Double good news day.
First, my little dog has bounced back a bit, so it seems like we will be spared making the hard choice for now.
Secondly, I went to the dietitian and I have lost more weight. I'm down to 308 lbs now, from a high of 338 lbs not too long ago.
so yay on both fronts.
Looking up
Happy for you, I have an older dog and she gets up every morning it's a good day. I too have a weight problem so I know how hard it is Congratulation on the loss keep up the good work
Double Plus Good!
Whew, that's a big relief! Hope your precious furbaby has many more happy years with her increasingly svelt-er Mom. I seem to be dropping a few pounds every six months when I get on the scale at the Dr's myself. It's so slow that at 67 years old I might not ever break 200 (Moo!) but at least the numbers are going in the right direction.
~hugs, veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Double happy good news ...
Happy on both 'fronts'. :)
For moving towards a healthier weight, may I recommend this site (well, the whole site), but start here (, and please read through to the recipes and watch the videos (before blowing off me and Dr McDougall).
You will find Dr McDougall in substantial agreement with:
Dr Neal Barnard (, and especially [1],
T Colin Campbell (The China Study, [1],
the site (watch,
Dr Caldwell Esselstyn (,
Dr Michael Greger ( [1], and
Dr Kim Williams ( [1]).
[1] - I have been to lecture(s) by them.
These doctors and sites offer (a lot) of their information and guidance for free. Yes, you can buy their books (or go to a library), or go to their seminars and programs and such.
There is nothing special that you 'must' buy, no special/magic/required/'weird' foods, nothing you can't find at a general grocery story. Just avoid all animal 'foods' and added oils and fats, eat what they recommend, and move towards health.
Good health and good luck!