
Feeling better

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm finally starting to feel better, I'm merely down to sniffling, coughing and a bit of sinus congestion. So still a bit under the weather, but a far cry better than I was doing at the beginning of the week. I'm hoping that I can be somewhat back on schedule by Wednesday now that my head is somewhat clearer and I can think again, or at the very least manage a chapter of I Wish.

Anyway thanks to everyone for your warm thoughts and patience and I hope to be back in full swing soon.

*big hugs*


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For those who are interested, I have today relocated some considerable distance south - thanks Bev.

Will it work out? I don't know the answer to that one but at least i'm not sofa surfing for a bit.

Thanks to everyone who has shown concern for my welfare over the last weeks and months, I do appreciate it.

Hopefully I can break the downward spiral of both mental state and finances and start recovering my life.

Bye for now

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A decision has been made

Hey everyone, with my life becoming more hectic by the day, not having a reliable way to create content, my content not having the luster it once did and me not having motivation to write anymore I have decided to retire from writing. I know this may come as a shock to some people but I just think now is my time to retire. If anyone wants to do fan continuations or rewrites of my stories then feel free to do so as long as you credit the original. This wasn’t a decision I wanted to make but it was one I needed to make.

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I am less good at hiding my true feelings now

okay so apparently last week I scared some of the ladies at church. They could tell I was struggling, and so were really concerned for me, to the point they were relieved to see me today still in one piece. I used to be better at hiding my struggles, but I guess I've lost that ability,

That's good, right?

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For everyone's concern. It's heartwarming and humbling at the same time. And indeed, thank you for the offers of financial and accommodational support, it really is much appreciated.

Friday night really was a low point, my head wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders. I only mentioned the canal as that's where I was sat at the time, it was quiet and the only place I could find a bench to sit on.

I've got a couple of days reprieve and it looks like I may be leaving GOC for a while.

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How To Fire A Full Sized Coal Burning Steam Locomotive

Perhaps I have been kidding myself in thinking I don't actually like men?

I can't actually figure it out. Maybe he could be my Daddy? I never had a proper one. :(

He is actually a Fireman on a Steam Locomotive. You don't actually see the picture when the Video is playing, but it is the little picture that shows before you click on it.

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New low point in my life

Over the years and the last few months in particular my life has hit some low points but tonight is the lowest of them all.

You might recall that I was taking a party of fellow archaeology fiends away this week? Well to be honest that went stonkingly well, no disasters and a group of happy people returned home this evening. I returned to my temporary abode of course only to find that my presence was, to say the least, not encouraged, well to put it more correctly, not appreciated at all.

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Trans Health Display

The walkway from the campus library to the student union was lined with rainbow flags mixed with blue, pink, and white transgender flags. The Pride Week flag display guided the noontime pedestrian traffic toward the busy plaza filled with food trucks, merchandise booths, and tables representing advocacy organizations.

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Twice Removed will be a bit late

Hi everyone,

I had really hoped that I would have Twice Removed finished on time his week, but a thunderstorm and power outage kind of slowed my progress. It's almost ready though and will definitely be posted sometime Friday. I was trying to stay up to finish it, but I'm just too tired, so I'm going to go to bed and get some rest so I can finish it properly in the morning.

*big hugs*


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The Wall within

ok so a few days ago I watched the youtube channel the nostalgia critic do a take on the movie "The Wall", and it brought me back to one of the darker moments of my childhood.

See, when I was a teen, I saw the Wall, and I saw the movie as a cautionary tale of what I could become. Because I had walls too. Walls that protected me, but also isolated me. So after the movie, rather than seeking help, I decided to try and take down my walls on my own.

It ... didnt go well.

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worrying episode yesterday

I had a strange experience yesterday and I really need to talk about it. I was part of a group meeting all day, and even though I know the people well, I began to have a really unusual way of distancing myself - I began doodling. I'm no drawer, but I started making little pictures of anything I could think of. I still engaged others, but I couldn't stop drawing. I have no idea what this means, but it worries me.

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Syryn's Song chapter 5 delay

Just to let people know, Syryn's Song chapter 5 probably won't be posted today. I have it roughly half done and I was hoping to edit and post today, and chapter 6 is 90% finished, but Martin and I are both feeling terrible today and I think we may have the flu or something. I just can't focus well enough right now to do a proper job of finishing and editing it today, so I'll probably have to hold off until next Sunday so I know it's going to be of the quality I prefer.

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Eine kurze Vorstellung zu meiner Person

Mein Name ist Jessica Preg, wie ihr ja bereits sehen könnt.

Ich schreibe fiktive Geschichten, die erotische Fantasien enthalten.

Da ich ausschließlich in deutscher Sprache schreibe hoffe ich, dass auch die englischsprachigen Leserinnen und Leser diese mit dem Google-Übersetzer gut verstehen können.

Falls ihr Anregungen,Wünsche zu bestimmten Geschichten habt, oder euch sogar eine bestimmte Geschichte wünscht, so lasst es mich wissen.

Ich bin immer wieder auf der Suche nach neuen Inspirationen.

Eure Jessica

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The plan

Okay folks,

Since I've been back I've been working on some story chapters, but given that I don't have the time I once did I can't guarantee continuing all of my ongoing story-lines at the same time. The decision I've come to is that I will focus on Twice Removed, Syryn's Song, and I Wish first, on a weekly schedule, with the occassional chapters of other stories, Hyperverse stories, or other writing whenever my muse decides to push me in those areas. As I finish up story lines I will start to add Alex in Wonderland, Raven's Blood, and Winter's Child into the schedule.

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Perhaps Stealth Is Better?

I've been "out" for 16 years and really out for about 10 years and never been bothered. It does not seem credible that I could have looked so female that no one twigged to my being T?

In the last week, two sites that I go to, one of them Facebook seem to have gone completely perverted. I've always run a low "friend" count because I don't think that people I don't talk to at least by PM are my friends. Facebook is only suggesting folk who are porn queens, so I have unfriended so many folk. Don't intend to be mean, look at what you want to.

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New Rairy Contrary just Dropped.

Hello out there,

It appears Rairy just can't catch a break.

As I write this story I feel so sad. I'm one of those writers that feel's/feed's off the emotions they are writing and reading. So if I read something extremely depressing I can get really depressed myself.

Rairy is not a reflection of myself, but there are parts of me in her. She is so much braver than I ever was.

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I would like to offer my most heartfelt apologize to all my friends and readers on big closet.

I dropped off the map and I feel bad about having worried so many of you by doing so.

Things were bad for me for a long while, and my anxiety and depression spiraled out of control after my ex cut me off from contacting my kids, while our grim financial situation and not being able to afford my meds was making things worse. I withdrew from everyone and everything but my boyfriend Martin.

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2019-08-27 End of a chapter

Well, as it says in the titel, yesterday was the end of a chapter for me as the paperwork for my house was done. So goodbye house.

That doesn't change much about my current situation (still about 5 years to go with the bankruptcy proceedings as it is right now) as the sale price wasn't anything near to what I still owed the Bank. But that's a forced sale for you.

At least after this year I will be done with the taxes on it which saves a few 100 a year. So a kinda silver lining.,


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The Hits Just Keep Coming...

Just when you think everything is good and nothing else bad can happen, something else slaps you in the face. I was just informed this morning that I have until the 15th of September to get both my dogs vaccinated and licensed because the city is doing a consensus. If I had been told about this at the beginning of the month, I would have been fine. As it is, Kindle has not been kind lately. I had to use last month's kindle money to pay for bills and the tiny amount I'm getting this month won't even pay for one vet visit. I'm NOT sure what I'm going to do now....

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The Family Girl #096: Anniversary Day!


Blog #96: Anniversary Day!
And It Hardly Even Feels Like Ten Years

Exactly, and I do mean exactly,ten years ago, on a Tuesday afternoon, at 2:33PM, I posted my very first story here in the BigCloset (or what I've taken to calling "BCTS"): I posted the first part of a little story I called "Danny." And it is exactly ten years from that time.

Yes, indeed - it's my tenth-year anniversary here in BCTS.


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Good morning Ma'am, Sir, I mean... Sorry.

That's what the gate guard at work said to me this morning. It just keeps on happening and it's happening more often. Second time this week. Happened last week once. Happened the week before once.

I show up to work which is a high security government installation. I have to go through a security checkpoint which has guards posted because it's a high security installation. I have to show the guards my government issued ID which has my legal male name on it and they do look at it.

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Posted a new Story.

Hello out there.

My names Katherine and I'm happy to meet everyone here.

I am a transwoman myself and have gone through a lot this year. From a Breast Cancer scare, my Grandmother dying, my 14-year-old cat dying, and writing this book.

It all started Back in October of 2018 I found a lump on my right breast. It took my doctor a series of tests and 5 months to tell me that the lump was benign.

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dream time again

dream time again. I dreamed I was in a classroom and was getting frustrated because I couldnt make head or tails of the assignment I was given, It got so bad I started to wonder why I was in the class at all, when the class was sent out to a outdoor stage to watch a performance. I started to enjoy myself, but then I saw down the hill from the the stage a building was collapsing, soon gigantic pieces of marble and rock were flying up the hill at us. A large rock fell right in front of me, but I was able to push a little, and then climbed it.

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