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Blog About:
I am a blessed (or lucky) person, and I know this. I've begun a transition, and still I have been able to have a job, I've still got my family, and none of the horrible things I feared have happened to me.
But despite my blessings, I wish I could have one more.
A person to share my life with.
Ah, well.
Don't worry
You'll find someone sweetie, you're too sweet and adorable to not :D *huggles*
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Friends and lovers come and go…
… in this material world; which is why we love. The love we feel for others doesn't disappear when physical separation leaves us seeming to stand alone Dorothy - those we love always stand beside us in our heart.
Maybe though this a day when all that estrogen is overwhelming so please accept a hug from me
Rhona McCloud
Don't feel bad.
I am middle aged, and there is not one person I know of, personally, that is my age, or younger, that is in a stable, long term relationship. Male, female, transgender. It doesn't matter. None of them are in a stable, long term relationship.
At best the relationship lasts a few years, then it falls apart. Sometimes there is kids, and a divorce, involved. And it is never pretty.
I could go into the reasons why. But, I will just say that people have been taught they can find mister/miss perfect. Instead, of them being taught how to work at a relationship, so said relationship can endure.
So, it is not you. It is the culture that is messed up.
I am one of the feel people that realize this. And I have yet to meet anyone my age, or younger, that I know, who also realizes this problem.
Stable long term relationships do exist. Perfect partners do not. Society needs to do a better job of creating realistic expectations of relationships. Even the best of relationships are rocky with a lot of hard work by both partners, but the rewards are well worth the work. Dorothy comes across as caring and nurturing, the kind of person that can make a relationship work. Don't give up on yourself or the hope that you will find a person to love and to love you, the rest of your life.
Me too,
A common thread in our community.