Home from Switzerland

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I had a splendid week with my two outstanding hosts, who fed and spoiled me. I saw some of the Alps, the historic city of Berne, two stages of the TdF, countless wild flowers and insects (some of which bit), some mammals - admittedly - in captivity, some new species of birds and a nightmare journey home from Basel airport. P dropped me off about 3.00pm for a flight at 5.30. We eventually took off after 7.15pm nearly two hours late and made good time flying back only to have to wait over an hour in the plane because they were short of ground crews at Gatwick. I finally got home at 12.10am. I'm dormousing tomorrow, so off to bed, possibly with two furry bedmates - it's 23C, so I don't really need a hot water bottle.



Glad you had a good time

littlerocksilver's picture

It was 41 here today, and then we had thunderstorms. Last month at this time we were driving through the Dolomites to the east of where you were. What a beautiful area. We saw hundreds of cyclists working their way over the passes. It looked agonizing.


Go To Switzerland

You will see slopes swathed in fluffy clouds, and above them heights dappled in colours that don't exist anywhere else. It is a truly numinous experience.

Ban nothing. Question everything.

A well deserved break Angie,

A well deserved break Angie, I hope you saw Cav at least once.You are home in time to see him in the Olympics.
Your battery must be recharged, if you're off dormousing so soon. Nice to see the two regal pets are still around. I keep pushing mine away, it's been
96F here, uh, 41C (?)


96F equals 35.55C

littlerocksilver's picture

Temperature in Fahrenheit minus 32 times 5 divided by 9. For converting C to F it's 9/5 times C plus 32.


oh the joys

Maddy Bell's picture

Of air travel into the UK! Never had a flight leave on time from Basel airport but watched as flights to every other country left instead! They always leave just before compensation would kick in - strange eh?

Bitey insects, I managed a couple of horsefly bites in a mere hours walk in the PD on Monday, nasty things.

Glad you enjoyed your trip



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Welcome back

Podracer's picture

It has been warm here this last week, definitely cycle shorts weather. Bitten huh? I don't know about good taste, but you obviously have excellent flavour.

"Reach for the sun."