
a question about my bookmarked pieces

I was looking at my bookmark page, and I noticed I have some blog entries along with the stories. but when I go to those blog pages there is nowhere on them to indicate they are bookmarked, and therefore no way for me to unbookmark them if I wanted to. I'm probably missing something obvious can anybody help me?

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adventures in name changing

I wanted to share the story of my name change.

It all began not long after I began my transition, and discovered that if I wanted surgery, I would have to change my name. Which would have been difficult, because I was deep in debt, and didnt have the money it would take.

That changed when Walmart outsourced my department, and paid me out, giving me a about four thousand dollars.

With the money issue solved, I sent away to New Brunswick for a copy of my birth certificate, which I would need to start the ball rolling.

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Tech questions

I'm having trouble accessing some websites. For example, I'm able to access this site but the Whately Academy site is timing out. Also SOL (stories on line) is timing out. There are some other sites, like gamesgames and agame that are timing out. So, can anyone give me a clue as to why some sites are timing out and others (like this one) are not?

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I fell hard last week

Tuesday last week to be exact,I wear my phone under my bra and was able to call for help. Since I don' have $3,000 for an ambulance trip I asked the firemen to pick me up and put me into my manual wheelchair. If I had it to do over I would have set up a trip to ER the next day. A Dart taxi trip only costs $3 each way, though I do have to do it a day inadvance. I may have cracked something, I am still going to get checked out, Going through the county hospitals bureaucracy takes forever. Little by little I am figuring out how to handle the system.

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Oh Internet, how I've missed you...AKA I'm back!

Oh internet, how I've missed your loving glowing glow. Your pages of cats and puppies. Your MMO's. I'm sorry Internet I was away so long. Being on my phone was no replacement.

As you can tell, I finally got internet service. So now I can fill you in on what is happening and where I plan to go with writing from here.

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upcoming anniversary

I was looking at my account info the other day, and realized that in about 3 months, I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary of being a member here.

And so I've been thinking about how I might knowledge this milestone with a story.

Right now, I'm not sure what I might do. I've got one small piece almost finished that might help me avoid not having anything to share for the next three months, but beyond that ...

I could do something like Randalynn's "Convergence: when stories collide", but I'm not sure what stories would make the cut.

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I’m doing fine

It was pointed out to me, and rightfully so, that my previous blog post was both a while ago and a bit worrying. I was hesitant to write because compared to others my life is going great.

I have actually transitioned and am perfectly happy being myself. The children (14 & 17] accept me and love me. I have divorced, which in this case is a good thing as the negative influence of my ex partner is mostly gone and more easily mitigated.

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read a piece for a writing group, they loved it

So I went to a writing group meeting tonight, and read a piece called "voiceless" (which you can read here: ) and the group was very moved by it, and couldn't praise me enough.

Always nice to get positive feedback, you know?

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I'm sick. Tuesday I discovered a rash under my left arm. At the time, I was suffering from a muscle pull in the same region and felt more pain from that.

Thursday, it became obvious the rash was shingles. I've got meds now and the pain meds make me sleepy and at least two other dwarves.

Meanwhile, Piper and Amy are also sick. I think theirs are colds. Jamie is sick, too.

Forgive us if we are a little slow on updating this week.

Hugs (carefully),
Erin and the gang

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I dreamed I could fly

last night, I dreamed I could fly.

Well, I say, "fly" but what in the dream I was walking, rather uncertainty, a couple of inches above the ground.

That wasnt the strange part of the dream.

The strange part was I went on a date with a woman and as part of the date we rode a bus together. I apologized for the non-romantic transportation, saying that I sucked at dating because I was in my 50's, and broke.

The woman seemed happy enough anyway, so there is that.

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ReubyLouise's Intro

I will try to make this brief. I am a 64yo (65 in July) mtf pre-op ts since 1990.

From an early age I remember being fascinated with my mother's clothing. But I had other things that may have influenced that.

For one, my mother was given DES to prevent miscarriages. So there is a chance my chromosomes were messed with.

Mom and Dad argued all the time, usually about his drinking and driving and me. Their divorce was final before my brother was born, four months before my fifth birthday. I was jealous.

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life is so fragile.

Life is so fragile, and so brief.

In late November Tiffany (aka crazypagangurl) passed away suddenly. Then, about a week ago, I got a phone call from a friend saying her wife had barely survived a health scare, and she was shaken to the core. Then one of my cousins tripped and fell and broke her shoulder, and was told a few inches difference she might have broken her neck instead. Now, Drea's wife has been taken from her.

What I'm saying is, tell the people you love that you love them. You never know when it will be the last time you speak to somebody.

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It is truly disgusting......

First, let me state that I am more than slightly disappointed by the response to my previous blog. I posted here in the hopes of possibly finding someone who might be interested in sharing a home - someone who could perhaps benefit from my situation by the fact that I truly don’t need them to contribute financially and they would be able to share a nice home without it becoming a major financial burden. My take away from this would be that it would help to prevent me from falling into the trap of enforced solitude that I have known before. Nothing more, nothing less.

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It's been a real rollercoaster since my last post. Still not officialy divorced because my soon to be ex can't afford the filing costs (but buys a new car).
One of the other things bugging me is this.. I am paying 500 euro/month rent at the moment. Enough to pay a mortgage of 80.000 euro on a' fixed % 30 year'- plan. But I can't get 30.000 to buy a small house whatever I try. Or at least nobody willing to give me a mortgage on it.

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A tough few months, a tough few days

As is often the case, things didn't go to plan after my previous blog. I am embarrassed that you haven't seen the level of output from me you might have been accustomed to.

Then, Monday 14th January at 00:45 in the morning, my father died. I can't blame him for much, but his death just makes one more distraction for me.

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'Cause I Had To Tell Somebody

I just felt like I had to tell this rather than just put it behind me. This last week we buried my next to oldest brother in Arlington National Cemetery. Weather put a monkey wrench in things, no horse-drawn caisson or honor guard marching along side. He did receive a 21 gun salute and there was an honor guard graveside. It was kind of eerie, the blanket of snow covering everything. The cemetery was closed to normal traffic and the snow muted what sound there was. It was a very solemn ceremony.

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The Truth is

I wish I was dead! I just read Shalim IV by Casey Brooke. I loved the story though I did have a problem with it. The Earth gets new planetary members by intelligence work first. By swapping bodies with a member of that society to learn the easiest method of getting them to join. If that doesn't work then it's a force of arms.
The issue I have is more the body swapping in other stories where someone switches bodies with someone to take over their life, I have issue with. Oh, in Shalim IV story, I was not rooting for Earth. Though I love the main character.

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So, I posted another story

It's been so long since I posted here, I had to re-learn how!

As my two fans may have heard, I suffered a stroke in Oct 2015, leaving me with limited abilities on my right side. Typing is now limited to my left hand. Since I was a linux and Oracle admin it meant the end of my career, which was pretty hard to accept.

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Someone To Just Hold Me

Read Angela's story about the big juicy Football player and the effeminate boy. Gosh, I hope they get themselves sorted.

Somehow the story hooked me into one of those teary mindsets, you know, the ones you could break out of if you wanted to. It's only about 1:30 AM here and I think I just want to wallow in my misery for a while. Yeah, just be a sloppy, weepy, pathetic old tranny that most just wish you would just shut up or die.


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As a new year begins, I'm lost in memories. Please read.

I'm sitting here now, lost in memories of a life changing week at the Southern Comfort Conference in Atlanta Georgia in 2009. Having reached the ripe old age of 72, I find myself remembering times and people and events there and in my life.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


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Update Time

Ok, so not too long ago I made a post on here talking about my struggles i’ve been going through. Since then I’ve built my confidence back up and am doing a lot better. I have some very weird children, they HATE meat. But will eat more fruits and vegetables than I can. I’ve actually given up trying to get them to eat meat and have started giving them other foods to compensate for the lack of vitamins from them not eating meat. They also take vitamins twice a day to supplement their diet.

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bad case of the nasties today

I fight a lot of nasties.

Today's nasty is called "Dorothy, you're a burden - when you aren't an outright hazard - to those who care about you. Best thing you could do for them would be go away or lock yourself up"

So if you got anything nice to say to me, today might be a good day to say it.

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Turmoil in progress.....

Things in my life are a mess and I feel like things just keep adding up. It seems like everything I do just makes things worse. I’m losing everyone that ever cared about me and I’m not too sure how much more I have to endure before things settle. First I lost the one person on here who would even talk to me. Then I lose my husband who decided to cheat on me. Now I’m losing my family because they think I don’t deserve them anymore. I’ve had to move into an apartment with just me and my kids. It’s just awful, my life is just falling apart on me and I just have nothing left.

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a profound moment at the pool?

I went to a local pool today, and they have a "lazy river". It was really nice and kind of fun to let the current take me along, but there was always the security in knowing that if I wasnt happy with where I was going all I had to do was stand up. Gee, there might be something profound in that, dont you think?

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Just a moment to be thankful

I just got out of bed this Thankgiving morning. We've had a busy week, and today will be no exception. It would be easy to complain about all the work and all the fuss, the traffic everything else that this season brings. But you know, I'm here in a warm house that I co-own with the bank; out front there's a reliable car, my refrigerator is full of food, so much so it was a chore to find room for the Thanksgiving turkey prior to roasting.

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writing update

wanted to give you guys an update. Now that my new computer is up and running, I am hoping to get back to writing as my spoons allow. unfortunately, as the two projects I have on the go are longer than my usual, including one I hope to make into my entry in the next contest, it will be a while before I have something to share with you all.

But I'll still be my usual comment-happy self, so no worries there ....

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I'm Me

Sometimes I Can't Hold It In Any More


I suppose I am what you can categorise as a frustrated transsexual. I am not a crossdresser although I dress in women's clothes as often as I can. I don't regard this as crossdressing. All I am doing is dressing in the clothes in which I should have been dressing all my life. Circumstances have prevented me from assuming my true sex throughout my life, so that I have had to masquerade as a man for more than sixty years.


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