Dorothy Colleen

breakdown breakthrough

Well, last night I had a bit of a breakdown/breakthrough. I was talking with Jaci (Big surprise, I'm always talking with Jaci, or Kylie, or Ruth ....) and I asked her if she thought I was a fragile as she had told my mom I am, that if I dont move forward toward SRS something really bad would happen to me. She said, "you've had several breakdowns talking to me on the phone, and they are getting worse. The last couple it took both me and Ruth to get you stable again. So yes, I think you're that fragile."

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A day among butterflies

Well, I took my daughter and her mother to a local botanical garden, and they had a wonderful time. My best moment was in what they called the butterfly house, just standing still and letting these amazing beautiful creatures land on me.

Made having to spend the day in the most androgynous clothes I had and answering to my male name worth it.

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Just had an interesting conversation with my mom

Well, I just had an interesting conversation with my mom. She told me that even before I was in kindergarten she worried about the fact I didn't act like a boy at all. So even if I hadn't been raped, hadn't lost my dad, I was still destined to be trans. Nice to have it confirmed by someone who knows me, someone who was there ...

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Had a nice movie night with my brother

Well, yesterday I had a nice movie night with my brother. We watched "Hairspray" and it was pretty good, and taking him home we had a good talk about things. The bottom line for him is that even though he believes my transition is wrong, he will not cut me out of his life, and he will do all he can to for me to show me he still loves me anyway. That's pretty good, all things considered, even if I wish I could find the right words to convince him that this transition was necessary.

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Dreams dont die easy

I fell in love with Drama in grade six, when my class did a little skit and I played the part of the thief in an adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes story "The Red-headed League". I spent much of the next six or seven years trying to repeat that experience, dreaming of being an actor on stage and screen.

But even though dreams dont die easy, thay can be killed, and this dream finally fell before the sword of Reality when I tried out for a part as a performer at a place called Calaway Park just outside of Calgary.

I stank.

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Dodged a bullet

Well, the night before last I caught my foot against a pallet at work, and became off balance and started to fall. It felt like someone had yanked on my leg hard. So I went to the hospital to get checked out today, and it looks like I dodged a bullet and didnt do any damage to myself.

Still hurt, though.

Ah, well.

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Dreaming of sex

Well, this morning as I slept, I had a ... er ... wet dream. Not unusual, but in this particular dream, I was being made love to by a man. Having a man enter a part of my anatomy that doesnt even exist at the moment is a bit of a disconcerting experience ....

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had a talk with my supervisor about my co-worker

Well, last night I had another encounter with my clueless co-worker, and after she once again called me by my male name, I made a point of talking to my supervisor about the situation. She talked to the girl, and the girl said she had met me when we both worked at Zellers (I dont remember meeting her, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen.) So according to her, she was having some trouble doing a mental switch and call me by the right name, but would do better in the future.

For now, I'm going to consider this a win, but I will be on my guard around her ....

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helped out at church again today

Today at church, I was asked to help with the communion service, and it was a good experience. We were given these sashes, then we went down to the front to hold out the bread and the wine for the congregation to come down and partake.

Best part? They gave me a sash with a butterfly on it ....

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a day filled with pain

Well, yesterday was a pain-filled day. First, my breasts started hurting, and it got pretty bad. So bad that I started crying on the phone with Jaci and Ruth and pretty much blubbered for more than hour, with the only words I could say were "I'm sorry" over and over again ......

Then, at work, my male bits somehow managed to slip out of my panties, and the pain I experienced was tremendous, and the psychological suffering was just as bad ....

Ah, well. Time to sleep, and hope for a better night tonight.

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The biggest thing about being trans is that it forces you to deal with the assumptions people have about gender. Most people dont think about their gender, or how being male or female influences how people treat you, but as a trans person, I have to face those assumptions every day. Along with the assumptions comes judgement - am I feminine enough, or too feminine? How do people see me, and how do I interact with them?

I'm trying to learn to give myself some slack in these judgments, and am hoping others will do the same.

So far so good .....

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Had an awesome birthday !

had an awesome birthday yesterday. I got tons of well-wishes from my online friends, I had a decent dinner with my brother and sister-in-law, and then got serenaded by my co-workers at work. Then to add the cherry to the sundae, two people at work made a point of saying "hey there, birthday girl" to me, which felt awesome.

It was so much fun, I almost dont wanna wait a year to do it again ...

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