Yup, after an unexpected visit to see my cousin in Nottingham I have made it onto the interweb and I have put together some holiday snaps for you!
Firstly Gaby is Dressing Well here - hope you enjoy it. Erm, it looks like the gremlins have got into my files and i've reposted an older chapter! My apologies, I won't be able to fix until the weekend but it will get fixed, honest!
So to my hols - here are a few pics for you - i'm not naming places as I want to run a little competition - there may even be a prize! So I think I've mentioned everywhere in the pics at some point over the last three weeks but can you work out which places are in the pics? There are 18 different locations and all I want is a pm with a list, in order of the locations. There is a qualifier question too which is, what event did yours truly go 1000km across Europe to ride, there is a clue in the bigger pictures.

Obviously the winner will be the person getting the highest score but just in case there's a tie here's the tie breaker, Gaby has ridden several bikes in the saga but which brand supply the bikes on the visit to Japan? Deadline for entries is Midnight, October 31st, 2018
Okay, clear as mud, oh the prize, a signed copy of the new Book, Ontario when it is released in November.
in other news - well I got a couple of chapters finished on Friday, tomorrow I will be tied to the kb all day writing more. probably as well, we've been having a very mixed band of weather this week, cold, wet, windy, sunny, warm - yup autumn is here, the season not the person! Its not exactly fun getting soaked to the skin one day and drenched with sweat the next - I've even had the heating on!
So, until Sunday next,
13 not 23
The problem is chapter 13 not 23. I wondered why in 13 Max had apparently asked her to prom but in a later chapter Gaby had to call Max to get him to ask her. Plus in 12 her mom was still away and wouldn't be home until next week but in 13 Gaby said her mom dropped her off at school.
Knows what has gone wrong! I'll fix as soon as I can.
Madeline Anafrid Bell