday. I was instructed to wear a button up shirt for the procedure. So wore my new pull up pants and a blue blouse with a square cut hem and long sleeves. Masculine enough that my wife is OK with me wearing it anywhere. A must because a guy from church was my ride to and from. However, while it may have the cut of a man's shirt, it has no breast pocket, buttons are on the distaff side and it has darts to accommodate my bustline. Inadvertently, i wore a pair of flats rather then my usual penny loafers. More on that in another blog.

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A productive day

Well, I have had a productive day.

I got my laundry done, I have replacements coming for my health care card and my social insurance card coming, I got money out to pay for my share of the rent, I got a refill on my meds, and I treated myself to some cheese bread.

And now I'm working on the next chapter of "Mercy"

Not a bad day ...

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this was the year that was

Here is my take on 2015:

This was the year where old, tired governments got replaced by parties with younger leaders and more optimistic outlooks

But it was also the year a reality show host became the leading nominee for President of the U.S.

It was a year that a black man was still in the White house

but it also was a year where a lot of unarmed black men got shot by police.

It was a year in which the Pope asked capitalists to take more care of the less fortunate

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Writing "The Bridge."

This is the first piece of original writing I've felt able to do since putting up "The Bridge." If you haven't read it this piece will make more sense if you stop now and do so.

This article may be sprawling, it may be rambling, or it may be short and rambling. I expect rambling, regardless of the size. There won't be any pretty pictures for this unless someone comes along and adds one. I don't think I can find a graphic that demonstrates how I feel now or how I felt when I wrote that story that won't trivialiase or make trite my feelings.


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112 . . . _ _ _ . . . (2)

Well reading "The ties that bind" and, to put it blunt, pissed me of. so that I needed to shake it of. Not, to be to the point, that I hate it or that am angry at it. Just me being f****d as usual and letting my brain do her stuff >faceplam<

One reason I like reading and some tv-show /movies / anime , and that's forgetting music, is that my brain gives it an extra twist. My Mom used to say that when I watched a show, I was 'IN' the televionset instead of on the couch/floor where my body was. (was fun with the original Star Wars but hell with horormovies ).

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112 . . . _ _ _ . . .

I really don't need to start 2016 of with throwing things like mug around and boxing at walls ... Need to get calm and back down from being angry /frustrated/... Heck don't know if I'll be able to take my exams in 2 weeks like this which adding stress to the equation. Work, or shoud is say notwork, isn't helping either.

Been a while since I felt like a timebom with a lit fuse. Don't even know what I'm doing or even why I'm writing this post. Heck my laptop almost went flying. And that's because of a damn story I started reading today.

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happy new year, and a little treat for you all

Happy new year, everybody. I hope 2016 turns out to be an amazing fantastic year for you all.,

And just because you've all been good, here is a little treat:

"So what do you want to do tonight, Dottie?"

"Same thing we do every night, Jaci - try to convince people we're not girly girls!"

(Music plays)

"Oh they're Jaci and the Dot.

Jaci and the Dot.

One is a smartie, the other might have a thought.

They're really girly girls,

who give their skirts a twirl

They're Jaci, Jaci and the Dot Dot Dot ...."

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I'm sorry

This is an apology for my latest story.

I'm sorry its so dark.

Its just that the stress of losing my wallet, the stress of watching my mom get a lung infection and be unable to take antibiotics for either it or the hole they dug in her head to get out the cancer because they make her sick, the stress of my friend Jaci having no money and no food in her house and me not being able to help, the stress of knowing I'm going to have postpone any chance at SRS for the foreseeable, the stress of my PTSD, my depression, and my gender issues ...

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I lost my wallet

Well, I have learned that no matter how bad things get, I can always make them worse with a little not thinking.

I managed to lose my wallet Monday, and spent yesterday hitting catch-22 after catch-22 trying to get replacements for my driver's licence, so I cant go to work tonight.

I know this too will pass, but darn it, I really didn't need to make things more difficult right now.

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Emerging from my burrow

Yes, I know. It's been a long time, and about that I will only say, depression is an evil affliction, lifting for a few days to a few weeks of blessed lucidity, only to return with renewed vigor. Much like the party guest who lingers well into the wee hours--the more you want him to leave, the more determined he is to stay.

Fortunately, in my lucid periods I did have a large backlog of ideas, so expect them to start appearing in future Mixed Tapes, if Hutcho will be so kind as to accept them.

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A setback leads to tears

Well, I have gotten a setback in terms of getting SRS.

I was supposed to go to Arizona for a consult in January, but as I have not gotten notice that my plane ride will be covered by the Alberta government, I cant go.

I knew this was coming, its not a shock, really. And I've been trying to tell myself that it doesn't matter. It's not what's between my legs that makes me a woman.

Turns out I didn't believe me.

i sobbed on the phone with Jaci and another friend for five to ten minutes over this disappointment.

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Stupid Woman

I got read today, and it is my own damned fault. Most of the time when I am out in public I wear dress like a Muslim woman to include head scarf. I know it is so distracting that most don't think about my being trans.

Today I went in search of a dentist without Hijab and got rumbled. When you have something that works you should stick with it.


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Being weird

Well maybe it's because I'm not sleeping right (as in regulary and enough houres). But I got my eyes tearing up almost constantly at the moment. Crying at one moment, wishing for things an being jealous at another and laughing at reference and music at again another.

Well, not really new for this time of the year but it's a bit extreem this winter.

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merry ******* Xmas

Seems I'm really back to the me of 20 years ago. The only difference is the fact I'm not having my gender issues which is good (post-op for 11 years now) although I'm still having body issues.

The bad? Well, my weirdness factor is going trough the roof. Can't seem to 'read' any situation. back to being afraid to walk out of the door (and no it's not agorafobia) and my mistrust due to not being able to 'read' thse situation I mentioned earlier is back t it peak. Not even going to start at the rest.

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Working out the kinks.

I've been giving a lot of careful thought to one of my major issues. It's my sexuality. I consider myself to be very conflictidly bisexual. I have a strong desire to be with a woman. I also have strong desires to be with a man. However, I am not really attracted to men much at all. While at the same time I am very attracted to women. Therein lies the bulk of my issue. Every time I see a woman I'm attracted to I feel my desire to be with a man. Every time I think about dating a man my desire to be with women comes back.

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Just had preop assesment

Well I have just had pre op assessment. So it will not be long now before I have surgery on my left shoulder. I have been told it will be done with keyhole surgery. Screws are to be attached to my shoulder and then the ligament fastened to them. I am also to have some bone trimmed away at the same time. All this to be done under a shoulder block rather than a general anaesthetic.

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A Belated Epiphany

I hope this will help some of you work things out.

Earlier I read an article that dealt with the idea of there being another "self" inside us. The author wrote about the fact that some twins are so close that they are almost linked at the hip and so on.

I think the article was on BBC/co/uk, but did I save the link? NO. Sorry.

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So, I got hit by a car.

Well, I was on my way to the local cycling shop to meet up with my group, supposed to be my first night pulling the pack, or at least attempting to. I'm riding past the local elementary school and my necklace falls off. (Bear in mind the clasp is perfectly functional and not broken) so I double back and spot it in the middle of the exit for the school parking lot. I lay my bike down, pick up my necklace and walk back to my bike. I put it on tuck it under my jersey and go on my way. So I was on the main road and she was exiting the parking lot of the school.


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PTSD and dreams

In the last little while, I've read two very different stories where a character who is struggling with PTSD gets help from a dream.

That has got me thinking, could there be something to this idea? Could a dream really help someone like me heal?

And if so, does anybody know a dream walker who could come to my aid?

Because honestly, right now I'm just trying to hold on until I see someone about the PTSD on Dec. 22 ...

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My secret weapon against PTSD? Humor.

I found a possible helper for when I struggling with bad memories - humor.

After a conversation on bulling here on Facebook, I went to work and started struggling with PTSD. Fortunately, I had help - a very funny book that made me giggle several times reading it.

So by half-way through the night, I was starting to feel better.

Anybody else have something that helps them get through PTSD moments?

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Warning signals

in the aftermath of my meltdown, I have been able to work backwards and see the warning signs - in the week leading up to the attack, I had been dealing with a situation that had eroded my confidence and increased both my anxiety and depression.

Then I fell, breaking a towel bar in the process, went to work, and managed to last until I started having serious pain in my arm before I totally lost it.

Maybe knowing how this started can help me short circuit the next meltdown ...

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Had Surgery today

I just got home from surgery on my left leg that I broke last year , this is surgery number 4 . I had screws that needed to come out before they broke as it is it was causing a lot of pain by moving in the bone causing a hole to form.
I am OK but back to using a walker for awhile at least I am not in a wheelchair .

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Ahh well, the last lung function test showed me having a 15% drop in airflow, this morning another test, yet a further 3% reduction.

I am able to exhale a maximum of 36% of every breath I inhale in 1 second. Yup, 64% of every breath gets trapped in my lungs according to the doctors. I can exhale the remaining 64%, but that takes another 20 seconds.

at 50, I should be exhaling 90% + of each breath in that first second.

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Charmingly Feminine

as i am sure many of you know, I'm immigrating to the United States. Well part of that process was that I collected my medical records and in it I found records from CAMH, which does gender identity therapy amongst other things. What I was delighted to discover were the notes taken by my psychiatrist and psychologist. THey found me 'charmingly feminine'.

It made me blush and beam in spite of myself, it was such a nice thing to read!

I don't know if this has any discussion value but I was so happy i wanted to share it.

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Marriage Licences

I have been trying to find my marriage licence for quite some time now. This is a required document for me to file for divorce and for me to legally change my name in the State of Massachusetts. Well, today I finally found my one and only copy of my Report and Certificate of Marriage USFK Form 164, (USFK REG 600-240).

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Happy Thanksgiving to all

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my sisters (and brothers) here at BCTS. I pray that you all have many things to be thankful for. I know I do.

I have a loving wife of 48 years who, though she sometimes struggles with it, accepts me as I am. I have two daughters who know and still love me. I have two grandchildren who delight me. I have a job that meets my needs and I have no long term debt.

Life is good and God has surely blessed me.

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The warehouse I work out of sells excess pallets to a Hispanic gentleman. I have often helped him load. The pallets tend to get tippy as they come off the dock plate and I helped steady them. About half way through the loading process, he asked, "What's your name?" I answered, "Pat." He then asked, "Patricia?" Since it was work where I try to maintain a male persona, I corrected, "Patrick." He smiled and nodded and went back to work.

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A little help, perhaps a prayer?

OK, no drama here, no one gets excited. OK?

Probably like many of you, the events of the last couple weeks have made sadness seem ... common? With my Middle Eastern background, it feels impossible to hate. It is painful to be unable to resolve this. Yes, I know, life's a bitch and then you die, right?

Like most of us, there will be no partner to share the remainder of my life, and the doctor recently told me that I am likely to live another 32 years. What the hell? I so wanted to be a wife.

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No SKYPE without makeup !

So I left a skype message for one of my friends in old soggy this morning and when I looked at the screen the fowl image reflected there nearly caused me an episode of PTSD. Alas, said image was me !

To my UK friend, I promise not to get on skype again without spending suitable amount of time concealing the fact that I look like one of the ghostly Valkyrie. Good heavens, I even frightened myself. So, it's come to this has it? It's a wonder that I didn't char one of the undersea cables.

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Got a call from a friend yesterday

I got a phone call from one of the ladies at my church yesterday.

I've missed the last couple of weeks, and since the last time she saw me I was in a lot of pain and struggling with flashbacks, she was very worried about me.

So I made her a promise, that should I start to feel like harming myself, I would call her first.

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Dreams... Strange dreams and leg cramps...

So I had that dream yesterday...
I was a relative of a deceased wealthy someone. Then I had strange things happen to my calves... But reason for this will be obvious in several lines...
Next I tried to help to investigate that death... And there was an interesting plot with murder of the vitness disguised as the death of the one of the "bad guys" at the hands of the one of the "bad guys" (who was female and my ex in that dream)...

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Am I accident prone

Back in July like thousands of others I attended the Great Yorkshire Show. On this day my knee decided to play up and gave way. I was propelled forward landing on my left shoulder. When I got home I took some pain killers. Several weeks later as I was still in considerable pain in my left shoulder and could barely lift my left arm I went to the doctors.

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Too scandalous to keep secret

So, I will admit that this story might be outside the scope of normal practice, but since I am still red faced and hot with embarrassment, I thought some might enjoy my temporary discomfiture.

So, last night I put a "certain movie" into my Blu Ray player and had watched it about half way when suddenly it was muted by Cinava, an anti piracy company.


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