Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Status Update 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hi everyone, quick status update. Money's been tight lately and I've been trying to deal with that, which has taken up most of my time. Dissonance Part 1, FatIT Part VI and Witch's Mirror 2 are in a holding pattern while I get stabilised. I'm also getting some therapy again now, so that's good. I'm not about to drop off the end of the earth, though I understand I haven't published anything for six months, which isn't ideal at all. I'm sorry, needs must and all that.

Thank you for your patience, I hope to get something out for you all soon.

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writing update

Just wanted to pass along an update on my writing.

"E-Girl - the gift" - work in progress, I'm hoping this weekend to maybe get close to finishing the final chapter.

Staycation story: work in progress, should be finished or close to by the time the contest opens

Pathfinder story: gotten started, gonna be a while.

"The secret of M.Y.T.H.": kinda stuck. hoping for inspiration

"Jaci and Dottie go to Whately": started. we'll see how this one goes.

"Branded": Stuck. I need a mastermind character. any suggestions appreciated.

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For those waiting on Coyote

Sorry I haven't been able to complete the rewrite/edit and get the next chapter posted yet. This chapter had the most rewriting needed and we've had a really nasty heat wave here that had mostly turned me into a mindless vegetable once home from work. Good news is the heat wave has passed and I can get back to my normal routine :)

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There's going to be no chapter update this week. I do have the next chapter finished---Ch.3 is ready to go---but I've made no headway on the story at all last week. Suffice to say, the last few days of the week were hell. I had to deal mostly with a selfish bitch of a friend who wants everything her way and won't let anyone else contribute. I know its a game and all but when someone WANTS to do everything in said game and get's pissed off when she can't...its ridiculous. "I feel worthless" -_-.

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I seem to spend my life doing this lately, apologising that is. I had. Hoped to post you both new Gaby and a new Trixie today but stuff hasn't gone as I thought - no internet time for Maddy today. Both will now go up on Wednesday instead.

This change to plans is due to both UK Fathers day and a trip to visit Mum. Definitely a day of mixed emotions and I must admit some depressed thoughts now i'm home. I'm to say the least in a bit of a trough at the moment, a Churchillesque Black Dog.

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Trixiebell Heartswoon

Just a quick note.

Well today we have silly gale force winds with storm Hector so i've had to put off today's bike ride. Pity as it's otherwise a nice sunny day - with a following wind (ha ha) i'll get out a bit later for a couple of hours..

Anyhow, due to that i've been sat writing and the current lump of Trixie is now complete! It may get posted on Sunday if I get the opportunity so keep an eye out.

So now i'll crack on with Gaby book 23 - with luck the first bit will be done before the end of next week.

Ta ta for now

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The story behind “The Best Damn Thing”

First off,
I apologize for placing small snippets of the story; but it’s coming to me in pieces that I want to try and share.

Thank you for everyone who read my last blog post and responded to it.

Thank you to everyone who is reading the story in its bit by bit format.


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snakes and ladders

Just wanted to give a shout-out to Bailey Summers' "Snakes and Ladders".

Its an unapologetically romantic story, originally started in honor of one of our late writers here, Wren Phoenix. It has a few references to sexual abuse in one of the early chapters, but otherwise, its been a sweet story with elves, dragons, and much more.

here is a link to the title page, should you wish to try it out:

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Drain the Swamp

Someone said the other day that in the current political climate it is becoming harder and harder to say anything that doesn’t sound like a slur against one party or the other.

I sat down this morning to write a blog about contributions. I’d decided to base the blog on the question, “What could Erin be doing if she wasn’t constantly forced to spend her time fund-raising?”

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10 - A new "undesirable classes" story coming soon.

Hey writers and readers of TBC,

after two long writing sessions today I am finally done with "A Tale Of Two Dolls".
It is the third story in my "undesirable classes" universe.

This time there will be more action again, but as the other two stories, it has a unique focus on itself.
Now I finished the raw version and edited it.
Meaning I checked for grammar and spelling mistakes to the best of my ability.
Usually, I post a story at this stage.

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Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Story Contest: Results!

It's been a week, and huzzah! The votes are in!

All the stories in the contest did quite well, but two in particular managed to grab the most thumbs-up from our readership, and those two were:

Cursed, by Nuuan

The Fairy, by Bru

Congrats, young authoresses! I get paid this coming Thursday, upon which each of you will be given your prize, a three month subscription to the BCTS Hatbox!

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How a bout of psychosis brought my muse back

Hi there everybody. My name is Jamie (also lovingly called "hey you!"), and I found my muse after 6 years or so without it thanks to my brain's misfiring. I'm being nitpicky about my first story here, so give me a week or so, and I'll have a decent chapter for you all.

Also, I am one of Erin's little birdies, so if you need something in the middle of the night, I tend to be awake :)

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Sixteen feet of steel - a very strong commendation

For those of us who enjoy epic fantasy (LOTR, Game of Thrones, etc.) might I suggest if you haven't read the ongoing "Sixteen feet of steel" episodes you are missing an absolute treat (all 285,000 words to date).

Bailey is prolific and talented author and extremely worthwhile reading.


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Special Offer

Following Commentator's comment on my last post, I have spent the last couple of days working out whether I can do something special for you all and it turns out that I can.

I have put the first three Angels of Etain books into one big fat omnibus edition available as an ebook from Amazon for just £4.99. That's a saving of over four pounds on the individual sales prices.

It may take a few days to reach the shelves, Amazon can do that sometimes but it's on its way.

I hope some of you find this helpful.

Love as always


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Maybe a little help?

So, my latest story is out, and admittedly I should have split it in two. Perhaps, what I had thought of as my "style", should have had an editor fix it? I don't want my writing to be like it just came out of an English Composition class, so maybe somewhere between? I wanted it to portray speakers that were not English or US folk.

It is obvious that my High School English teacher would be having a fit.

Or can it be that the readership just did not want normal, nonviolent Middle Easterners?

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Trying to track down a story

I'm a new member to this forum so please bear with me...

I am working my way through 'Gene's Story' by Karen Lockhart in which she makes reference to a story where, I quote:

'Another one I liked was about entertainers on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. A trio of girls needed a replacement singer, so a male cousin was talked into masquerading as a female.

I was wondering if anyone could identify that story/author for me.

Many thanks in advance
Tom (Taxidermist)

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latest from Yorkshire

Heya folks

Thank you all for your responses to my editing request - once I get myself sorted i'll be in contact with the chosen ones, if you don't hear from me it's not for any reason other than the numbers!

Well my ride yesterday went very well, thank you to all those who sent cheers! In fact I shaved @ 25 minutes off my best for the course finishing in a slither under 5 hours. That put me in the top 5% of finishers and second in the old crocks category I now qualify for!

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Old stoires

Found a story while cleaning and arranging the folders I store my writing in that I thought I would share. I wrote it something like 6 or 7 years ago as a Whateley Academy Fanfic and then scrapped the first draft of the story for a completely different one that I was posting when their old site went down.

I promised myself I would not create any "new" serialized stories until I finished at least one of the three I have currently up and not finished.

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Grazie dieci mila

I'd like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to all of you for pushing the total Kudos count for my stories beyond 10 000!

That makes it more than a thousand per year since I posted my first story here in December 2008. My writing was a bit sporadic in the beginning. Actually you could divide my stories into three periods: two stories in December 2008, a number of extremely short stories in 2010 and the present bunch from October 2014 and on.

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Spell Checker Dictionary Issues

My computer has been giving me fits for about a week, so, since it is largely free, the Microsoft Store, volunteered to look at it for free, and I accepted. It is horrible to move this All in one around, almost out of my ability to do it. On the second day, they say they found that my HD is failing, so I looked into putting a HD in, and found that on my HP Envy, this model has a screen that is glued into place. Subsequent models apparently started using screws to secure it. So, I decided not to change the HD, and also avoided all the formatting and software installation headaches.

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Gaby Book 22 - Avoidance

Okay so Book 22 has been released - yay!

However there are some issues with the published versions and I need the help of maybe a couple of editors. I have 2 printed 'proof' copies which i'd like the editors to work through and return to me so I can present an even better version to the wild masses!

I'm not expecting this as a freebie, the 'lucky' editors will each receive a hard copy suitably inscribed for their efforts and mention in the titling as editors.

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only realised

I only realised last night that my last news was somewhat innacurate. I did mention that i'm out doing a little ride up in't Dales tomorrow precluding a posting.

But I said there would be one on Wednesday but there won't. Back in January I booked up for a sort of history day trip to Calderdale, which is on Wednesday. So no Wednesday update but there is a possibility I might get online a different day.

In other news -

i'm one and a half chapters into the next Gaby book with an interesting and unexpected turn of events!

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Ten Entries available, get your votes out there now!r

The contest has officially closed (and been so for several hours too!)

We've had ten excellent entries, and now it's time for you readers to really make your mark! Just click on the tag for the contest above to go to a list with all the stories. Read them, and vote for your favorite ones!

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Idea for collaboration

I’ve been thinking about a couple of items; the primary one is to find a collaborator who does 3-d graphic “novels” or stories, to work with to do a rewrite/adaptation of one of my stories or universes into a graphic novel. Possibly to sell if that interests an artist (with me taking only a small share; i know that art is hard and time-consuming).

If I do this, what story would you readers like to see as a graphic novel?

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Tammy update

The latest part of Tammy's current story, Moving On, has just been published on here (expect weekly chapters) but much of my time is being spent on the first Tammy stories, Tom's Fireworks and Tamara's Debut. Both have been extensively revised and many many typos fixed and new material added! I'll launch these as a 430 page novel on Kindle next week, with any luck, but the original serialised book will remain on BCTS.


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The Family Girl #094: So, first off, I’m okay. Secondly, I have a question…

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #94: So, first off, I’m okay. Secondly, I have a question…

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hi, everyone!

Just saying I’m okay, and apologies for the silence. I’m just incredibly, incredibly busy nowadays! Construction work in the building, hiring new people, keeping marketing going and lining up new clients. And still keep normal operations running. It’s real tough.

Because of unforeseen circumstances, further work on Danny Part 7 has been stalled again.

But, speaking of which, I have a question…

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Kiss-and-Tale Contest: The Final Day!

Just a reminder to anyone with plans to enter still, today is the final day of my Fairy Kiss-and-Tale contest! I'm working on the honor system here, so as long as you have your entry in by midnight your time (May 31 2018) we'll call it gravy.

We've had a lot of great entries, and I've already got plans for another contest here in July! Sadly I actually haven't finished my OWN entry for this one yet, though since I'm ineligible for the prize anyway it doesn't matter much :)

Melanie E.

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Flying Visit

Yup, a flying visit indeed, not got much web time today - its complicated! partly its due to my new kitchen - its almost finished and partly due to setting up a new PC to get onto the interweb - its currently chortling to itself updating stuff.

I have just about managed to get you a new Gaby, which is Flying Visit, chapter 36 of book 16.

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I'm feeling emotionally stressed out and a bit depressed.

Four months ago, I posted a piece that had pretty much everyone who commented upset at what I had written.

I had no issue with their comments, other than that I took the time to put up a bunch of legal info to support my thoughts.

Then another person posted, using the Guest Reader option, and proceeded to be initially mildly rude, then more so and outright abusive.

When I saw the comment, I sent a PM to Erin, asking for it to be unsubbed as it was an outright Rule 1 violation.

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Lilith Langtree

Another of my author shout outs. This one is specifically for Lilith Langtree.

I will say now that I'm an unabashed Lilith fan-girl. The very first story I'd read ("Either Do It Right, Or Don't Do It At All") left me impressed with her talent, and each subsequent work only added to that impression.

Lilith's writing is both brilliant and well executed. If you've not read any of her pieces yet I very highly recommend doing so.

Sadly, Lilith no longer publishes her writing on BCTS ( I don't know if this holds true elsewhere), though I believe she is doing well.

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Author shout-outs

Or more accurately, Universe shout outs ^^

Just saw "Fey", by Maggie Finson republished and it reminded me of some really good stories....

Whateley Academy, and Comics Retcon.

Whateley Academy Tales. I can't recall a single story set in this universe that wasn't simply amazing. It's fantastical, sometimes bizarre, and totally worth reading (probably more than once lol) Think I've only read them on Sapphires Place but I'm sure they're all here too.

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Feeling very down today.

and I don't mean hugging my pillow.


Bear in mind as you read this, if you do read it, that I can be a long-winded bitch.

I think part of it is aging and knowing that I've been here longer than I will be going forward... and I don't feel like I've accomplished anything for having existed... except existing.

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Was a post of mine inappropriate? (At a different fiction site)

I was reading a rather different serially posted TG story on another site. The story is well written and the plot is subtle and slow in it's development. It was about an extremely conservative religious patriarchal rural family that found and took in an abused TG youth near death. Even though they thought the child was going against their religious beliefs, they decided to support the child and foster him/her. They really did go out of their way to accommodate the child's desire to transition.

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Kudos, Comments, and blogs

Praise in Public Criticize in Private, words to live by when talking to other authors.

A story is much like someones baby, if you have put a person on the defensive they are no longer listening.

Kudos are a no brainier. If I have read a complete story I click it, Erotica turns me off if a story offends me I don' finish reading it or click kudos,.I also tend to avoid forced fem or humiliation. I put myself in the place of the character and tend to experience what they do. I don't lik emotional pain.

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Author shout-outs

Shouting out for two authors, here - Dorothy Colleen and Rebecca Jane.

Dorothy Colleen. She's got this vast collection of short stories that's simply awesome! Running the gambit of topics, Dorothy is frequently upending tropes on their heads and giving new takes on various genres. Well worth a look, but beware, you might lose yourself for days within her prose ^^

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