Dorothy Colleen

Feeling better

Well, I'm feeling much better today. Not only has the pain in my stomach subsided, but I got to spend an hour at Erin Payne's house, and got licked to death by her two dogs. Who knew the cure for depression was a couple of fuzzy little critters?

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Fearfully and wonderfully made chapter 6 - "The Bellion rebellion"

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Chapter 6: The Bellion rebellion

From the outside, grade 11 would have looked like a good year for me. I had become part of several clubs, I had participated in a couple of musicals, and I attended church on a regular basis.

But I was no closer to a solution to my gender problems, and it was wearing on me greatly.

Not my best day today

I'm trying to keep a lid on the "drama queen" stuff, but I do need to let you guys know I'm struggling keeping tears in check today. I don't know if its the flu I'm fighting, or the fact I think I strained something in my stomach at work last night, or the fact that I forgot I was supposed to go over to a friend's for supper last night and am beating myself up over it, or if its my hormones or if it's my bipolar thing, or if its a combination of the above, but I'm not doing well right now.

All hugs, good wishes, and prayers are appreciated.

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Re-reading "Sweat and Tears"

Been re-reading "Sweat and Tears" by Steff the Cyclist, and despite some graphic descriptions, its one of the very best stories about male sexual abuse I have ever read. Fortunately, most of her stuff is much happier, but if you can hang on through the darkness, Sweat and Tears is a amazingly well written read.

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I love having long hair

I love having long hair. I love the way it moves, the way it feels, and how feminine it makes me feel. Unlike many people, I never dared having long hair when I was trying to be a boy, so all of this is new to me. Maybe someday, the novelty will wear off, and I will be tired of pushing it out of my face, but until that happens, I am gonna luxuriate in my long hair, and be so grateful I took the chance on letting it grow.

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Must be doing something right

Had an interesting moment at work last night. I was talking to a co-worker about the trans thing, and she told me that the first time I mentioned it, she couldn't believe it - I was far too feminine to have ever been a boy ...

Must be doing something right, no?

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good news about my foot

Well, I have some good news about my foot. My doctor had sent my information to a foot clinic, and I went there today, and the doctor there assured me that the growth isn't cancer, that its just scar tissue, and gave me a steroid shot to help start the healing process. I will need at least a couple more of these shots, one every two weeks, and hopefully, that will be the end of that.

I'm super glad.

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Saw an interesting commercial

Just saw an interesting commercial. It was regarding a drug proscribed for several mental conditions like ADD, and apparently it had the side effect of growing breasts on men. Why do I feel like this could be a story here?

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Almost lost it in church yesterday

Well, I almost lost it in church yesterday. As part of the service, they allowed people to come up to the front, light a candle, and say something they are grateful for. I went up, and thanked the church for their acceptance of me, and barely kept the tears back. Then, after the service I tried to explain what it meant to me that the church treats me like just another woman, and I almost lost it again ...

I am so blessed, yes?

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My idea cupboard is getting bare

Well, after being one of the most prolific writers on here for the last four and a half years, I am facing the real possibility that my ideas cupboard is growing close to bare. Maybe all my brainpower is wrapped in my autobiography, but its possible that outside of a few crumbs that I might be able to bring to life, my days as a writer are numbered ...

If that occurs, I want my friends to know I will continue to contribute in other ways. I will comment and encourage other authors, and I will keep my blog going with whatever is happening in my life.

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