Dorothy Colleen

Coming out of the closet

There was an interesting article in a local paper yesterday about a woman who had lost her hair due to an autoimmune disease, and for the last 3 years refused to be seen in public without a wig, until she finally decided to "come out of the hair closet" by letting herself be photographed without it.

In some ways, my transition has been like her story - years of hiding and self-hate, then coming out and discovering just a big a relief it is to be honest, and then finding out that most people ignore me, some accept me, and some love me regardless.

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Look good, feel good?

Back in the Eighties, there was a bit by Billy Crystal where he played a character called "Fernando". He even made a music video as the character called "You look Mahavalous" . In it there is a line where he says "If you look good, you feel good."

Well, I guess he was on to something, because today for counseling, I've chosen to wear a dark blue skirt and a light blue striped top,a necklace with blue stones, and a set of earrings, and I actually feel better because I think I look better.

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the end of the Jaci and Dottie stories?

Well, with Jaci seemingly done with writing, I think the Jaci-Dottie stories is going to come to a halt. I had an idea for a half-story of Dottie's view of her 14th birthday with Jaci doing the other half, but without her, the story (and the universe) have just no snap to them. Not that I'm done writing, I've submitted a piece for the next "TG Mix tapes" collection, and I'm working on a couple of ideas, but I'll miss visiting my younger alter-ego.

Ah, well.

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I am ashamed

As most of my long-time readers know, I try my best in this blog to be as honest as I possibly can, in part to make up for the amount of lying that was part of my life before. That isn't always easy, a lot of the time I'd rather talk about something "safe" than bring out the tough stuff that's going on. Like, for example, discovering I did the double-look at boys, that was not easy to write out for public consumption, to say the least.

Sadly, I'm faced with one of those moments again

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Forced Vacation

Well, yesterday, I got chewed out by my Human Resources manager because I hadn't taken any vacation time during my last year of working for Walmart, and she and my supervisor insisted on me taking it as soon as possible.

So I will be on vacation for two weeks starting June 8, but I have no idea what I will be doing with myself. I have no money for a trip anyplace, so it will be a "stay-cation", and it could be rather boring ...

Ah, well.

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Bad news about my foot

well, yesterday I went to the doctor's about my foot, and my 2nd worst fears have been confirmed. My worst fear was that it was cancer, which it isn't, but my second-worst fear was that they would tell me there's nothing more they can do for me, and that's what's happened. Apparently, they don't think surgery is a good choice because the risks of nerve damage, so basically, I can try to stuff a pad into my shoe and hope that helps, and otherwise, I get to just live with it.

Ah, well. with my gender issues, I already knew I wasn't gonna ever be pain free anyway ...

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"But inside, I'm screaming"

I just finished reading a book called "But inside, I'm screaming". Its the story of a young reporter who has a breakdown and ends up in a mental hospital, and the story is about her slow journey back to mental health.

You wouldn't think that would be a good story for me to read, especially as I have been fighting depression all week, but her learning how to love herself even if she isn't perfect was inspiring to me.

I can recommend the book to anyone.

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Irresistible, Kissable: A TG Mixed Tape

Iressistible, Kissable

A TG Mixed Tape

Edited by PersnicketyBitch

In the Australian outback a solitary traveller stops at strange roadside store. They leave with more questions than answers and a CD labelled "A TG Mixed Tape". Hit play on this collection of short, short tales if you dare and let 11 different voices in TG-Fiction take you to worlds both far flung and almost but not quite like our own; introduce you to Rock Star Vampires, Shape-shifters and the even the Devil herself; and spin stories of remembrance, sex and second chances.


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