Dorothy Colleen

623 story ideas

After my group therapy session, I stopped at a local mall and looked around, including a walk through the bookstore, and I came across a book called "623 stories you can write". I took a peek inside, and it had story titles or questions like "you're an astronaut - describe one day in your life", or "describe the worst Thanksgiving day dinner ever".

I forgot to get the name of the authors, but I'm sure someone could find the book if they were interested in writing but have trouble finding good ideas.

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My brain confuses me

Well, since I had talked about it briefly yesterday, I want to share a bit about the two dreams I had recently that have me wondering what my unconscious or subconscious or whatever is trying to tell me.

The first one took place in a crowded restaurant, and I ended up having to share a table with a man. Despite my initial shyness, he managed to draw me into a conversation, and when it was time for me to go, I gave him a sisterly kiss on the cheek. The gesture was so feminine, and came to me so naturally, I woke up being jealous of my dream-self's confidence.

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forgotten memories and baby-hood stories

Well, I learned some things yesterday because of a combination of a story from when I was born my mother told me and a memory from before I met my first girlfriend that I had not thought about since.

The story my mom told me is that I almost died just after I was born. I wouldn't gain weight, so they decided to leave me with my mother so she could feed me whenever I would take it.

It would be three months before I was out of the woods.

Now, for the memory.

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A boy named Jennifer?

Well, last night at work was rather interesting. For the last while I have been working on and off as night maintenance at work, and last night they asked me to train a new person for that job. When I met him, I was slightly curious to notice that his name tag said "Jennifer", even though he was not in any way feminine.

I asked him about the name, and he said his father had given it to him, and giving female names to male babies happened quite often in his country, the Philippines.

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I'm in shock

I'm sitting here totally shocked. I've been talking to Jaci and she told me that she's been talking to my mom, who apparently told her that she "didn't raise me as a boy." She went on to say she didn't force me to be a girl, either she just "raised me to be Dorothy." I really don't know where to put this piece of information. I'm ... just ... stunned ...

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A funny moment at the car shop

Had a funny moment yesterday getting an oil change for my car. I was waiting in the lounge when a guy came in with a clipboard containing paperwork and a set of keys. He saw me, and continued to look around the lounge, and realizing I was the only one there he looked rather confused.

Finally, I said to him, "Is that for my car?" He looked at me, looked at his sheet and asked tentatively "T...Todd?" I smiled and nodded and he gave me the keys.

It seems clear to me that he saw me as a woman to the point he couldn't believe my male name belongs to me.

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Posting the last chapter of my autobiography today

Well, for whoever is interested, I'm publishing the last chapter of my autobiography today. I may put it as a whole on fictionmania, I'm not sure, but otherwise its time to move on to other projects.

To those who have read it, I hope its been interesting.

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