No mom along for my surgery

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My mom had to cancel her plans to accompany me to Montreal for my GRS.
She goes in for her second cataract surgery 5 days before I leave for Montreal, so can't travel that short a time afterwards.



Friends tell me Montreal is a very nice place and the care is first rate. Their post-surgical reports have been uniformly glowing....

I get the going alone thing... I will be going alone as well when the time comes. My hubby's health isn't up to a month in Thailand and I have no intention of becoming myself just to lose him. You will definitely be in my thoughts.



well with the shortness of the trip

dawnfyre's picture

I'm not really concerned with the lack of a companion. leave home on the 19th and return on the 29th.
19 that night in a B&B
20th check into surgical facility and overnight there.
21st to 22nd surgery and stay for 2 nights.
22nd through 29th moved to recovery facility for 6 days then return home.

pretty boring sitting in a medical facility for days on end, getting booted from the room for the doctor's look-see and the dilation periods. any companion is spending money and not really doing much for their own enjoyment.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

You won't be on your own

Angharad's picture

you'll be pestered by doctors and nurses for days, so just watch telly or listen to the radio or your own music, that's what I did and mine was many years ago.


rock salt

dawnfyre's picture

fired out of a 12 gauge.
then them pesky nurses will let you sleep in peace. ;)

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

GRS in Montreal

I would be very interested in hearing what your out of pocket expenses were...

I will be going to Montreal for mine and have no idea how much to save up for not including airfare.


ps. Does your mom have internet? They have wifi at the recovery house... you could get skype or some other and chat with mom online.

dawnfyre's picture

they should cover your airfare. :p

the itinerary I was sent doesn't leave much time for spending a lot of time doing the tourist thing. arrive at 7 pm on the 19th, check in at the B&B overnight then into the surgical facility. Since after the surgery I doubt I'll be wanting to run around a lot that leaves only a few hours the first night for it.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.


I'm pretty sure I am not poor enough to qualify. If it weren't for my stupidity I would be quite well off.
I was on welfare for nearly 20 years... so when I finally got into a career track I went nuts running up credit bills.
I even stiffed the govt for back taxes.

I was stupid. Now I'm paying it all back.



dawnfyre's picture

I'll likely be on CPPD until I'm 65, then have to apply for OAS.
unless I can get my asthma to go into remission so crowds of people don't trigger it.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

well as someone who has been there

The hosipital has stupid nurses that like to yank on your cathetor, which will lead to infection later on.

The food was inedible at "recovery house" the hospital food however was good. Their idea of privacy is to come into room at any time reguardless if door is closed without knocking.

If you dont bring your own antibotics you will get assigned some that "Wouldn't be given to a child let alone an adult"

basically for 5 days and nights i got treated really bad, starved and dyhdrated i managed to get to Ruths place where i recovered for three days then went home to a real doctor and got real antibotics to take care of the massive infection i had.

Oh btw no feeling worth snot down there.

If you can go somewhere else.

I have heard worse

dawnfyre's picture

in face to face convos with friends.
like one is permanently stuck in diapers because of a "nick" on her bowel with a scalpel during her op, by Pierre.
( she has fecal matter dripping from her vagina constantly. )

to bad BC Med won't pay for anywhere but Montreal. My CPPD won't stretch anywhere near to paying for anywhere else.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.


tmf's picture

and I thought I heard it was a good place :(

Hopefully it will be good when you get there.

Hugs and positive thinking tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness

I did it alone.

I did it alone, nobody came throughout the whole of my stay because it was a long way from South Wales and my friends don't drive. Fortunately a very good and caring friend came to collect me and drive me home. Without her, things would have been infinitely more difficult and I heartily thank her again for her help and kindness. (When my Skype is working again I'll skype you J----!)

As to the surgery, well, in all truth it wasn't all that painful.

I had one intravenous painkiller for the first night to help me sleep then I managed quite adequately on ordinary paracetamol tablets for the remainder of my stay. Both the nursing staff and Dr Phil Thomas were impressed with my resilience and they kept checking me every hour for the first day because they were surprised I was in so little pain. The nursing care was excellent but I did 'go private'.

In the UK private medical care is of a fantastically high standard and the Nuffield clinic in Brighton England proved for me to be second to none. It cost me £11,500 sterling for the surgery and nine-day stay plus another £500 for incidentals like the surgical consultations and transport.( Car for the consultations, then train up to Brighton for surgery - I had a lift back to my home with J----.)

The journey home in my friend's car was not as arduous as my friend and I anticipated, indeed I sat in the front passenger seat for the whole journey, only briefly stopping once to relieve myself. I think my friend was mildly impressed but I'm an enduring old bitch. I'm not tough or strong but I survive on the forest-floor of life like a persistent low-life fungus.

I was up and walking two days after surgery and discharged six days after that. When I got home I was dancing on the stage at Wow Bar in Cardiff ten days after surgery. Then I was cycling within a month though that was a bit uncomfortable at first. I did try cycling fourteen days after surgery but decided to return home after a mile because it was too uncomfortable. I think Dr Phil Thomas was a bit annoyed with me when I went for the eight-week check up but after inspection he conceded there was no damage at all. I complimented him on his surgery and he eventually laughed but not before scolding me and accusing me of giving his surgery a baptism of fire. I replied that it wasn't hurting and never really had been seriously painful after that first night, so I functioned on the basis that -if it ain't hurting it ain't damaged'-.

Since that day I've ridden my bike every day I can - weather permitting. I had to change the saddle though and I now have a female saddle with an extra deep slot in the centre. (That's a road-bike saddle and much harder than a street-bike or mountain-bike saddle.

Surprisingly I have found my 'girl-bits' to be more sensitive in the saddle than my old 'boy-bits' and most of the male club members (Port Talbot Wheelers) were surprised to learn this. The girls weren't and they grinned as they welcomed me to the delights of female biking!

One side effect is that I'm finding it harder to keep my weight down what with the hormones and stuff.

Happy cycling girls,


Sorry to hear that

My partner came with me, which was nice. Sadly the surgeon did not treat her as if she was family as I suspect he does not understand lesbian TS folks.

As long as you don't have it before his holiday or vacation as I was unable to hunt him down when I had questions about a possible problem. He is retired now but he was one of two recommended surgeons in the US in the 90s. Paid 21K though which was a lot around 2000.

Good luck. Don't forget, dilate, dilate, dilate.