Dorothy Colleen

I'm kinda nervous

I am a little nervous about going to the Valentine's day dinner and dance at my church tonight. I haven't been to anything like this since I began my transition, and I am not a social butterfly in any case, so I'm a little worried about how I'll do, even if most of the people there will know me.

Ah, well.

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read an interesting book

I just finished a very interesting book called "Trans-Sister Radio" by Chris Bohjalian. Its the story of a single mother and teacher who falls in love with a man only to discover he's transitioning to female, and the fallout that situation causes for her, her daughter, her job, and her ex-husband who decides to bring their story to radio. Its not a perfect book - it spends a little more time talking about the surgery than I was comfortable with, but its a very interesting bit of fiction, especially by a cis writer. I recommend it.

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got some bad news about my ex

Well, things have managed to get worse for Sharon. She fell a while back, but yesterday she ended up finding out she had herniated a disk in her back during the fall. And since she is still recovering from surgery, it means her schedule for going back to work has been pushed back.

I just hope she doesn't take out her frustrations on Samantha ...

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had a counseling session at the Pride Center

Well, yesterday, I was able to get a counseling session at the Edmonton Pride center, and I found it very helpful. I talked with the counselor about my current stress, my past, my faith, and my transition. Best of all she seems really well versed in trauma and how it impacts a person. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to see her, but I'm going to do everything I can to get better.

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Waking up

Waking up

Author's note: Just when I thought maybe my muse had found a better host, she came back, and she brought a story with her. I look forward to hearing what people think.

I feel like I should write this down, even if I don’t really expect that anybody would believe me.

I'm terribly sorry

Since I started publishing on Big Closet, I have managed to produce at least one piece every month with one exception.

However, that streak is in jeopardy now.

The piece I was working on based on a nightmare is too triggering for me right now, and the other story I had started, "Solomon's test" has its own problems. Mainly that I am afraid it might be too close to the current story "Shortcuts", insofar as both stories are about a bet between cosmic forces and a person getting super powers.

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PTSD time

Well, after I read the latest chapter of "Buffalo gal wont you come out tonight", I ended up struggling pretty hard with my PTSD. (Not blaming the author, the warnings were there, I read it anyway)

I cried for more than an hour on the phone with Jaci before I calmed down enough to sleep, and since I woke up I've been feeling super anxious and I am having a hard time keeping my heart rate down.

Ah, well. Just another day ...

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The Girl with the scars in her eyes

The Girl with the Scars in Her Eyes

Have you seen her?

The girl with the scars in her eyes?

Because she tries to be invisible.

She thinks its safer, but its also very lonely.

Have you touched her?

The girl with the scars in her eyes?

She often flinches when people reach out to her.

But she looks with longing at those who are being touched.

Have you spoken to her?

The girl with the scars in her eyes?

She’ll try to keep the conversation light.

Even though she longs to be able to share.

Some of my favorite stories here

I love all the authors here. The act of putting a story out there for others to read and comment on is pretty dam brave.

But I think there are a few who have written stories that deserve a bigger audience, so I'd like to take a moment and give them a plug.

"The Chrysanthemum Inheritance" By Nicki Benson. This story is hard to describe. It starts with a body switch, becomes a murder mystery, and then ends with an alien meme that can strip a person of their individuality.

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It's Jaci's fault!

Well, this has been a very interesting week for me. It started with me having this odd urge to look "pretty", followed by feeling very uncomfortable and bloated, having a bit of the runs, and finally, slightly ... er ... lonely ...

In other words, my body tried its very best to simulate a period.

And I blame my friend Jaci. This happens to her every month, and somehow she's given it to me ...

Ah, well.

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I wish I had a snuggle partner

I am a blessed (or lucky) person, and I know this. I've begun a transition, and still I have been able to have a job, I've still got my family, and none of the horrible things I feared have happened to me.

But despite my blessings, I wish I could have one more.

A person to share my life with.

Ah, well.

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Looking back at 2014

Looking back at 2014, it started as just another year, nothing terribly special, but then I lost my best friend, spoke about being trans in front of my church, spent most of December fighting depression and flashbacks, and grieved for a girl I had never met in life.

So some good, some bad, I guess that's normal ...

I am kinda hoping 2015 has more of the good stuff ...

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One night aboard the Enterprise

One night aboard the Enterprise

Author’s note: This is a sequel of sorts of a story called “The Procrustean Petard” published in an anthology called “Star Trek: The new voyages 2”. Which you can buy from Amazon here:
I’ll try to give enough detail at the start to help those who haven’t read that story ...

I've been thinking about things

I have been reading about Leelah Alcorn, and even though I never knew her in life, I find myself feeling a strong connection with her death.
Because I've been where she was.

Two times I had a plan, and came within moments of carrying it out, and once I simply found myself with a knife at my wrist not even remembering putting it there.

I have tried to "pray away the trans" as hard any person could, and with every bit of sincerity I possess.
I have been to Christian councilors looking for someone to "cure" me.

I have wondered if God hated me.

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had a nice Christmas dinner

I seem to have a habit of creating stress in situations far beyond what the situation actually calls for.

For example, leading up to my going to my aunt's for Christmas dinner, the battle I was waging to conquer my fear and go in a dress was so intense I was in tears. (Jaci can confirm this, she listened to me cry)

But in the end, I went in my church dress, and it was no problem whatsoever.

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one busy Christmas

Well, I have had a busy Christmas.

Sharon called me not long after I had come home and gone to bed, telling me that she had fallen, and was bleeding.

I drove over, picked up her and my daughter, took Sharon to the hospital and brought my daughter to my house to wait for word.

Finally, about 2:30, she called and we went and picked her back up at the hospital and took her and my daughter to their home.

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thoughts and prayers appreciated

I have been dealing with a lot of issues at the same time lately - fighting a cold, several flashbacks, a massive depression, and several worries - worry over Sharon who is dealing with an infection post having her fibroid removed, worry over my mother's stress levels as Christmas approaches, worry over my financial struggles ...

Lets just say I am really running low on spoons, and I would appreciate any prayers or good thoughts or huggles right now.


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A message from a movie

Do you guys mind if I stand on a soapbox for moment?

I saw the movie "Big Hero 6" today.

I had been struggling with my emotions after having a flashback, and so I decided to do something to shake myself out of it rather than stew, and so I went to the movie.

It is an awesome movie, but what hit me was the themes, which I found pretty profound for a Disney film - grief, vengeance, and justice.

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Dorothy's Dream

Dorothy’s Dream

One night, as I lay in bed, I began to dream ...

I found myself walking along a trail with a group of girls, who laughed and smiled at me as we walked, and I felt very comfortable in their company.

Then we came to a fence, and I climbed over it, only to discover that the other girls had found a gate in the fence that allowed them to enter. One of the girls hugged me, and said, “Always doing things the hard way, huh?”

I could only blush ...

My weekend with Samantha was awesome

Well, Samantha is back home with her mother, and I can say that it was an awesome time having her here.

We watched videos, we attempted to make rice crispie square Christmas trains (and had more fun failing than I think we would have had if they had turned out perfectly), and I got to be more of a parent than I think I've been since she was born.

She's turning into a kind, thoughtful, and responsible young woman, but one who can still enjoy being silly too.

Sighs ... I already miss having her here ...

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going to have company next week

Well, Sharon has told us that its confirmed that she will be going in for surgery, and so we will be hosting my daughter for at least four days - Friday through Monday.

This is going to be the most time I've spent with my daughter since we separated, and her mother is super against my transition and no doubt has pushed that view on Samantha, so I am kinda nervous ...

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Archie Andrews in "The New Girl"

Archie Andrews in “The New Girl”

In a town called Riverdale ...

It was a typical Saturday. Archie Andrews had been talked into helping his mom clean out the basement of their house with the promise of a little extra money for gas for his car, when a moving van drove into the neighborhood.

“Oh good! Someone is finally taking that empty house at the end of the block” Said Archie’s mother.

“It will be nice to have a new neighbor.” Archie’s dad added.

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

On thanksgiving a trans girl prepares to come out to her family. A mysterious entity wreaks havoc on a porn set. While experimenting with each other’s sexual fantasies, a man learns more about his partner than he bargained for. These are just some of the stories on offer in this collection of short, short fiction by twelve different voices in TG Fiction. [Includes an interview with Dorothy Colleen.]

"Conversations with a rattlesnake"

I am reading a very good book on recovering from trauma called "Conversations with a rattlesnake".

Its by former NHL hockey player Theo Fleury, and in the book he (along with therapist Kim Barthel) covers how to retrain your brain as you recover from your past.

The book contains some frank discussion of rape (Fleury was molested by his hockey coach), so gentle people prone to triggers will struggle at times, but it really is worth the read.

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Good news, bad news

Well, I got some good news, and some bad news.

First, the good news - My birth certificate arrived today, so I am one step closer to getting a passport to go to Arizona for my consult.

Now, the bad news - Sharon called saying it looks like she might be getting her surgery in December, and she called about having me or mom take time off work to look after Samantha. Problem is, both my mom's work and mine don't give time off in December, and so now I feel like a failure as a parent ...

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A big thank you to everyone

You know, if you had tried to tell me five and a half years ago when I first joined Big Closet, that one day I'd be standing in front of a group of people at a church and telling them about being trans, I never would believed you. But it happened, and a big reason why is the love and support I've received on BC and elsewhere online.

So, to all those who have sent me support over the years, let me say ...

Thank you all so much.

Every one of you rocks.

And huggles for everyone!

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a move toward tolerance of trans people?

I was listening to the local Christian radio station, and they play some kid-friendly shows on Saturday, including a show called "Adventures in Odyssey".

Well, I had missed part of the program today, but I heard a student and teacher talking, and the teacher said, "In computers, you have hardware and software. The hardware is how the computer is made, the software is what makes it run. Gender is like software, and its changeable, especially nowadays."

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feminizing fungi

Strange science fact of the day:

There is a kind of fungi that attacks male crabs, effectively feminizes them by causing them to lose their fighting claws and create a womb-like structure that the fungi can then use to create more of itself.

There's probably a story for Big closet in there somewhere ...

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not a good day, sadly

Well, I spent most of my day hanging out in a hospital waiting room with my daughter while my ex got a CT scan on her heart.

It was stressful, but then my ex managed to make it worse, as after it was over, she asked me to run her to get some pet food, and while at the checkout, the cashier first called me "sir", and then corrected himself and called me "ma'am". Of course, my ex couldn't stand that, and loudly "corrected" him while I stood there feeling helpless to stop her.

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A nice night out

Well, last night I had a pretty good night out, as my brother and sister-in-law took my mom and me out for dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday.

They gave my mom a framed picture of my grandfather on his tank taken during WW II, which got my mom reminiscing about those dark years during which she could only hope and pray her dad would make it home.

So as Remembrance Day approaches, don't just think of the soldiers who fought. Take a moment to remember the families who lost out as well.

Huggles for everybody.

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Discouraged and down

I got a phone call from a SRS doctor in California that my gender doc sent my info to regarding me possibly getting surgery. But after talking with her, it turns out I'm about 100 lbs too heavy for her to work on me.

Honestly, I wish I could know if I have even a chance before i fly down to Arizona for a consult, as right now I am discouraged and down.

Ah, well.


yet another free idea for whoever wants it

I have another free idea to give away.

Setup like this:

A ordinary man is home alone, when suddenly two imp-like beings suddenly appear. He asks "What exactly is going on here?"

And one of the imps says to the other "She wants to know exactly, does she?"

"That's what she said" says the other.

"What do you mean, 'She'?" says the man ....

Take it from there!

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Should I avoid starting a countdown?

Well, I am now only two weeks away from my lecture at my church. I have finished my notes, and just need to print them out, and run through them a couple times, and I will be as ready as I can be.

But since butterflies seem inevitable, maybe I should avoid a countdown?

What do you guys think?

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free story idea!

Because my muse gives me more ideas than I can possibly use, I want to give away an idea to anybody who wants it (For free!)

Here's the pitch::

Remember the movie "What women want"? A man (played by Mel Gibson) suddenly gets the power to read the thoughts of woman.

But what if, no sooner than he figures out he cant read the thoughts of men, he finds out he can read the surprisingly feminine thoughts of a closeted trans woman?

What would happen next?

Well, that's up to whoever takes the idea and runs with it.

Have fun writing, everybody!

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Shivering With Antici... pation: A TG Mixed Tape

Shivering With Antici... pation


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

It’s Halloween. While on assignment a warlock finds himself observed by strange man with tape recorder. At a music festival for monsters, two security guards set out to apprehend an intruder. As darkness falls across the land, and the midnight hour draws near, hit play on this collection of spooky, sentimental and surprising seasonal short stories. [Includes an interview with Zapper (creator of the Consultant Universe).]

If you're the praying type ...

If you're the praying type, I could use some good vibes right now

My mom had to get a rental car while her car is being repaired, which is putting a serous strain on our already tight budget. I'm starting to think I cant afford to get a passport, which means no consult, no SRS, its going to be over for me.

It feels like as soon as something positive happens, something comes along to take it away, and I feel like a rat who navigated the maze only to find out the cheese was plastic ...

I'm so tired .... so very, very tired ...

I need a miracle ...

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