I just finished reading a book called "But inside, I'm screaming". Its the story of a young reporter who has a breakdown and ends up in a mental hospital, and the story is about her slow journey back to mental health.
You wouldn't think that would be a good story for me to read, especially as I have been fighting depression all week, but her learning how to love herself even if she isn't perfect was inspiring to me.
I can recommend the book to anyone.
perfect people
You find me someone who thinks they're perfect and I'll show you a sociopath. We're all flawed.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
I met someone perfect once
But then I had to step away from the mirror :D
Melanie E.
Perfect People????
The last person I ever heard of that was perfect, was crucified on a cross & murdered...Sooo I guess that shows us what happens to perfect people although , there are many who think they and only they are perfect. Shows to go you, respect yourself first & don't sweat the petty folk