

Reflecting on yesterday, I've decided I'm jealous. Twice a month my wife and I volunteer at the food bank sponsored by our church. It's a great opportunity to give back. About fifty percent of the volunteers there come from our church and it seems like I've known them forever. I know the spouses and all their kids.

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Star Wars Armor

Just had to post this after watching over 4 hours the making of Star Wars documentaries.

If you are a HUGE Star Wars fan....stop now, because the story is not a happy ending for you!

Well, back in the mid 90's I worked at a place in the Hollywood biz that used to do 'The Gong show' among dozens of others in its long past and now we did award shows Oscars, Emmys and others.

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Well as of August 1st 10 days ago I managed to finish another year. 41 years old and still don't know or sure, besides stuborness and the pets, how I managed to make it this far in my life.

One other thing that helped me are the communities like BC and others I am a member of, So thank you.


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Calmed down

So here we are again.

Well the initial shock of Thursday has subsided so I can be a little more rational now. Just to recap, I got home from my ride Thursday afternoon to find my home of 30+ years had been repossessed, literally at that point my possessions ran to what I was wearing and the bike! Not a good place to be for sure.

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what if this is the end?

It has been long enough since I wrote anything that I'm starting to wonder if this is the end for me. 10 years of publishing almost every month is a pretty high rate, so a slowdown isnt that bad, but this feels less like a slowdown and more like a complete stop.

ah well, I can still read and comment I guess ...

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Just posted a new chapter

I just posted a new chapter for one of my stories - a relatively long one this time. And though I know it's past 11PM out there, I hope it's not too late.

I've been in the office since 8am, and have been waiting to meet with some contractors. I've been waiting for three hours now, and they're still not here. Anyway, while I waited, I started writing instead of sitting here and stewing. If they don't get here in 20 minutes, I'm gonna be calling their boss. This doesn't bode well for them being hired for the project.

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4.5 years

According to my account page, I have been on this site for 4 years and 6 months. So around februari 2015.

A lot has happened in that time. There was of course a reason I found and joined this site.

By Christmas 2915 I knew that I needed to do something.
And I did,
By Christmas 2017 I was legally me, Anne, Female.
By Christmas 2018 I was on hormones for half a year.
By Christmas 2019? With some luck I may have had SRS then...

Today I turned fifty years old..

Thank you BCTS

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You don't hear anything from me in a while, don't fret.
Due to my own stupidity i'm now homeless so my access to - well anything is going to be a bit hit and miss for a while.
So there we are, a tale of woe. Hopefully i'll get my act in order, I kind of a have an interim plan but that will likely have to wait until - well I get my head in order.

Ciao for now

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Sorry no Bike this weekend

It's the anniversary of my son's death and I've been up in Wales. He used to work in the Brecon Beacons National Park so we go up there to feel near him. It's also a place of amazing scenery, wild life and geology and very popular with walkers and hikers. Today, the weather was very clear so we were able to see Pen y fan, the highest point in South Wales, the neighbouring mountains of Corn Du and the Crybin, all of which are over 800 metres and the Monmouthshire Black Mountains to the east.

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tough day

so a very stressful day. Was running errands with my ex, and first I had an anxiety attack and had to go sit in the car for a bit. Then while we were just about done, we got a phone call saying my ex's best friend's mom had been in a car accident not far away. We went to see how she was, and although not hurt, she was clearly in shock. Then while we waited with her two different towing guys got into a fight about towing the car right in front of us.

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July isn't my favorite month of the year.

Getting asked for divorce y my ex, practically tossed out of the house my mom and birthday getting closer again without reaching anything. And not mentioning all the rest of the day to day struggles. Urgh hate how depressing I feel. How lonely I feel.At least I have the pets ...



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Never Finding A Love.

I've felt, BEEN so guilty because of my changing gender and for that reason it seemed that the only way to avoid even more condemning guilt was to refrain from any relationship with a man whatsoever. This is a hard, lonely road, as some of you well know.

Tonight I was out on my bike and stopped to call in a broken electrical box. When I finished and went to move on, I forgot to secure my purse to the back of my bike with the elastic sproingy. It promptly wrapped up in my rear sprocket cassette, and threw debris at me.

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Seeya later!

Hey, guys.

So we're leaving for our trip tonight. In about an hour actually (7am Thursday Eastern over there). But I'll be seeing all of you again Monday evening (or about 9am Monday Eastern over there). Therefore no stories until Monday.

I'll still be logging on from time to time within that period, so I won't be completely out of contact with you guys here in the Bigcloset. Feel free to comment or PM or whatever, and I'll respond as soon as I see 'em.

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to the people who care about me:

To the people who care about me: I'm sorry. See, caring about someone is always risky. There is a chance you will get hurt by them. I'm not just talking about being disappointed, or betrayed, but hurt because the person you care about is hurting. So if you care about me, you've been hurt when I have hurt, and I'm sorry. And I'm afraid the hurting isnt over. See, I've been, so to speak writing checks my body cant cash for a long time, and it looks like nature is going to collect. And therefore I can see a lot of hurt in my future.

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OMG it's a blizzard! I never saw so much fluffy white stuff coming down

...from the cottonwood trees. It looks like this:

It's 90 degrees Fahrenheit here in
Washoe Valley east of the Sierra and I'm in Heaven!
We had a good wet winter and everything's green + blooming
and beautiful with an unusual amount of critters running around;
as if nature went nuts and decided to go for broke this year.

Too bad fire season starts next week.

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Two Spirit, Arab Princess, XXY

What a week it's been !!!

I saw a Doctor today that actually knew what XXY folk could be like, and seemed to understand!!! He even confirmed that folk like me are often born with both sets of accessories, and felt that often the wrong organs were removed at birth. "ODDLY", back then, Doctors preferred to remove the girl stuff and would do almost anything to save the boy junk!!! It was nice to have that confirmation. Validation. :)

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Okay, so for the last while, I've been sharing stories at a writing group every two weeks, and last night I shared part 2 of a story called "Six forty-five" (which you can find here: ) and it went over well. So I came home to look at part 3, and ... I dont know. I'm seriously lacking confidence in it.

If anybody wants to look at it, and see if its better than my brain is telling me, that would cool ...

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2019-06-06 Remembering D-day and a personal thing

Edit: added videolink for a song written by Jim Radford.

About 75 years ago allied forces landed on Normandy beaches opening a second western front (after the Mediterenean one). and the final act of the European part of WO2 was finally started. We still remember.
On the shores

On the personal part. Everyone that reads this blog knows that I, be it personal or business , haven't had a good decade.

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doing yardwork is proving a challenge

When I moved in to my brother and sister-in-law's basement, one of the things I agreed to was to take over the outside chores - mostly snow shoveling and lawn care.

At that time the thing I worried about was that my mental health issues would make doing these jobs tough.

I never dreamed how fast my physical health would deteriorate.

I never imagined that there would be a time when being out working for an hour would be a serious challenge.

I honestly dont know how long I can keep up to my promise, or what happens when I cant anymore.

sighs ...

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Back in Business -- Literally!

I have a desktop again! And a job! And the two are related!

Okay, so as I've shared here before I've been trying to make something akin to a work from home situation work for me for a while. I've been trying to find indie devs interested in some of my music work, and I've had a couple of jobs lined up, but the death of my computer a couple of months ago almost killed that opportunity for me.

Until I re-negotiated one of my contracts.

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Still here...

I apologize for the delay in Chapter 21. As often seems the case, important aniversaries seem to collect events... The Aniversary was the date my beloved passed, which messed with my muse. Around this time also sprang, however, non-life threatening but distracting medical issues which had me spending time in the Emergency Room! It seems that an old knee injury has affected me enough that I’ve thrown my back out as well! I’m sure you can understand the SPECIAL kind of pain that can manifest when your back informs you that nerves are being pinched!

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A rough weekend

As is true every year, Memorial Day weekend was not easy for me. Those of us who have served, those of us who have lost friends and comrades, those of us who have known loss - we will never forget.

But there are certain times certain things that spur our memories. This weekend was one of those for me. It is not just a time for remembrance, but a time for caring. A time for me to think of those who I have lost, and to think of those they left behind.

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religious beliefs

Answering a comment to my latest installment of Necessity is the Mother of invention, caused me to remember something a friend had said 40 years ago that I thought I would share.

The two of us were sitting in the mess hall, when a bible-thumper decided that the two of us needed to be re-educated by none other than himself. How this oracle of divinity knew that the two of us needed his guidance was beyond my knowledge, but alas he placed his holy book on the table in front of us as he unwelcomely sat down and proceeded to impart his great understanding of life to the two of us.

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