the worst part of being beat up by Mr. Nasty is nothing he says is totally false. The list of my failures, the black goo in my subconscious my self-destructive tendencies, it all has basis in fact. So as much as I hate to keep asking, of you actually like me, could you remind me as to why?
Hey Dottie
Because you're in here with the rest of us, and shared stuff with us. That takes a certain amount of trust, commitment and empathy. You are also capable of giving love and light which is always appreciated. Save some for yourself too, you're worth it.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Your comments
You post upbeat and insightful comments on many of the stories I particularly like. What you say shows that you caring and considerate.
I remember him/her well!
Mr/Ms nasty does pop up their head from time to time, for me especially around the holidays. Reading a good book always seems to help me. Remember Callaghan's Law: "Shared pain is divided. Shared joy is multiplied." We are here to support you in any way possible and help
you navigate through the pitfalls of life. BTW, if I hit the lottery you are on the list! Think happy thoughts, hugs, Carol 5'16" and living the life.
Carol Anne
it takes an extraordinary person...
to be goofier than me. which means you are extraordinary.
Just because
I've never met you, doesn't mean I don't like you. There's a connection which is your doing because you share your comments and your work with all of us here on BC. Give Mr Nasty a great big kick up the arse!
I'm imagining a huge mirror
in front of the big closet website reflecting back all of the huggles you have sent this way. I just hope they don't overwhelm you.
Care to hand off Mr. Nasty to me? I can help educate him. It might take a few roundhouse kicks and side kicks, but I think I can do it.
Sometimes action repels Mr. Nasty, and makes one feel a whole lot better. Perhaps you could find Eff and persuade him to return to us.
Oh, and here's a hug: =3
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Not that I know you, but...
My impression of you is based on your comments, and the picture they give me of you is a sweet, kind, and caring person.
- io
because.... (compassionate, thoughtful, clever, funny, poignant, friendly, welcoming, kind, loving, dear friend for starters)
Love, Andrea Lena
Hug for you!
Just from your blog posts and from how you comment on so many stories - sometimes with the first one! - which helps encourage everyone else who writes on here, you are more than deserving of hugs and love!! Nobody is perfect, and everyone has things in the past which they could have done better - but that absolutely does not mean they are bad people. In truth, sometimes it helps them be better people with a greater amount of empathy and compassion for others. I may not know you directly, but you have my thanks for all your comments and for being here sharing yourself with everyone! <3
Sending Huggles to you
Yep. I like you.
Well, lessee …
160+ stories and essays on BCTS, many heartwarming, some autobiographical (and sometimes too hard for me to just read – but that stuff happened to you…)
You seem to be the inventor and are a major distributor and promulgator of The Huggle.
You apologize to us like we have you on salary, and that life crises keeping your Muse and stories at bay is somehow cheating us out of said non-existent salary ...
Weaving your friends into your stories, as a tribute to them.
You’re among the first authors I bookmarked (after I figured out what ++Bookmark does).
You created the M.Y.T.H (sub-) universe, with other authors now writing in it …
And, you’ve got the courage and guts to ask for help … too many people don’t or cant ask...
And these are just the bits I can think of/know about. What’s not to like ☺ ?
If we were close enough, I’d give you in-person Huggles in a heartbeat.
I think there is a place in most people’s brains that has bad wiring. So if there is a “Mr Nasty” attack from inside or out, the bad wiring believes it (and you say your Mr Nasty says partly true stuff…) Then the bad wiring kicks in and we start looking for other bad stuff … we can all too easily go spinning down into depression …
With all the stuff you have going on … you are seriously depleted of ‘spoons’ (a metaphor for the resources reserves we have for dealing with the world).
May you be loved,
May you be at peace,
May you be healthy,
May you have enough spoons,
May you be happy.
And may you have the conditions for love, peace, health, spoons and happiness.
{Adapted from the Metta (Loving-kindness) Sutta from the Buddhist tradition.
What's Not to Like?
You're prolific, engaged with the site to as great (or greater) degree than anyone else, and make solid comments.
(who doesn't often comment on this kind of blog entry)
Because I can't hear the word "Huggle" without thinking of you
I wouldn't still be posting here if it wasn't for your encouragement, thank you.