Recently I saw a Russian made movie about Aliens crashing (After they were shot down by a Russian Cowboy fighter Pilot) in downtown Moscow (?) It was a very good movie in spite of the fact that I do not speak Russian. I am hoping that someone can name the lead Military man, and the girl who fell in love with the Alien. Anything else would be a bonus. I'd rather not simply call them Boris and Natasha.
I am thinking of writing a short fan fiction sequel.
This movie was discussed here couple of times.
Link to full cast:
Also there are news that they started a sequel taking place 3 years after the first encounter. Release is planned on December 2019.
Thank you.
Yes, and I may have been one of those who mentioned it. A sequel? Very good then. I wonder if my sequel would be as good as theirs? Perhaps not.
I was planning on a peaceful second encounter, with perhaps some romance?
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Supposed premise of the second part is...
...Some agency learns that girl was the only one who had actual interaction with an alien, so mostly it will be agency trying to grab the girl, alien trying to help the girl, everybody dance and sing in the end ;-)
Loads of CGI and action scenes with live people are promised.
So your romance and peaceful encounter could very well happen in the thre years between movie parts.
On the other hand, Douglas Adams done very different versions of HHGTTG for the book, radio show, TV series and movie. So if your fanfic contradicts something in the second movie, you can just say that it is a glitch caused by improper use of time machine in the future parts.
Bad Aliens
It is frustrating to me that so many are about bad Aliens who attack Earth.
When I write about Aliens, at least most of them are good, with some bad.
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Then everything is good.
In this movie aliens are not bad. And fall in love...
...So many are about bad Aliens who attack Earth.
Think about it, you need to give the aliens a good reason for coming to Earth. While curiosity drives humans, humans are the exception as most other creatures are driven by other motivations. Even if the alien race is curious, is it remotely believable to assume a race of aliens would spend the resources to cross hundreds of light years just to say hi?
Actually any alien race that would do the above, would probably have rules against contact with planets that do not have some level of interstellar travel or other technological advancement.
Which means there are very few reasons for an alien race to come to Earth unless the aliens need something from Earth. Then if whatever they need is so rare they must come to a planet inhabited by another intelligent race, it's probably something they know we would not give them freely, thus the need to take it with force.
So as much as I would love to see a flying saucer land on the White House lawn and the little alien get out and say, "We come in peace." In reality a snowball has a better chance of surviving in hell.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
The Premise of "Attraction".
The movie is in Russian, so I had to guess at what was happening. I think the Aliens were like doing a survey of the solar system and had a malfunction that brought them close to earth temporarily. Then some Russian Fighter Pilot took a pot shot at it, and was then told by command to stop that. So, the Crash landing was accidental.
I think the track record of Russia, China and America is not stellar. It would not surprise me to learn that all the powers have taken shots at unknown vehicles, accidentally or on purpose.
In the movie, it is interesting to see that the craft was allowed to sit at its crash site for some time before the Citizens themselves attacked it. Perhaps this is simply a cultural variation between Russian and western peoples?
Hollywood is fond of quickly having the Aliens draw blood first. And, of course they portray the Military quickly attacking any primitive tribes they encounter.
It was touching for me to see the Russian Military Commander tell his soldiers to lay their arms down as soon as he understood that the Aliens were being defensive in their tactics.
With my declining health I do not know if I can write a sequel to this movie? I have some good ideas, so perhaps???
Locals attack was a bit different...
As usual authorities failed to inform public that crash was caused by actions of the militarily. And as I had not watched the film, only retelling what was written in reviews and forums.
So, pilot was ordered to shoot at alien craft.
During crash landing quite a few people were killed. Then among then sombody started among the locals classical xenophobic earth for humans and revenge for killed friends and such.
As imsee it, it could have been the same in many countries. I would say, that western people would have attacked even if there were no local casualties.
And, as I understand, (highly critisized part of the screenplay) while crash landing some very important part dropped off the spaceship, so aliens needed to retrieve it first to be able to repair their craft enough to be able to fly away...
The names
The lead military man is Colonel Valentin Lebedev. His daughter, who falls in love with the alien, is Yulia Lebedeva. The alien is named originally Hakon, but Yulia calls him Hariton (a closely sounding Russian name). The boyfriend of Yulia is named Artem.
That is much help.
The Boyfriend is the one who steals the Alien Battle suit? I think so.
Now I am excited!
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