So here we are again.
Its been a most peculiar few days, I've had a couple of reasonable walks and did my Tuesday ride today - well we've had some strong winds in these parts!
The ride wasn't that memorable, down to Burrington Coombe, over the Mendip and down through Cheddar then up to my tea stop at Shipley. That was all great but the afternoon was punctuated by some less than ideal navigational choices before picking up a bit of a tailwind for the ride back to Brizzle. 107km with 1100m of up averaging 23kph - Strava seems to thing I did okay!
On a personal level, I've been 'doing' Maddy pretty much 24/7 for the last week which has been both liberating and scary. I have to say, the hardest bit is to not go over the top with makeup and clothes, I don't go for extravagant anyhow but most of the women around here at least, dress like complete slobs and I refuse to dress like a navvy! My comfort zone has been stretched, my confidence increased - I just keep waiting for the penny to drop.

Since the New Year I've been expecting to get the nod on a proposal that would get me moved back to Yorkshire, in my own space, at low cost - there was some graft involved and obviously outlay from my restricted income but it was doable. Well yesterday I got the knock back - no reason given so I'm pretty much back to ground zero although at least my head is in a better place. Guess I need to re-evaluate things again, maybe look at one of the less desirable options again which would at least get me back where I'd like to be geographically speaking.
On a more positive note, a distant benefactor has gifted sufficient funds for me to get one of the broken bikes fixed, you know who you are, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And so to writey things:
Amazon are still dragging their heels with the print version of Reconciliation, Whilst not many people are buying hard copies its still quite frustrating.
I'm aiming to get the next edited Gaby book out some time next week, the Editor is doing an excellent job, thank you Tony.
And so to today's Gabysode Bonn BlauHase. The trip for the gig is finally here, what can possibly go wrong?
Well I think that's it for today, more on Sunday,
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